Finding Fun in the Most Serious Work in the World


Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care

Posted on

Dec 02, 2021


Colorado - Colorado Springs

Hospice workers are doing the most serious work in the world, said Ron Culberson, a home care social worker, EMT, speaker and humorist. Despite how serious the work is, hospice people get it, he said, they know the need for balance.
Ron visited Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care in late September during a staff appreciation day to share what he has learned about balancing the seriousness of the work specifically, the importance of finding humor in work and in life. Theres a risk of being too serious in the work and losing objectivity, he said.

Ron started working in hospice at 25 years old. Then usually the youngest person in the room, he felt he had a special opportunity to learn a lot from other staff members and patients alike and being so young also gave him a license to have fun. Over the years, he learned that fun can not only help people enjoy their jobs more but also do their jobs better. Thats the focus of his book, Do it Well, Make it Fun, which has been shared with Pikes Peak Hospice staff.
Success isnt about being serious, he said. Pikes Peak is not the most serious hospice. Youd never put that as your mission statement. You want to be the best hospice. Its about excellence, not seriousness. That idea applies to people, too. Ron said a lot of people become more serious and leave their inner child behind at some point in their adult life. Theyd be better off hanging onto that inner child, instead, he said. Humor can lower stress and help creative and flexible thinking. For example, every joke has a setup and a punchline. The punchline is funny because it gets the listener to think about the setup in a different way with a play on words, revealing something that should be obvious or giving a surprise. Humor builds, Ron said. The more you find things funny, the more you find things funny. That can lead people to think more creatively in other situations.

Humor can help with stress, too. Stress is not automatically stressful, Ron said. Stress isnt caused by what youre doing or what is happening around you but instead comes from what you think about it. To help with those regular stressors, Ron suggested finding fun, or allowing yourself to have fun, to perform better. When you have fun, youre more likely to do something good for yourself, he said. He referenced Volkswagens old Fun Theory commercials as an example. Most passengers leaving a Subway station used an escalator, but after giant musical piano keys were installed on the stairs, people started taking the stairs so they could play the piano. Ron encouraged everyone in the room to find more fun in their work for their own sake as well as for their patients. We need you to keep doing what youre doing, he said in closing. Youre providing something in the community that is so necessary.

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It is not provided by hospice.A hospice death is not the same as a physician-assisted death. In hospice, a patients terminal disease state is allowed to progress to its natural conclusion. In a physician-assisted death, a physician, at the request of the patient, provides the means for the patient to end life early.Morphine prescribed to a hospice patient does not cause premature death. Hospice physicians are specially trained in the use of morphine and administer only the dose necessary to alleviate a patients pain or help them breathe. When administered correctly, morphine helps terminally ill patients enjoy a better quality of life at the end of life.Hospice may withhold nutrition and/or hydration at some point in the dying process. There are many things to consider when it comes to nutrition and hydration for patients near the end of life. 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Local Services By This Author

Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care

Hospice 2550 Tenderfoot Hill Street, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80906

Every day can be challenging when you or someone you love is coping with a life-limiting illness. But you dont have to face the challenges of serious illness alone.Since 1980, the team at Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care has helped thousands of patients and their families face the physical, emotional and spiritual demands of life-limiting illness. We understand the uncertainty, but also the hope, that accompany these difficult times. We will answer your questions to help you make informed choices about your care, and offer resources and support that could help. Request a Care Consult today or consider making a donation in support of services that benefit the families in our community, because everyone deserves peace of mind.Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care offers care and support for each step you choose. Our programs provide specialized medical care (palliative care and hospice), practical support, counseling, and spiritual support for those affected by complex, serious illness. Patients receive services at home, assisted living and nursing facilities, and our own licensed hospice inpatient unit. Grief support for surviving loved ones continues for thirteen months following the death of a PPHPC patient. PPHPC is celebrating 40 years service, and is the only community-based, nonprofit hospice provider in El Paso and Teller Counties in Colorado.Most of our services are covered by Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance and with generous support from Pikes Peak Hospice Foundation donors. We aim to serve all who need our care.

Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care

Palliative Care 2550 Tenderfoot Hill Street, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80906

Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care offers care and support for each step you choose. Our programs provide specialized medical care (palliative care and hospice), practical support, counseling, and spiritual support for those affected by complex, serious illness. Patients receive services at home, assisted living and nursing facilities, and our own licensed hospice inpatient unit. Grief support for surviving loved ones continues for thirteen months following the death of a PPHPC patient. PPHPC is celebrating 39 years service, and is the only community-based, nonprofit hospice provider in El Paso and Tell