14 Important Screenings for Older Adults


ArchWell Health-MSC

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Jul 26, 2024


Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton & Charlotte Counties

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As you get older, your health needs change a lot. What worked when you were in your 30s might not be enough when you hit your 60s. The best way to catch new issues is through preventive screenings — so you can deal with them before they get too far along. That gives you more options and better outcomes. And at ArchWell Health, we believe those are the best results of all.

14 Tests to Maintain Senior Health

ArchWell Health offers many on-site preventive health screenings to give your physician the full picture of your health. Here are the 14 screenings we recommend for your best health in your 60s and beyond:

1. Blood Pressure Checks

Why to get it

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a very common problem as people age. Even if you have no risk factors for cardiac events, your arteries, which carry blood throughout your body, do become less flexible as you get older. Uncontrolled, it can lead to cardiovascular disease and stroke, among other health issues.

How it's done

A healthcare professional takes a simple check via an arm cuff. If it reads dangerously high, your provider may recommend an at-home kit for more regular checks.

What happens next

Your doctor will recommend a hearty healthy regimen that may include:

  • Medication
  • Exercise
  • Healthy eating such as the Mediterranean and DASH diets
  • Quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol
  • Managing stress through meditation, psychotherapy, yoga and mindfulness

2. Cholesterol Checks

Why to get it

According to the Centers for Disease Control, almost 12% of people over the age of 60 have high cholesterol, which can dramatically increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. However, there are no symptoms, so you will never know you have it without checking – until it may be too late.

How it’s done

Your healthcare professional takes a blood sample — also called a lipid panel or lipid profile — after you have fasted for 9 to 12 hours. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends annual screenings for people over 65.

What happens

If your cholesterol falls outside of normal ranges, ask your physician about:

  • Statin medications
  • Upping your exercise
  • Healthy diets rich in unsaturated fats (again, the Mediterranean Diet is a great one)
  • Quitting smoking

3. Colorectal Cancer Screening

Why to get it

The third most common cancer and the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths around the world, colorectal cancer presents mainly in people over the age of 50.

How it’s done

The American Cancer Society recommends that people at average risk should get their first screening by age 45, and then continue up to age 75. At home stool tests that detect the presence of blood should be done every one to three years or colonoscopy every ten years. People at increased risk – family history of colorectal cancer or certain kind of polyp, or a personal history of IBD or colorectal cancer – should be screened more frequently, as advised by your physician.

What happens next

Your ArchWell Health provider can order you an at home stool test to quickly get your colorectal cancer screening results.

During a colonoscopy, polyps will be removed during the procedure. If there are any potential cancer sites, your physician will discuss further diagnostic and treatment procedures. If a stool test of CT colonography detects potential hotspots, you will have to go for a full colonoscopy.

4. Dementia Screening

Why to get it

Early detection of dementia gives you a chance at the most optimal treatment, time to plan for the future and also participate in decisions about long term care, financial and legal issues.

How it’s done

You can receive a cognitive assessment anytime you visit your ArchWell Health doctor. The Alzheimer’s Association also provides simple screening tests that you can take yourself or can be administered by a trusted family member or friend. Make sure to talk with your primary care provider about your results.

What happens next

If you or a loved one is showing concerning signs of dementia, see a primary care provider at ArchWell Health who can take a more in-depth assessment and answer questions. The Alzheimer’s Association also offers support groups, a free 24/7 helpline and other useful tools for people with dementia and their caregivers.

5. Depression Screening

Why to get it

Older adults are at increased risk of developing depression because of life changes, loneliness and dealing with multiple health issues. (Eighty percent of older adults have at least one chronic health condition, and 50 percent have two or more).

How it’s done

Your provider will ask 2 simple screening questions at your ArchWell Health visit. If you are struggling with depressive episodes, you can talk to an ArchWell Health doctor or social worker to discuss your options for getting back on track. Your primary care doctor may refer you to a therapist or psychologist for more help. If you are in a mental health crisis, call 9-1-1 or call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline (1-800-273-TALK).

What happens next

Many people who struggle with depression find relief with therapy, antidepressants or both at the same time. Also, do not isolate yourself. Reach out to others, find new social outlets or join support groups.

6. Diabetes Screening

Why to get it

Diabetes affects around 33% of people aged 65 and over. If not controlled, it can lead to heart disease, kidney, nerve, foot and eye damage, and more.

How it’s done

The American Diabetes Association recommends that people age 45 and over should get screened every three years.

  • The A1C Test measures average blood sugar levels over a 2-3 month period.
  • The fasting Blood Sugar Test measures blood sugar after fasting overnight.

What happens next

Your ArchWell Health doctor will create a plan with you to manage your diabetes through diet, exercise, blood sugar testing, taking medication as prescribed and managing stress. Your provider can also help you prevent type 2 diabetes through behavioral changes.

7. Eye Exam

Why to get it

Your vision changes as you age, and some eye diseases are symptomless until it’s too late to reverse the damage.

How it’s done

The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that people over the age of 65 go for a full eye exam every year or two. In addition to checking your regular visual acuity and depth perception, your ophthalmologist or optometrist will check for glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.

What happens next

Depending on the results, your physician will advise you on steps to take to preserve your vision for years to come. If you have low vision, they can even help you with safety precautions around your house.

8. Fall Risk Assessment

Why to get it

Falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide, and people over the age of 60 experience the greatest number of fatal falls.

How it’s done

ArchWell Health recommends that all seniors get an annual fall risk assessment. Your health provider will go over your fall history, test your balance and cognition, perform a physical exam and review your medications.

What happens next

Even if your results put you in the low-risk category, your physician can talk to you about changes you can make in your home to prevent falls, exercises to improve balance and strengthen important muscles, and provide referral to a physical or occupational therapist if needed.

9. Hearing Test

Why to get it

Hearing loss progresses with age, sometimes starting as young as your 30s or 40s. Experts have found that even mild hearing loss can cause seniors to isolate, which can lead to depression. Don't let your loss of hearing impact your ability to meet up with friends and maintain an independent life.

How it’s done

See a hearing specialist such as a licensed audiologist or otolaryngologist (ENT), who will administer hearing tests that measure the level and type of hearing loss.

TIP: Traditional Medicare does not cover hearing tests or hearing aids, which is one reason you might want to look into choosing a Medicare Advantage Plan. In 2021, around 97% of Medicare Advantage Plans offered some hearing benefits. Look at each plan to see what best fits your needs, especially which brands and types of hearing aids are allowed.

What happens next

If you have hearing loss, your healthcare provider will lead you through getting fitted for appropriate hearing aids. If the loss is profound, you may qualify for cochlear implants, which are generally covered under traditional Medicare.

10. Heart Tests (EKG and Echo)

Why to get it

Statistically, if you are over the age of 65, you are at a higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease than younger folks.

How it’s done

  • Echocardiogram: Ultrasound that assesses heart function
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG): Measures the heart’s electric signals

What happens next

Your provider can perform an Echo and EKG right in the ArchWell Health center. If abnormalities are found, your healthcare provider will advise you on lifestyle and diet changes, and medication. You may need more in-depth testing such as a cardiac stress test, a cardiac catheterization, or major intervention such as angioplasty.

11. Lung Cancer Screening

Why to get it

According to the American Cancer Society, most people are 65 or older when diagnosed with lung cancer. The average age is 70. While it is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States, early detection can reduce mortality.

How it’s done

The U.S Preventive Services Task Force notes that anyone who currently smokes, quit in the past 15 years, or once smoked 20 packs per year should start getting yearly lung cancer screenings between the ages of 50 and 80. Screening should stop once the patient has not smoked in over 15 years, or has a life-limiting health issue.

What happens next

If your test reveals an abnormality or suspicious node, your doctor may have you come back for further testing, such as a biopsy or PET scan to see if it is cancerous. If there is cancer, potential treatments include excision, radiation and chemotherapy. Immunotherapy or targeted therapies, which reduce damage to healthy cells, may also be an option.

12. Mammogram

Why to get it

The American Cancer Society recommends that women ages 40 -54 should get yearly mammograms; after the age of 55, if you have never had breast cancer and do not have risk factors, you can switch to every two years, if you wish.

IMPORTANT: Men can get breast cancer and should be screened if they have any risk factors: BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations, family history, aging, radiation exposure, history of heavy drinking and more.

How it’s done

A mammogram is a low-dose x-ray. Medicare covers the costs of yearly screening mammograms for all women over 40.

TIP: Many women try to schedule a mammogram during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, but unfortunately screening centers can be busy at that time. Try scheduling your appointment in the summer to make sure you get in before the end of the year.

What happens next

Your ArchWell Health provider will receive the results of your mammogram and be ready to discuss with you. If the mammogram reveals something concerning, you may be given a breast MRI to get a closer look. If that isn’t conclusive, you may have to get a tissue biopsy.

13. Prostate Cancer Screening

Why to get it

In America, thirteen out of 100 men will get prostate cancer; your risk increases as you age.

The American Cancer Society recommends this screening schedule:

  • Age 50 for men at average risk of prostate cancer and are expected to live at least 10 more years
  • Age 45 for men at high risk: which includes being African-American, or having a father or brother diagnosed under the age of 65
  • Age 40 for men at even higher risk: More than one first-degree relative diagnosed under the age of 65

How it’s done

You will be given a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test and possibly a digital rectal exam.

What happens next

If results are normal, your health provider will discuss when the test should be repeated, depending on your risk factors. If they are abnormal, this doesn’t always mean the presence of cancer. Your doctor will advise on whether you should wait to repeat the test, take a different kind of test or get a biopsy.

14. Skin check

Why to get it

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. The earlier you catch it, the better your outcome. However, the sun damage you do to your skin through burns and tans when you are younger often don’t show up until much later in life. That’s why most skin cancers aren’t diagnosed until after the age of 65. And one in five Americans will develop it by the age of 70.

How it’s done

You should be doing a self-exam once a month for suspicious spots that are new or changing. Have a partner, ArchWell Health provider or caregiver help you with the hard-to-see places. Go over your risk factors (personal and family history, history of sunburns, fair skin, light colored eyes, advanced age) with your provider to assess how often you should be checked. During the exam, the provider checks your skin all over for spots that are asymmetrical, scaly, bleeding have a jagged border, uneven color, larger than a pencil eraser, or changing.

What happens next

Your physician will biopsy a suspicious spot. If the results are abnormal, you may get an x-ray or CAT scan to see if the cancer is contained or has spread. Treatment options include radiation, Mohs surgery, cryotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, drug therapy and more.

Find an ArchWell Health center near you to start working on checking these screenings off your list! 

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Dehydration is a common problem among seniors, with studies showing that up to 20-30% of older adults are prone to dehydration. Inadequate fluid intake can cause a range of issues, from fatigue and confusion to more serious complications like urinary tract infections and kidney stones.Fortunately, there are many simple ways for older adults to boost their fluid intake and keep their bodies well-hydrated.Drink Plenty of Water throughout the DayAim to drink at least eight glasses (64 ounces) of water daily. Invest in a reusable water bottle and take it wherever you go. You can take a sip whenever you canbetween bites of food, while watching TV, or during a stroll. If plain water is unappealing, try infusing it with fresh fruits or herbs for added flavor.Monitor Urine ColorCheck the color of your urine regularly. Ideally, a pale yellow or clear urine means youre adequately hydrated. However, darker urine may indicate dehydration, prompting the need to increase your fluid intake. Make water consumption a habit, regardless of whether you are thirsty!Include Hydrating Foods in Your DietMany fruits and vegetables have a high-water content, making them excellent sources of hydration. Watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and celery are all great choices for this very reason. These foods not only provide hydration but also essential vitamins and minerals, making them great snacks.You can also include warm broths and low-sodium soups in your diet. They are comforting and hydrating, especially during the colder months.Limit Caffeine and Alcohol IntakeWhile coffee and tea can be part of a healthy diet, they have a diuretic effect, increasing urination and leading to dehydration. Limit caffeine intake and be sure to balance it with water. Alcohol is also dehydrating, so enjoy it in moderation and always follow it with a glass of water.You can also try decaffeinated options like iced tea, lemonades, smoothies, herbal teas, and more!Set Reminders to Drink Water RegularlyOlder adults may experience reduced thirst sensation, making it easier to forget to drink enough water. Using alarms, smartphone apps, or setting specific times for hydration breaks can help establish a regular drinking routine. Some apps can even keep track of your water intake and encourage you to keep sipping!Hydration and HealthProper hydration supports a range of vital bodily functions for seniors. Adequate hydration helps regulate body temperature, ensures proper digestion by lubricating joints to ease movement and reduce discomfort, and facilitates the transport of nutrients throughout the body.By prioritizing hydration, older adults can improve their overall health, boost energy levels, and improve cognitive function, reducing the likelihood of experiencing dehydration-related complications.Staying hydrated is the key to better health and vitality. At The Oberon House in Arvada, CO, we take the health and well-being of our residents very seriously. Our dedicated team values personalized care and encourages healthy lifestyle habits for a fulfilling life for every resident. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you 303-420-7258!

Oral Care, Monitored Meals, and Aspiration Pneumonia: What We Dont Know We Dont Know in Health Care:

What We Dont Know We Dont Know in Health Care: September 24, 2024 -Oral Care, Monitored Meals, and Aspiration PneumoniaProper oral care is crucial for maintaining optimal health. Keeping the mouth clean not only helps maintain the protective properties of saliva but also reduces bacteria in the mouth which can be a source of infection in aspiration pneumonia. In addition, monitoring meals and assisting with feeding for those at high risk for aspiration is also a necessity. The process of swallowing involves dozens of muscles that start in the mouth and include the pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. These muscles can become weakened with age and from various, often age-related diseases.  The aging population is especially at risk for aspiration pneumonia due to comorbidities, frailty, and conditions that can impair swallowing.  As a result, aspiration pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death from infection in individuals over the age of 65. One study shows that 1 in 10 deaths from pneumonia in elderly nursing home residents may be prevented by improving oral hygiene (Sjogren et al., 2008). Unfortunately, proper oral care and monitoring of meals is often overlooked in the health care setting.  Perhaps the greatest reason for this is the challenge that almost every health facility faces today: adequate staffing. When I started working in acute care as an RN over 20 years ago, nursing assistants (these are the staff generally responsible for proving oral care in an acute care setting) were typically responsible for 5-7 patients. Nurses had 3-5 patients (this was on a step down cardiac unit). Between the nurse and the assistant, we were able to provide oral care at every meal and offer one-on-one assistance to any patient that was at risk for aspiration. This is no longer the case.  RNs oftentimes look after upwards of 8 patients, and there is generally either no nursing assistant on the floor or only 1 for a patient load that can exceed 20.  Consequently, proper oral care is neglected.  I have often seen patients that are aspirating during meals, but do not have adequate staffing on hand to provide them with the supervision and monitoring that they need. This presents a hazardous catch-22: the aging individual needs to eat to maintain nutritional needs yet he/she needs assistance with eating to prevent aspirating pneumonia.   How can this be remedied? If the family is present, they can provide oral care and meal monitoring. If meal monitoring is required for an at-risk individual, its recommended to touch base with the health care team to inquire as to what the specific aspiration precautions are (every individual may have a different need and/or recommendation). A care companion can also be hired to provide the needed care. I hired a companion for my father when he was in a skilled nursing facility. He was not getting his teeth brushed or flossed regularly, and I was seeing a decline in his dentition. Having this extra support provided him with much needed assistance and the care companion had the added benefit of encouraging him to eat more at every meal, something that was a bonus as he was not meeting his nutrient needs. Touching base with staff to request that oral care and meal monitoring be done can also be helpful. Having an advocate to ensure necessary care is getting done can also be very effective in the health care setting.  What is proper oral care and effective meal monitoring?  Proper oral care includes brushing the teeth for at least 1 minute after every meal. It also includes using a soft bristle brush, fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily. A final component of oral care that is often not discussed is denture care. Dentures should be cleaned at least once per day and removed at bedtime. Removing them prior to sleeping can greatly reduce the risk of pneumonia (Iinuma et al. 2014). Effective meal monitoring includes adequate supervision during mealtime for those at risk of aspiration. Such supervision includes ensuring the individual is properly positioned for a meal (head of bed as high as can be tolerated and supine position), takes small bites, eats slowly, swallows a couple times in between each bite, and intermittently takes a sip of liquid to clear the mouth of food particles. The use of straws is generally not recommended for an individual at risk for aspiration as it propels the food to the back of the throat and hence can increase risk. I recall when I was working as a Registered Nurse (RN) in acute care that I was constantly removing straws from the bedside of at risk individuals and often reminding them to eat slowly and swallow at least twice between each bite to ensure food clearance. Individuals at risk for aspiration often require a modified texture diet as it can further prevent the aspiration of food and liquids.   This is a brief summary of the attention to detail needed in addressing oral hygiene and meal monitoring amongst the aging population. Both measures can play a significant role in reducing aspiration pneumonia.  If you would like more information on understanding proper oral care or any other questions that you may have regarding aging life care, please feel free to reach out to me.    Sources:1.      Sjogren P, Nilsson E, Forsell M, Johansson O, Hoogstraate J. 2008. A systematic review of the preventive effect of oral hygiene on pneumonia and respiratory tract infection in elderly people in hospitals and nursing homes: effect estimates and methodological quality of randomized controlled trials. J Am Geriatr Soc. 56:21242130. 2.      Iinuma T, Arai Y, Abe Y, Takayama M, Fukumoto M, Fukui Y, et al. 2014. Denture wearing during sleep doubles the risk of pneumonia in the very elderly. J Dent Res. doi: 10.1177/0022034514552493 3.      F Muller, 2015. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4541086/#   

Learn the latest on Heart Healthy Diets

Since the start of the year, you may have noticed an uptick of fad diets. Maybe its your mom trying a pescatarian regime, or your neighbor raving about his new Mediterranean diet. With so many diet trends buzzing around, it can be hard to separate what works from what doesnt. This is especially true when it comes to heart healthy eating.The American Heart Association released a study comparing diets and their heart healthy potential and organized the results in four tiers. With the help of Kelly Elliot, RD at Intermountain Healths Denver Midtown Clinic - Weight Loss Center, we turned the studys results into easy-to-digest bites. It is important to always be mindful of your diet to reduce risk factors for heart disease, said Kelly. Creating a lifestyle that works for you as an individual that you can follow is what matters, because its what you will stick to!Whether youre a seasoned diet tryer, or just dipping your toes in heart-healthy waters, theres important information for everyone.Tier 4: Paleo Diets and VLDC/Ketogenic DietsStarting from the bottom of the barrel, we meet paleolithic and ketogenic diets. These diets, often hailed for their weight loss potential, may miss the mark when it comes to nourishing our hearts.The paleolithic diet, while rooted in our ancestral past, falls short in meeting heart-healthy guidelines. With its emphasis on meat and fat, and limited intake of fruits, grains, and legumes, it takes a detour off the heart health highway.Similarly, ketogenic diets focus on slashing carbs and loading up on fats. By cutting out essential food groups like fruits and grains, we risk missing key nutrients.These diets don't limit saturated fats, which can raise your LDL, which is the bad cholesterol, said Kelly. One way to modify these diets is to reduce saturated fat by consuming nuts and seeds instead of animal proteins, but this has to be balanced with caloric intake.Kelly also added that because these diets are low in carbohydrates, they could be beneficial for people with diabetes. However, because diabetics are at a higher heart disease risk, their saturated fats should be limited.Tier 3: Very Low-Fat Diets and Low-Carbohydrate DietsTier 3 diets include very low-fat and low-carb options, and present mixed heart health benefits.Both of these diets can potentially help with weight loss without omitting food groups and can help lower risk factors for heart disease, said Kelly.Very low-fat diets, while aiming to reduce overall fat intake, may inadvertently miss the mark on essential fatty acids. Likewise, low-carb diets, with their focus on slashing carbohydrates, could lead to a decrease in fiber-rich foods, which play a vital role in heart health.The drawback is that with low fat diets, they can lead to deficiencies in protein and essential fatty acids and B12, that the body requires for good health, said Kelly. On the other hand, a low carb diet can overemphasize animal-based protein and restrict fiber and increase saturated fat intake.Tier 2: Vegan Diets and Low-Fat DietsVegan and low-fat diets are the heart of Tier 2. These dietary paths offer a bounty of heart-healthy benefits with some caveats.The vegan diet, with its plant-based focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, embraces the power of plants for heart wellness. However, tread carefully to ensure youre meeting your nutritional needs, particularly for vitamin B12.No animal protein is consumed in vegan diets, so they are very low in saturated fat intake, but the restrictive diet can lead to B12 deficiency, said Kelly. It is recommended to include a B12 supplement and choose plant-based milk alternatives.Meanwhile, the low-fat diet promises reduced cholesterol and a lighter load on our hearts. By emphasizing lean proteins, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables, it is a good heart healthy diet. But its important to avoid overconsumption of less healthy carbohydrates, such as added sugars.People with high cholesterol or high LDL cholesterol can benefit from replacing foods high in saturated fats with foods that have unsaturated fats, said Kelly.Tier 1: DASH-Style, Mediterranean, Pescatarian, and Ovo/Lacto-Vegetarian DietsStarted from the bottom, and now were here with Tier 1s DASH-Style, Mediterranean, pescatarian, and ovo/lacto-vegetarian diets. Its the pinnacle of heart-healthy eating, where the nutrients shine.Well start with the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH, diet. By the name alone, you might infer this diets ultra heart healthy nature. It emphasizes 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, whole grains, plant protein, and low-fat dairy, while limiting sodium.According to Kelly, the DASH diets sodium limitations help cut out highly processed foods, which can help control weight and high blood pressure. This diet provides adequate variety with adequate protein, moderate healthy fats and moderate healthy carbs intake, while minimizing sodium intake, she said.Moving onto the Mediterranean diet, with its emphasis on olive oil, fish, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These heart healthy foods make this a great choice for reducing heart disease risk. However, the Mediterranean diet also includes moderate alcohol consumption, which means two or less drinks for men a day, and one or less drinks for women per day.Kelly cautioned against misinterpreting what moderate alcohol consumption is. This does not mean, to have no alcohol for 3-5 days and then have all 3-5 drinks at one time, she said. These drinks should not include added sugar such as margarita mix, juices, and sugary sodas.A pescatarian diet is similar to a vegetarian diet, with the addition of fish, and sometimes includes dairy and eggs. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs and dairy, but not beef, poultry, fish, or pork. These diets may be lower in saturated fats, especially if whole milk products are not consumed. The biggest challenge with these diets boils down to protein.Kelly explained it simply as there being complete and incomplete proteins. While animal proteins contain all essential amino acids, plant-based proteins are incomplete, and must be combined for full nutritional benefits.The way to do this is to combine a nut or seed or bean with a grain, said Kelly. For example, red beans and brown rice, or nut butter on whole grain bread, will allow you to consume all of the essential amino acids.While these diets might seem daunting, remember youre not alone. A registered dietitian, like Kelly, can be an excellent starting source.Dietitians are full of ideas and strategies to help each individual overcome barriers to create effective behavior changes, said Kelly. Its important to remember that baby steps and small changes lead to big impacts on your health over time!Whether you're sticking to tried-and-true favorites like the DASH plan or exploring new diet horizons, the key is finding what works best for your heart. Remember, it's not about perfection it's about progress. So go ahead, savor those veggies, indulge in some heart-smart protein, and above all, listen to what your body needs. 

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ArchWell Health

Primary Care Providers for Seniors 3506 Clark Road, Sarasota, Florida, 34231

Welcome to ArchWell Health, where we believe that the little things change everything. Our mission is simple: to help our members lead healthier lives through superior senior primary care and stronger patient-to-doctor relationships. As an ArchWell Health member, you'll discover numerous reasons to love being a part of our community: More Time with Your Doctor: Enjoy regular check-ups and routine screenings to catch problems early and prevent them from becoming bigger issues down the road. Personalized Wellness Plans: Every aspect of our care is designed to contribute to a healthier and happier you, with personalized wellness plans tailored to your unique needs. Dedicated Care: From same-day appointments to personalized wellness plans, we're dedicated to ensuring that you receive the care and attention you deserve. Our Approach Our approach to primary care revolves around you, the member. We believe that good health starts with a great doctor-patient relationship, and our team of providers is not only highly educated and skilled but also friendly, understanding, and committed to helping you thrive. Comprehensive Services As your primary care provider, we handle a wide range of healthcare needs, including: Routine wellness checks Lab work Acute care when you're feeling unwell On-site referrals to licensed social workers Cardiology telehealth services for comprehensive care Our On-Site Health Services Personalized primary care Convenient cardiology telehealth appointments Preventive health screenings Nutrition education Routine lab work Vaccinations Care management Social work referrals Your Partner in Wellness At ArchWell Health, we're not just your healthcare provider we're your partner in wellness. Join us and experience the difference our personalized, compassionate care can make in your life. Find an ArchWell location near you and become a member today. Your journey to better health starts here.

ArchWell Health

Medicare Health Providers 3506 Clark Road, Sarasota, Florida, 34231

Welcome to ArchWell Health, where we believe that the little things change everything. Our mission is simple: to help our members lead healthier lives through superior senior primary care and stronger patient-to-doctor relationships. As an ArchWell Health member, you'll discover numerous reasons to love being a part of our community: More Time with Your Doctor: Enjoy regular check-ups and routine screenings to catch problems early and prevent them from becoming bigger issues down the road. Personalized Wellness Plans: Every aspect of our care is designed to contribute to a healthier and happier you, with personalized wellness plans tailored to your unique needs. Dedicated Care: From same-day appointments to personalized wellness plans, we're dedicated to ensuring that you receive the care and attention you deserve. Our Approach Our approach to primary care revolves around you, the member. We believe that good health starts with a great doctor-patient relationship, and our team of providers is not only highly educated and skilled but also friendly, understanding, and committed to helping you thrive. Comprehensive Services As your primary care provider, we handle a wide range of healthcare needs, including: Routine wellness checks Lab work Acute care when you're feeling unwell On-site referrals to licensed social workers Cardiology telehealth services for comprehensive care Our On-Site Health Services Personalized primary care Convenient cardiology telehealth appointments Preventive health screenings Nutrition education Routine lab work Vaccinations Care management Social work referrals Your Partner in Wellness At ArchWell Health, we're not just your healthcare provider we're your partner in wellness. Join us and experience the difference our personalized, compassionate care can make in your life. Find an ArchWell location near you and become a member today. Your journey to better health starts here.