Befriending Technology as We Age


Lely Palms Retirement Community

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Jul 21, 2023


Florida - Southwest

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In the far reaches of my memory, my four-year-old self pulls on the leather leash of a wooden dog with red wheels acting as its legs. The toy, vintage by now, was the first exposure my siblings and I had to owning a pet, to having something other than a teddy bear as our security blanket and friend.

Nowadays, science and toymaking have advanced to include modern technology. In place of the little wiener dog or stuffed animals, robotic pets are now paired with veterans, children, or those who experience dementia or advanced illnesses, to provide a level of comfort and companionship which is not readily available under such circumstances.

The wooden dog is packed away, awaiting to be used by a grandkid. While technology might render those toys obsolete, it’s also helping us to find creative ways to provide comfort and safety for our loved ones.

Robotic Dogs and Cats

In a news article about robotic companion pets for individuals with advanced illnesses, the photo accompanying the piece included a robotic dog which resembled my now deceased spaniel. I was hooked. Should I experience dementia, the toy would be an ideal companion for me. And for many others whose needs were far greater than mine.

Capital Caring Health, an organization based in the Washington, D.C. area, aims to provides just that - a companion for those requiring the “highest level of advanced illness care.” Armed with studies which have proven how pet ownership lowers anxiety, provides stability, and offers the ability to self-soothe, the organization has focused on supporting veterans and those experiencing dementia by providing them with these robotic pets.

Constructed as dogs or cats, the pets come in a variety of shades. They are programmed to interact with humans and respond to touch just like an actual pet. A dog might wag its tail when stroked. A cat’s interactions are more randomized, as one might expect. Capital’s motto for this effort is “no need to feed or walk or clean up after them—just enjoy their love.”

At age 83, both my mother-in-law and father-in-law often mourn the death of their Goldendoodle. Given some of their physical health challenges, dog ownership is no longer feasible them. However, a robotic pet might be a good option. My in-laws would each benefit from reliving happy memories of their former pet, and interactions, as well as the presence and movement, of a current, robotic pet.

Toy Manufacturers Move into Wellness Market

When a group of Hasbro toy designers entered the wellness market, the first product they attempted to design was that of a robotic pet. “Fueling this new initiative was the insight that there was a void of products which bring fun and play to the older adult market and the belief that play knows no age limit,” according to Ageless Innovation’s website.

In 2015, Hasbro launched a companion cat with a lifelike coat and soft heartbeats. The team was astounded by the narratives around how isolation, loneliness and cognitive decline were all impacted positively by the power of play. Their next effort brought forth the companion pet dog. In 2021, in the United Kingdom, David Moore, dementia lead at a national care home charity, explained, “although he was skeptical about the idea when he first saw it, it does works really well for people with dementia…it’s not always a practical option to keep a real-life pup,” when the upkeep and the responsibility can be overwhelming. Instead, these dogs and cats react to the sound of a voice, creating a two-way interaction, enriching the experience without placing undue burdens on the owner or the care home.

Through Ageless Innovation, skilled facilitators are trained to help identify those who would benefit the most from these pets, especially individuals experiencing dementia or in a present state of distress.

Robotic Suits

 Not to be outdone by pets, Superflex has designed wearable robotic suits, appropriate for training soldiers carrying heavy loads or for aging adults who need an extra hand. The suit fits over most of the body and delivers a “jolt of supporting power to the legs, arms, or torso exactly when needed to reduce the burden of a load or correct for the body’s shortcomings.”

Consider the case of an elderly person using a walker. The suit uses a variety of sensors to detect movement styles and where power is needed the most. If one were to place their hands on a walker, yet their weak wrists could not respond in quick fashion, the suit would send a jolt to the sensor near the wrist and add support to the movement.

Superflex is not alone in this market, there are many others, such as Harvard, MIT, and traditional car manufacturers, seeking to turn their manufacturing capabilities into our superpowers.

As for me, I don’t have the pocketbook to shell out the monies for a suit. But, having a robotic dog walk alongside me to stimulate my mental and physical well-being would go a long way toward keeping me independent and living well.

Annette Januzzi Wick is a writer, speaker, and author of I’ll Have Some of Yours, a journey of cookies and caregiving. (Three Arch Press) and is a recipient of a 2020 NSNC award. A frequent contributor to, her work has appeared in Cincinnati Magazine,, Shanti Arts, 3rd Act Magazine, and others. Visit to learn more.

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When you are tempted to say, Hello, fall plan also to say, Hello, flu shot. When fall is in the air, so are influenza and other viruses. The 20232024 flu season in the United States was characterized by elevated activity. Some estimates for the season include up to 65 million flu illnesses, 30 million flu medical visits, 830,000 flu hospitalizations and 72,000 flu deaths. Despite this impact, data indicates only 53.9% of U.S. children and 48.5% of U.S. adults received a flu vaccine during the most recent flu season. Imagine what the flu season statistics would be if getting an annual flu shot was as popular as pumpkin spice! We recommend you get the updated flu vaccine annually by the end of October to ensure the best coverage during the peak of the flu season, which starts to ramp up in October, peaks between December and February and fades in the spring. Receiving the flu shot in the fall also helps provide protection through the holidays, when people often gather and travel. Annual flu vaccines are especially important for those over the age of 65, who are at greater risk of developing serious illness from the flu due to age-related changes in immunity. Between 70 and 85% of all flu-related deaths occur in people 65 years and older and 50 to 70% of seasonal flu hospitalizations are in this age group. Since immunity from annual flu shots lasts about six monthsenough to cover the peak of the flu seasonand the flu strains the shot targets each season are different, its important to make your flu shot an annual tradition. The shots work by stimulating your body to produce protective antibodies within about two weeks. Since the flu vaccines first civilian use in 1945, the vaccines have been made from dead, or inactive strains of the flu, so its impossible to get sickened by the flu from vaccines. Its not the shot, but the creation of antibodies that can result in some side effects, which many mistake for flu-like symptoms. Really, any side effects, like briefly not feeling well, are signs the vaccine is working. Side effects can include soreness at the injection site, headache, low fever or muscle aches. Some people have no reaction at all. Symptoms of being sick with the flu involve fever, chills, extreme fatigue, muscle aches and more for several days. Getting the vaccination can reduce the duration and severity of illness and the risk for hospitalization from influenza. Theres a bonus: getting vaccinated also helps protect other people, including those who are vulnerable to health complications from the flu, such as children, pregnant women and people with underlying illness, like cancer, COPD, diabetes, asthma and congestive heart failure. Potential complications related to the flu can be pneumonia, stroke and heart attack. Living in independent living, assisted living, nursing homes and other group living also puts people at risk, because flu and other communicable diseases can spread more rapidly. Another vaccination recommended in the fall is for respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, particularly for adults aged 75 and older and for adults 60 to 74 who are at higher risk for severe RSV. That includes adults with heart or lung disease, weakened immune systems such as from cancer, or other underlying conditions including severe obesity and diabetes. RSV is a common respiratory virus that causes mild, cold-like symptoms. It can be dangerous for some infants and young children, as well as older adults. Symptoms of severe RSV include: fever, severe cough, wheezing, rapid or difficulty breathing, and bluish skin tone due to lack of oxygen. Like other respiratory infections, a cough or sneeze can easily spread RSV. People are typically contagious for up to eight days, but some people can be contagious for as long as four weeks, even after they stop having symptoms. Older adults only need to get an RSV shot once. Getting flu and RSV shots is easyand you can get them at the same timewith many pharmacies offering walk-in shots. Healthcare Network has walk-in Convenient Care open Thursday to Saturday until 7 p.m. for preventative services, as well as diagnosis and treatment of minor illnesses. If you havent gotten your shots yet, there is still time to celebrate fall with immunizations. Afterwards, you may even want to treat yourself for being proactive with a pumpkin spice latte.   About the Author Dr. Salvatore Anzalone, Vice President of Clinical Business Development at Healthcare Network, has been a board certified physician for over 35 years. Healthcare Network is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing quality healthcare that is accessible to everyone, regardless of employment, income, or insurance status. For more information about services, visit or call 239-658-3000.

I'll Never Financially Qualify for Medicaid - Will I?

To be very bold, the answer is yes, you will.Long Term Care Medicaid operates on 2 simple rules regarding finances.1)            You must be under $2,829 of GROSS COUNTABLE Income (in 2024).2)            You must be under $2,000 of GROSS COUNTABLE Assets (in 2024) as a single person or $154,140 for a couple.The key word is COUNTABLE. Countable INCOME There is only one way to reduce COUNTABLE income and that is to establish what is called a Qualified Income Trust which artificially reduces COUNTABLE income by the amount of income you deposit in the trust. For example, if gross countable income is $3,192 and you deposit $500 of income into the QIT account then Medicaid only counts $2,692 ($3192 - $500 = $2,692) which is $200 below the limit of $2,892. Therefore, qualification is allowed despite what was previously considered excessive income. Countable ASSETS There are many ways to convert countable assets into NON-COUNTABLE assets, and/or expend them using qualified expenditures, and/or transfer them using qualified transfers. In fact, there are more than 30 ways of rearranging excess countable assets and an almost endless combination of ways. The possibilities are so numerous it is simply not feasible to provide the information here. Suffice it to say that even multi-millionaires can qualify for Long Term Care Medicaid. What is the HCBS Waiver Program (Home Health Care or Assisted Living)? The HCBS Waiver Program, short for Home and Community Based Services Waiver Program, is designed for individuals needing financial assistance for home health care, adult day care, or an assisted living facility.When applying for Medicaid assistance for traditional skilled nursing, the patient needs only to file the application, whereas a patient seeking financial assistance for in-home care, or an assisted living must undergo a more complicated process. Process for In-Home Health Care and Assisted Living An individual seeking Medicaid assistance for in-home care or an assisted living facility must schedule a screening call with the geographically appropriate Aging and Disability Resource Center for placement on the waitlist. The waitlist utilizes a needs-based ranking, with scores from 1-5. A ranking of 1 indicates a "low" need, while a 5 indicates a "high" need. The higher the need, the more likely an individual is to be placed on the waitlist AND ALSO called off the waitlist quickly. Once the patient is called off the waitlist, he or she may then apply for Medicaid. Upon approval for Medicaid, he or she must then enroll in a managed care program and long-term care program. Medicaid benefits will only begin the first day of the month following the month in which Medicaid eligibility is approved, and the patient is enrolled in both a managed care program, as well as a long-term care program. How to Bypass the Waitlist for HCBS Waiver Services It is possible to bypass the waitlist if, a patient:1) Is in a skilled nursing facility.2) Has already been approved for long-term care Medicaid.3) Is enrolled in a managed care program and wishes to discharge home or to an assisted living facility.4) The Medicaid long-term care recipient is evaluated by the managed care company to determine their ability to transition home or to an assisted living facility. If determined that the applicant is eligible to transition, he or she may do so without undergoing the waitlist process.Medicaid eligibility will follow the recipient to any new long-term care arrangements where care is needed. Form 2515 must be filed by the managed care company.How Platinum Benefit Services Can Help It should be clear that this process is complex. While an applicant can attempt this process alone or can have the appropriate Aging and Disability Resource Center attempt to navigate it on behalf of the family, Platinum's HCBS Success Escalation Service provides a meaningful difference with a substantial increase in the likelihood of success. An applicant/legal representative in crisis can easily become overwhelmed when attempting to navigate the intricacies of the waitlist process. Further, Florida's Aging and Disability Resource Centers are notorious for mismanaging the process. Using Platinum Benefit Services is a game changer. When working with Platinum and enrolling in our HCBS Success Escalation Program, Platinum will provide you with the information, training, and services necessary to maximize the chances you or your loved one is placed on the waitlist with a high ranking AND ALSO selected off the list quickly. The fee for the program is just $500 and is worth every penny! If you choose to hire platinum to process the medicaid application in advance of contacting the ADRC the $500 fee is waived. Free Instructions For Getting On The HCBS Waitlist By accessing the site below, Platinum will provide FREE OF CHARGE to you, a video that explains the HCBS Waiver program and how you can get on the waitlist without assistance and FREE. the end of the video, if you choose to get help, the video will explain how you can enroll in Platinum's HCBS Success Escalation Program, as well as, a video that explains how to "ace the test" when answering interview/screening questions. This second video will teach you how to answer the questions honestly, in a way that maximizes the likelihood of being placed on the waitlist, with a high ranking. Platinum even provides a list of the questions that will be asked!Platinum's HCBS Success Escalation ProgramOur automated system will enroll you with the proper ADRC, which starts the benefit approval process. Platinum will confirm with the appropriate ADRC that the patient's name has been submitted and that a screening call has been scheduled. Platinum will then check in once a week with the ADRC to track the status of the patient's selection from the waitlist. Further, we will also follow up to confirm that you are aware the call is scheduled, and we will confirm the date and time. Once the potential applicant is called off the waitlist, a form 1823 will be provided to you that needs to be completed by your doctor and provided to the ADRC along with supporting documentation. The 1823 must be properly completed and signed by your doctor or a nurse practitioner. Platinum will track this form as it is passed 4 times, to 3 government agencies, and confirm proper distribution and receipt. You will then have the option to hire Platinum to complete the Medicaid application process on your behalf While you can file on your own, or have the ADRC file for you, there are potential problems beyond belief Dealing with The Department of Children and Families (Medicaid) has become the epitome of a bureaucratic nightmare. Platinum Success for Families Over more than 26 years Platinum has obtained 14,000+ Medicaid approvals in the State of Florida alone. We'll help you obtain approval as well. If you decide to go it on your own, no hard feelings, we truly wish you the very best! Qualifying financially, regardless of assets or income is the easy part! What's hard is being selected off the waitlist and then navigating DCF during the application process. Let's get you enrolled in the "HCBS Success Escalation Program" by contacting Platinum at 1-800-582-1934, pressing O and say, "I would like to sign up for the Success Escalation Program". We look forward to working with you!Call us at 1-800-582-1934 or go to FOR :Hilary Hayes, CSA Certified Senior Advisor Serving Collier, Lee, Charlotte Glades, Hendry & MonroeNothing in this document or other information, in whatever format provided by Platinum Benefit Services, Inc, is legal advice. If legal advice is needed, please contact a competent and properly licensed attorney. If you would like a referral to an attorney, please contact our office at 1-800-582-1934 

Navigating Sexual Health in the Over-85 Population

Navigating Sexual Health in the Over-85 PopulationThe term sexual health is rarely considered in discussions focusing on older adults over the age of 85. However, engagement in sexual relations or being emotionally intimate may continue to be of great value to older age groups.The term sexual health is rarely considered in discussions focusing on older adults over the age of 85. However, engagement in sexual relations or being emotionally intimate may continue to be of great value to older age groups. In the present context, as peoples lifespan increases and cultural norms change, it becomes essential to think about the sexual health concerns of this age group.Understanding Sexuality Beyond 85With regards to sexuality of older adults, it is not only about having sexual actsit also involves emotional relationships, physically being close to someone, and caring about them. For many people over 85 years it may be important to help and sustain such intimate relationships as it contributes to positively beautiful enhancement of life satisfaction and mood. Sadly, negative social norms and beliefs regarding ageing often create a false impression that the older generation is devoid of any sexuality or does not wish for any such engages, which is not the case.A considerable number of these adults still have sexual fantasies, indulge in sexually related actions, or even seek people in intimacy although they face problems of old age that hinder sexual health. These problems include, amongst others, medical illnesses, cognitive ageing, the adverse effects of treatment, and lack of other peoples participation.Common Sexual Health Concerns in the Over-85 PopulationPhysical Changes and Sexual Function: Changes related to the normal aging process can affect sexual function. The most common sexual problem in older men is erectile dysfunction. For women, there may be insufficient lubrication, pain during intercourse, or decreased interest in sex due to lower levels of estrogen. Nonetheless none of these changes entail per se the cessation of orgasmic activity. All medications, lubricants and other interventions can address these problems.Chronic Illness and Sexual Health: It is not unusual for some of the people over 85 to have chronic conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, or arthritis among others that have bearing on the sexual act. More so, the treatment of these conditions may require certain medications whose side effects may interfere with sexual drive or performance. Still, many elderly people adjust and manage to be intimate with others, be it through non-sexual skin contact, talking to someone or other ways of sexual expressions.Cognitive Decline: Cognitive impairment, such as dementia or Alzheimers disease, can lead to difficulties in relationships, especially the physical aspects of such relationships. Furthermore, although this is uncommon, patients who experience cognitive decline may act out sexually inappropriately or exhibit states of confusion or other changes regarding their sexual interests. In all situations where sexual health needs are to be addressed, it is rather critical that family and caregivers understand these matters compassionately and ensure that dignity is preserved.Psychological Factors: Factors such as social isolation, the death of a partner, geriatric depression, and anxiety are problems that can be noted in these older people and also have an adverse effect on sexual health. These emotional issues might trigger a drop in intimacy levels. It helps to combine support from practitioners with social activities.Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Older adults are likely to believe that they are not at risk of infections. Despite this myth, older population is also prone to STIs. Also, there has been a rise of STDs among older people due to lack of information and methods to prevent. With a doctors recommendation, these lessons should not be contraindicated to people aged 85 years and above.Promoting Sexual Health and Well-beingThose over 85 require an integrated response which addresses sexual health and includes health practitioners, family, care providers and patients.Open Communication: Discussing sexual health issues is mostly forgotten when one advances in age. Society needs to blatantly create the need for these conversations. Healthcare workers are to include sexual health without being directed on how to include it in the routine visits as sexual health is central to ones wellbeing irrespective of their age.Education and Awareness: Enlightening seniors on how to practice safe sex, how the body functions sexually, and how medications work can ensure their participation in relevant activities. Stereotypes that associate old age with certain characteristics can also be suppressed by campaigns that seek to raise awareness of the harm of old age.Tailored Healthcare: Patients treatment plans must integrate sexual wellness into the wider picture of healthcare. This might mean providing patients with means of addressing erectile disorders or prescribing post-menopausal hormone therapies or other forms of mental wellbeing support.Emotional and Social Support: Older individuals are encouraged not to isolate themselves and look for activities that boost self-esteem, and even relationships, which can promote a healthy sexual atmosphere.ConclusionSexual health cannot be ruled out even in elderly persons above 85 years of age. By taking care of the various spheres of a person on a particular age, we are able to achieve a better health and quality of life among a specific group of people. Societal misunderstandings should be disregarded and the notion that older persons are not entitled to any sexual care should be disbanded. This view enables better facilities and improvements in the quality of life for elderly people.

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Lely Palms Senior Living Community

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