Oh the places you'll go! GOMO Travel Companions travel across the globe.
A sneak peak into GOMO Travel's attendance at CES and the Delta keynote address celebrating 100 years in flight!
Jeffs guest is Tina Hess, the owner of Good News Consulting. Since 1998, the company has specialized in person-centered dementia care and provided training, consulting, care management, and guardianship services. In 2004, members of the team began serving as court-appointed guardians. With its advocacy, caregiver training, and resources for professionals and families, Good News Consulting continues to profoundly impact the quality and availability of dementia care in our state and communities. The companys website is loaded with wonderful resources. Visit http://www.goodnewsconsulting.com/ and follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/goodnewsconsulting. To get in touch, call 717-843-1504 or send an email to info@goodnewsconsulting.com.email Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/empowering-our-communities-the-impact-of-good/id1634278675?i=1000637008895 YouTube: https://youtu.be/l36eAC2E_ME Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0oqFrT5sUsJ2DTtUSgIDqF?si=YbpjSY-7Q-qs8QmapyIV7g