Bladder: the Goal is Control

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Sep 16, 2012


Colorado - Northern Colorado

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Most women wait over six years before they tell their doctor if they struggle with bladder or bowel incontinence. Men wait even longer. Embarrassment leads to this delay in reaching out for help. Other times, people leave this issue unaddressed because they believe incontinence accompanies aging.
Pharmaceutical advertisements help shed light on this issue with promises to reduce the strong urge to urinate and stop dribbling for men and women in order to make life more manageable. In addition to pharmaceutical interventions, physical and occupational therapists with specialized training and certifications provide treatments that also resolve, reduce and improve bladder and bowel incontinence.
All too often, people receive therapy for incontinence and simply go home with a handout on Kegel exercises only to find the problem doesn't improve and frustration increases. To most-effectively treat incontinence the problem needs attention from a specialist. Trained therapists can utilize biofeedback to discover what is truly causing clients incontinence. Biofeedback allows the therapist and their clients to see how the muscles that provide bladder and bowel control are performing by measuring their electrical activity and projecting it on a computer screen. This visual feedback assists in determining what is actually causing the incontinence, even in complex medical cases and chronic conditions or diseases and then the most appropriate treatment regime is developed.
In addition to assessing the deep internal muscles of the pelvis, therapists provide helpful education for bladder and bowel health, home exercise programs, how to avoid irritants and most importantly, enjoy life, family and the community without the stress and difficulty of incontinence.

Editors Note: This article was written by Krista Covell, owner of Covell Care and Rehabilitation a Medicare and Medicaid certified business. She may be reached at 970-980-9377

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Managing Urinary Incontinence

For more information on the author Comfort Keepers Fort Myers, CLICK HERE.Urinary incontinence is an issue that more than half of seniors deal with, and it can affect a seniors health, social connections, and self-esteem. Managing incontinence is critical for seniors that want to maintain their independence and quality of life while remaining in their home.*New guidelines released in 2018 recommend that women be screened for issues that cause incontinence on a yearly basis.While incontinence is a highly prevalent issue, its important to remember that incontinence is treatable, and a physician can make recommendations based on the type of incontinence they diagnose.Why Does Incontinence Happen?During urination, muscles in the bladder tighten to move urine into a tube called the urethra, while the muscles around the urethra relax and let the urine pass out of the body. When the muscles in and around the bladder don't work properly, urine can leak. Incontinence can occur for short periods of time due to urinary tract infections, constipation, or as a side effect of a medication.How is Incontinence Diagnosed and Treated?Depending on the severity of the problem, a doctor may recommend any or all of the following:A urinalysis to rule out infection or blood in the urineBlood tests to check on kidney function, calcium and glucose levelsA complete physical exam and thorough discussion of ones medical historyMedicine that calms muscles and nerves to treat an overactive bladder.Exercises to strengthen the pelvic musclesIf other treatments fail, surgery may be suggested to improve bladder control.How Can Incontinence be Managed at Home?There are a few lifestyle changes that can help manage incontinence:Pelvic muscle exercises: Working the muscles that can stop urination can have a positive effect in reducing incontinence.Timed bathroom breaks: Going to the restroom on a schedule can help those with urge and overflow incontinence.Fluid and diet management: Avoid food and drinks that irritate the bladder. Its important for seniors to discuss their diet and fluid intake with the doctor before making any changes.Behavioral changes: There are some habits that can make incontinence worse. These include smoking, drinking alcohol, lifting objects that are too heavy and consuming caffeine, among others.Comfort Keepers Can HelpIf your loved one has specific care needs related to a health issue, like incontinence, we can help. Our caregivers can provide transportation to appointments, medication reminders, support for physician-recommended diet and exercise programs, and help monitor physical changes and symptoms. And, we strive to elevate the human spirit through quality, compassionate, joyful care.To learn more about our in-home care services, contact your local Comfort Keepers location today.