Fall Prevention 101: A Guide for Seniors & Families


ComForCare Home Care

For more information about the author, click to view their website: ComForCare Home Care

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Nov 27, 2023


Colorado - Denver Metro

Millions of older people fall each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While younger people may not think much of a simple household trip, falls are much more serious than many realize. Their aftermath can drastically alter a person’s quality of life, putting their physical and mental health at risk. That’s why fall prevention is so critically important.

At ComForCare, our mission is to help older adults live at home safely and confidently for as long as possible. We work alongside families, providing not only expert care but also educational resources to support healthy relationships and healthy families. Let’s take a look at why fall prevention matters, how to recognize risk factors, and what you can do to prevent falls!

Why Fall Prevention Matters

While not every fall results in a serious injury, one in five does—and the consequences can be life-altering. Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries and hip fractures, and they account for 3 million emergency department visits each year. And while it’s painful to think about, the CDC estimates that by 2030, falls could cause dozens of deaths per day.

Even if the fall itself doesn’t result in death, the complications can be devastating. Seniors may experience severely limited mobility and cognitive function, restricting their activities, leading to physical decline and even depression and social isolation. All of these outcomes are linked to a shorter lifespan.

Most Common Risk Factors for a Fall

  • Medications: Some medications or combinations of medications can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and delayed reaction times as side effects. 
  • Cognitive impairments: Alzheimer’s disease and dementia can slow down reaction times or make it easy to become distracted and overlook a fall risk.
  • Nutritional deficiencies: Many older adults don’t get enough protein or vitamin D in their diets, leading to muscle loss and weakness that increases the risk of falling.
  • Lower body weakness: Many health conditions and simply aging itself can lead to weakness in the lower body or difficulties with walking and balance. 
  • Health care issues: blood pressure that is too low or too high, vision impairments, and even podiatric issues can all contribute to falls.

What Can Seniors Do to Prevent Falls?

For optimized comfort and safety at your or your loved one’s home, use these steps to prevent falls!

Home Safety Interventions

Fall-proofing your home is one of the most important interventions you can make. To start, remove any throw rugs, floor clutter, or electrical cords that can be tripped over. Additional changes to consider include:

  • Fixing any broken or uneven steps & flooring
  • Moving furniture so loved ones using an assistive device like a cane or walker can easily navigate around it
  • Installing grab bars in bathrooms

For additional steps, download our fall risk reduction guide! To fully safeguard your loved one and account for their needs, you may also consider a personalized fall risk assessment. 

Exercises for Balance & Strength

In some cases, older adults may need the help of a physical therapist or occupational therapist to regain their strength and balance. But all seniors can benefit from exercises to reduce the risk of falls. Even simple exercises can help! 

One of the easiest leg-strengthening exercises is the calf raise. From a standing position, rise up on your toes, keeping your heels above the ground. Then, slowly return to your normal position. Try doing three sets of ten calf raises with one to three minutes of rest in between. Call in a friend or family member to help with balance!

Improve Awareness & Reduce the Fear

Fall risk awareness sits at the middle of a spectrum. On one hand, some people don’t realize that falls aren’t a normal part of aging and therefore don’t understand their risk factors. On the other, some people become afraid, reducing or restricting healthy activities out of a fear of falling. 

Fall risk management programs like Gaitway are designed to help older adults overcome those fears and minimize their risks. Gaitway helps people view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing activity, and take manageable steps to reduce their fall risks at home.

Consider In-Home Care

If your loved one has one or more fall risk factors or has fallen in the past, it may be time to consider in-home care. ComForCare’s caregivers are trained in all aspects of fall prevention, performing safety assessments and screenings, recommending adjustments to the home environment, and so much more. 

Our caregivers understand senior nutrition and can prepare meals to support their vitamin, mineral, protein, and hydration goals. They can provide mobility assistance to boost confidence and make getting around easier. They can manage medications and coordinate with healthcare providers. And above all, they’re an additional resource for families supporting elderly loved ones, establishing open lines of communication about fall fears and concerns.

Schedule a Home Safety Evaluation with ComForCare

Being an active fall manager for a loved one is an important role. But it can be a lot to manage, and important things easily go unmanaged or unnoticed. If you’re ready for a partner to close the gaps and provide an expert perspective, choose ComForCare. 

We provide in-home care services to help seniors age comfortably and safely at home. We’ll match your family member with a caregiver ideally suited to their preferences, personality, and needs so you can rest assured that they’re receiving the best assistance possible.

Schedule a home safety evaluation with ComForCare today to protect your loved one and support their needs!

Contact ComForCare to Be Matched with Your Perfect Caregiver call today, 720-575-5576.

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The Hidden Dangers of Dehydration for Seniors on Medication

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Fall Prevention Awareness

Safeguarding Lives in Every SeasonEvery year, on the first day of autumn, communities across the nation come together to observe Fall Prevention Awareness Day. This important day serves as a reminder of the significant impact falls can have on individuals and the collective effort needed to prevent them. As we step into the season of changing leaves and cooler temperatures, it's crucial to raise awareness about fall prevention and prioritize safety for ourselves and our loved ones.A Silent ThreatFalls are a leading cause of injuries among older adults, often resulting in fractures, hospitalizations, and a decline in overall quality of life. However, falls can affect people of all ages, so it's vital to address this issue comprehensively. The consequences of falls go far beyond physical injuries; they can also have emotional and financial repercussions for individuals and their families.Understanding the Impact of FallsPhysical Consequences: Falls can lead to a wide range of physical injuries, including fractures, sprains, and head trauma. These injuries can result in prolonged pain, limited mobility, and a significant loss of independence. For older adults, in particular, a fall can mark the beginning of a decline in health.Emotional Toll: The emotional toll of a fall should not be underestimated. The fear of falling again can lead to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. Many individuals who have experienced a fall become hesitant to engage in physical activities they once enjoyed, further compromising their physical and mental well-being.Financial Burden: The financial burden of falls is substantial. Medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and potential long-term care expenses can put a strain on individuals and families. In some cases, these financial challenges can jeopardize retirement savings and financial security.The STEADI Initiative:Screen - Assess - InterveneThe CDC STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries) initiative is a comprehensive approach developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help healthcare providers and patients address fall prevention in older adults. Falls are a common and serious issue among older adults, and the STEADI initiative provides tools and resources to reduce the risk of falls and related injuries. Here are some key components of the STEADI program for adult fall prevention:Screening: Healthcare providers are encouraged to use standardized fall risk assessment tools, such as the "Steady Steps" tool, to identify patients that are at risk of falling. These screening tools help determine an individual's risk factors for falling. When screening, ask questions such as; Have you fallen in the past year? Do you feel unsteady when standing or walking? Are you worried about falling? A yes to any of these questions indicates that a patient has an increased risk in falling. Once the screening process is complete, healthcare providers can now begin to assess the situation. Assessment: For patients identified as being at risk, healthcare providers conduct a more comprehensive fall risk assessment. This assessment includes a review of medications, medical conditions, and mobility issues that may contribute to falls. Home hazards are some of the biggest issues with adult falls. Asking detailed questions can be very important in this case. Along with home hazards, here are some additional indicators of an increased fall risk: poor footwear, impaired vision and cognitive ability. Intervention: Based on the assessment results, healthcare providers can develop personalized fall prevention plans for their patients. These plans may include recommendations for exercise programs, medication adjustments, vision assessments, and home modifications.Raising Awareness: Fall Prevention StrategiesKnow the Risk Factors: Understanding the risk factors associated with falls is the first step in prevention. These factors include age, muscle weakness, balance issues, medications, chronic health conditions, vision problems, and environmental hazards.Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can help improve strength, balance, and flexibility. Exercise programs like tai chi and yoga are particularly effective in preventing falls among older adults.Medication Management: It's essential to review medications with healthcare professionals regularly. Some medications can cause dizziness or drowsiness, increasing the risk of falls.Vision Care: Regular eye check-ups are crucial, as vision problems can contribute to falls. Correcting vision impairments and ensuring adequate lighting in the home can make a significant difference.Home Safety: Eliminating tripping hazards in the home, such as loose rugs and clutter, is essential. Installing handrails, grab bars, and adequate lighting can enhance safety.Footwear: Wearing proper footwear with non-slip soles and good support is essential for stability.Regular Health Check-ups: Routine health check-ups can help identify and address underlying health issues that may increase the risk of falls.Promoting Fall Prevention Awareness Year-RoundWhile Fall Prevention Awareness Day is an important annual event, it's crucial to emphasize fall prevention year-round. Education and awareness campaigns should continue to remind people of the risks and strategies for prevention.Additionally, healthcare providers, community organizations, and families can work together to support individuals at risk of falls. This might involve home assessments, personalized exercise programs, and ongoing monitoring of medication use.As we embrace the arrival of autumn, let's also embrace the idea of falling for safety. Falls are a significant threat to individuals' well-being and the healthcare system as a whole. By raising awareness, identifying risks, and taking proactive measures, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from the physical, emotional, and financial consequences of falls. Fall prevention should be a priority not just on Fall Prevention Awareness Day but throughout the year. Together, we can make a difference in safeguarding lives and promoting safety in every season.Please remember to be SAFE!S - Screen for factors that may increase fall risk. A - Assess the patient to best issues that can contribute to falls.F - Formulate the patients fall prevention plan.E - Educate the patient and caregiver about medical conditions and mobility issues that lead to high risk falls.

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ComForCare Home Care

Home Health 1101 West Mineral Avenue, Littleton, Colorado, 80120

ComForCare is a leading private-pay home health provider in the Denver area, serving families for over 10 years. We are committed to providing excellent service to our clients through caring staff. Whether you just need a 2 hour shift one day a week (most commonly used as a shower shift) or 24/7 fully assisted care, we can provide quality caregivers to assist you. Our clients have 24/7 access to our office staff. We don't rest until our clients are thrilled with the individual who comes to their home, and our clients' families have peace of mind that their loved-one is well taken care of. We accept private pay, most Long Term Care Insurances, and are VA approved. 

ComForCare Home Care - Denver South

Non-Medical 1101 West Mineral Avenue, Littleton, Colorado, 80120

ComForCare is a leading private-pay home care provider in the Denver area, serving families for over 15 years. We are committed to providing excellent service to our clients through caring staff. Whether you just need a 2 hour shift one day a week (most commonly used as a shower shift) or 24/7 fully assisted care, we can provide quality caregivers to assist you. Our clients have 24/7 access to our office staff. We don't rest until our clients are thrilled with the individual who comes to their home, and our clients' families have peace of mind that their loved-one is well taken care of. We accept private pay, most Long Term Care Insurances, and are VA approved.