Home Infusion Therapy

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Jan 18, 2015


Connecticut - Southern Connecticut

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Infusion therapy services are planned before a patient leaves the hospital or doctors office in conjunction with a nurse liaison. The ordered drug is prepared at a specialized pharmacy and shipped directly to the patients home. A plan for administering intravenous treatments includes diagnosis, type and length of therapy, severity of the illness, and the home infusion responsibilities for the patient, their family, and professional caregiver. Home infusion calls for time commitment, patience, and collaborative teamwork, but the time will vary depending on the illness.
Infusion therapies provided in a home setting by a registered nurse may include the following:

Antibiotic Treatment often given over 30 to 60 minutes using an IV drip
Steroid Treatment usually a 2 hour infusion
Intramuscular Injections (IM) Vitamin B 12 or Bicillin injections typically for the treatment of Lyme Disease

With the assistance of a registered nurse experienced in infusion therapy, patients can be assured that they will be cared for by a qualified professional who will recognize their unique requirements and attend to them resourcefully.
One to one personal care allows time for the patient to be able to understand their diagnosis more clearly, ask questions freely without time constraint, get to know and feel comfortable with their nurse. Continuity of care builds a trusting relationship and a solid understanding of what home infusion is all about. It enables opportunities to engage/teach patients about their own health while looking at the whole picture and educate when and where it's needed. The ability to communicate with pharmacies and doctors to inform them of how their patients are doing first hand and if a problem were to arise is important so it can be handled in an appropriate time frame. Communication between patient, nurse and doctor is vital for a successful outcome.

For a more detailed plan you can call/text Kimberly direct at (203) 515.3293 or Email any questions to: kimberlykares3293@gmail.com and/or go online to read and get more information at: kimberlykares4u.com
This article was submitted by Kimberly Cossuto, RN, BSN, owner of Kimberly Kares LLC, an experienced infusion therapy service working with families throughout Fairfield and Eastern Westchester Counties.

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