Choices & Adventures Go Hand-in-Hand!

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Feb 26, 2018

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Many retirement communities offer a continuum of care services to meet the varying needs of their residents. From maintenance, medications, meals, and more, there are many ways that communities serve their populations. But although services and amenities help us quantify the value of a retirement community residents most often choose a community based on the way they feel about it. This is often how we imagine that we will fit in with, and relate to, the other residents that live there. Why? A largely under-emphasized reason why people choose to move to a life-plan community is because of the social aspect that it offers. Its been proven that having friends, loved-ones, and companions that care about you increases overall satisfaction in life, and even increases longevity! A life-plan community offers an almost-instantaneous group of friends and neighbors who are in the same boat as you, and who become your new family to learn, grow, travel, and enjoy life with.
Below are some common hesitations that people have, and some suggestions for how to think through these concerns as you consider your future:

1. I love my house and Im never leaving it: As a veteran sales counselor, Ive heard many stories about how people are very attached to their house and the memories in it. However, the once beloved house becomes a major factor in that persons isolation whether its having to cancel plans with friends in order to mow the yard, shovel snow, or simply because the once familiar neighborhood is changing and new families are moving in to replace your long-time friends and neighbors. A transition to a life plan community is a time to make a new home and new memories and you are taking positive action to not allow your once-loved home to become your biggest burden.

2. Thats where old people go: This comment always makes me smile because its usually coming from someone touring the community who is 99 years old, and cant imagine that they themselves are even remotely in that category. I always respond with age is just a number and quip that some 45-year-olds act like they are 100, and some 100-year-olds act like they are not a day over 30! Many life-plan communities have a minimum age of 62, and many people are choosing to move to the communities in their 60s because they can enjoy the services and amenities, and new friendships for a better-third of their life.

3. I already have friends, how will I meet new ones?: A major aspect of most life plan communities is their life enrichment programming. There are often dozens of clubs, activities, trips, or interest groups that you can become part of. Like to sing? Join the chorale! Like to golf? Join the team! Like to volunteer at charitable organizations? Often communities will organize outreach programming. Becoming involved in your new community is a great way to meet new like-minded friends, and build your sense of belonging.

If youve already made the decision to move to a life plan community congratulations! Your new adventure awaits you! If youre still on the fence, try to explore what hesitations are holding you back. Once you make the move, youll be glad you did! Your new friends are waiting for you!

Editors Note: This article was submitted by Christina Gallagher. Christina is the Director of Marketing with Homestead Village Enhanced Senior Living.

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