Dementia Care: A Positive Approach to Communication


Dementia360 - A Presbyterian SeniorCare Network Program, Allegheny County

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Apr 13, 2022


Pennsylvania - Greater Pittsburgh Area

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Maintaining positive, loving communication in the midst of the daily stress of caring for a family member living with dementia can be challenging for everyone involved, but it is essential for the health and well-being of each member of the family.
How you talk with your family member, how much they understand, and how you make them feel when you are talking with them impacts your relationship, the overall vibe at home, and whether they are accepting of your help and guidance or refuse it.
Positive Communication Approaches
Eliminate Distractions: Minimize extra noise (fans, radios, whistling hearing aids) and visual distractions (glasses on/clean, TV off). If the person is seated, sit down; connect with them at eye level. To get their attention, gesture, smile, offer your hand and make eye contact.
Avoid Conflicts: A person living with dementia will forget facts, but they will never forget how you make them feel. Rather than repeatedly arguing about tea kettles left on the stove, buy an electric kettle with an automatic off. Label cabinets with pictures to avoid frustrating searches and promote independence. When they talk about long-ago events as though they are currently happening, or refer to someone who has passed as alive, resist correcting them; join them in their world rather than forcing them into yours.
Keep it Simple: Break tasks down into simple steps; use five words or less in a sentence, visuals instead of words when possible, and non-verbal cues like pointing or showing. Be patientwait at least 20-30 seconds for answers and offer a choice between two options rather than asking them an open-ended question or too many choices.
Be Calm: People living with dementia are highly empathetic, often mirroring the emotionsgood and badof their caregivers. So, be aware of your body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. If youre becoming irritated or frustrated, walk away, take a deep breath, and try again when you are relaxed.
As a Dementia Care Center of Excellence, Presbyterian SeniorCare Network is committed to sharing our expertise and providing educational support to improve dementia care, especially for people living with dementia at home. To learn more about services for family caregivers visit
Editors Note: This article was written by Presbyterian SeniorCare Network. Contact us at to learn more.

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While often harmless, they can sometimes indicate more serious conditions:Retinal Detachment: If accompanied by flashes of light, it could signify retinal detachment, a serious condition requiring immediate medical attention.Diabetic Retinopathy: Diabetes can cause changes in the vitreous, the gel-like substance inside the eye, leading to floaters.Night BlindnessIndication: Vitamin A Deficiency or Genetic DisordersDifficulty seeing in low light or at night, known as night blindness, can be due to:Vitamin A Deficiency: Essential for maintaining healthy vision, a deficiency can lead to night blindness.Retinitis Pigmentosa: A genetic disorder that affects the retina and can lead to progressive vision loss.Pupil AbnormalitiesIndication: Neurological DisordersChanges in pupil size or reactions can be indicative of neurological issues:Anisocoria: Unequal pupil sizes, which can be a harmless condition or a sign of nerve damage or other neurological problems.Horners Syndrome: Characterized by a smaller pupil, drooping eyelid, and lack of sweating on one side of the face, indicating possible nerve damage.Swollen EyelidsIndication: Infections or AllergiesSwelling of the eyelids can be due to:Blepharitis: Inflammation of the eyelid margins, often caused by bacterial infections or skin conditions like dandruff.Chalazion or Stye: Blocked oil glands can lead to these lumps, causing swelling and discomfort.Allergic Reactions: Allergies to pollen, dust, or makeup can cause swollen eyelids.Changes In Eye ColorIndication: Wilsons Disease or AgingWhile gradual changes in eye color are often harmless, sudden changes can be a concern:Wilsons Disease: A rare genetic disorder causing copper accumulation in tissues, leading to a brown ring around the cornea (Kayser-Fleischer ring).Aging: Over time, the iris can accumulate pigment, slightly altering eye color.Safeguard Your Vision And Overall HealthThe eyes are complex organs that do more than allow us to see; they can also serve as indicators of various health conditions. 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Local Services By This Author

Dementia360 - A Presbyterian SeniorCare Network Program, Allegheny County

Caregiver Support Services 1215 Hulton Rd, Oakmont, Pennsylvania, 15139

Help for Families Living with DementiaDementia360 gives family caregivers of people living with dementia the support, resources, and connections they need to keep their loved ones at home--living comfortably and safely, for as long as possible. Understanding the disease and how it affects people emotionally and physically is critical for caregivers to be successful at any stage of the disease.Life does not prepare anyone to be a dementia caregiver and everyone is impacted by this disease in a different way. Finding answers and solutions to the challenges of daily life with dementia is a verypersonal journey, a journey no one should have to go on alone.The highly skilled Care Coordinators at Dementia360 provide education, support, coaching and connections to community resources to help families live better, together.