Healthy Bones and Joints



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Jul 27, 2023


Minnesota - Twin Cities Metro Area

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Millions of American adults live with bone and joint-related conditions. According to the Nation Poll on Healthy Aging from the Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation at the University of Michigan, 60 percent of people between 50 and 80 have arthritis, which can cause severe joint inflammation and discomfort. And that number doesn’t include the nearly 70 percent of seniors who experience joint pain but don’t have an arthritis diagnosis. 

Beyond joint conditions, many seniors also experience bone-related injuries, such as fractures and breaks, most commonly due to falling. According to the CDC, nearly 300,000 adults 65 and older will have a hip fracture that requires hospitalization. In addition, some have to undergo a hip replacement. Hip replacement surgery is not all that common, but Cleveland Clinic states elbow replacements are becoming increasingly common.

The primary risk factor leading to bone and joint-related conditions is age. This is because the body undergoes significant changes with age, leading to increased discomfort and a greater chance of injury. While you can’t stop aging, understanding how the body changes can provide insight into maintaining healthy bones and joints. 

What happens to bones and joints with age

Human bones have a skeleton made of bones. Bones meet at joints, allowing for flexibility and movement. Cartilage surrounds the end of the bone where it meets at a joint, which cushions the bones and keeps them from grinding against each other. The bones, joints, and cartilage undergo many changes as the body ages. 

Bones lose calcium and other minerals, resulting in decreased bone density, making it easier for them to break or fracture. Many seniors also experience stiffer joints because of reduced fluids in the joints or the wearing away of cartilage. These changes can lead to various bone and joint-related conditions like osteoporosis and certain types of arthritis. 

Tips for maintaining healthy bones and joints 

You can’t stop your bones and joints from aging, but there are steps you can take to maintain healthy bones and joints and reduce your chances of injury. 

Visit your doctor. The best first step for your health is to speak with your doctor. Let them know if you’re feeling discomfort or noticing stiffness. Tell them if you’ve had a fall or hurt yourself, even if it feels embarrassing. 

Consider working with a dietitian or nutritionist. What you eat can play a vital role in the overall health of your body. For example, foods may trigger symptoms, such as joint inflammation, while other foods provide ease. 

Get to know your family medical history. Having a family history of certain diseases can put you at risk for them. For example, talk to your immediate family about joint or bone-related conditions like osteoporosis. Be sure to share whatever you learn with your doctor so they can provide prevention plans. 

Working with Visiting Angels 

If you’re experiencing bone and joint changes that make caring for yourself challenging, the Visiting Angels team can help. Our professional caregivers provide nonmedical assistance so clients can have a more accessible and safer at-home life. Caregivers can help with light housekeeping, medication reminders, meal preparation, transportation, personal grooming, mobility assistance, and more. 

Our Wayzata office works with seniors in Minneapolis and the West and Southwest communities. If you’d like to learn more about our services or schedule a complimentary consultation, send us a message or call (952) 935-0789.

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Understanding Diabetes in Seniors: Symptoms, Signs, and Care

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Daily Habits for a Vibrant Senior Lifestyle

As the senior demographic continues to growa trend underscored by the World Health Organizationthere has been an increased focus on the factors that lead to a more healthy and fulfilling life. From nutrition to physical activity, sleep patterns and more, lets uncover the daily habits that are key to thriving in your golden years.Nutritional HabitsGood nutrition is a foundational daily habit. The National Institute on Aging emphasizes the importance of incorporating a balanced diet that includes various fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.1 To make this habit easier, consider some simple food swaps that allow you to keep the nutritional value without sacrificing flavor. For example, lets take a look at some swaps you can start making today: Whole grain bread instead of white bread: Whole grains provide more fiber and nutrients. Olive oil in place of butter: Olive oil is a healthier fat option and beneficial for heart health. Greek yogurt instead of sour cream: Greek yogurt offers plenty of protein and probiotics, making it a nutritious alternative. Nuts and seeds over chips: These are great for snacking and rich in healthy fats and proteins. Leafy greens added to meals: Incorporate spinach or kale into salads, sandwiches, and side dishes for a nutrient boost. Herbal teas instead of sugary drinks: Teas are a hydrating choice that reduces sugar intake. Physical Activity and ExerciseStaying active has an abundance of benefits, and its a great activity to make a daily habit. Striving for the CDCs recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activities per week can help ensure youre consistently getting the exercise you need to reap its benefits. This might include walking in a nearby park, joining a senior-friendly fitness class, or even simple stretching exercises at home. Just make sure that whatever exercises you perform to reach 150 minutes are enjoyable and can be incorporated into your daily routine.Mental and Emotional Well-beingDeveloping daily habits that foster mental and emotional health is just as crucial as physical activities. Engaging the brain daily through puzzles, reading, or learning new skills or hobbies keeps the mind sharp. Emotional well-being can be nurtured through regular social interactions, whether its joining local community groups, participating in family gatherings, or even virtual meetups. These activities provide a sense of belonging and purposeboth crucial to experiencing a fulfilling senior life.Sleep and Rest PatternsQuality sleep is a cornerstone of senior health. The National Sleep Foundations 78-hour sleep recommendation is a great starting point, but its also important to focus on sleep quality.2 Creating a bedtime ritual, such as reading or light stretching, can signal to your body that its time to wind down. A comfortable, quiet sleep environment free from distractions also plays a significant role in ensuring restorative sleep.Regular Health Check-Ups and Medication ManagementIncorporating routine health check-ups and medication management into your habits is vital for senior health. Regular screenings help in the early detection and management of health issues. Similarly, a well-organized approach to medication, like using pill organizers or digital reminders, ensures that treatments are followed correctly and effectively. Remember, staying proactive with health care is not just about preventing or managing illnesses; its also about empowering yourself to take charge of your health.Utilizing Technology for HealthAdding the conveniences of technology into a seniors daily habits can also help effectively manage their health. Whether its using fitness tracking apps, setting medication reminders, or engaging in social media to stay connected with loved ones, technology can be a valuable tool. Plus, its benefits dont stop there; utilizing innovations like telehealth services or smart home devices can also make life and everyday tasks safer and more manageable while allowing seniors to live more independently and stay engaged with the world around them.Creating Healthy Habits with HomeWellAdopting some or all of these daily habits can lead to a more active, enjoyable, and healthy lifestyle for seniors. Plus, its not a journey you or your loved one must go alone; HomeWell Care Services is here to help. From nutritional advice to fostering mental and emotional well-being, our holistic approach to in-home care is designed to enrich the lives of seniors in all aspects. Discover the positive impact we can make in your family or loved ones home by contacting your local HomeWell Care Services today.Sources National Institute on Aging National Sleep Foundation