Beyond the Gym: Grand Living’s Unique Fitness Adventures Await


Grand Living Florida

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Jul 24, 2024


Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton & Charlotte Counties

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In the realm of senior living, Grand Living stands as a beacon of holistic wellness—a sanctuary where mind, body, and spirit converge in harmony. Today, it’s not just about providing comfortable accommodations; it’s about fostering vibrant lifestyles that encompass health, wellness, and joy. Grand Living stands at the forefront of this evolution, offering a variety of fitness programs to enhance the lives of its residents. At the heart of this oasis lies not just a state-of-the-art gym, but a group of dedicated  Fitness Directors and Coordinators—visionaries of vitality, architects of well-being.

These full-time stewards are more than instructors; they are mentors, guides, and companions on each resident’s fitness journey. Well-trained, knowledgeable, and deeply engaged, these  Fitness gurus possess an innate understanding of residents’ needs, crafting tailored experiences that elevate and enrich. From Makenna Hendrickson, Fitness Coordinator of Grand Living at Bridgewater  (Coralville, Iowa), “At Grand Living, our fitness programs cater to all, regardless of fitness level. Each class is thoughtfully crafted to individual abilities, ensuring everyone is appropriately challenged. Our goal is to create a welcoming environment where residents feel comfortable and inspired to improve their health while having fun working out alongside others. “

Makenna Hendrickson, Fitness Coordinator at Grand Living at Bridgewater (Coralville, IA) teaches Ladies Boxing.

Within the Grand Spa and Fitness Center, residents embark on journeys of self-discovery, guided by these luminaries of vitality. As Shayda  Landi, Fitness Director of Grand Living at Riverstone (Sugar Land, TX) says, “I passionately believe in the transformative power of staying active and healthy, regardless of age or stage in life. Witnessing residents’ increased drive and enthusiasm for fitness classes and observing their enhanced happiness and well-being from the outcomes, fuels my motivation to continually elevate their experience.“

Here, amidst a tapestry of fitness programs, the foundation of wellness is laid.

Core Fitness Offerings: Strength, Balance, and Beyond*

Lucas Malaguez, Grand Living at Tower Place (West Des Moines, IA) Fitness Director guides a resident with strength training.

Tai Chi: An ancient art finds modern expression, as residents engage in slow, graceful movements to enhance balance, circulation, and mood.

Balance Mastery: Empowering residents to embrace life’s every step with confidence, with targeted exercises designed for strength and fall prevention.

Cardio Strength: A fusion of cardio and strength exercises, tailored for all fitness levels, igniting muscle endurance and cardiovascular fitness.

Core Strength: Strengthening the body’s stabilizers for balance, posture, and strength, whether seated or on the floor.

Grand Living residents enjoy a fun fitness routine to maintain their health and well-being.

Gentle Yoga Flow: A multi-level yoga class is designed to teach yoga basics offering modifications with mindful transitions. Breathwork and balance poses are incorporated to stretch and strengthen the body, calm, and center the mind.

Yet, the canvas of well-being at Grand Living is vast, and our Fitness leaders offer more than the average exercise routines. Like all our Fitness Directors, Myra O’ Coin (Grand Living at Naples, FL, with over 30 years of master personal trainer and elite fitness instructor), can effectively develop customized wellness programs, some of which are outlined below.


Beyond the Basics: Elevating Wellness, One Step at a Time*

Mark Marron, Lakewood Ranch (Sarasota, FL) Fitness Director teaches Dynamic Drumming.

Fitness Dynamic Drumming: A symphony of rhythm and motion, where drumsticks become wands of empowerment, unlocking hidden reserves of strength and joy.  Mark Marron, Lakewood Ranch Fitness Director regularly has Dynamic Drumming classes. He says, “The best part of my job is being with the residents. There is never a day I am not excited to come to work. I take pride in my ability to not only make fitness fun for the residents but make the classes fun for me to teach!”

Daniel Tirado, Fitness Director at Grand Living at Tamaya (Jacksonville, FL)  demonstrates Rock  Steady Boxing.

Rock Steady Boxing: A unique exercise program, based on training used by boxing pros, and adapted to people with Parkinson’s disease. It involves stretching, cardiovascular exercises, gait and posture training, balance and strength work, and lots of shadow and bag boxing. Daniel Tirado, Fitness Director at Grand Living at Tamaya likes to teach Rock Steady Boxing.  He says, “The best part of my job is the relationships I’ve built with the residents and their families. To be entrusted with the well-being of their loved ones is an awesome privilege.”

Jaylon Carter, Fitness Director at Grand Living at Indian Creek (Cedar Rapids, IA)  says seeing how happy the residents are,  and hearing how much these classes have impacted their lives is worth doing his job.

Pedal the World: A virtual expedition through distant lands, beckoning residents to explore, dream, and discover—all from the saddle of their stationary pedals.

Aqua Fitness: More than just splashes in the pool, this water resistance cardio and weight-bearing exercise program transcends boundaries, engaging muscles and spirits alike in the gentle embrace of buoyancy.

Chair Sports: The sports rotate based on the week, but all sports encourage fun competition and work on hand-eye coordination and range of motion in legs and arms.

Grand Living residents enjoy and learn using SMARTfit® Technology.

SMARTfit® Technology: The Path to Cognitive Vitality

At the heart of Grand Living’s fitness arsenal lies SMARTfit® technology—a beacon of cognitive vitality. Through gamified neuro-rehab and brain health programs, residents engage in activities designed to enhance memory, reaction time, and hand-eye coordination. Whether embarking on solo quests or joining small groups, residents unlock the keys to sharper minds and agile bodies.

Outdoor Adventures: Embracing Nature’s Bounty

Residents at Grand Living playing pickleball

However,  fitness at Grand Living isn’t confined to four walls—it spills beyond, into the open embrace of nature. Residents are encouraged to breathe the fresh air, to feel the sun’s warmth upon their faces, and to revel in the beauty of shared experiences. Group walking, cycling, pickleball—the options are endless, limited only by the bounds of imagination.

Grand Living resident enjoy the outdoors.

At Grand Living, fitness isn’t just about reps and routines; it’s about keeping the mind, body, and spirit connected and thriving every day. It’s about fostering a community where wellness isn’t a destination, but a way of life—a journey of self-discovery, shared laughter, and boundless possibility. Together, we embark on this odyssey, charting courses unknown, as we sculpt the masterpiece of our collective well-being—one step, one breath, one heartbeat at a time. Welcome to Grand Living—where wellness knows no bounds, and every day is an adventure in vitality.

*Grand Living Fitness programs vary by each community and may change at any time. Visit any Grand Living community to see our Grand Spa and Fitness Centers and all the rich amenities we offer. To schedule your exclusive and Grand Tour, click here.

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What does self-care mean to you? Self-care is defined by the National Institute of Mental Health as means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health. This can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have a big impact.  Self-care can be small acts, such as your nightly skincare routine, or brushing your hair and teeth in the morning.  Self-care can also be something like exercise, which takes a little bit more thought and effort, but in the end pays off big time. The list of benefits that exercise has to your mental health is long and truly amazing. lists some of those benefits as:Depression: Studies show that exercise can treat mild cases of depression just as well as medication, but without all of the side effects that typically turn people away from these types of medication. 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One that could be modified to be either a little harder or easier?  Once you do that, you can easily reflect on what self-care needs you personally have, and then can find a way to fit them into your day-to-day life.  I like to write these practices down in my planner so that I have reminders to create time for them, as I know its important for me to do.  Now, we at ClipDifferent are by no means physical training experts, but we have a couple of things that have worked for us to better create a self-care routine. Here are tips from the ClipDifferent team:I like to have it in my head that I want to work out every day. I often wake up and look at my day and then try to decide when I can fit in an hour to move! But the other part of this is something that I stay true to even more than just planning to exercise. And that is to not beat myself up on the days that I just couldnt find the time.  I know that there will always be tomorrow, and I can push myself a little bit harder for the lost time.Modify! If I had planned that I was going to get to the gym after a long day of work, and I come home just far too tired to get there I often opt for a walk outside instead of an intense gym session, just so that I am at least moving my body.  Half the time, once I do this I come back in the mood to pump out some extra movements like squats or lifting dumbbells.I love to reward myself.  Getting into the habit of exercise is hard, but so worth it.  I often like to reward myself on those days that I really was not in the mood, but did it anyway.  One thing to note, is that I try not to make a habit of this. It can be expensive and not always the healthiest. (Grabbing a latte every day after the gym will add up!) As you reflect on your own self-care journey, consider the power of starting small and being flexible in your approach. By examining your current habits and making intentional adjustments, you can tailor your self-care routine to suit your individual needs and preferences. Whether it's modifying your workout plans, setting realistic goals, or incorporating innovative solutions like ClipDifferent for nail care, the key is to find what works best for you and stick with it.Above all, be kind to yourself throughout the process. Self-care isn't about perfectionit's about progress and self-compassion. So, celebrate your successes, learn from setbacks, and remember that every step you take towards prioritizing your well-being is a step in the right direction. With dedication, mindfulness, and a commitment to self-care, you can cultivate a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

Autumn Activities for Seniors

With the cooler weather in the air, it is a great time to get outside and enjoy fall activities with friends and family. For many seniors, it may become an excuse to stay inside every day, bundle up, and read a good book or watch a favorite movie. However, becoming sedentary during this time may lead to some physical and cognitive decline. Senior living communities offer an active and engaging alternative with plenty of indoor and outdoor amenities for everyone to use so no one is cooped up inside their room all day! These amenities play an important part to your loved ones wellbeing and offer more than simply a place to spend your time. The intentional purpose they serve can enhance the quality of life for residents living in senior housing and striving to remain active. At Harmony Senior Services, we provide amenities that benefit you and your loved ones. Our communities offer so much more than nursing homes and we consciously create a space where our senior residents can socialize and gather with their neighbors. There is no better time to do this than in the fall months where football, food, and tailgating can be right in the center of the fun! Staying active and social during the cooler months are vital factors for seniors to remain both mentally and physically healthy. The colder weather can take a toll on your loved ones due to the fact that bones become more brittle as we age and finding suitable outdoor activities can be a real challenge. Harmony provides a variety of ways to enjoy fall activities with our convenient amenities and daily calendar of engaging activities for friends and family!Grilling OutsideCooking with your close friends is always something everyone loves and is entertained by. At our Harmony Senior Services communities, we offer a grilling area with outdoor seating that is a great way to socialize while eating a delicious meal. Who doesnt like a good hamburger or hotdog while watching football on the weekends? Our team is happy to assist you in planning a fun event for guests and residents to enjoy. Play an Outdoor GameEnjoying the great outdoors by playing a game is always a great way to socialize in senior housing communities. From cornhole, to bocce ball, to horseshoes, there is always something available for everyone to enjoy. If you prefer to spend your leisure time playing card games, try the idea of playing outside if the weather permits and get some fresh air! At Harmony, we have a variety of indoor and outdoor common areas to accommodate large events or more intimate gatherings. Take a WalkGetting the legs moving is always a good idea no matter the weather! For seniors, blood circulation is not as efficient as it once was during our younger years, so make sure to bundle up to stay warm while participating in outdoor aerobic activities. Our communities have plenty of dedicated spaces to walk around and explore while staying safe. Weve made it convenient for your four-legged friends as well, so feel free to bring Fido.   We understand that it is not in everyones best interest to be outdoors when the season turns cold. Thats why Harmony also has great indoor amenities that can help your loved one stay mentally and physically active inside our community.Our residents arent the only ones who benefit from Harmonys amenities and activity spaces. A family member of a current Harmony resident recently commented,They have a library, an activity room, and a small exercise room. There's also a small theater so they can watch evening movies, even though most people have cable in their rooms. It's a nice social aspect of the process, I think that's awesome.  Having purposeful amenities will play an important part in any senior housing community to keep residents engaged and thriving. Harmony Senior Services offers independent, assisted living, and memory care communities that feel more like home, are spacious and inviting, and strive to make each day filled with meaningful activities. If you are thinking of having your loved one relocate to senior living, contact Harmony today!

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There are so many new products out on the market specific for aging skin that can help you through your journey of aging well.Here are some smart beauty tips for seniors:Protect your skin from the sun: The sun's harmful rays can cause skin damage, age spots, and wrinkles. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, wear sun protective clothing, and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Even on cloudy days, you can still get sun damage so a daily SPF moisturizer is always a good idea. Keep your skin moisturized: As we age, our skin tends to become drier, so it's essential to use an effective moisturizer to keep it hydrated. Look for a moisturizer that contains natural active  ingredients like shea butter or jojoba oil.Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is a classic health tip and will keep your skin looking healthy and radiant. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.Eat a healthy diet: Eating a well-balanced diet that's rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help keep your skin looking youthful and vibrant and is an excellent source of vitamins needed for joint and gut health.Practice Positivity and Mindfulness as a Priority  Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Many seniors fear they will become lonely and separated from loved ones if they move into a senior living community. However, more often than not, the opposite occurs, as there are plenty of other residents and activities going on throughout retirement communities. Meaningful relationships and engaging activities improve mental well-being and longevity so make sure to take the time to schedule lunch-dates or a walk in the park with your loved ones! In addition to keeping your mental health and mood elevated, make sure to do things you enjoy and engage in activities that will fuel your happiness. Try to take up a new hobby or give a furry friend a new home! There are dozens of resources for seniors available through the phone or online for mental health. You can visit the National Institute of Mental Health website to learn more. Mindfulness benefits everyone, especially seniors, who make it a part of their daily routine. Practicing mindfulness and being in the moment has proven health benefits that will help you appreciate life and aging. Some of these benefits include improved focus, better memory, lower stress, increased sleep quality, and better mental health. There are plenty of modern-day practices that are offered for seniors who want to focus on mindfulness. You can practice mindfulness with a variety of different types of exercises such as yoga, meditation, tai chi, and coloring. A more modern solution to practicing mindfulness is to download a mindfulness app, available on most smartphones, as a way to receive information and practice meditation when its most convenient for you. The journey of aging is more about being healthy and happy than keeping the wrinkles away. It is natural to anticipate what is next, so dont hesitate to use the resources available. Surround yourself with the ones you love, take care of your skin, hydrate, sleep, and live your best life!Sources:How older adults and caregivers can practice mindfulness to improve well-being - Resources National Institute of Mental Health