Do I Need to Update My Will from 10 Years Ago?


The Dorcey Law Firm

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Jul 23, 2023


Florida - Southwest

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Having a will in place is one of the most important things you can do to provide for yourself and your loved ones. This plan gives you the clarity, peace of mind, and security needed to ensure that whatever happens in the future, your assets are taken care of and distributed properly.

However, it's important to review estate documents often to ensure information is up-to-date and abides by current laws. Taking steps today to make sure all decisions are thoroughly thought out will give you greater control over how assets should be managed in the future.

How Often Should a Will be Updated?

Keeping your will current with the latest laws is essential for making sure your wishes are carried out. While a good rule of thumb is to review all documents every five years, this timeline should be adjusted in special circumstances. For instance, as you get older, updating your will more frequently may be necessary. Similarly, if you have a significant amount of assets or experience a major life event that could drastically affect your possible decisions down the road, it's important to adjust your will and estate plans accordingly.

Life Events That Can Affect Your Will

It is important to remember that if you plan on taking advantage of the protections offered through Florida law, such as those for your children, spouse, and business, you must make sure your will is up-to-date. These protections may not be fulfilled when documents are outdated or not properly maintained because there is no way for companies or the court system to know what should be honored. As such, here are a few events that indicate it’s time to update your will:

  • New family members: As new members of your family are added through birth, adoption, and marriage, you may want to update your will to accommodate these new members. Keeping this information current will help protections for children and grandchildren stay honored. These protections may include provisions for a family member with special needs or if you decide to provide for a child from a previous marriage.
  • Marriage or divorce: If you would like your spouse to inherit your property, have access to your life insurance, and make end-of-life decisions for you, you must specifically name them in your estate plan. If you have a former spouse that you no longer wish to inherit your assets or make decisions on your behalf, it is best for you to remove them from your plan as soon as possible.
  • Changes in health: If you have been diagnosed with a health condition that may affect your decision-making ability, consider who can care for you if you become incapacitated.
  • Buying a home: If you buy another home, working with an estate attorney can help guide you on how to pass down your property to your loved ones. In addition, if you moved out of state or purchased real estate in another state, you should update your will as soon as possible.

How Do I Change My Will in Florida?

In Florida, there are two ways to change a will. They include the following methods:

  1. Write a new will
  2. Amend your current will with a codicil

If you decide to write a new will, your old will must be emphatically revoked. To do so, you must stipulate in your new will that you revoke all previous wills. Or you may also physically destroy the old will and any copies. This can involve burning, shredding, and other methods to destroy the will.

Contact Our Estate Attorneys at Dorcey Law Firm

At Dorcey Law Firm, our attorneys are extensively knowledgeable when it comes to will writing and updating. We prioritize our clients’ concerns and wishes to ensure the well-being of their finances, assets, and personal property after death. We sincerely dedicate ourselves to providing the best service with respect and care to our clients. With Dorcey Law Firm as your partner, you can rest assured knowing that your estate matters are taken care of.

Call us at (239) 309-2870 or contact us online to learn more about how to protect your wishes and loved ones.

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What is a Last Will and Testament?

A Last Will & Testament, commonly referred to as a Will, is a legal document that expresses a person's wishes regarding the distribution of their assets and the management of their affairs after their death. It serves as a written record of how an individual wants their property and belongings to be handled, including who should inherit their assets, who should be appointed as guardians for minor children, and any other specific instructions they may have regarding their final wishes when they are gone.  Many people confuse a Will with a Living Will which is a much different document that takes effect while you are alive!  Here in Florida, it generally covers three conditions and states that if you have: a terminal condition; end stage condition; or if you are in a persistent vegetative state, where in the opinion of two doctors, there is not reasonable medical hope of recovery, that you do not want to be kept alive by machines.  Again, a very different purpose than your Last Will & Testament. The main purposes of a Last Will & Testament are:Asset Distribution: A Will allows individuals to specify how their property, such as real estate, investments, bank accounts, personal belongings, and other assets, should be distributed among their beneficiaries or heirs. Without a Will, the distribution of assets typically follows the laws of intestacy, which may not align with the deceased person's preferences.Guardianship designation: If the deceased person has minor children, a Will can designate a guardian who will be responsible for their care and upbringing. This allows parents to have a say in who will be responsible for their children's well-being if they pass away and not leave it solely up to a judge with no input from them.Personal Representative Appointment: A Will typically appoints what is referred to in Florida as a personal Representative.  Other states call the persona and Executor.  This person is responsible for ensuring that the deceased person's wishes, as outlined in the Will, are carried out. The Personal Representative manages the administrative tasks, such as paying outstanding debts, filing tax returns, and distributing assets according to the instructions provided in the Will.Avoiding potential conflicts: This is a big issue, especially in situations where there is a second or third marriage involved and there are children from a prior relationship.  A well-drafted Will can help minimize conflicts among family members or other potential beneficiaries, as it provides clear instructions on asset distribution and removes ambiguity. To be legally valid in Florida, a Will requires certain formalities, such as being in writing, signed by the testator (the person making the Will) and witnessed by two witnesses.  Also it is best to have the testators signature and the witnesses signatures acknowledged by a Notary Public.  This makes the Will a self-proving Will which avoids the necessity of having to find the witnesses when the testator passes.Will ContestsContesting a Last Will & Testament means challenging its validity or certain provisions within it. There are a number of grounds on which a Will can be contested in Florida. Some of the typical reasons for contesting a Will include: Lack of testamentary capacity: This refers to the testator's mental ability to understand the nature and significance of creating a Will. If it can be demonstrated that the testator lacked the necessary mental capacity at the time of creating the Will, it may be deemed invalid. Factors that can affect testamentary capacity include mental illness, senility, or undue influence.Undue influence: If it can be proven that the testator was coerced, manipulated, or unduly influenced by another person when creating the Will, it may be contested. Undue influence typically involves someone exerting pressure on the testator to make decisions against their own wishes or best interests.  It is often a caregiver who cuts off outsiders from contact with the testator.  It can be a child, a spouse, a home health aid of trusted advisor.Fraud or forgery: If there is evidence to suggest that the Will was forged or that fraud was involved in its creation, it can be contested. This may include situations where someone impersonates the testator, forges their signature, or makes fraudulent changes to the Will.Improper execution: Wills must generally meet certain formalities to be considered valid. If the Will was not properly executed according to the legal requirements of the jurisdiction, such as lack of witnesses or failure to sign the document correctly, it can be contested.  This often occurs when someone tries to use a do it yourself Will kit.  While DIY may be good for home improvement projects, it is best to consult professionals when planning to disburse your hard-earned assets.Mistake or ambiguity: Another problem with DIY Will kits are mistakes or ambiguities in the Will that make it unclear or open to interpretation.  In such cases it may be contested. This can occur when the language used in the Will is vague, contradictory, or inconsistent, leading to disputes among beneficiaries.Revocation or subsequent Will: If a more recent Will is discovered that explicitly revokes or replaces the previous Will, the newer version may be contested based upon all of the grounds discussed above.It's important to note that contesting a Will can be a complex legal process, and the specific grounds for a challenge must be explored thoroughly as a Will contest is expensive and time-consuming as well as very difficult to win.  That is why your best course of action to avoid this for your family is to work with a team of professionals, including your lawyer, investment advisor and accountant, to develop an estate plan that best fits your intentions, and prepares you and your family for when life happens.

Estate Plan Check-Ups

Estate Plan Check-UpsEffective estate planning is personal, and its more than just deciding who to leave your assets to once you die.  Effective estate planning  is a comprehensive process that encompasses pre-need planning: health care decisions, financial management, and maintaining a delicate balance between independence and security.  Like your preventive doctor visits, you should regularly check in on your estate plan to ensure it fits your current needs, considers and plans for potential future care needs, and will give effect to your wishes now and in the future. Generally, estate planning involves creating a last will and testament, possibly a revocable trust, possibly an asset protection trust or a supplemental needs trust for a loved one who is unable to manage finances or may be vulnerable to abuse or exploitation.  Estate planning also involves important advanced directives, such as a durable financial power of attorney, a health care power of attorney, and a living will.   Creating an estate plan, or getting my affairs in order, tends to be an item on our to-do lists, for us to get done and move on to the next thing. However, while it may not be something you have to look at every month, or even every year, once your initial estate plan is completed, it is something that needs to be reviewed with some regularity.Most people get an annual physical when they are healthy, not when they are sick. They do this because they want to proactively spot any issues that could cause them to become ill in the future. The same concept can and should be applied when it comes to reviewing and updating your estate plan. Your estate plan may be healthy now, but you want to make sure that it stays that way by checking it regularly, to ensure it fits your needs and family circumstances, protects and provides for you now, and  accomplishes your goals and wishes in the future. Editors Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice.  This article was submitted by Ashley Day, Esq.  Ashley Day Law, LLC.  Reach her at 251-277-3377. 

Paperwork...Paperwork...What Should I Keep?

PaperworkPaperworkWhat Should I keep? Sorting through the paperwork of a deceased loved one is a daunting task. It is important to know what to keep and what to discard. Here are some helpful tips.  Deeds, Titles and Vehicle RegistrationsDeeds and titles to property may not be obvious on the face of the document so it is important to read everything carefully. Keep anything that has a legal description (Lots and Blocks or Metes and Bounds), a vehicle identification number (VIN), contains the word title, deed of trust or warranty deed.  ReceiptsSome property does not have a title such as a tractor, farm equipment or certain recreational equipment. In such cases, keep the purchase receipts for this type of property. It will be useful if there is a question about ownership, the value of the property or the date it was purchased.  Bank RecordsSave all bank records and statements. These will be valuable if a dispute arises about ownership of an account, payments or distributions made from the account and to whom. Shred unused checks.  Retirement AccountsSave all statements and records pertaining to the decedents individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 401(k) plans or pension plans.  Life Insurance PoliciesSave all life insurance policies.  Social Security Paperwork and Earning StatementsSave information about the decedents Social Security account or earning statements.  Cancel the Decedents Credit Card Accounts Nowadays, identity theft is a huge issue. Contact Experian, Equifax and TransUnion to report the death of your loved one. Request the credit report be flagged as Deceased. Being proactive prevents a lot of hassle later on.  Cancel all credit cards in the deceased persons name. Also, there may be questions about the credit card purchase of certain items or property. Save credit card statements until probate of the decedents estate is complete.  Documents that contain the decedents Social Security NumberIf you find any documents with the decedents Social Security Number and you make a determination that the documents are not going to be saved, make sure it all gets shredded.  Tax RecordsKeep the decedents tax records. There may be a question about real property valuation, exemption or other issues that can be resolved by information in a tax return.   Loan PaperworkKeep all loan paperwork including loans on property or a loan the decedent made to a relative, friend, individual or organization. This may show that there is outstanding debt or money owed to the decedents estate.  Business AgreementsSometimes people have business agreements that have been documented in writing. Such agreements may contain a succession plan, what should happen with business equipment or property, or what should happen upon the death of a business partner.  Military RecordsSave all military records just in case there are benefits owed to a survivor such as a spouse, dependent child or disabled child. Some benefits are dependent upon verification of military service during war time which occurred prior to the advent of computer records. This includes photographs taken during wartime.  Birth and Marriage CertificatesSave all birth and marriage certificates. Again, for certain benefits for survivors, such certificates may be needed.  Timeframe for Keeping PaperworkIt is advisable to keep these potentially important documents until the estate of the decedent is settled, at a minimum. Otherwise keep them at least seven years and longer if possible, especially if real estate is involved.  Contact Your AttorneyYour attorney will ask you pertinent questions and give you advice about what records to keep.  You should also review your own estate plan documents to make sure they are up to date and reflect your current wishes.  This article was written by Donna A. Schuyler, Attorney, who practices in the areas of estate planning, elder law, guardianship, and probate. Donna Schuyler Law, PLLC; Phone 208-344-1947

Local Services By This Author

Dorcey Law Firm

Elder Law 10181 6 Mile Cypress Parkway Suite C, Fort Myers, Florida, 33966

At Dorcey Law Firm, our experienced legal team have proudly represented numerous clients, focusing on areas like Estate Planning, Business Planning, Asset protection, Elder Law, and Probate. Over the years, our attorneys have efficiently managed and escrowed countless trust accounts. This includes meticulous work in our Probate & Trust Administration as well as our Estate Planning and Elder Law departments.  We understand that each client's needs are unique. Hence, our team is dedicated to tailoring services that not only meet your needs but also ensure that your estate plans are designed, executed, funded, and kept updated. Our in-house Trust Funding Department ensures that every estate plan crafted by our lawyers is fully funded. This commitment ensures our clients wishes are honored without unnecessary delays, excessive costs, or asset depletion.  By partnering with us, you're not just securing your assets; you're laying a foundation that benefits your family for generations. Additionally, our exclusive Auto-Pilot Planning Program (APP) is designed to keep your estate plan up-to-date with ever-evolving laws and life changes, ensuring seamless adjustments when needed.  Whether you've recently settled in Florida or have been a resident for years, or if you're exploring ways to protect your assets now or in the future, Dorcey Law Firm in Fort Myers is committed to helping you craft the perfect estate plan to care for your loved ones.