February is a time when the nation spotlights heart disease


Visiting Angels Florida West Coast

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Dec 04, 2023


Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton & Charlotte Counties , Florida - Southwest

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Love is in the air this month, and part of that means taking the best care possible of the ones you love. February also is a time when the nation spotlights heart disease, the number one killer of Americans. As part of American Heart Month, take some time to combine the two - focus on the heart health of the ones you love the most, including the seniors in your life. People aged 65 and older are more likely to suffer from heart attacks, strokes, and heart disease, according to the National Institute on Aging. It’s time to get down to business. Focus on the heart health of the seniors in your life. Ensuring they get checked out by a medical professional is important. But also do some fun, healthy things together to promote heart health.

Here are 25 tips for seniors to be heart-healthy.

  1. Make an appointment to see your primary care physician. Find out how you’re doing, and see what recommendations he or she has for your heart health.
  2. Go to the free yoga classes at Venice Beach. There are classes in the morning or a sunset class at 5 p.m. each day, all for free, seven days a week.
  3. If you’re still using tobacco products and smoking at this age, it’s time to stop. Make this the year you quit. If you have a senior loved one in your life that smokes, help them stop and make it a goal for this year.
  4. Get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked. Know your healthy ranges, and ensure you stay within those.
  5. Find some new recipes that are heart-healthy and make them together with your senior loved one.
  6. Head outside each day. Even if you’re just going to fetch the mail from the mailbox, it gets you moving and out into the fresh air.
  7. Be around people. Loneliness is bad for the heart. Find friends you want to be with, join an event at the senior center, or call up a family member you haven’t talked to in a while.
  8. Get some Zzzs. The Centers for Disease Control says getting enough sleep is vital for heart health. 
  9. Portion control is key to healthy eating. Before your meal or before you snack, measure out your portions, so you don’t overeat. 
  10. Head to the Peace River Gardens in Punta Gorda. There are different botanicals to see throughout the year. It is a great place to walk around and get some exercise while seeing the sculptures and artwork. There also are events to attend throughout the year.
  11. Make it a goal to walk at some different beaches this year. Try a new one each week. Hit some you’ve never tried before, or go back to an old favorite. Walk a little further each time you visit. Walking in the sand is great exercise, and looking at and listening to the ocean is good for the soul. 
  12. Feel the sunshine on your face at least once a day if it’s shining, even for a minute. Whether you simply step onto your patio or head to the beach, it is a great way to get into a good mood and improve your overall health.
  13. Move a little more each day, or each week. Make some goals, such as walking one block further, or riding your bike for a minute more each week. Every little bit counts, and leads to heart healthier habits.
  14. Have you gone to the grocery store and seen some odd-looking spiky fruits and wondered what they were? Put one of those in your cart and try one for the first time. See if it’s something you want to add to your heart-healthy diet. 
  15. It seems like everyone loves pickleball. Try it out and see if you’re a fan too.
  16. Hire a caregiver that can help you get moving. Compassionate caregivers at places such as Visiting Angels Punta Gorda can provide services such as companionship on a walk around the neighborhood, or fall prevention help as you do laps in your own home. 
  17. Hunt for shark’s teeth at Venice Beach. Even if you don’t find a lot, the act of bending down each time, sticking your hand in the water and seeing what treasures you’ve found is exercise, and it’s a fun hunt and thing to do. 
  18. Watch a comedy or a funny show. Laugh out loud. As they say, laughter is the best medicine.
  19. Turn on the tunes. If you have upbeat music playing in your home or car, you can’t help but bop around to it. It puts you in a good mood and adds more movement to your day. 
  20. Head to a farmer’s market and grab some fresh fruit and vegetables. Wash them up so you have healthy, ready-to-eat snacks.
  21. Make sure your seniors get up and out of bed and moving each day. If needed, hire a caregiver that can help them get dressed and ready for the day. Being dressed and ready helps put them into the right mindset to be active and alert during the day. 
  22. As you’re sitting down watching a show, lift some hand weights or do some leg lifts. Make it a goal to do 20 on each limb while you’re watching the nightly news before dinner. 
  23. Stand more if you’re able. Do some of the tasks you might usually do sitting down while standing instead. For example, pace around the house while you’re on the phone instead of sitting in your comfy chair. 
  24. Stretch each day. It not only keeps you more nimble, but stretching can get your heart rate up.
  25. Eat at least two servings of fish a week The omega-3 fatty acids in fish are great for heart health.

Visiting Angels is Here to Help

If you are looking for help with your senior loved one as they strive for heart health, our professionals at Visiting Angels Punta Gorda are here to help. We provide a variety of home care services to meet any need they might have, from getting dressed for a morning walk to help with light meal prep.

Our expert team of caregivers serves clients in Punta Gorda, North Fort Myers, Boca Grande, Cape Coral, Sanibel, Captiva, Arcadia and surrounding areas. To learn more about our services, call us at 941-347-8288, or fill out an online form here.

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Lung Cancer Screening: What You Need to Know

Early detection of lung cancer increases your odds of successful treatment and celebrating more birthdays. But a lung cancer screening comes with a few risks, too. So, should you get checked?The American Cancer Society, American Lung Association and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) say yes if you meet certain criteria tied to long-time cigarette use.Lets take a closer look at your options with pulmonologist Peter Mazzone, MD, MPH.Who should get a lung cancer screening?A lung cancer screening isnt for everyone, states Dr. Mazzone. Its recommended only for adults who are at high risk for the disease which explains why screening guidelines are pretty specific.The USPSTF suggests an annual lung cancer screening if all of the following apply:  Youre between age 50 and 80.Youve smoked at least 20 pack-years of cigarettes. (To calculate pack-years, multiply the average number of packs smoked per day by the number of years you smoked. So, 20 pack-years is one pack a day for 20 years or two packs a day for 10 years).You currently smoke or have quit smoking within the past 15 years.Its also important that youre healthy enough to benefit from finding and treating early-stage lung cancer. People who get tested dont typically have symptoms of lung cancer.If someone comes to us in a wheelchair already wearing oxygen and couldnt tolerate treatment, they typically arent eligible for screening, clarifies Dr. Mazzone. However, there are nearly 15 million Americans who are at high risk and should receive screening.It should be noted, too, that a lung cancer screening is a quick and painless imaging exam. It uses low-dose computed tomography, or low-dose CT, to capture very detailed pictures of your lungs.Why is lung cancer screening important?As noted, lung cancer often doesnt announce itself with early symptoms. So, without an annual screening, lung cancer is often detected once the disease has progressed and spread which makes successful treatment less likely.People with lung cancer have about an 80% chance of being alive five years later if the cancer is diagnosed and treatment begins during Stage 1. The five-year survival rate is about 4% if tumors have spread.That leads us to this alarming reality: Only about 1 in 4 people with lung cancer are diagnosed before the cancer spreads. Early detection is key to changing that, says Dr. Mazzone.Are lung cancer screenings perfect? Of course not. Scans sometimes detect small spots called nodules that look concerning but are basically harmless little scars. Radiation exposure is a concern, too. Ditto for overdiagnosis of conditions and additional testing and stress.But the benefits of lung cancer screening still outweigh any potential harm for many people, notes Dr. Mazzone.How often is lung cancer found during a screening?Lung cancer is found in about 1 in every 140 people who get screened. This may sound like a small number, but its about the same or better than the results for breast cancer and colon cancer screening.How to decide whether to get a lung screening?A counseling session is often required before a lung cancer screening so you can discuss lung cancer risks, the screening process, benefits and potential harm. It can be a complex and difficult decision for people to make.Many people value the potential benefit of screening so much theyre happy to accept them, explains Dr. Mazzone. Others may have a different perspective. Talk to your doctor to help decide whats best for you.And because the test is annual, the decision on whether to do it can be revisited every year.This article was written by Lungs, Breathing and Allergy Team from Cleveland Clinic and was legally licensed through the DiveMarketplace by Industry Dive.Contact Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama for your medicare and health insurance needs. Contact them at 251-344-2115

Heart Health and Fitness

How Much Can Our Caregiving Services Benefit You?Keeping fit is an important part of maintaining ones heart health. Exercise can be both safe and helpful for many people with heart disease, with and without surgery, state the authors of Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions (Bull Publishing, 2012). Exercise can lower your risk for future problems, reduce the need for hospitalization, and improve your quality of life.The American Heart Association, which suggests 150 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week to prevent heart disease. Walking is one of the exercises recommended by the AHA. There are tips for what to wear when walking, how many miles to walk, how many minutes to walk, how to stretch for walking, and the best time of day to walk all on the American Heart Association website.Walk with a Doc is an international non-profit program that pairs local doctors and healthcare professionals with walkers in local communities. These informal gatherings occur on a weekly or monthly basis in parks and other outdoor public spaces and can be a pleasant social activity too.Examples of Beneficial ExerciseSwimming, light calisthenics, and riding a stationary bicycle are generally considered safe conditioning activities for those with heart disease.People tend to be more successful with their exercise regimen when they have an accountability partnersomeone who provides encouragement and assistance to make it possible to reach goals.Communicate with a health care provider to get the most out of an exercise program and to ensure the safety of any new exercise regimen.Some heart conditions limit the kinds of and amount of exercise you do, explain the authors of Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions. Poor circulation, irregular heartbeats, or severe heart disease require that a health care provider might need to give clearance before a person should exercise. Always remember that if you develop new or different symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, or rapid or irregular heartbeat while at rest or while exercising, you should stop what you are doing and contact your physician.Contact Homewatch CareGivers. Were happy to answer any questions you have regarding our caregiving services.  Call us today at 952-260-6223

Local Services By This Author

Visiting Angels

Home Health 25166 Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida, 33950

Welcome to Visiting Angels Punta Gorda! We provide senior care services in Punta Gorda, North Myers, Arcadia, Boca Grande, Cape Coral, Captiva, Sanibel Florida, and the surrounding areas. Our in-home senior care services are designed to bring peace of mind to families and are adaptable to meet the special needs of your loved ones.Our ServicesFrom companion care a few hours each week to around-the-clock care for those with advanced Alzheimer's, our team of dedicated, compassionate, state-certified caregivers has the experience and expertise you seek. Our services include:Companion CarePersonal CareAlzheimer's and Dementia CareRespite CareAssistance with Daily Living ActivitiesTrusted CaregiversWhat sets Visiting Angels apart is our thorough assessment process. Every client is assessed by an experienced Registered Nurse before services begin, allowing us to identify underlying health and personal issues. This assessment guides the caregiver's care plan and is followed by ongoing assessments. We also make referrals to medical professionals if needed, enhancing our clients' lives and well-being.We prioritize the safety and security of our clients, partnering with ClearStar for comprehensive background screenings on all caregivers. This ensures that only the most trustworthy individuals are invited into our clients' homes.All of our caregivers are bonded and insured by our agency. We DO NOT USE independent contractors, ensuring that you receive consistent, high-quality care from our team members.Free Consultation If you have a loved one who needs personalized in-home care, contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to providing compassionate care and support to your family.

Visiting Angels

Non-Medical 25166 Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, Florida, 33950

Welcome to Visiting Angels Punta Gorda! We provide senior care services in Punta Gorda, North Fort Myers, Arcadia, Boca Grande, Cape Coral, Captiva, Sanibel Florida, and the surrounding areas. Our in-home senior care services are designed to bring peace of mind to families and are adaptable to meet the special needs of your loved ones.Our ServicesFrom companion care a few hours each week to around-the-clock care for those with advanced Alzheimer's, our team of dedicated, compassionate, state-certified caregivers has the experience and expertise you seek. Our services include:Companion CarePersonal CareAlzheimer's and Dementia CareRespite CareAssistance with Daily Living ActivitiesTrusted CaregiversAll of our caregivers are bonded and insured by our agency. We do not use independent contractors, ensuring that you receive consistent, high-quality care from our team members.Free Consultation If you have a loved one who needs personalized in-home care, contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to providing compassionate care and support to your family.

Visiting Angels

Home Health 999 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Naples, Florida, 34108

Visiting Angels has been a trusted provider of elder care services in the United States since 1998, committed to offering families the best in-home care for seniors. Operating in southern Lee County, FL, Visiting Angels Fort Myers serves the Fort Myers, Estero, and Bonita Springs areas, providing personalized non-medical in-home care services. Our experienced and passionate caregivers, known as Angels, assist with meal preparation, personal care, laundry, transportation, light housekeeping, and errands, tailored to each individual's needs.Owned and operated by Kathleen Fleming, RN, BS, CDP, Executive Director, and Karen Hill, Director of Finance, Visiting Angels of SW Florida ensures that seniors can age comfortably in their own homes while maintaining their independence and self-worth. Our on-call office staff is available 24/7 to respond to emergencies and meet all homecare needs.What sets Visiting Angels apart is our thorough assessment process. Every client is assessed by an experienced Registered Nurse before services begin, allowing us to identify underlying health and personal issues. This assessment guides the caregiver's care plan and is followed by ongoing assessments. We also make referrals to medical professionals if needed, enhancing our clients' lives and well-being.We prioritize the safety and security of our clients, partnering with ClearStar for comprehensive background screenings on all caregivers. This ensures that only the most trustworthy individuals are invited into our clients' homes.If your loved one needs assistance with daily tasks or requires short-term care following hospitalization or surgery, contact us for a complimentary personal assessment conducted by a Registered Nurse. Visiting Angels is here to provide compassionate and professional care for your loved ones.