Are My Affairs in Order? And Not Just the Legal Ones!

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Aug 25, 2016

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I don't know about you, but when I hear, "Are your affairs in order?" I immediately think of my will, my end-of-life wishes, and financial security.
I find that most of us forget about everyday emergencies such as natural disasters including snow, fire, flooding, high winds or tornadoes; environmental disasters like utility outages; medical emergencies from acute illness, falls, or accidents; and household emergencies such as the loss of heat, air conditioning, plumbing, or appliance failure. Don't forget the little stuff. It's amazing how the simplest thing such as the break down of an electric can-opener can have a major impact on someone with arthritis.

As we start to plan for emergencies and get ALL of our affairs in order, including the legal ones, there are many factors to consider such as finances, any medical conditions, our immediate family, parents, neighbors, and even our pets!

The 3 steps to having ALL Your Affairs in Order are:

Plan Ahead

Determine who you can count on to be your primary source of help
Have a list of people who you can turn to for questions, support, and help
Make arrangements with someone to help with the house, children, and pets should you need to leave unexpectedly
Notify the utility companies if you require the use of life sustaining medical equipment

Gather Important Documents

Gather important information about you and your household
Develop a notebook with important documents so that everything is in one place
Keep important contact information in your wallet - doctors, kids, friends, neighbors

Get professional help to assist with the development of your plan

Aging Life Care Professionals formerly known as Geriatric Care Managers are trained and experienced in creating a plan that is right for you. To find a qualified Aging Life Care Professional in your area contact the Aging Life Care Association at (520) 881-8008 or visit their website at "" If you are interested in having a document notebook which guides you through the process of gathering pertinent information such as personal, medical, household, financial, legal, and more contact Senior Life Solutions at (970) 282-7975.

Editor's Note:This article was submitted by Colleen Daugherty MSW, NCG. Colleen is an Aging Life Care Professional with Senior Life Solutions providing care management and counseling in Northern Colorado. You may contact Colleen at (970) 282-7975 or by email at

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As discussed above, one of the most obvious challenges is that family members do not live near the person who needs their care. But other complications are not as straightforward.You should consider hiring a geriatric care manager when:You need help with a complex issue. Lots of medical conditions can lead to the kinds of behaviors that should really be handled by aging life care professionals. Issues related to dementia, verbal abuse, or physical violence are among these.Your loved one will not talk to you about their health. Whether it is out of concern for privacy, a soured relationship, or an inability to describe what they are experiencing, older adults sometimes do not let relatives help them. A geriatric care manager gives them someone they feel comfortable talking to about their health. You are having trouble communicating with service providers. Geriatric care managers have a better understanding of where other aging life care professionals are coming from, so if you have run into a wall in negotiations or are not able to get the information you are looking for, your care manager is in a position to communicate more effectively.You do not know what to do. Caring for a loved one can be complicated for reasons beyond their health. We always want the best for them, but sometimes there are multiple pathways and it is not clear which one will be best. Geriatric care managers can provide their objective point of view to help your loved one receive the senior care that is right for themFinding Geriatric Care ManagersA geriatric care manager does not have to hold a state level license. But because many of them come from fields in health care, they elect to maintain their credentials. Care managers who come from social work often have to have active licensure in order to practice in their state.So on the one hand, a lack of certification or licensure is not necessarily a deal breaker. On the other hand, it is important that they can demonstrate their experience as aging life care professionals. If you are hiring a geriatric care manager, be sure to ask about the following:Do they have direct experience with managing issues specific to your loved one? This is especially important to cover in cases of severe injury or cognitive decline.Do they have experience with crisis care management? If your loved one is prone to seizures or is at high risk for falls or heart attacks, aging life care professionals need to know how to handle this type of emergency situation. Also ask them if they are available to respond around the clock, or if they have set hours.How will they communicate information to you? It might seem like a tedious question, but being on the same page about communication methods and styles can save everyone a lot of frustration and confusion.Can they provide references? It can be hard to really understand who you are working with based on their resume alone. Talking to people who know them well is a good way to corroborate your first impressions.How are their costs and fees structured? Senior care can be expensive it is typically not covered under Medicare or most other insurance plans so it is important to understand how much things will cost up front. Geriatric care managers charge by the hour, typically within a range of $75200 per hour.When families turn to aging life care professionals for care management services, they need to know as much as possible about the roles and responsibilities of the people they are bringing into the fold. Geriatric care managers help families navigate the complexities of elder care and relieve them of the stress and anxiety that so often comes along with it. They are experienced in working with a variety of national and local resources, care providers, and care services to ensure the highest quality of life possible.Give me a call for a FREE 20 minute consultation at 714-403-7040. source: Keystone Health, 2024.

Loving Touch: Professional Organizers for Seniors

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Having the Difficult Conversations About Change

The following are useful tips that will help you have difficult conversations with your family members about the changes that are to come regarding their care. It is not always easy for people to admit that they need help, or they need a change. Discussing their current conditions with them and asking them questions about their care preferences can make this easier. Keeping these tips in mind will help make the process a little easier and less stressful for everyone. 1. Do your best to pick a good time that works for your loved one. 2. Speak in a calm reassuring voice, but do not speak to them like they are a child. 3. Never miss the opportunity to listen to them. If possible, get with other family members and their support system. Address their concerns and voice your concerns in equal measure and agree which on of your concerns are the most important. 4. Try and be consistent among all of you on the conversations you are having with your loved one. 5. Keep the conversation short. Talking about too many changes at once can be overwhelming. Start with one or two topics that are you are most concerned about such as safety, medications, or nutrition. 6. Remember that this change is the most stressful for the senior. They may be concerned about losing their independence or control. Reassure them that you are concerned for their health and safety and not trying to take away their autonomy. 7. Be organized on your thoughts and look for things that you agree on even if they are not related to the topic at hand. 8. Talk about a friend who is receiving care. This can be a good introduction to the conversation and reassure them that you will be there with them when their time comes.  9. Do not expect to resolve your concerns with one conversation. This discussion may take several weeks or even months. Take baby steps. 10. Ask questions. See if they will be open to you about their concerns. It is common that their concerns, if they are willing to share with you, are going to be similar to yours. Question Example: Keeping track of all those medications must be really confusing. How do you feel about that? Listen carefully to their answer! If they agree to changes, offer to help. For example, I can help you do that when I come visit on Saturdays.   If they do not agree to changes: a. If you feel they are safe, leave it alone for a week or a month and revisit the topic later.b. If you do not feel they are safe take a stronger approach - Can I help you and we do it together next time? I want to know how this works in case you need help down the road.    11. Before you react to a concern or objection from your loved one, ask another question such as Tell me more about that or What do you mean by that? This may help them open up and you can learn more about their underlying concerns or worries. 12. Remember that every person and their situation is unique. Even if you have done this for another family member this is a new person. Do not try and put your expectations for their care on them.     If you have had this difficult conversation with your loved one and dont know where to go next, we can help!     Call PIECES today at 970-837-1579 for more information!