Comprehensive Massage for Seniors

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Oct 27, 2015

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As we age many things are different and it is important to realize that our age is an advantage mainly in terms of time and experience. Physiological and psychological age is a variable result in the formula of life where your attitude towards personal health and activity determine the quality, endurance, efficiency and longevity of your life. The complex of minor disorders and injuries, collected for a lifelong period, appear as chronic pain syndromes, limiting our physical activity and darkening our sense of surrounding beauty.

However, the number of disorders lowering our quality of life has functional and reversible character. It means that a positive attitude can make a drastic difference to the quality of your life. Manual therapy, can give you efficient impact and a weapon for struggle with aging and weakness in the most knowledgeable, natural, physiological, efficient and joyful way without side effects. Massage can be different from anything that you knew before. Massage can be used like surgeons tool; exactly and precisely focused on that structural and physiological condition in your body which causes discomfort, pain, activity restrictions and even disability.

Comprehensive massage is a powerful fusion of the most effective techniques of massage and bodywork. Comprehensive means inclusive, flexible, universal, and efficient; this is true of knowledge, education and wisdom at the base of professionalism. It is targeting our common enemies pain and weakness, depression and aging.

For seniors a specialized 30 - 40 min geriatric procedure is a unique way of rehabilitation and rejuvenation during and after a wide variety of disorders. It works as a symptomatic and preventive while maintaining measure with amazing effect.

Geriatric Massage is a holistic type of therapy that treats the whole person, not just condition. It is focused on vascular, nervous and muscular systems, improving metabolism and cellular regeneration in the organism, literally; it fills you with energy while restoring neuromuscular functionality, relieving pain and increasing physical performance. It fights depression and anxiety, improves sleeping, confidence, and motivation. It is not a miracle! The miracle is you, your mind, and your organism that enables you to overcome any disease. We just cooperate and assist.

Editors Note: This article was submitted by Victor Likhobabin, PhD, LMT, and NCBTMB of 1st Comprehensive Massage Clinic. He may be reached at 801-274-0462

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Joliet Area Community Hospice Considered the model for quality compassionate care for people facing end of life, hospice provides expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support expressly tailored to each patients individual needs and wishes.Hospice can improve a persons quality of life when curative treatments and technology are no longer effective or desired. Like various sectors of the medical community, Joliet Area Community Hospice (JACH) includes complementary therapies in patient care plans and with family bereavement. Currently music, art, pet, massage, Reiki and aroma therapies are offered to our patients. These non-invasive therapies promote comfort and well-being and complement the medical and social support they already receive from their interdisciplinary care teams. Complementary therapies promote relaxation and rest, minimize anxiety and stress, release tension, reduce pain, helps with agitation and improve functional status and quality of life.Aromatherapy has minimal side effects and is ideal in hospice care. Not only does it benefit the patient but also family members and caregivers. Our trained staff choose the right essential oils and method of application. They incorporate aromatherapy through touch and massage or through diffusers. Massage in itself is beneficial and when paired with aromatherapy, canboost the mood and ease the tension many hospice patients experience.Reiki treats the whole person. It is a Japanese therapy for stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki is a popular and beneficial healing modality that is utilized for health and wellness. It is based on energetic principles and is practiced in many hospitals, medical settings, and in private practice all around the world.Music can be a powerful tool at end of life by bringing peace and harmony to a hospice patient. Studies have shown that patients at end of life engage more easily when music is playing. Music therapy has always proven to enhance verbal and motor abilities for adults, teenagers and children.Pet therapy promotes conversation, activity and emotional connections during a visit. Some patients enjoy petting the animal and having them lay by them to cuddle. Others like to throw a ball and play fetch, while some give the dog commands to do. People who love animals and have had pets of their own can feel a sense of normalcy from a pet therapy visit.Art therapy is also beneficial to hospice patients as well as their family member and can help when dealing with anticipatory grief. Art is a perfect outlet to express feelings and in turn reducing anxiety. Adults, teenagers and children benefit from art therapy as a means of relaxation and stress relief. Therapies offered to JACH patients and families are administered wherever home is and by licensed staff or volunteers as required. Editors Note: As a hospice patient or family member, ask your care team about these additional therapies that may provide additional bene?ts to you. Submitted by Joliet Area Community Hospice, 250 Water Stone Circle, Joliet, IL 815.740.4104.

Comprehensive Massage for Seniors

As we age many things are different and it is important to realize that our age is an advantage mainly in terms of time and experience. Physiological and psychological age is a variable result in the formula of life where your attitude towards personal health and activity determine the quality, endurance, efficiency and longevity of your life. The complex of minor disorders and injuries, collected for a lifelong period, appear as chronic pain syndromes, limiting our physical activity and darkening our sense of surrounding beauty.However, the number of disorders lowering our quality of life has functional and reversible character. It means that a positive attitude can make a drastic difference to the quality of your life. Manual therapy, can give you efficient impact and a weapon for struggle with aging and weakness in the most knowledgeable, natural, physiological, efficient and joyful way without side effects. Massage can be different from anything that you knew before. Massage can be used like surgeons tool; exactly and precisely focused on that structural and physiological condition in your body which causes discomfort, pain, activity restrictions and even disability.Comprehensive massage is a powerful fusion of the most effective techniques of massage and bodywork. Comprehensive means inclusive, flexible, universal, and efficient; this is true of knowledge, education and wisdom at the base of professionalism. It is targeting our common enemies pain and weakness, depression and aging.For seniors a specialized 30 - 40 min geriatric procedure is a unique way of rehabilitation and rejuvenation during and after a wide variety of disorders. It works as a symptomatic and preventive while maintaining measure with amazing effect.Geriatric Massage is a holistic type of therapy that treats the whole person, not just condition. It is focused on vascular, nervous and muscular systems, improving metabolism and cellular regeneration in the organism, literally; it fills you with energy while restoring neuromuscular functionality, relieving pain and increasing physical performance. It fights depression and anxiety, improves sleeping, confidence, and motivation. It is not a miracle! The miracle is you, your mind, and your organism that enables you to overcome any disease. We just cooperate and assist.Editors Note: This article was submitted by Victor Likhobabin, PhD, LMT, and NCBTMB of 1st Comprehensive Massage Clinic. He may be reached at 801-274-0462

The 10 As of Alzheimer's Stages of care

Agitation and frustration are common behaviors for those with Alzheimer's and can lead to a feeling of hopelessness by you, the caregiver or family member. There are a few strategies that may help, but first, as hard as it is, you must come to terms that mom's or dad's reality may be different now. Trying to meet them in their world will help you to truly empathize with their feelings and could help you problem-solve whatever behavior you are facing. The goal is creating for your loved one the best life they can live, full of as much independence and purpose, while trying to redirect frustration and keep them safe.While caring for your loved one, you may experience your own sadness and frustration or you may struggle to find balance. It's especially important for caregivers to make time for themselves. Creating an environment in which all of these tips can be performed all the time may not be realistic for you. Likely it will be exhausting, and at times, rewarding. A support group like the one we offer may help you meet other people in your same situation and offer a break away from your duties at home.Here are some quick tips for caregivers as you learn to communicate with your loved one:1. Arguments are useless. In fact, they often make matters worse. Confusion, memory loss and frustration are making the person behave irrationally, and you cant argue them out of it.2. Allow as much independence and freedom as possible, while keeping safety and comfort in mind.3. Actions help when verbal communication fails. Help by demonstrating what you mean, or by starting the activity in question.4. Assume that your loved one may understand and hear what you say even if they are confused. Do not say things in front of them as if they are not there.5. Appreciate good moments or good days even though the persons ability may not be what it used to be.6. Appropriate and productive activities help pass the time and reduce agitation, boredom, daytime sleeping and depression. Give your loved one safe, realistic tasks or activities that can be easily finished and would be something he or she would have enjoyed doing normally, such as an art project or planting flowers.7. Agitation is often alleviated when the caregiver remains calm, reassuring and respectful of the persons feelings. "Centering" can help you get control of emotions when things get to be too much. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly numerous times until you can gain composure.8. Adults with disabilities are still adults. It is important that they are always treated with respect and dignity.9. Adapt a task or activity to fit the ability of the resident. Break down the activity into separate steps; simplify tasks by eliminating parts that could be frustrating.10. Assessment is ongoing. What is safe and effective for now may change. Keep watching and reevaluating.