Funding a Revocable Living Trust


Lear & Lear PLLC Law Offices

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Feb 22, 2024


Utah - Utah

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Funding your revocable trust is just as important as creating it. However, many people don’t know what funding a trust means. Funding a trust is accomplished by retitling assets into the trust’s name rather than your own. Incorrectly funding a trust can become very problematic.

Consequences of not re-titling assets:

There are a variety of reasons why we require and help our clients retitle their assets into the trust’s name. Here are three reasons that you should retitle your assets:

1. Your assets may be subject to probate if they are not retitled. Probate is the legal process by which assets are distributed after death. It is best to avoid probate because it can be time consuming and expensive. And if your assets are owned by your trust and not you, they do not need to go through this process in order to be dispersed.

2. It makes the administration much simpler. When assets are already “owned” by the trust by retitling, there is less room for confusion about asset ownership and distribution.

3. Retitling can help protect your assets from lawsuits, creditors, and people you may wish to keep away from your assets. The whole point of creating a trust is to make a plan for how your belongings will be handled. But, if they are not correctly titled in the name of the trust, the plan you so carefully created flies straight out the window.

What assets need to be retitled:

A revocable living trust protects your assets and determines who your assets will go to once disbursements are made. To begin creating a revocable living trust, think about what assets you have and who you want to leave them to. As we’ve said, retitling your is a crucial step in creating a trust because it effectively transfers ownership of the asset to the trust. Titling, as a legal term, identifies who owns an asset. When it comes time to disburse the trust’s assets the trust has the power to give out the assets it “owns.”

Certain assets must be retitled in order to pass out of your possession and into your trust. These include:

  • Bank accounts

  • Retirement accounts

  • Life insurance

  • Health insurance

  • Investment accounts

  • Real estate

  • Vehicles

We would be happy to help you determine if your assets need to be retitled, because chances are, they do.

How to retitle assets:

Funding a revocable living trust involves transferring assets from the trustor, or the creator of the trust’s individual name to the name of the trust. This means literally changing the names on your assets from your name into the name of the trust.

Retitling assets is a straightforward process. However, it does differ from asset to asset.

For real estate, retitling involves a deed. For example, if you own a home, the home is currently deeded in your name, even if there is a valid mortgage. In order to change the title of your house, deed it from yourself and into the trust. This can be achieved through a Warranty Deed or a Quitclaim Deed. The deed must then be signed, notarized, and recorded in the county where you live.

To retitle a bank/ retirement/ investment/ insurance account, simply contact the bank or institution that holds the asset and request a change in ownership from your name to the trust’s name. You can also request that the Trust be designated as the account’s pay on death beneficiary if you would like to retain ownership of said account while you are still living. We should note that the institution that manages your asset may require documentation stating that you are trustee of the trust.

Correctly funding your revocable living trust by retitling your assets is the only way to ensure that you are correctly passing ownership and into the ownership of your trust. We want to help you understand how best to protect your assets for smooth and effective administration. Reach out to our team today at 385.334.4030 or

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Local Services By This Author

Lear & Lear PLLC Law Offices

Estate Planning 808 East South Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84102

Welcome to Lear & Lear. Lear & Lear offers comprehensive estate planning services designed to cater to various needs and circumstances, ensuring that clients are well-prepared for their futures. Our services span from creating Wills and trusts, updating existing estate plans, drafting Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Directives, creating guardianships and conservatorships, and to navigating the complexities of probate. Estate Planning Services:- Lear & Lear emphasizes the importance of creating a tailored estate plan that may include Wills, Trusts (living, testamentary, revocable, irrevocable, funded, or unfunded), and other estate planning tools. Our approach is to provide peace of mind by ensuring smooth transitions during times of bereavement and incapacity, as well as safeguarding your wishes and assets for the future.  Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Directives:- Recognizing the critical role of Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Directives, Lear & Lear assists clients in designating trusted individuals to manage financial and healthcare decisions. These documents are essential for ensuring that your preferences are honored in cases of incapacity, providing a layer of protection, and avoiding unnecessary legal complications. Basic Estate Plan Components:- A typical estate plan outlined by Lear & Lear may include a Will, Trust, General Assignment of Assets, Financial Power of Attorney, and an Advance Health Care Directive. Each component plays a crucial role in ensuring your assets are managed according to your wishes, providing comprehensive coverage from asset protection to healthcare decisions. Real Estate and Probate Avoidance:- Our firm also addresses the intricacies of real estate within estate planning, offering guidance on ownership types like Joint Tenancy and Tenancy in Common, and strategies such as Life Estates and Transfer on Death Deeds to bypass probate and ensure direct transfer of property to beneficiaries. This service is particularly valuable for clients looking to streamline the transfer of valuable real estate assets. Probate and Estate Planning Connection:- Our firm has a clear understanding of the complexities of probate, differentiating between formal and informal probate and the impact of having a Will or Trust on the probate process. Our expertise extends to facilitating a smoother process or avoiding probate altogether through strategic estate planning, thus saving time, reducing legal fees, and preventing disputes among beneficiaries. Role of Probate Attorneys:- For clients navigating the probate process, Lear & Lear outlines the importance of having a skilled probate attorney. We offer comprehensive support as probate attorneys, from valuing assets and filing court documents to managing estate taxes and settling disputes. Our emphasis on empathetic, expert guidance reflects our strong commitment to making the probate process as stress-free as possible for you. For individuals or families looking to secure their future and ensure their wishes are respected, Lear & Lear offers a robust and empathetic approach to estate planning and probate. Our services have been designed to address the legal, financial, and personal aspects of estate planning, ensuring clients receive personalized advice and support tailored to their unique circumstances. Our team of attorneys is here to help you make the best possible decisions for you and your loved ones. Reach out to us today by phone at (385) 334-4030, or by email at