Elderly Depression

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Aug 03, 2016

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Depression in the elderly is common, but that does not mean its a normal part of aging.

Seniors are expected to slow down, so the signs of depression may get missed, delaying effective treatment and forcing many to struggle unnecessarily for years.

Understanding Depression

There are many changes later in life that could lead to depression, including loss of independence, death of friends of relatives, financial concerns, medical issues or moving away from home and family.

Depression prevents people from enjoying life, but it affects more than mood. It also impacts a persons energy, appetite, sleep and physical health. Depression is a serious condition, and those suffering from it cant just snap out of it. Its a medical problem, and it requires medical treatment.

Recognizing Symptoms

Depression and sadness may seem to go hand and hand, but many depressed seniors claim not to feel sad at all. Instead, they complain of low motivation, a lack of energy or physical problems. The following are common symptoms of depression in the elderly:

Unexplained or aggravated aches and pains
Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
Anxiety and worries
Memory problems
Lack of motivation and energy
Slowed movement and speech
Loss of interest in socializing and hobbies
Neglecting personal care (meals, meds, hygiene)

Caring for Those with Depression

Depression is a highly treatable medical condition. If your loved one shows any of the symptoms listed above, take him or her to see a primary care physician for a complete physical checkup. The physician may refer the patient to a psychiatrist to evaluate if treatment is needed to reduce symptoms, improve functioning and enhance well-being.

Specialized care for adults and seniors with behavioral health issues provided in either a hospital or outpatient setting can assist with treatment and help with long-term healing. Behavioral health services can improve the quality of life for someone you know or love.

This article was submitted by Brooke Pedroza, Community Liaison Director at Oceans Behavioral Hospital Plano. She may be reached at 972-596-5445 or email bpedroza@oceanshealthcare.com.

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Just Pray

Prayer is an amazing topic. At times, it seems like we spend more time talking about prayer than the actual practice of praying.I heard about a man who came to his wife one day with an urgent prayer request from his friend. The man says to his wife that his friend, Fred, called him to pray for his wife Carol and the kids because they were in a car accident.The mans wife says, Is Carol okay? Are the kids okay? To which the man says, I dont know. Fred just asked me to pray. The mans wife says, Which hospital did they take Carol to? Were the other people in the car okay? The husband replies, I dont know. Fred just asked me to pray.Have you been there? You receive a request from a friend to pray, and you spend the entire time analyzing the situation instead of getting on your knees and praying. I get it. I do the same. I want more details.However, it may be best to stop and pray for the other person on the spot. Go ahead and get just enough information to offer a simple prayer.Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7, NIVOf course, you might be intimidated to pray for someone in public. Thats okay as well. If you are interested in the ministry of prayer at Presbyterian Homes & Services (PHS), I would suggest that you seek out your campus pastor about training in the Praying Hands Ministry program. Your campus pastor will offer a seminar so you can pray confidently with others when they bring you a prayer request. You wont have to analyze the situation. You will be ready and engaged to pray.Come and prepare to pray for others, and we will develop a culture of prayer at PHS.About Campus Pastor John Cordova: I began serving at Lake Minnetonka Shores in February 2020, just before the Covid pandemic arrived. I fill the role of director of pastoral care, the greatest job ever. I live in Maple Grove with my wife of 40-plus years. We have raised three daughters, and they have given us three wonderful grandsons (hoping for a granddaughter in the future). If we are not with our grandkids, we spend our time socializing with our neighbors.The Light for the Way series provides staff with an examination of a biblical reading to deepen our focus on scripture. Thank you for engaging with this series as we seek wisdom through prayer and reflection as a Christian Ministry.