Choosing a Trustee for a Special Needs Trust


Ashley Day Law

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Jul 12, 2023


Alabama - Gulf Coast

Choosing a Trustee for a Special Needs Trust

When handled appropriately, special needs trusts can protect your loved one’s assets and provide for their needs over time while allowing them to receive government benefits. As the trustee plays an invaluable role in managing the beneficiary’s finances, protecting your loved one’s interests, and maintaining your loved one’s eligibility for benefits programs, selecting the correct trustee is crucial.

When establishing a special needs trust, consider the following:

  • Dependable family members or other trusted individuals can serve as trustees, as they know the beneficiary and can protect the beneficiary’s interests.
  • An independent trustee, such as a bank or trust company, can also manage the trust, lending specific financial knowledge.
  • Special needs trusts can have co-trustees. Two family members can be co-trustees. A family member and an independent trustee can also collaborate, balancing personal connections and expertise.
  • When a financial institution serves as a trustee, a family member can be a protector or advisor. Although this individual has no legal authority over the trust, the protector can advise the trustee about the beneficiary’s needs.

Choosing the Best Candidate

Given the power they will have to control your loved one’s funds and look after their well-being, the trustee you select must be honest and reliable. Although the law imposes a fiduciary duty on trustees to act ethically, there is little court oversight, leaving beneficiaries vulnerable to dishonest actors. To ensure unselfish decisions, the person should have no conflicts of interest and should not receive personal funds from the trust.

Understanding public benefits programs, such as Medicaid and Social Security, can help the trustee provide for the beneficiary’s needs while preserving eligibility for these programs. Few family members will come into the role completely understanding public benefits regulations. Those without experience with Medicaid or Social Security should be willing to learn how these rules will affect the beneficiary and how to manage the trust to ensure the beneficiary maintains eligibility. A special needs planning lawyer can explain the law and provide guidance.

In addition to solid ethics and a willingness to learn about public benefits programs, the trustee should be responsible, organized, and financially savvy. Handling investments, reports, records, and tax returns are part of the trustee’s role.

The right trustee will also understand and respect the beneficiary’s needs. The trustee should recognize the beneficiary’s autonomy and strive to allocate funds to support independence while protecting your loved one’s interests.

Before you or your loved one appoints a trustee, talk to the person you have in mind and ensure that the proposed trustee wants to — and can — take on the role. Consider the person’s health and life expectancy. The ideal trustee should be able to take on the rule for the duration of the beneficiary’s life.

Including another trusted individual as a successor trustee can protect the beneficiary if the first trustee passes away or can no longer manage the trust.

Ashley Day is an Elder Law, Special Needs, Trust and Estate attorney.  Contact Ashley Day to learn more about selecting the best trustee for a special needs trust.  Call 251-277-3377 for more information.

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Ashley Day Law

Estate Planning 8335 Gayfer Road Extension, Fairhope, Alabama, 36532

Estate Planning - Ashley Day Law provides comprehensive planning ot individuals and families.We help our clients prepare for unexpected incapacity or death, to ensure both that their family and loved ones have the ability to care for them and that their assets are transferred at their passing in accordance with their goals and wishes. We design and create proper estate plans for our clients, review beneficiary designations, and advise our clients to ensure trusts are funded.Establishing your estate plan is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones during your lifetime, in case of disability, and at your death. A well-thought-out and comprehensive estate plan can prevent the need for someone to obtain guardianship in the future, lessen administrative costs associated with the transfer of assets at death, and help smooth familial relations.Our estate planning services include:Forming Living, Irrevocable Protection TrustsAssisting with Beneficiary Designations and Other Non-Probate TransfersDrafting Wills, Living Trusts, Healthcare Directives, Powers of Attorney, and Other Planning DocumentsAdvising Executors, Administrators, Trustees, and GuardiansDeveloping Caregiver Agreements and Other Family AgreementsPost-Mortem PlanningWhile estate planning often includes a variety of items among those listed above, foundational estate planning includes, at least, wills, durable powers of attorney, advance healthcare directives, HIPAA authorizations, and a stand-alone or testamentary supplemental needs trust if you have a loved one with special needs. These instruments are critical to ensure your wishes are followed. A properly designed and implemented estate plan also can help you accomplish additional goals, such as:Providing financial security for your familyEnsuring your property is preserved and passed on to your beneficiariesAvoiding disputes among family members, business owners, or with third parties (such as the IRS)Providing for your childrens or grandchildrens educationProviding for your favorite charityMaintaining control over or ensuring the competent management of your property in case of incapacityMinimizing tax consequences and other costsAvoiding probateProviding adequate liquidity for the settlement of your estateTransferring ownership of your business to your beneficiariesPassing on your values, sense of responsibility, and work ethic to heirsEvery family situation is unique. We work with you and your other professional advisors, including financial planners, accountants, and/or other attorneys who are familiar with your goals and concerns to determine what options work best for you and your family and ensure their implementation.By protecting your estate and yourself, you are protecting your family and sparing them the expense, delay, and frustration that occurs when family members fail to plan. No estate plan is one size fits all. As priorities change, plans can be modified. Its never too early or too late to plan. Give us a call. Were here to help.

Ashley Day Law

Elder Law 8335 Gayfer Road Extension, Fairhope, Alabama, 36532

Elder Law - Plan to provide for future needs and preserve your legacy.Planning for the future and ensuring that your wishes will be carried out doesnt have to keep you up at night. If you or your loved one is 60+, now is a good time to plan your legal strategies to receive care in your home as you desire and if you may need expensive long-term care. If you have plans in place, we will review them with you and suggest modifications or additions, if any, for you to accomplish your goals.Elder law and estate planning serve two different, but equally vital, functions. The main difference is that elder law is focused on ensuring your care and preserving your assets during your lifetime, while estate planning concentrates on what happens to your assets after you die.Elder law planning is concerned with ensuring that seniors live long, healthy, and financially secure lives. It usually involves anticipating future medical needs, including long-term care. Elder law services include planning for the expected and the unexpected: pre-need planning and crisis planning. Planning is tailored to each clients concerns, goals, family dynamics, and immediate or potential future care needs and may include planning tools such as:Advance Directive for Health Care (Living Will)Healthcare Power of Attorney with Healthcare PreferencesDurable Power of Attorney for Property with Expanded PowersLong-Term Care Sensitive WillsCertification as to Validity of Power of Attorney and Agents AuthoritySpecial Needs Trusts or Other Asset Protection TrustsMedicaid and SSI PlanningLong Term Care PlanningGuardianships and ConservatorshipsUnderstanding/Protecting Against Elder Abuse and NeglectElder law planning also includes your instructions about living arrangements and priorities when it comes to care, which benefits your entire family. Whats more, it can ensure that you are protected from elder abuse or exploitation when you get older or become incapacitated. For seniors, this means resting assured that you will not be a burden to your children, siblings, or other family members if/when you are not able to care for yourselves. For other family members, your planning manifests your love for them, providing peace of mind and the tools needed to ensure care is provided as planned.Finally, elder law covers assistance with guardianship and conservatorship, if needed. Guardianship and/or conservatorship may be necessary to protect and provide for individuals who are unable to care for themselves or live independently, who are unable to understand or manage money and assets, and who may be at risk of abuse and exploitation. Supported Decision Making may be an alternative to guardianship/conservatorship for individuals with limited abilities to retain their decision-making capacity by choosing supporters to help them make choices.When planning proactively, Ashley Day Law works with you to determine your priorities and what future needs must be met and put together the best course of action based on your income and assets to protect your quality of life and reduce unnecessary stress within the family.When crisis planning, our caring and comprehensive approach can help guide you through a difficult process and relieve you of some of your worries.Having to place a loved one in a skilled nursing facility can be an emotionally wrenching experience. To make matters worse, confusion often reigns supreme when determining how to best use income and assets and when navigating the Medicaid application process. Well-meaning family, friends, and even professional advisers may give conflicting or incomplete advice causing families needlessly to lose their property and assets. At Ashley Day Law, we will help you plan for future care needs and how to pay for them, prepare documents for you to enact your plan, and assist with the administration to ensure plans are implemented and assets distributed as instructed.You want to do what is best for the people you love throughout your lifetime and ensure they are taken care of after you are gone. Give us a call.

Ashley Day Law

Special Needs Trusts 8335 Gayfer Road Extension, Fairhope, Alabama, 36532

SPECIAL NEEDS PLANNINGParents of children with special needs often worry about how their children would survive and be cared for when their parents are no longer alive to support them.  If one of your loved ones is living with a disability, you make sure that all their needs are met daily.  But what would happen if you were gone?Also, over the years, parents are required to make many decisions in their childrens best interests, and those decisions are only amplified for parents with special needs children. Often, parents of special needs children dont know what questions to ask and are unaware of the many questions that inevitably will come their way. For the greatest success in securing your childrens futures, its important for parents and other family members to be prepared before its too late. Thats the role of special needs planning.Special Needs Planning involves preparing for the current and future care needs of children and adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, neurocognitive disorders, and/or psychiatric illnesses. It is the best way for a parent, grandparent, and/or guardian to proactively protect and provide for children and grandchildren with disabilities both in the near and not-so-near future for care, housing, and quality of life should something unexpectedly happen to you; for 18th birthdays (automatic transfer of parental rights); for eligibility for government benefits; for change in life circumstances; planning for your childs quality of life, and for your peace of mind.Our special needs planning services include:Special (Supplemental) Needs TrustsRevocable Living Trusts with Special (Supplemental) Needs Trust ProvisionsWills with Special Needs & Spousal Trust ProvisionsGuardianships and ConservatorshipsPlanning for Age 18Planning for Eligibility for Government Benefits (SSI, Medicaid, etc.)Government Benefits AdvisementSchool Law/AdvocacyGuardianship/Conservatorship AdministrationSpecial (Supplemental) Needs Trust AdministrationSpecial needs planning is critical because individuals with special needs often are unable to make appropriate financial decisions for themselves and/or are at risk of financial exploitation by others. Equally important is to maintain eligibility for public benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid and enable children with special needs to have fulfilling lives.SSI is used to pay for food and housing (primary needs), but it is not nearly enough to live on. Medicaid waiver programs enable access to beneficial services and programs not accessible absent Medicaid eligibility. Generally, beneficiaries of SSI or Medicaid can have little income and, at most, $2,000 in assets. Leaving money to loved ones directly to provide for their care would jeopardize their ability to receive any help from these means-tested government programs. On top of that, the money left to them would have to be spent down to pay for primary needs previously covered by SSI instead of being used to improve the care provided and quality of life. A Special (Supplemental) Needs Trust (SNT) manages resources while also maintaining the beneficiarys eligibility for public assistance benefits.For most families, a third-party irrevocable Special SNT is the most effective way to set aside assets and funds to help the person with special needs. Cash, investment accounts, real estate, or proceeds from a life insurance policy are common ways to fund the trust. The trust can provide for the beneficiary during the parents lifetimes and will provide for the beneficiary when parents are no longer around to care for the beneficiary. Because the SNT owns the assets instead of the beneficiary, the assets are excluded from asset limit tests for SSI or Medicaid. Meanwhile, trust funds can be used to pay for quality-of-life improvements for the beneficiary, such as a phone, an iPad, computer games, trips, travel to visit family, entertainment events, and other activities. The SNT also ensures that funds are used for the benefit of your vulnerable family member and that other relatives, such as siblings, are not left with the responsibility and costs of care.Special needs planning can be a complex and confusing area of the law. Ashley Day Law, LLC will work with you to construct a comprehensive plan customized to your situation and provide you with the tools and information necessary to make sure your loved one is protected, so you have peace of mind knowing your loved one will be taken care of just as you wish.How well you do or dont plan for a special needs family member can have tremendous consequences. Give us a call. Let us help you get it right.