As the Holiday Rush Comes, Consider Home Care for Help


Visiting Angels Florida West Coast

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Dec 04, 2023


Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton & Charlotte Counties , Florida - Southwest

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At this time of year, you no doubt have your hands full. Getting everything ready for the holidays, in addition to your regular responsibilities, can be nerve-racking. Add in caring for a senior loved one, and the stress levels can be off the charts, especially if you are their primary caregiver. If you are running out of free moments and getting filled with frustration, you may want to consider turning to an in-home caregiver for help, especially at this time of year. Having a compassionate home care worker who is dedicated to caring for your senior can be like having an extra pair of helping hands, which, especially around the holidays, can be invaluable.

How They Can Help

Home care workers are trained professionals whose job it is to ensure your senior loved ones are safe and well-cared for. They can do everything from helping your senior with daily hygiene and getting dressed to spotting tripping hazards throughout the home. If your senior is writing out Christmas cards and drops all of them on the floor, a home care worker can even be there to gather them all up so your senior loved one doesn’t need to worry about bending over or tripping. After your senior prepares Christmas cookies, home care workers can do the dishes for your senior, so they don’t have to stand on their wobbly legs for too long. Or they can reach higher items such as rarely used spices from cabinets for your senior. They can even help with the actual preparation of food.

Home care workers can even simply provide companionship for your senior loved one, which is especially valuable for seniors as they often feel lonely or depressed around the holidays.

They can sit with your senior and talk about their plans for the holidays or listen to their stories about past Christmases. If your senior loves telling the origin story for each of the ornaments on the tree, home caregivers can be engaged, listeners and talkers. They even can sit with your senior and watch holiday movies. Home care workers can anticipate your senior’s needs and help with them. They also will follow a specific set of instructions and plans that you and your senior loved one work out ahead of time, so they can target the area they specifically need help with. 

How Frequently They Can Help

It’s natural to want to be with your senior as much as possible and to do all you can for them. You might be thinking you don’t need a full-time caregiver. Home care workers do not need to be there all of the time. They can be there 24 hours a day, but they also can be present just in the morning when your senior loved one is getting ready or just at dinner to help them with meal prep or clean up. They can take care of the jobs that you find more frustrating when working with your senior and be there just for that part of the day. They even can just help out for a set period of time each week as you run errands. Many home care agencies, including Visiting Angels Punta Gorda, can work with you to come up with a schedule that works with your needs. Professional home care workers also can offer respite care, which means they come in to give the primary caregiver a break at certain times. For example, if you want to head out to your annual family holiday tea and your senior loved one won’t be coming, they can be on hand for a couple of hours it takes you to enjoy the event. If you are exhausted from all of your holiday preparations, they can also offer respite care so you can nap and refresh for your time with your senior loved one.


Having an in-home caregiver assist your senior loved one can make all of the difference in your level of stress this holiday season. In turn, it can help improve your relationship with your senior loved one and make the holidays happier. If you are spending less time helping them get ready each morning or carefully watching over them every second of the day, you can have more time to enjoy their company. If you have less to worry about, you can find more joy in each moment with your senior loved one. Freeing up some of your time around the holidays can give you time to focus on what is most important in your life and to enjoy this precious time with your senior loved one.

A Helping Hand

If you are looking for help with your senior loved one this holiday season and every season of the year, our professionals at Visiting Angels Punta Gorda are here to help. We provide a variety of home care services, including companion care, fall prevention, a safe and steady program and more. 

Our expert team of caregivers serves clients in Punta Gorda, North Fort Myers, Boca Grande, Cape Coral, Sanibel, Captiva, Arcadia and surrounding areas. To learn more about our services, call us at 941-347-8288, or fill out an online form here.

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Talk about rapid change! These natural processes illustrate that change, while sometimes challenging, sudden, and rapid, is necessary for growth and adaptation. In much the same way, technology undergoes constant evolution and rapid change, presenting new opportunities and challenges for users of all ages. From the introduction of personal computers to the widespread adoption of smartphones and tablets, the digital landscape has transformed dramatically and rapidly in a relatively short period. The world of technology is truly evolving at an unprecedented pace. While these advancements may initially appear overwhelming, they also offer tremendous potential for learning, growth, and connection. According to a report by the Pew Research Center, the percentage of adults aged 65 and older who own a smartphone has increased from 18% in 2013 to 61% in 2021. This statistic highlights a significant shift in the adoption of new technologies among older generations. Yet, for many, the rapid pace of technological advancement can feel overwhelming. Despite the initial discomfort, there are numerous benefits to embracing these changes. For instance, smartphones and tablets offer a plethora of applications designed to simplify daily tasks, enhance communication with loved ones, and provide access to a wealth of information and entertainment. Learning to use these devices can significantly improve ones quality of life, offering greater independence and connectivity. The key to adapting to technological changes is to start small and build a foundational knowledge. Just as you wouldnt attempt to run a marathon without first learning to walk, its important to take incremental steps when familiarizing yourself with new technology. Begin with the Basics: One of the first steps in adapting to technological change is recognizing the value of building a foundation of knowledge. Much like the roots of a tree provide stability and nourishment, a basic understanding of technology can serve as a solid footing for further learning and exploration. Start with the fundamentals, such as familiarizing yourself with your existing devices and their functions. Learn how to turn them on and off, charge them and navigate their home screens. Learn how to navigate the internet, send emails, and use basic applications. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually expand your skills and explore new possibilities. Seek Out Resources: Many local libraries and community centers offer classes specifically designed to teach older adults how to use technology. Additionally, there are numerous online tutorials and user-friendly guides available as well as local companies that specialize in supporting older adults with their use of technology. Much like natures adaptive strategies, embracing a positive mindset towards technological change is crucial. Accept that learning something new takes time and patience. Celebrate small victories along the way, and dont be afraid to ask for help. According to a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, older adults who received support and training were more likely to adopt and continue using new technologies. The benefits of embracing technology are manifold. Telemedicine, for example, has revolutionized healthcare, making it easier for older adults to consult with doctors from the comfort of their homes. According to the American Telemedicine Association, telehealth visits increased by 154% during the first quarter of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, largely driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. This shift not only reduces the need for travel but also provides timely medical advice and monitoring. Similarly, smart home devices can enhance safety and convenience. Voice-activated assistants like Amazons Alexa or Google Home can set reminders for medications, control home lighting, and even call for help in emergencies. Learning to use these devices can greatly enhance ones sense of security and independence. Despite the clear advantages, there is still a significant digital divide among older adults. The same Pew Research Center report indicates that 34% of adults aged 65 and older do not use the internet. Bridging this gap is essential for ensuring that all seniors can benefit from technological advancements. Community initiatives play a vital role in this endeavor. Programs that offer free or subsidized devices, coupled with training and support, can make a significant difference. Additionally, family members can help by encouraging and assisting their older relatives in learning and using new technologies. Just as we prepare for and adapt to the changing seasons, we must also embrace the rapid changes in technology. By starting small, maintaining a positive mindset, and seeking out resources and support, older adults can build a solid foundation upon which to thrive in this digital age. Nature teaches us that change is not only inevitable but also essential for growth. Similarly, by embracing technological change, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities that can enhance our lives in meaningful ways. As the days grow longer and summer unfolds its warmth and vibrancy, let us welcome the changing tides of technology with the same spirit of adaptation and renewal. The possibilities are endless, and the adventure awaits!

Local Services By This Author

Visiting Angels

Home Health 25166 Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida, 33950

Welcome to Visiting Angels Punta Gorda! We provide senior care services in Punta Gorda, North Myers, Arcadia, Boca Grande, Cape Coral, Captiva, Sanibel Florida, and the surrounding areas. Our in-home senior care services are designed to bring peace of mind to families and are adaptable to meet the special needs of your loved ones.Our ServicesFrom companion care a few hours each week to around-the-clock care for those with advanced Alzheimer's, our team of dedicated, compassionate, state-certified caregivers has the experience and expertise you seek. Our services include:Companion CarePersonal CareAlzheimer's and Dementia CareRespite CareAssistance with Daily Living ActivitiesTrusted CaregiversWhat sets Visiting Angels apart is our thorough assessment process. Every client is assessed by an experienced Registered Nurse before services begin, allowing us to identify underlying health and personal issues. This assessment guides the caregiver's care plan and is followed by ongoing assessments. We also make referrals to medical professionals if needed, enhancing our clients' lives and well-being.We prioritize the safety and security of our clients, partnering with ClearStar for comprehensive background screenings on all caregivers. This ensures that only the most trustworthy individuals are invited into our clients' homes.All of our caregivers are bonded and insured by our agency. We DO NOT USE independent contractors, ensuring that you receive consistent, high-quality care from our team members.Free Consultation If you have a loved one who needs personalized in-home care, contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to providing compassionate care and support to your family.

Visiting Angels

Home Health 999 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Naples, Florida, 34108

Visiting Angels has been a trusted provider of elder care services in the United States since 1998, committed to offering families the best in-home care for seniors. Operating in southern Lee County, FL, Visiting Angels Fort Myers serves the Fort Myers, Estero, and Bonita Springs areas, providing personalized non-medical in-home care services. Our experienced and passionate caregivers, known as Angels, assist with meal preparation, personal care, laundry, transportation, light housekeeping, and errands, tailored to each individual's needs.Owned and operated by Kathleen Fleming, RN, BS, CDP, Executive Director, and Karen Hill, Director of Finance, Visiting Angels of SW Florida ensures that seniors can age comfortably in their own homes while maintaining their independence and self-worth. Our on-call office staff is available 24/7 to respond to emergencies and meet all homecare needs.What sets Visiting Angels apart is our thorough assessment process. Every client is assessed by an experienced Registered Nurse before services begin, allowing us to identify underlying health and personal issues. This assessment guides the caregiver's care plan and is followed by ongoing assessments. We also make referrals to medical professionals if needed, enhancing our clients' lives and well-being.We prioritize the safety and security of our clients, partnering with ClearStar for comprehensive background screenings on all caregivers. This ensures that only the most trustworthy individuals are invited into our clients' homes.If your loved one needs assistance with daily tasks or requires short-term care following hospitalization or surgery, contact us for a complimentary personal assessment conducted by a Registered Nurse. Visiting Angels is here to provide compassionate and professional care for your loved ones.

Visiting Angels

Non-Medical 999 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Naples, Florida, 34108

Visiting Angels has been a trusted provider of elder care services in the United States since 1998, committed to offering families the best in-home care for seniors. Operating in southern Lee County, FL, Visiting Angels Fort Myers serves the Fort Myers, Estero, and Bonita Springs areas, providing personalized non-medical in-home care services. Our experienced and passionate caregivers, known as Angels, assist with meal preparation, personal care, laundry, transportation, light housekeeping, and errands, tailored to each individual's needs.Owned and operated by Kathleen Fleming, RN, BS, CDP, Executive Director, and Karen Hill, Director of Finance, Visiting Angels of SW Florida ensures that seniors can age comfortably in their own homes while maintaining their independence and self-worth. Our on-call office staff is available 24/7 to respond to emergencies and meet all homecare needs.What sets Visiting Angels apart is our thorough assessment process. Every client is assessed by an experienced Registered Nurse before services begin, allowing us to identify underlying health and personal issues. This assessment guides the caregiver's care plan and is followed by ongoing assessments. We also make referrals to medical professionals if needed, enhancing our clients' lives and well-being.We prioritize the safety and security of our clients, partnering with ClearStar for comprehensive background screenings on all caregivers. This ensures that only the most trustworthy individuals are invited into our clients' homes.If your loved one needs assistance with daily tasks or requires short-term care following hospitalization or surgery, contact us for a complimentary personal assessment conducted by a Registered Nurse. Visiting Angels is here to provide compassionate and professional care for your loved ones.