Health Tips for Seniors

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Nov 17, 2021

Its never too late to adopt healthy habits, and for those of us heading into our golden years, its even more important. All of us want to enjoy good health on our back forty, and there are steps we can take to improve our health as we head into our 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond. So how can we maintain good health in our old age? Today were sharing our favorite health tips for seniors.
1. Examine Your Diet
Staying healthy starts with whats on your plate. Obviously, maintaining a healthy weight is important for many reasons. It reduces your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Less weight also means less stress on your bones and joints. As we age, our bodies need fewer calories to sustain them. Because of this, its important to eat healthy and make sure were getting the nutrition we need. But eating healthy helps you do more than maintain a healthy weight. It can help you stay healthy in other ways.
Stop Muscle Loss
After the age of 50, we start losing muscle mass, and eating protein in the form of lean meats and fish with every meal can mitigate some of that loss. One geriatric specialist from Massachusetts General Hospital recommends 1-2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. That means a 180lb man should be eating anywhere from 82 to 164 grams of protein per day. Consider foods such as chicken, pork, salmon, tuna, and legumes.
Keep Bones Strong
Believe it or not, our bones reach their peak in our late 20s and then start a slow decline as we get older. Seniors are especially vulnerable to falling, and broken bones are among the most common reasons for hospital admissions among the elderly. Calcium and Vitamin D are the best way to keep your bones healthy and strong. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons recommends at least 1,000mg of Calcium for men and 1,200mg for women. Foods such as low-fat cottage cheese, greek yogurt (bonus: extra protein!) and Vitamin D fortified milk are excellent ways to add calcium into your daily diet.
Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation leads to all sorts of issues, including heart disease, depression, arthritis, and even dementia. It might start with joints that are a little stiff, but it can wreak havoc on older adults if the inflammation goes unchecked. The best way to reduce inflammation is to reduce the number of sugary foods in your diet. Sugar creates extra insulin in your body, which can trigger an inflammatory response. So check those labels! If you crave something sweet, stick to fruits, which are a natural source of sugar and contain healthy nutrients for your body.
Healthy Colon and Vascular System
Eating the right kinds of carbs is another step to healthy eating. Choosing whole grains helps reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even some forms of cancer. Theyre also rich in fiber which promotes a healthy environment for the bacteria in your colon, helping maintain regular bowel movements. Eating whole grains can be tricky because its hard to tell which foods are full of them! Heres a hint choose grains such as steel-cut oats, popcorn, brown rice, and quinoa.
AndEat the Rainbow
Speaking of fruit, studies show that the more colorful your diet, the more nutrition youre getting. Fruits and vegetables and foods that have bright colors (think blue, red, and purple) have more heart-healthy antioxidants. Blueberries, raspberries, beets, tomatoes, purple cabbage, and yellow squash. The more color, the better! A healthy diet that includes these antioxidants tend to have improved vascular function and a healthy level of good cholesterol.

2. Get Physical
Nothing makes you more tired than being inactive. Our bodies were meant to move, and the best way to keep your body used to moving is to engage in regular physical activity. But what isthe best way for older adults to remain physically active? Think of a mixture of cardio exercise and strength training. Dont go thinking you need to start training for a marathon. Were talking about the kind of exercise that helps you in everyday life. Ways to maintain your balance, increase energy and even promote healthy brain function. Here are some of the best ways older adults can add physical activity as they age.
Walking is a great form of cardio exercise and is accessible to just about everyone. Talk to your doctor before starting a walking regimen because goals will differ from person to person based on their physical condition. But walking regularly keeps our joints moving, reduces stiffness, and gets the blood flowing. Its also a great social activity grab a friend and take a walk in a park or even inside your local mall! Even if you cant walk a long distance, getting up to move at regular intervals throughout the day is highly beneficial.
Resistance Band Workouts
This falls under the strength training category, and its a great low-impact way to strengthen your core, promoting balance, posture, and mobility. Resistance bands dont cost a lot, and there are many online resources for exercises you can do. If you want to get more adventurous, join an in-person class!
Water Aerobics
Water workouts have become very popular for people of all ages over the past few years. Water supports the body, putting much less strain on your joints. It also adds a natural resistance, so you dont have to use weights. Popular water exercises include water walking, leg lifts, standing water push-ups, and flutter kicking. Water aerobics naturally help improve flexibility, balance, and strength with almost no impact on your body.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi has been called meditation in motion. Its a graceful exercise that has both mental and physical benefits for any senior. Tai Chi comprises a series of movements performed in slow motion as the participant pays attention to deep breathing. Its calming and mentally stimulating at the same time and increases flexibility and agility. Some older adults say they notice an improvement in joint pain and even their quality of sleep.
Of course, before you start any regular exercise, its best to check with your health care provider.
3. Other Healthy Habits For Seniors
Healthy eating and regular physical activitygo a long way toward helping us age gracefully. But there are other important factors to pay attention to as well. Here are some other ideas to help keep us young in mind, body, and soul!
Stop Smoking
This is good advice at any age. Smoking is correlated back to a host of health problems, including heart failure, stroke, and cancer. It takes the elasticity out of your skin, causing premature and excessive wrinkling, and can age you beyond your years. There are many programs that are successful in helping people quit ask your doctor for information.
Get Some Sleep
Its a myth that the older we get, the less sleep we need. Seniors need the same amount of sleep as adults of any age between 7 to 9 hours. However, insomnia is a common problem among senior adults. The pain of old age often affects sleep, as can medications and other health ailments. Control what you can by sticking to a good bedtime routine. Dim the lights in the early evening, avoid watching television or using a phone or tablet 3o minutes before bedtime, and avoid taking late afternoon naps.
Visit Your Doctor and Dentist
Staying on top of your regular health care is vital to a seniors health. Keeping your health care team apprised of all your health information will ensure good all-around health care. And dont overlook your oral health! They say that your mouth is the gateway to good health. You only get one set of teeth, so its best to take good care of them. Plus, good dental health has been shown to reduce your chance of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Spending time with family and friends keeps us connected to our community and is proven to help us live longer. Social seniors are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and stress. Healthy relationships are always important, but seniors especially benefit from having a strong community around them.

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Understanding Diabetes in Seniors: Symptoms, Signs, and Care

As we approach our golden years, the likelihood of developing diabetes rises significantly. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one-third of seniors have diabetes, and one-half have prediabetes. These numbers underscore the unfortunate reality that many older adults face daily as they navigate this condition. In this blog, well delve into the types of diabetes, symptoms to watch out for, and practical tips for managing it to help ensure that you or your loved one continues to live a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.What is diabetes?At its core, diabetes is about the bodys struggle with managing glucose, which is a vital source of energy for our cells. When this process breaks down, it can lead to various forms of diabetes, such as:Type 1 Diabetes: An autoimmune condition where the bodys defense system mistakenly attacks insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This type of diabetes affects millions, including a significant number of adults.Type 2 Diabetes: Predominantly observed in adults, type 2 diabetes develops when the body becomes resistant to insulin or fails to produce an adequate amount. Lifestyle factors, including diet and exercise, play a significant role in its onset.Prediabetes: Think of this as natures warning bell. Blood sugar levels are elevated but not high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes. Alarmingly, 26.4 million seniors are in the prediabetic stages.Understanding these forms of diabetes is crucial, particularly as experts predict that the number of seniors with diabetes will double for those between 65 and 74 years old and quadruple for those older than 75 within the next couple of decades.Recognizing the warning signsSome diabetes symptoms can be subtle and easily mistaken for normal signs of aging. Being aware of these signs can lead to early diagnosis and better management:Frequent urination: This could be your bodys way of trying to flush out excess sugar.Excessive thirst: High blood sugar can lead to dehydration, making you feel thirstier than usual.Unexplained weight loss: When your body cant use sugar for energy, it starts burning fat and muscle, leading to weight loss.Fatigue: High sugar levels can make you feel tired and worn out, even after a full nights sleep.Blurred vision: High blood sugar can cause the lenses in your eyes to swell, altering your ability to focus clearly. If left untreated, this symptom can worsen rapidly and lead to permanent low vision complications.Slow-healing wounds: High blood sugar affects your blood flow and causes nerve damage, making it difficult for your body to heal wounds.Frequent infections: Diabetes tends to weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections.Lifestyle tips for navigating diabetesManaging diabetes is a team effort, involving you, your loved ones, and your healthcare providers. Heres how to play your part:Diet: Food is fuel. Opt for foods that stabilize blood sugar, like whole grains, lean proteins, and colorful vegetables. These not only nourish but also ensure steady energy.Exercise: Gentle exercises like walking can boost mood, tai chi can improve balance, and swimming offers a full-body workout without stressing the joints.Regular Check-ups: Stay informed about your health. Regular monitoring can help tailor your management plan and catch potential issues early.Medication: Sometimes, diet and exercise might not be enough. Medications or insulin can help bridge the gap. Always consult with your doctor about your medication options.Living with diabetes day-to-day can be challenging, especially for seniors. Thats why weve created a free, easy-to-follow Trusted Tips guide to help you or your loved one navigate these challenges with greater ease and effectiveness. Download it today.Potential complications with diabetesDiabetes, if left unchecked, can open the door to other health challenges such as: Heart disease Kidney disease Vision problems Diabetic Neuropathy But heres the good news: proactive management can significantly reduce these risks. Regular check-ups, a balanced diet, and consistent exercise are your best friends when it comes to keeping the effects of this condition in check or preventing its onset entirely.Managing diabetes with supportNavigating diabetes in your golden years requires a delicate balance, but fortunately, you dont have to go through it alone. Use these insights to help you recognize early signs and cultivate healthy habits, empowering you or your loved ones to lead fulfilling, healthy lives.At HomeWell Care Services, we specialize in providing personalized care that simplifies diabetes management for seniors. Our services encompass everything from efficient medication management to ongoing symptom monitoring, all designed to support your health or that of your loved one on a daily basis. If youre seeking a care solution that adapts to the unique needs of living with diabetes, contact us today.  

Daily Habits for a Vibrant Senior Lifestyle

As the senior demographic continues to growa trend underscored by the World Health Organizationthere has been an increased focus on the factors that lead to a more healthy and fulfilling life. From nutrition to physical activity, sleep patterns and more, lets uncover the daily habits that are key to thriving in your golden years.Nutritional HabitsGood nutrition is a foundational daily habit. The National Institute on Aging emphasizes the importance of incorporating a balanced diet that includes various fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.1 To make this habit easier, consider some simple food swaps that allow you to keep the nutritional value without sacrificing flavor. For example, lets take a look at some swaps you can start making today: Whole grain bread instead of white bread: Whole grains provide more fiber and nutrients. Olive oil in place of butter: Olive oil is a healthier fat option and beneficial for heart health. Greek yogurt instead of sour cream: Greek yogurt offers plenty of protein and probiotics, making it a nutritious alternative. Nuts and seeds over chips: These are great for snacking and rich in healthy fats and proteins. Leafy greens added to meals: Incorporate spinach or kale into salads, sandwiches, and side dishes for a nutrient boost. Herbal teas instead of sugary drinks: Teas are a hydrating choice that reduces sugar intake. Physical Activity and ExerciseStaying active has an abundance of benefits, and its a great activity to make a daily habit. Striving for the CDCs recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activities per week can help ensure youre consistently getting the exercise you need to reap its benefits. This might include walking in a nearby park, joining a senior-friendly fitness class, or even simple stretching exercises at home. Just make sure that whatever exercises you perform to reach 150 minutes are enjoyable and can be incorporated into your daily routine.Mental and Emotional Well-beingDeveloping daily habits that foster mental and emotional health is just as crucial as physical activities. Engaging the brain daily through puzzles, reading, or learning new skills or hobbies keeps the mind sharp. Emotional well-being can be nurtured through regular social interactions, whether its joining local community groups, participating in family gatherings, or even virtual meetups. These activities provide a sense of belonging and purposeboth crucial to experiencing a fulfilling senior life.Sleep and Rest PatternsQuality sleep is a cornerstone of senior health. The National Sleep Foundations 78-hour sleep recommendation is a great starting point, but its also important to focus on sleep quality.2 Creating a bedtime ritual, such as reading or light stretching, can signal to your body that its time to wind down. A comfortable, quiet sleep environment free from distractions also plays a significant role in ensuring restorative sleep.Regular Health Check-Ups and Medication ManagementIncorporating routine health check-ups and medication management into your habits is vital for senior health. Regular screenings help in the early detection and management of health issues. Similarly, a well-organized approach to medication, like using pill organizers or digital reminders, ensures that treatments are followed correctly and effectively. Remember, staying proactive with health care is not just about preventing or managing illnesses; its also about empowering yourself to take charge of your health.Utilizing Technology for HealthAdding the conveniences of technology into a seniors daily habits can also help effectively manage their health. Whether its using fitness tracking apps, setting medication reminders, or engaging in social media to stay connected with loved ones, technology can be a valuable tool. Plus, its benefits dont stop there; utilizing innovations like telehealth services or smart home devices can also make life and everyday tasks safer and more manageable while allowing seniors to live more independently and stay engaged with the world around them.Creating Healthy Habits with HomeWellAdopting some or all of these daily habits can lead to a more active, enjoyable, and healthy lifestyle for seniors. Plus, its not a journey you or your loved one must go alone; HomeWell Care Services is here to help. From nutritional advice to fostering mental and emotional well-being, our holistic approach to in-home care is designed to enrich the lives of seniors in all aspects. Discover the positive impact we can make in your family or loved ones home by contacting your local HomeWell Care Services today.Sources National Institute on Aging National Sleep Foundation    

Caring for a Loved One with Parkinsons Disease

Caring for a loved one with Parkinsons Disease can be quite the challenge due to its slow progression, often making it a prolonged, demanding commitment. However, amid its tough obstacles, there are also many rewarding moments youll experience as a caregiver. Its important to try to focus on the positives and to find love in each moment you spend with your loved one, even when their symptoms make it difficult.Parkinsons Disease SymptomsThe symptoms of Parkinsons can greatly vary between individualswhether that be the severity, rate of progression or type of symptom itself. Some common signs of Parkinsons Disease include:1 Anxiety Bladder symptoms Changes in mood or behavior Cognitive and memory issues Constipation Depression Difficulty swallowing or eating Fatigue Impaired balance and coordination Muscle stiffness Lightheadedness Loss of appetite Pain or tingling Sleep problems Slowness of movement Tremors in hands, arms, jaws, legs or head Its important to note that some of these symptoms may also occur with normal aging; however, you or your loved one should speak with a doctor if these symptoms worsen or begin to interfere with daily living.Tips for Managing Parkinsons at HomeIf your family member with Parkinsons wants to remain at home, they may need to modify their environment or lifestyle. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure your loved one can safely remain at home, especially as the disease progresses. Adapt your home  Parkinsons affects peoples movements, balance and stability, so its important for them to live in a safe environment that is well-lit, free of clutter and well-organized. Avoid using excessive patterns throughout the home and install ambulation aids, such as grab bars, where necessary. Consider raising the toilet seat and the bed height, as well, to minimize fall risks at home.  Prepare for an emergency  Familiarize yourself with the fastest route to the nearest hospital in case an emergency arises. If your loved one is left alone often, consider buying emergency assistance technology, such as medical alert pendants.  Incorporate a nutritious diet  Nutrition makes a huge difference in all seniors lives, but especially those with Parkinsons Disease. Since this disorder stems from changes in the brain, foods that promote brain healthneuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, fiber-rich and high-antioxidant foodscan help minimize motor and non-motor symptoms. On the other hand, foods high in sugar or carbohydrates may worsen your loved ones symptoms.2 Talk to your doctor to figure out what changes in diet can help your loved one and what types of daily habits can contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Stay well hydrated  Staying hydrated can help relieve digestive issues, especially constipation. If increasing your loved ones water intake leads to urinary incontinence or urgency, then you may consider adding food high in water content to their diet, such as tomato, cucumber, celery or grapefruit.2  Practice medication compliance  Its important for seniors with Parkinsons to take their medication as prescribed, as this will help treat motor and non-motor symptoms. Taking proper medication and incorporating a healthy diet may cause the medicine to be more effective. Some foods, especially those high in protein, can affect how quickly the medication is absorbed, used or metabolized by your body.2 Talk to your doctor to ensure your loved ones diet, prescription, and schedules align.  Engage in physical activity  Incorporating regular aerobics, strength training, agility workouts and stretching can help improve motor and non-motor Parkinsons symptoms.3 Seniors with Parkinsons Disease are encouraged to exercise shortly after taking medication and with a partner who can monitor them. Talk to your loved ones doctor or trainer to establish a workout routine that fits their unique needs.  Provide your best self  Parkinsons Disease is hard on everyone, from the individual to their friends and family. As a caregiver, you can only provide compassionate care to your loved one if you care for yourself as well. Be sure to identify your stress triggers and determine your limits. When its time for you to take a break, take one. Use that time to decompress so that when you return, youre able to be kind and patient with your loved one. Youre allowed to feel your emotions and to give yourself grace. Additional Care and Support for People Living with ParkinsonsCaring for a loved one with Parkinsons Disease can be difficult to navigate on your own. At HomeWell, our compassionate caregivers offer a specialized care approach that helps your loved one with Parkinsons navigate the disease and enhance their quality of life while aging in place. We also help provide you with peace of mind by taking some responsibilities off your plate, enabling you to truly focus on spending time with them for as long as you can. Sources: Parkinsons Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments | National Institute on Aging  Parkinsons Exercise Recommendations |  Nutrition and PD |