A New Decade, A Fresh and Safe Start

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Oct 27, 2015

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A New Decade, A Fresh and Safe Start

With the start of a new decade, it's a great time to get a fresh start. Make your space safe and comfortable by getting rid of the stuff you really dont need or want anymore. The challenge is deciding what to let go of. Here are some helpful tips to consider.

Only keep what you LOVE and what you NEED.Everything else is just more stuffget rid of it!!

Ask yourself whats the worst thing that will happen if you let go of this item?

When is the last time you used this item?If its been more than a year, its not worth keeping.

Did this item come into your life for a reason (one time occasion), a season (for a little while) or a lifetime (a forever keeper)?

If it has a special memory but you really dont want it in your space anymore, take a picture of it and then let it go.

Would you enjoy the money youd get from selling the item more than keeping the item itself?

Here are some helpful tips for purging papers!

Schedule a particular time on your calendar to do this project.Get support from someone in your life before you start, and plan on reporting to them after to share your success!

Make it pleasant, put on music that is soothing and uplifting, preferably instrumental.(Lyrics can clutter your brain when youre trying to concentrate on this project!) Light a candle, open a window, get the air smelling good and fresh.

Remove all bills and statements that are from the previous year.If they need to be kept for tax purposes or permanent records, file them in your archive files Shred or recycle the rest.Remember: Tax files only need to be kept for seven years.

Glance through ALL of your files to purge what is no longer relevant. Example: Outdated events and documents, closed accounts, instruction manuals for items you no longer own, etc.

Reward yourself in some special way when you have finished!Its going to feel GREAT to get this handled, so go for it!!

If you are not able to complete these tasks on your own, hire a professional organizer.The cost will be offset by your increased safety and happiness.

Editors Note: The author, Cheryl Chandler, is a Professional Organizer experienced in handling the needs of seniors. Please call her at (801) 759-1195 for a FREE 15-minute Phone Consultation.

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Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Spring Cleaning ChecklistThe weather is starting to turn, and it's time to indulge in the annual spring-cleaning ritual. Its extra important for seniors to conduct spring cleaning checklists and let go of items that pose potential threats. So, clean out your garage, straighten up your parents' home and prepare your living area for the season ahead! Take a look at BrightStar Cares guide to tidying up as the seasons change. Dispose of Harmful Items First things firstget rid of any items that may be harmful. We often overlook things that have been in our homes for a while and dont realize they may become dangerous as time goes on. Here are nine things, according to AARP (Opens in a new window), that you should get rid of during this years spring cleaning: Hazardous WasteAerosol cans, batteries, motor oil, antifreeze and paint all need to be properly disposed of so they dont contaminate the environment or accidently harm elderly folks, children or pets. Exposure to these substances and other household chemicals (Opens in a new window) can lead to headaches, allergic reactions and, in severe cases, respiratory illnesses. Go to Earth911.com to find a safe place for disposal. Piled-Up Plastic ContainersDo you have piles of plastic containers sitting around just in case? Take a closer look at that plastic. Containers with recycle codes 3 or 7 may contain BPA, a hormone-disrupting chemical that leaches into food as containers age or heat up in the microwave or dishwasher. Replace containers made before 2010 with new plastic or glass ones, that dont contain BPA.Expired or Unused MedicationsWith age, there often comes a greater reliance on medication. But what happens when you no longer need certain medicines? Too often, people let expired medication gather dust. Instead, toss old drugs in an eco-friendly way. Dont flush them down the toilet or put them in the trash. Take them to official collection sites on National Take-Back Initiative Day, April 27. If you keep expired medications around, you risk someone accidentally taking the wrong drug. Old SpicesDried-up, decades-old spices wont make you sick, but they wont add flavor or nutrients to your food, either. According to experts at McCormick (Opens in a new window), seasoning blends last one or two years. Herbs and ground spices are good for one to three years, and whole spices last up to four years. Saving these age-old spices only adds to the clutter in your loved ones home. Moldy MakeupMakeup is only safe for a limited time. After that, infection-causing bacteria can start to grow, especially in eye makeup. Mascara only lasts two to three months, lip gloss six months and foundation six months to a year.Crusty Contact Lens CasesDid you know that 92% of contact lens cases are contaminated due to poor hygiene and lack of cleaning? Eye experts (Opens in a new window) say cases should be cleaned with a fresh soaking solution and dried every day. After three months of use, its time for a replacement.Old PillowsPillows older than 18 months contain fungi, dead skin and dust mites that can aggravate allergies, asthma and sinusitis. Try folding your pillow in half and squeezing out the air. If it doesnt spring back, its too old. Beyond allergies and asthma, the Sleep Foundation (Opens in a new window) asserts that old pillows also contribute to sore musclesa big concern for many elderly folks. Expired Canned FoodCanned food certainly last longer than produce, but these goods will expire after a while. Be sure to read the labels on canned products to learn how long it will keep for. 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With such a staggering number, its clear that falls are not just passing dangerstheyre a public health concern. This years spring cleaning is a perfect time to evaluate your loved ones home safety and focus on fall prevention. As you help them tidy up, consider the following tips for a safer living space (Opens in a new window): Clear walkwaysRemove any boxes and cords from walkways. Even if theyre easy to avoid for you, they could be a tripping hazard for seniors. Tidy up high-traffic areasConsider moving pieces of furniture like coffee tables and ottomans from high-traffic areas. Try putting side tables right beside furniture instead of obstructing walkways. Examine the floorsHave you noticed loose floorboards or rugs? Repair any damaged flooring or carpeting as soon as possible and use double-faced tape to fasten loose rugs to the floor. Invest in non-slip matsPlace non-slip mats in areas prone to getting wetoutside the bathtub, in front of the kitchen sink and in entryways. Checking Safety Equipment Heres another thing to add to your spring-cleaning checklistfire safety. Its a good idea to check smoke alarms and fire extinguishers regularly, and you might as well lump this task in with spring cleaning. Ensuring your loved ones home is fire-safe will give you added peace of mind. Try these tips from the U.S. Fire Administration (Opens in a new window): Install a smoke alarm inside and outside each sleeping areaReplace smoke alarms that are older than 10 years Ensure carbon monoxide alarms work and are less than seven years oldCheck all electrical cords and replace those in poor condition Make sure outlets do not feel warm to the touch Develop a fire escape plan that identifies an outside meeting place Clearing ClutterYoure armed with lots of spring-cleaning tips, but maybe you dont quite know where to start. Its understandable tidying up an entire home is overwhelming, especially when youre doing so on behalf of a loved one. If youre feeling stressed, implement these strategies while spring cleaning (Opens in a new window) for a senior loved one: Start small: Try not to think of spring cleaning as one giant project. Instead of resolving to clean the whole house today, start with a drawer, cupboard or closet and go from there. Create three piles: As you sift through your loved ones things, place them into one of three pileskeep, donate and toss. Organizing items this way avoids one big, overwhelming pile of stuff youll have to sort out later. Downsize: Consider using this time to downsize. For every new item your loved one adds to their home, ask them to choose something to throw out. Encourage them to donate unused items in good condition and get rid of trash right away. Manage your time: Spring cleaning can last more than one day. If youre on a time crunch, dedicate just a few hours over the weekend to clean. Dont feel like you have to do everything at once spread the responsibility over several days. Ask a professional: You dont have to do it alone! Look into professional organizers in your area and ask them for help decluttering your loved ones home.  Call 24/7 BrightStar Care today to learn more 303-300-6666.

Mastering Change: Senior Organizing Tailored to You

Welcome to A Call to Order Professional Organizer, where we specialize in providing compassionate and personalized senior organizing services designed to help you master change with grace and confidence. In this heartfelt guide, we'll explore the transformative power of senior organizing and offer practical tips tailored to your unique needs. From decluttering and downsizing to creating harmonious living spaces, our team is here to support you every step of the way on your journey of change.Embracing Change with CourageChange can be daunting, especially as we grow older and face new challenges and transitions. Whether you're downsizing to a smaller home, moving into assisted living, or simply seeking to streamline your surroundings, embracing change requires courage and resilience. At A Call to Order Professional Organizer, we understand the emotional complexities of change and are committed to helping you navigate this journey with compassion and care.Tips for Mastering Change with Senior OrganizingStart with Reflection: Before embarking on your journey of change, take some time to reflect on your goals, values, and priorities. What do you hope to achieve through this process? What aspects of your current living situation are serving you well, and what areas could benefit from improvement? By gaining clarity on your intentions, you can approach the organizing process with purpose and intentionality.Create a Vision: Once you've reflected on your goals, create a vision for your ideal living environment. What does your ideal space look and feel like? What elements are essential for creating a sense of comfort, harmony, and joy? Use this vision as a guiding light throughout the organizing process, helping you stay focused and motivated as you work towards your goals.Take Small Steps: Change can feel overwhelming when viewed as a monumental task, but breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps can make it feel more attainable. Start by tackling one area of your home at a time, whether it's a single room, closet, or drawer. Celebrate each small victory along the way, knowing that every step forward brings you closer to your ultimate goal.Declutter with Compassion: Letting go of belongings can be an emotionally charged process, especially when they hold sentimental value. Approach decluttering with compassion and kindness towards yourself. Ask yourself whether each item serves a purpose or brings you joy, and if not, consider letting it go. Remember that decluttering isn't about getting rid of everything, but rather creating space for the things that truly matter to you.Seek Support and Guidance: You don't have to navigate this journey alone. Reach out to friends, family members, or professionals who can offer support and guidance along the way. A Call to Order Professional Organizer is here to provide personalized assistance tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Whether you need help decluttering, organizing, or navigating a move, our compassionate team is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.Embrace the Process: Change is a natural part of life, and embracing the process can lead to growth, transformation, and new opportunities. Embrace the journey of change with an open heart and a positive mindset, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to a life that reflects your values and priorities. Trust in your ability to adapt and thrive in the face of change, knowing that you have the support and resources you need to succeed.At A Call to Order Professional Organizer, we understand that mastering change requires courage, resilience, and support. Our compassionate team is dedicated to providing personalized senior organizing services tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Let us be your partner on your journey of change, guiding you with empathy and expertise as you create a living environment that reflects your values and priorities. With our support, you can embrace change with grace and confidence, knowing that you have the tools and resources you need to thrive in your new chapter of life.

Effective Home Organization and Decluttering Tips for Seniors

Decluttering, an essential aspect of home organization, becomes increasingly significant as we age. As you grow older, an organized home can become more important for other reasons such as downsizing, reducing trip hazards, as well as health conditions. Its not just about cleanliness; its about creating a safe, stress-free environment conducive to a serene lifestyle for seniors. In this article, well be exploring why its best to keep on top of organization in your space, and sharing some practical decluttering tips to help fast track your way to an organized home! Why is Decluttering Crucial for Seniors?Weve all lived exciting and full lives in our own ways. Decluttering allows you to not only find whats important, souvenirs from old adventures, or mementos from when your children were small, it also allows space to properly display them. Mental Clarity and Reduced Anxiety: The saying tidy space, tidy mind, is more true that you might realize! Psychologists have found that having a decluttered, organized space helps reduce stress and anxiety, and promotes a peaceful mind.Physical Activity: So long as it doesnt involve moving heavy furniture, organizing and decluttering is great gentle exercise. As you age, getting out and about can become more challenging, so finding ways to keep fit and active in the comfort of home is often helpful.Cherishing Memories: Decluttering allows you to not only find whats important, souvenirs from old adventures, or mementos from when your children were small, it also allows space to properly display them, giving you far more joy and satisfaction in your space as a whole.Practical Decluttering Tips & StrategiesOne Area at a Time: When decluttering and organizing your space at any age, it is very important to avoid taking on more than you can handle. A gung-ho attitude is great, but you may run out of steam halfway through a space, leaving it looking more disorganized than before!Safety First: As a senior, it is important to focus first on any potential safety hazards your clutter may have made. Make sure stairs and walkways are clear to reduce the risk of trips or falls. Make sure you have clear access to doors and windows in case of emergency, and that none of your electrical products are worse for wear, particularly around the wiring or cords.Seek Assistance: Dont be afraid to ask for help! If youre not as mobile as you once were, or youre finding things a bit too heavy for you to lift, then ask a friend, family member, or even a neighbor to help you. Going through old things can be a great bonding experience, particularly with a child or grandchild, and they may even find things of yours that you no longer need useful to them, taking a chunk of the clutter off your hands!Personalized Approach: Tailor your decluttering method to suit your lifestyle and preferences. Focus on creating a functional space that makes daily life easier and more enjoyable.When it comes to your later years, what you need is an easy life, after working a full career, or raising kids, or living life to the fullest, you deserve to relax! By following these decluttering tips, you can create a space that is not only safe and organized but also a true reflection of the life youve lived.