Addressing 'Total Pain' in End-of-Life Care to Enhance Quality of Life - VITAS Healthcare


VITAS Healthcare - Pittsburgh

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Mar 24, 2025


Pennsylvania - Greater Pittsburgh Area

By Dr. Lauren Loftis, Regional Medical Director, VITAS Healthcare

Pain and discomfort can be under-recognized and under-treated in patients with serious illness. At the end of life, 81% of patients cite being pain free as an important factor in dying a “good death.” 1 Along with the physiological pain associated with a patient’s terminal illness, anxiety and depression may contribute to their “total pain.” Social, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of total pain increase the patient’s suffering beyond their physical discomfort.

A holistic approach to targeting pain at the end of life enables physicians to provide relief and comfort care that improve the patient’s quality of life.

To illustrate, a patient I’ll call Bob Jones is a 65-year-old male with stage IV colon cancer and extensive metastases to the bone, liver, and brain. Mr. Jones’ wife is his caretaker, and he is estranged from his son who lives out of state. His son does not accept his terminal diagnosis. Despite surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, Mr. Jones’ disease has progressed.

As I meet Mr. Jones for an initial hospice encounter, I ask open-ended questions, especially what matters most to him at this point in his disease progression, to determine his goals of care. I learn he is a Vietnam Veteran with signs of undiagnosed PTSD. He is constipated and desires to return home and spend time with his wife. He wishes to go to Hawaii but fears that this can no longer happen. His son does not want him to take morphine.

Looking at the “Total” Picture: Optimizing Patient Comfort

As physicians, when we ask about pain, we keep in mind that it is defined by the patient. Hospice clinicians manage pain based on the needs and expectations of the patient and family, not our own.

Getting an accurate measure of the pain level is necessary for appropriate treatment. The patient may be reluctant to report pain for fear of being a “complainer” or a desire to avoid opioids. Asking open-ended questions may help you gauge pain more effectively:

  • How severe is the pain?
  • Where is the pain located?
  • What are you taking for the pain? How is that working for you?
  • How is the pain affecting your ability to function daily, such as bathing, dressing, and the ability to get up and walk?
  • Is the pain impacting your ability to fall or stay asleep?
  • How is the pain impacting your mood?
  • Is the pain impacting your ability to socialize or spend time with the ones you love?

Other indicators of pain and suffering can be viewed or discussed. Dryness of the eyes can lead to painful keratitis as well as infections. Patients on long-term oxygen therapy may have skin breaks around the nares, dryness, and episodes of epistaxis, which can be distressing. Patients who have been using noninvasive modes of ventilation may have pressure ulcers at the nasal bridge and cheeks. Pooling oral secretions and lack of oral care can lead to oral ulcers and dental issues.

Signs of malnutrition include temporal wasting, supra, infra-clavicular wasting, scaphoid abdomen, and skin dryness. Loss of muscle mass can create an increased risk of skin breakdown. Dehydration signs include dryness of mucosal surfaces, loss of skin turgor, and dry skin. Abdominal fullness can point towards constipation or urinary retention, which can cause significant distress to the patient. Lastly, a hygiene assessment and well-being focused on maintaining the patient's dignity are essential.

For Mr. Jones, our VITAS team contacted his son to discuss his hesitation to provide pain medication for his father. Using a calm and thoughtful approach, we explored where his beliefs came from and if they were simply based on a common misconception about the use of morphine in hospice patients.

Mr. Jones had agreed to hospice services “to get out of this place,” meaning the hospital, and go home to sleep in his own bed, with his wife and dogs nearby, his stated goals for end of life. He received Continuous Care to help manage his symptoms at home. The VITAS hospice physician evaluated him at admission and after transport to his home. Clinicians profiled his medications, which we arranged to be delivered to the home along with a bedside commode, walker, oxygen, and briefs.

Managing Both Physical and Nonphysical Pain

Once in hospice, the interdisciplinary team—a team manager, primary nurse, hospice aide, physician, chaplain, social worker, team physician, and volunteer—collaborates to address the patient’s total pain beyond opioids alone. VITAS also has an in-house pharmacy team with Pharm Ds on call to assist with symptom management consultations, medication selection, and dose conversions.

After Mr. Jones arrived home, the home health aide gave Mr. Jones the first true bath he had had in weeks. The team addressed his constipation. We consulted our VITAS social worker and chaplain to help him and his family. The VITAS Pharm D assisted with a methadone titration regimen and pharmacologic selection.

With these interventions, Mr. Jones “felt so much better he couldn’t believe it” and “wished he’d called us months ago.” He was able to live at home for nearly six months after his hospitalization. His course of symptom management allowed him to make meaningful memories with his family. He also achieved resolution to his estrangement with his son, which was not only significant to him but also the rest of the family, even beyond Mr. Jones’ death.

Focusing on Quality of Life With Compassionate Care

A total pain approach to comfort care minimizes any medication side effects—even those not related to the terminal illness—while enhancing the patient’s:

  • Functional ability
  • Physical well-being
  • Psychological well-being
  • Spiritual well-being

This includes empowering the patient to participate in decision-making, which helps them retain dignity and a sense of control.

The emphasis of comfort care is to improve the patient’s quality of life in their remaining months, weeks, and days. The outcomes of the hospice interdisciplinary care team’s efforts are evident—in the photos we receive and the kind words of family members and even patients themselves who entrusted their care to us. Like Mr. Jones, many tell us: “We wish we knew about hospice sooner.”

Questions about total pain management? Ready to refer a patient? Contact your VITAS representative.

1Meier, Emily, et al. (2016). “Defining a Good Death (Successful Dying): Literature Review and a Call for Research and Public Dialogue.” American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Retrieved Sept. 16, 2024

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Give a copy of your eulogy to the minister or funeral director so that person can finish the eulogy if you're unable to continue.Tips Be honest and focus on the person's positive qualities Humor is acceptable if it fits the personality of the deceased. "If you are inclined to be a perfectionist, lower your expectations and just do what you can given the short time-frame and your emotional state," writes Schaeffer in "Labor of Love." Keep it brief. Five to ten minutes is the norm, but it's a good idea to verify that with the minister or funeral director. Leo Saguin recommends interviewing family and friends in his book "How to Write and Deliver a Loving Eulogy." Put the eulogy on paper - at least in outline form. Eulogy or Sharing Time?If you're planning the funeral, you might want to consider "sharing time" as an alternative to a eulogy. In sharing time, the people congregated pass a microphone or take turns standing up to share their thoughts. It's like a lot of mini eulogies and is more spontaneous.Links Offering Examples Mona Simpson, sister to Steve Jobs, delivered a heart wrenching eulogy that was posted in The New York Times on October 30, 2011 - Click here to read it in its entirety. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's eulogy for President Ronald Reagan was telecast at his services in 2005 as she remembered her friend. Click here to read it in its entirety. Books Offering Help, Examples and Inspiration Books Offering Help, Examples and Inspiration "The Book of Eulogies: A Collection of Memorial Tributes, Poetry, Essays, and Letters of Condolence" by Phyllis Theroux (editor) "How to Write and Deliver a Loving Eulogy" by Leo Seguin "Final Celebrations: A Guide for Personal and Family Funeral Planning" by Kathleen Sublette and Martin Flagg "In Memoriam: A Practical Guide to Planning a Memorial Service" by Amanda Bennett and Terence B. Foley "My Deepest Sympathies: Meaningful Sentiments for Condolence Notes and Conversations, Plus a Guide to Eulogies" by Florence Isaacs "Remembering Well: Rituals for Celebrating Life and Mourning Death" by Sarah York "Readings for Remembrance: A Collection for Funerals and Memorial Services" by Eleanor C. Munro (introduction) "Remembrances and Celebrations: A Book of Eulogies, Elegies, Letters, and Epitaphs" by Jill Werman Harris (editor)

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VITAS Healthcare

Palliative Care 2009 Mackenzie Way, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, 16066

VITAS Healthcare: Compassionate Hospice and Palliative CareVITAS Healthcare, established in 1978, is a pioneering leader in hospice and palliative care, dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals with serious or life-limiting illnesses. With a name derived from the Latin word for "lives," VITAS upholds its mission to support patients and their families with compassionate, patient-centered care. As the nations largest provider of hospice services, VITAS extends its expertise across 14 states, ensuring that individuals receive the highest level of comfort, dignity, and symptom management at every stage of their illness.Comprehensive Palliative and Hospice Care ServicesAt the core of VITAS Healthcares approach is a deep commitment to providing specialized palliative care in addition to hospice services. While hospice care focuses on comfort and dignity for individuals with terminal illnesses, palliative care serves those at any stage of a serious illness, helping them manage symptoms while continuing with curative treatments if desired.Palliative care services at VITAS are designed to ease pain, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. This approach includes expert symptom management for conditions such as cancer, heart disease, COPD, neurological disorders, and other chronic illnesses. Through a patient-centric model, VITAS provides tailored care plans that address physical discomfort, emotional distress, and the psychological challenges of living with a serious condition.Key services include:Pain and symptom management: Expertly treating pain, breathlessness, fatigue, nausea, and other distressing symptoms.Emotional and psychological support: Addressing anxiety, depression, and the emotional toll of chronic illnesses.Advanced care planning: Helping patients and families navigate difficult healthcare decisions and ensuring care aligns with personal goals.Coordination with healthcare providers: Ensuring seamless communication and collaboration with primary physicians and specialists.In addition to palliative care, VITAS offers hospice care for patients in the final stages of their illness, focusing on comfort and dignity in the setting of their choicewhether at home, in a nursing facility, or at an inpatient hospice center.Cranberry Township Hospice and Palliative Care Office: A Community ResourceLocated at 2009 Mackenzie Way, Suite 110, Cranberry Township, PA 16066, the VITAS Healthcare office serves as a central hub for hospice and palliative care coordination in the Pittsburgh region. This location supports a broad service area, including Allegheny, Armstrong, Washington, and Westmoreland counties, ensuring that patients and their families receive timely and expert care.The Cranberry Township office provides:Consultations for palliative and hospice care referralsIn-person and virtual assessmentsCare coordination with hospitals and healthcare facilitiesEducational resources on end-of-life and chronic illness careInterdisciplinary Care Team: A Holistic Approach to Palliative CareVITAS Healthcare takes a collaborative approach, bringing together a specialized team of professionals to provide holistic care:Palliative Care Physicians & Nurse Practitioners: Oversee complex symptom management and coordinate with specialists to optimize treatment plans.Nurses: Monitor patient conditions, administer treatments, and provide education on symptom management.Social Workers: Offer counseling and help families navigate financial, legal, and care-planning challenges.Chaplains: Provide spiritual support that aligns with each patients beliefs and values.Home Health Aides: Assist with personal care and activities of daily living to improve comfort and dignity.Volunteers: Offer companionship, assistance with activities, and support to caregivers.By addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of both patients and caregivers, VITAS ensures a compassionate and well-rounded care experience.Specialized Programs for Palliative and Hospice CareUnderstanding that every patients journey is unique, VITAS offers specialized programs, including:Advanced Illness Management (AIM) Program: A proactive approach to palliative care, helping patients manage symptoms and avoid unnecessary hospitalizations.Intensive Comfort Care: 24/7 bedside care to manage acute symptoms in a patients preferred setting.Veterans Care: Tailored support for military veterans, including recognition ceremonies and assistance with benefits.Paw Pals Pet Visits: Therapy animals provide emotional comfort to patients coping with serious illnesses.Grief and Bereavement Support: Counseling and support groups for families dealing with anticipatory grief or loss.Community Engagement and EducationVITAS Healthcare is deeply invested in community education and outreach, offering:Workshops on palliative and hospice careSupport groups for caregiversContinuing education for healthcare professionalsBy fostering awareness about palliative care, VITAS empowers individuals and families to make informed healthcare decisions early in their journey with a serious illness.24/7 Support and AccessibilityRecognizing that serious illnesses require continuous attention, VITAS provides 24/7 Telecare services, ensuring that patients and families have immediate access to medical professionals at any time. This round-the-clock support allows for real-time symptom management and guidance, reducing the need for emergency room visits and hospital stays.For inquiries or referrals, individuals can contact the Cranberry Township office at 412.799.2101.Commitment to Excellence in Palliative and Hospice CareAs a Medicare-certified provider, VITAS Healthcare adheres to the highest standards of quality and compliance, ensuring that all patients receive ethical, patient-centered care. The organizations commitment to continuous improvement and adherence to industry best practices solidifies its reputation as a trusted leader in end-of-life and palliative care.VITAS Healthcare exemplifies a dedication to enhancing the quality of life for individuals facing serious and life-limiting illnesses. With a strong emphasis on palliative care, VITAS ensures that patients receive expert symptom management, emotional support, and holistic care throughout their healthcare journey. For individuals in the Pittsburgh area seeking compassionate palliative or hospice care, VITAS Healthcare remains a premier choice, providing comfort, dignity, and unwavering support for both patients and their loved ones. Contact us today.

VITAS Healthcare

Hospice 2009 Mackenzie Way, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, 16066

VITAS Healthcare, established in 1978, stands as a pioneer and leader in the hospice movement, dedicated to providing compassionate end-of-life care to patients with life-limiting illnesses. With a name derived from the Latin word for "lives," VITAS embodies its mission to preserve the quality of life for those nearing its end. Operating in 14 states across the United States, VITAS has become the nation's largest provider of hospice services, offering comprehensive care that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and their families.Comprehensive Hospice and Palliative Care ServicesAt the heart of VITAS Healthcare's approach is a commitment to delivering personalized care plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. The interdisciplinary care team comprises physicians, nurses, home health aides, social workers, chaplains, and trained volunteers, all working collaboratively to ensure comfort, dignity, and quality of life. Services include hospice care at home, inpatient hospice care for acute symptom management, 24/7 Telecare-services providing immediate access to clinicians, and specialized programs such as Intensive Comfort Care for managing complex symptoms. Additionally, VITAS offers emotional and spiritual support, grief and bereavement counseling, and condition-specific care plans to address various medical conditions.Cranberry Township Hospice Office: A Hub for Compassionate CareLocated at 2009 Mackenzie Way, Suite 110, Cranberry Township, PA 16066, the VITAS Healthcare office serves as a central hub for the organization's dedicated care teams in the Pittsburgh area. This office supports the coordination and delivery of hospice services throughout the region, ensuring that patients receive timely and effective care. The Cranberry Township location is strategically positioned to serve multiple counties, including Allegheny, Armstrong, Washington, and Westmoreland, thereby extending VITAS's reach to a broad community in need of hospice and palliative care services.Interdisciplinary Care Team: Collaborative Approach to End-of-Life CareVITAS Healthcare's interdisciplinary care team is central to its holistic approach to hospice care. This team-based model ensures that all aspects of a patient's well-being are addressed:Physicians: Oversee medical care, manage symptoms, and collaborate with other team members to develop and adjust care plans.Nurses: Provide ongoing assessment, administer medications, and educate patients and families about disease progression and care techniques.Home Health Aides: Assist with personal care needs, such as bathing, dressing, and grooming, ensuring patients' comfort and dignity.Social Workers: Offer emotional support, counseling, and assistance with accessing community resources and navigating healthcare systems.Chaplains: Provide spiritual care and support, respecting the diverse beliefs and practices of patients and their families.Volunteers: Offer companionship, engage in activities, and provide respite for caregivers, enhancing the quality of life for patients.This collaborative approach ensures comprehensive care that addresses the multifaceted needs of patients and their loved ones during challenging times.Specialized Programs and ServicesRecognizing that each patient's journey is unique, VITAS Healthcare offers specialized programs to meet diverse needs:Intensive Comfort Care: Provides continuous bedside care during periods of crisis to manage acute symptoms effectively, allowing patients to remain in their preferred setting.Veterans Care: Addresses the specific needs of veterans, acknowledging their service and providing care that respects their experiences and sacrifices.Paw Pals Pet Visits: Utilizes the therapeutic benefits of animal companionship to bring comfort and joy to patients, enhancing emotional well-being.Grief and Bereavement Support: Offers counseling and support groups for families and caregivers, helping them navigate the emotional complexities of loss.These programs are designed to provide holistic care that encompasses the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of the patient experience.Community Engagement and EducationVITAS Healthcare is committed to being an active participant in the communities it serves. This commitment is demonstrated through educational initiatives, support groups, and partnerships with local organizations. By offering resources and information about hospice and palliative care, VITAS empowers individuals and families to make informed decisions about end-of-life care. The organization also provides training and continuing education for healthcare professionals, ensuring that the broader medical community is equipped to support patients with life-limiting illnesses effectively.Accessibility and SupportUnderstanding the importance of accessibility, VITAS Healthcare offers 24/7 support through its Telecare services, allowing patients and families to reach clinicians at any time for assistance and guidance. The Cranberry Township office serves as a local resource, providing information and support to the Pittsburgh community. Individuals can contact the office directly at 412.799.2101 for inquiries or to initiate services.Commitment to Quality and ComplianceAs a Medicare-certified hospice provider since February 3, 2000, VITAS Healthcare adheres to stringent standards to ensure the delivery of high-quality care. The organization's commitment to compliance and excellence is reflected in its continuous efforts to meet and exceed regulatory requirements, providing peace of mind to patients and their families.VITAS Healthcare's Cranberry Township hospice office exemplifies the organization's dedication to delivering compassionate, comprehensive, and personalized end-of-life care. Through its interdisciplinary team, specialized programs, and unwavering commitment to the community, VITAS ensures that patients facing life-limiting illnesses receive the support and dignity they deserve. For those in the Pittsburgh area seeking hospice or palliative care services, VITAS Healthcare stands ready to provide expert care tailored to each individual's needs.

VITAS Healthcare

Volunteer Opportunities 2009 Mackenzie Way, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, 16066

Volunteer with VITASHospice volunteers are trained to meet the needs of patients and families. They visit on a schedule, yet are open to change as dictated by the patient's health and interests. They are unpaid, yet priceless.Because hospice patients have unique end-of-life needs, VITAS seeks volunteers from all backgrounds, experiences and cultures. Were particularly interested in volunteers who understand the hospice philosophy and who embrace the importance of quality of life at the end of life.Often, a family member who is grieving finds the calling to give back by becoming a VITAS volunteer.Learn More: