Encouraging Volunteerism in Senior Care


Senior Helpers

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Jul 17, 2024


Colorado - Northern Colorado

Volunteerism is not just about giving time. Volunteering in senior care is about igniting a spark – a spark of connection, joy, and purpose that enriches lives on both sides of the giving equation. Learn how you can ditch the ordinary and become an extraordinary force for good in the lives of seniors. This guide discusses the benefits of volunteerism for seniors and ways caregivers can help them get involved in community service.

Benefits of Volunteerism for Seniors

Volunteering can greatly boost a senior's self-esteem. It gives them a sense of purpose and accomplishment. When they see the positive impact they're making, it can lift their spirits and improve their mental health. Feeling needed and valued can be incredibly empowering.

Social connections are vital for everyone, and seniors are no exception. Volunteering offers a chance to meet new people and build friendships. This helps reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, which are common among seniors. A vibrant social life can lead to increased happiness and emotional well-being.

Physical Health Benefits

Staying active and engaged through volunteer work can also benefit physical health. Movement is necessary for maintaining health, whether it's light physical activity or simply getting out of the house. Some studies even suggest that active seniors are likely to have better overall physical health.

From walks around the park with fellow volunteers to light cleaning and tidying up around a community organization, there are a wealth of ways to keep seniors active while doing good for those around them. Still, seniors should always speak to their healthcare providers before starting a new fitness routine.

How Caregivers Can Support Senior Volunteerism

As a caregiver, you can help seniors find the right volunteer opportunities. Match these opportunities with the senior's interests and skills. Consider what they enjoy and what they're good at. Equally important is considering their physical and cognitive abilities to ensure the volunteer work is suitable and fulfilling.

One of the main barriers to volunteering is often transportation. Caregivers can arrange transportation to volunteer sites. This includes coordinating schedules and ensuring the seniors can get where they need to be. Providing logistical support, like helping with sign-ups and schedules, can make a big difference.

Caregivers should offer positive reinforcement and celebrate the senior's contributions. Sometimes, seniors may have concerns or fears about starting something new. Addressing these concerns and providing the support they need can motivate them to take the first step.

Get Custom Care and Support Services for Seniors Today

The benefits of senior volunteerism are numerous, from boosting self-esteem to promoting social connections and improving physical health. Caregivers can help by identifying suitable opportunities, providing transportation, and offering encouragement. Let's strive to support our seniors in giving back to the community.

If you need assistance in finding and supporting volunteer opportunities for seniors in Fort Collins, Englewood, Littleton, Windsor, and Longmont, contact us at Senior Helpers Fort Collins. We proudly provide compassionate senior care services that serve the whole person and enhance emotional and physical health.

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How Keeping a Journal Helps Dementia Caregivers

Caring for a loved one with dementia presents unique challenges that can be overwhelming. It means coping not just with the loved one's illness and the huge life changes that will come, but with the caregiver's own feelings and struggles too.  Keeping a detailed journal is an organized way to record the progress and effects of the patient's dementia helpful information for their doctors. But it can also provide emotional and psychological benefits for caregivers themselves. Whether you're caring for someone with dementia or another illness, here are some things to consider when keeping a journal.  What To Track in Your Journal  Why record what the dementia patient is experiencing? Two reasons: because it will help their doctors and because it will help the caregiver understand and adapt to the effects of the disease.   Daily activities and behaviors: Note any changes in mood, unusual behaviors, or shifts in routine. This can help identify triggers for agitation or anxiety and reveal patterns or changes over time.   Medications and side effects: Record the times and doses of medications. If their medications change, note any side effects or noticeable changes in the person's condition. This can be crucial for managing the drugs' effectiveness and any potential drug interactions.   Eating and drinking habits: What and how much is your loved one eating and drinking? Tracking this information can help prevent malnutrition and dehydration, which are common issues in people with dementia.   Physical health and symptoms: Record any physical symptoms, such as coughs, changes in mobility, or signs of discomfort. This information can be vital for detecting emerging health issues that may not be directly related to dementia.   Sleep patterns: How much and how well are they sleeping? Do they wake up during the night? Sleep disturbances can exacerbate the symptoms of dementia and affect the health of both the caregiver and the patient.   Falls: Research shows that falls are not only more common among people with dementia, but they can also accelerate cognitive decline. Details about any falls-where, when, and how they occurred-are important information for the doctors.  Journaling: A Safe Space and a Helpful Tool  Keeping a journal helps the caregiver process the complex emotions they're likely experiencing. A journal is a private, safe space where the caregiver can express frustrations, celebrate successes, and acknowledge hardships. Journaling can help them protect their mental health stability, which in turn can help them feel better able to support their loved one effectively.  A journal can also be a place for the caregiver to track the effectiveness of care strategies and treatments. For example, the caregiver may notice that the timing of dinner is causing their loved one distress. Their notes can help them adjust their caregiving as needed.  The caregiver may even decide to keep two separate journals-one for themselves and the other journal (or calendar) about their loved one's condition.  "There is something about recording what is happening to us and our emotional reactions that enables family caregivers to stand apart from the onrush of tasks and crises they're immersed in," said Barry J. Jacobs in an article for AARP. A caregiver himself, Jacobs noted that journaling can help the writer "feel more in control."  How the Journal Can Help Doctors  A detailed journal is a valuable resource during medical appointments. It provides data and examples that help doctors understand the patient's current state beyond what a memory recall or short visit can reveal. This is crucial in diagnosing issues, adjusting medications, or changing treatment plans.  Doctors rely on accurate, detailed information to make informed decisions about treatments and care strategies. For example, if the journal shows that the patient has fallen repeatedly, the doctor may use that information to assess the patient's need for mobility aids, physical therapy, or further neurological evaluation. The doctor may end up identifying a treatable condition, such as an inner ear disorder or vision problems.  Moreover, the journal can help identify early signs of complications or side effects of medications that the patient might not be able to express because of their cognitive condition. This helps the doctor make a change before the complications cause a potentially serious health issue.  Write for Them and for Yourself  Keeping a journal is a simple yet effective tool that can greatly improve the caregiving experience for those managing the care of someone with dementia. You'll help not just your loved one, but yourself as well. Do it in whatever way works best for you. "This is not a school assignment," Jacobs reminds other caregivers. "No one is grading you. Just empty the contents of your mind without judging yourself." If you have any questions, please call Right at Home at 970-494-1111.

Local Services By This Author

Senior Helpers

Non-Medical 3101 Kintzley Court, Laporte, Colorado, 80535

Senior Helpers offers a comprehensive suite of programs and services that support aging in-place. Senior Helpers proudly serves all of Larimer and Weld Counties, including Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Wellington, Windsor, Estes Park and Longmont. We provide professional and compassionate in-home care so that our seniors can age in place. Whether your family needs us for a few hours or around the clock, we will always provide the kind of quality and responsive care that lets your loved one enjoy living independently at home. From light housekeeping and errands to bathing/showering and other personal care needs, we are there when you need us. We specialize in Alzheimer's and Dementia care, as well as Parkinson's Disease care, and are proud to partner with Teepa Snow, Johns Hopkins Hospital, and the Michael J. Fox Foundation in these areas.More than 90% of seniors want to be able to age in their own home with dignity but getting the right type of care can seem daunting. At Senior Helpers we believe that getting the best care for your loved ones should not be complicated. We recognize the growing need for in-home care services, and with our passion for helping others, we are committed to delivering the best possible care to seniors in the Fort Collins community. We take the opportunity to provide care in your home seriously and make it a priority to provide the highest level of client service possible. We have built an exceptional team of care professionals, each committed to remaining at the forefront of the in-home care industry through our proprietary ongoing training and education programs. You can feel confident that your loved one is in good hands with Senior Helpers.