Fall Prevention: Reducing the Risk for Our Seniors



For more information about the author, click to view their website: TruBlue Home Service Ally

Posted on

Jun 18, 2024


Pennsylvania - Greater Pittsburgh Area

Did you know that 1 in 4 Americans over the age of 65 experience a fall each year? It's a staggering statistic, one that not only poses a health risk for our seniors, but also a challenge for their families, caregivers, and communities. Fall-related injuries can range from minor bruises to severe fractures and even fatal accidents. As such, there is an urgent need to address this issue head-on, and that’s exactly what we at TruBlue are dedicated to achieving.

Understanding the Risks

It's essential to recognize the factors that increase the risk of falls:

1. Physical factors: Declining vision, muscle strength, and balance can increase the likelihood of falls.

2. Medications: Some prescriptions can cause dizziness or dehydration, making falls more likely.

3. Environmental hazards: Clutter, uneven floors, loose rugs, and poor lighting are common culprits.

Prevention Starts at Home

Most falls occur at home, which means creating a safer living environment is the first line of defense:

1. Clear the Clutter: Ensure hallways and rooms are free from obstacles.

2. Install Handrails: Ensure that there are sturdy handrails on both sides of the stairs.

3. Proper Lighting: Ensure that all areas, especially hallways and stairs, are well-lit.

4. Non-slip mats: Place them in the bathroom, kitchen, and other wet areas.

5. Regular Home Maintenance: This includes checking the stability of handrails, the condition of staircases, and the functioning of lights.

Personal Health and Wellness

While adapting the environment is vital, we also must ensure that seniors are physically fit:

1. Regular Check-ups: Discuss medications with doctors to understand side effects and any potential risks associated with them.

2. Exercise: Engage in activities that strengthen muscles and improve balance.

3. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can lead to dizziness.

4. Vision Checks: Regular eye check-ups ensure that vision stays sharp, reducing the risk of tripping over unseen obstacles.

TruBlue's Dedication

At TruBlue, we believe that fall prevention is a community effort. Our dedication to this cause extends beyond just providing guidelines. Our team is actively involved in helping to make homes safer and more accommodating for our elderly population. We work hand-in-hand with families to assess potential risks and implement solutions tailored to each individual’s needs.

Join the "Prevent the Fall" Campaign with TruBlue

One of the simplest yet most effective tools in fall prevention is the humble grab bar. It provides a sturdy handhold in places prone to slips, especially bathrooms. In our commitment to making homes safer for seniors, we are thrilled to announce our "Prevent the Fall" campaign!

In September, we're offering 100 FREE grab bars to those who need them. It's our way of saying we care, and it's a tangible step towards reducing those fall statistics.

Take action now. Ensure the safety of your loved ones and bring peace of mind to your family. Click here or contact us directly to nominate someone for a free grab bar and let’s join hands in our mission to "Prevent the Fall" together!

Remember, it's not just about installing safety equipment; it's about giving our seniors the freedom to live independently with confidence. With TruBlue by your side, let’s make every home a haven of safety.

*TruBlue locations are individually owned and operated.

Offer valid at participating locations only.

Subject to terms and conditions. No purchase necessary for entry.

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And researchers also found that both groups experienced improvements in white matter. But the positive changes in the white matter of the walking group were more prevalent. According to the MRIs, certain parts of the brain were larger and lesions (indicating damage to the brain) had shrunk during the study.Researchers targeted specific regions of the brain for measurement, regions that are more susceptible to decline during aging. The research is crucial to scientists, proving that white matter is responsive to change and is essentially pliable. Deterioration at this stage isnt necessarily fixed.Walking Is Good for Your Heart and BrainOnly the walking group experienced changes in white matter that were associated with improved memory. But researchers arent sure why walking had a greater impact on white matter and memory than dancing. Similar results were expected since both activities are moderate intensity cardiovascular exercises. Its possible that the instruction the dancers received kept them from more vigorous and constant movement. This means that the key to boosting memory power is aerobic exercise, constant movement with a steady supply of oxygen.Exercise that consistently elevates your heart rate is good for your heart, and research continues to reveal that what is good for your heart is good for your brain too. Aerobic exercise increases oxygen to all parts of your bodyincluding your brain. This increased oxygen can lower high blood pressure, one of the biggest risk factors for neurological diseases and dementia. And that risk is further diminished since routine physical activity also decreases stress and improves sleep, both of which impact memory.The study is also valuable since its one of the few of its kind that was conducted as a controlled trial. Previously, most studies asked participants to report activities they were already doing rather than coming to exercise in a controlled environment.What About Gray Matter?Most of the previous studies on physical activity and cognitive decline focused on gray matter, your brains outer layer where many of your neurons are concentrated. But this research zeroed in on the lesser studies aspect of your brainwhite matter. Its found in your brain's deeper tissues. White matter includes extensions of neurons called nerve fibers. While your gray matter can be likened to a light bulb and your white matter to the electrical wiring that carries the current.Yes, gray matter is important, but to battle cognitive decline and age-related memory loss, you also need to revitalize and support the white matter that keeps everything going. We now understand why walking is powerful for your brain as it impacts both white and gray matter.Time to Start Walking for Brain HealthWhite matter is prone to degeneration whether due to healthy aging or dementia. If you want to keep your mental acuity for as long as possible, consider adding some brisk walking to your schedule at least three days per week. If youre new to exercise or walking, its okay to start small work your way up to 30-40-minute sessions. This will give you maximum impact, especially if youre only walking a few times per week.But walking benefits your health far beyond boosting brain power. Check out our article, 7 Benefits of Walking that Might Surprise You.TYE Medical offers premium incontinence products in a variety of sizes and absorbencies. Shop our online store for free and discreet shipping on all orders

Foolproof your Home: Senior Safe Strategies

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Local Services By This Author

TruBlue Home Service Ally

Home Maintenance & Handyman Services 1508 Woodland Ave, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, 15044

TruBlue Home Service Ally offers a comprehensive range of home services to help busy adults and seniors age in place comfortably and safely.Handyman and Home Repair ServicesWe provide a wide variety of handyman and home repair services to maintain the interior and exterior of your home. Our team of professional, background-checked, bonded, and insured Tru-Pro Technicians can handle a growing list of handyman projects and tasks from your to-do list.This includes services such as:Minor home repairs and maintenanceSeasonal work like yard cleanup, gutter cleaning, and snow removalSenior home safety modifications to improve accessibility and reduce fall risksTruBlue's handyman services allow you to cross items off your home maintenance checklist without having to worry about finding reliable, skilled workers. Our technicians are committed to providing high-quality work and an exceptional customer experience every time.Senior Home ModificationsAs more seniors choose to age in place, the need for home modifications to improve safety and accessibility is increasing. We specialize in senior home safety assessments and modifications to help older adults remain independent in their homes for as long as possible.  Our certified Senior Home Safety Specialists will conduct a thorough assessment of your home, identify potential hazards, and develop a customized plan to make the necessary modifications. This may include installing grab bars, widening doorways, adding ramps, improving lighting, and other changes to reduce fall risks and increase mobility.  We then handle the installation of these modifications, providing you with peace of mind that your home is safe and comfortable as you age. Our ongoing maintenance services can also help ensure these modifications continue to function properly over time.Ongoing Home Maintenance PlansFor busy adults and seniors who want to maintain their homes without the hassle, TruBlue offers comprehensive home maintenance plans. These plans are designed to take the worry out of home upkeep, allowing you to focus on the things that matter most.Our maintenance services include:Handyman projects and to-do list choresPreventative home maintenance programsSeasonal work like yard cleanup and gutter cleaningEmergency repairsOur team of Tru-Pro Technicians will handle all of these tasks on a regular schedule, ensuring your home remains safe, comfortable, and well-maintained. This gives you the peace of mind of knowing your home is in excellent hands, without the stress of having to coordinate and oversee the work yourself.We offer both bundled and unbundled maintenance services, allowing you to choose the level of support that best fits your needs and budget. Whether you need help with occasional tasks or a full-service solution, TruBlue has you covered!Commitment to Quality and SafetyAt the core of TruBlue's service offering is a commitment to quality and safety. All of our Tru-Pro Technicians are background-checked, bonded, and insured, giving you the confidence that your home is in capable and trustworthy hands.  TruBlue requires their franchisees to complete the Senior Home Safety Certification program through Age Safe America. Our technicians are trained and equipped to properly assess homes for safety hazards and make the necessary modifications to help seniors age in place.  Additionally, we are licensed, bonded, and insured, providing an extra layer of protection and peace of mind for our customers. We strive to deliver an unequivocal customer experience with every interaction, prioritizing professionalism, reliability, and attention to detail.By providing affordable, trustworthy home maintenance and modification services, we help seniors age in place safely and comfortably.  Give us a call today!