Merit Health Biloxi

150 Reynoir St, Biloxi, Mississippi, 39530

Counties Served: Mississippi -

  • Merit Health Biloxi_0

About Merit Health Biloxi

Our geriatric inpatient program strives to effectively treat the unique emotional needs and healthcare issues encountered during the aging process. Our team is committed to creating a warm, supportive atmosphere. An individualized treatment plan is developed for each patient based on their evaluation. The team also works with each patient (along with his or her family) to develop appropriate after-care plans. Prior to discharge, our team will explore and recommend appropriate settings and resources to assist the patient based on his or her level of functioning.

Additional Services Offered

Merit Health Biloxi

Geriatric Assessment Centers 150 Reynoir St, Harrison, Biloxi, Mississippi, 39530

Our geriatric inpatient program strives to effectively treat the unique emotional needs and healthcare issues encountered during the aging process. Our team is committed to creating a warm, supportive atmosphere. An individualized treatment plan is developed for each patient based on their evaluation. The team also works with each patient (along with his or her family) to develop appropriate after-care plans. Prior to discharge, our team will explore and recommend appropriate settings and resources to assist the patient based on his or her level of functioning.

Seniors Harbor, Biloxi Regional Medical Center

Mental Health & Counseling 150 Reynoir St, Harrison, Biloxi, Mississippi, 00000

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