Gateway to Complete Health


Front Door Dental

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Jul 21, 2020


Colorado - Western Slope

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Did you know that your mouth is the gateway to the health of your entire body? Bacteria that accumulates on the teeth causes red, swollen gums that bleed and become infected. While your immune system attacks the infection it also destroys the gum and bone structure that holds your teeth in place until the bacteria is removed. In addition to tooth loss, bacteria in the mouth can contribute to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, and dementia! Are you ready to address some of these medical conditions with the aid of having your teeth cleaned but are concerned about COVID-19 contraction? Dental practices have always been one of the safest places to be in terms of sanitation and infection control. Stringent infection control protocols continue to be at the forefront of dentistry to ensure your safety at all times. Vulnerable individuals practicing Safer at Home can utilize mobile dental hygiene. Expect a dental cleaning much like the one at a dental office but more convenient and safe in your home!
Now is as good a time as any to achieve your best smile and get your oral health back on track.

Editors Note: This article was submitted by Sarah Summers, RDH. Sarah is a dental hygienist and owner of Front Door Dental and can be reached at 970-773-6969
or by email at:

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Natural Teeth Whitening: Expert Tips for Whiter Teeth

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