How Can Home Care Help With Caregiver Burnout


Kathleen Warshawsky, BSN, RN

For more information about the author, click to view their website: Kathleen Warshawsky

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Mar 22, 2023


Non-Book Market , Texas - Dallas, Collin, SE Denton & Rockwall Counties

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Caregiver Burnout: How Home Care Can Help

Caring for a loved one at home can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience, but it can also be incredibly challenging and exhausting. The demands of caregiving can take a significant toll on the physical, emotional, and mental health of the caregiver, leading to a phenomenon known as caregiver burnout. However, there is help available in the form of home care services that can provide much-needed relief to caregivers.

Caregiver Burnout Causes and Impact

Caregiving can be a demanding and stressful responsibility, and caregivers may experience a range of physical, emotional, and financial challenges that can contribute to caregiver burnout. According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, more than 60% of caregivers reported experiencing high levels of stress and feeling overwhelmed, while nearly 40% reported experiencing depression.

One common cause of caregiver burnout is conflicting demands on the caregiver's time and energy. Caregivers may need to balance the needs of the care recipient with the demands of work, other family members, and personal obligations. This juggling act can be challenging, and caregivers may feel like they are constantly on-call and unable to take time for themselves.

Financial stress is another common cause of caregiver burnout, as caregivers may struggle to manage the costs associated with their loved one's care. Caregivers may also feel like they lack control over their loved one's finances or struggle to access the resources they need to provide adequate care.

Role confusion is also a factor that can contribute to caregiver burnout. Caregivers may struggle to separate their roles as caregivers from their roles as parents, siblings, or spouses, leading to conflicts and emotional strain. In some cases, caregivers may also feel like they are not qualified or equipped to provide the level of care that their loved one needs, which can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and stress.

Unreasonable demands on the caregiver, whether from the care recipient or other family members, can also be a source of stress and burnout. Caregivers may feel like they are constantly putting their own needs and well-being on hold to meet the needs of others, leading to exhaustion and frustration. Finally, unrealistic expectations regarding the impact of caregiving efforts on loved ones with progressive diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's can contribute to burnout as caregivers may feel like they are not making progress or that their efforts are not appreciated.

Caregivers may face a range of challenges that can contribute to caregiver burnout, it is important for them to recognize the significant impact it can have on the overall health and wellbeing of the caregiver. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, caregivers of dementia patients had a 63% higher mortality rate than non-caregivers, indicating the potential impact of caregiver burnout on physical health (Schulz & Beach, 1999). Caregivers may experience exhaustion, fatigue, and physical health issues such as high blood pressure, chronic pain, and heart disease (National Institute on Aging, 2020).

In addition to physical health effects, caregiver burnout can also lead to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, 17% of caregivers reported feeling depressed, and 30% reported feeling overwhelmed (AARP, 2020). Caregiving can also strain relationships with spouses, partners, and family members, leading to increased stress and isolation (Zarit et al., 2015).

Signs of Caregiver Burnout

Caregiving can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be physically and emotionally exhausting. Caregiver burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that can result from prolonged and intense caregiving. It is a real problem that affects millions of people worldwide who care for their loved ones. According to a study published in the Journal of Gerontological Nursing, some of the common signs of caregiver burnout include feeling overwhelmed and constantly stressed, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, frequent headaches or other physical symptoms, mood swings, irritability, or depression, feeling isolated and alone, lack of interest in activities that you once enjoyed, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, neglecting your own needs such as hygiene or exercise, and substance abuse or other risky behaviors.

Preventing Caregiver Burnout

While caregiving can be challenging and stressful, there are steps that you can take to prevent burnout and improve your well-being. According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, some strategies that can help prevent caregiver burnout include taking breaks and practicing self-care, seeking support, setting boundaries, practicing stress-reducing techniques, and considering respite care.

Taking breaks and practicing self-care is important for preventing caregiver burnout. This could involve taking a short walk, reading a book, or doing something that you enjoy. Seeking support from friends, family, or a professional caregiver can also provide a safe space to share your experiences and connect with others who are going through similar challenges. Setting boundaries is also crucial. Establishing clear boundaries and communicating them with your loved one and other family members can include setting limits on the amount of time you spend caregiving, delegating tasks, or saying no to requests that you cannot manage. Practicing stress-reducing techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help you manage your stress levels and improve your overall well-being. Additionally, respite care can be a valuable resource for caregivers. Respite care is temporary care provided to your loved one by a professional caregiver, which allows you to take a break and recharge.

Caring for a loved one can be incredibly demanding and often leads to caregiver burnout, a serious issue affecting millions worldwide. Family caregivers experience high levels of stress and fatigue due to the demands of caregiving. Taking proactive measures to address and prevent caregiver burnout is essential to ensure caregivers maintain their own health and well-being while providing the best possible care for their loved ones. Fortunately, caregivers can seek support from professional caregivers, such as home health aides or respite care providers, who can provide them with a much-needed break (Family Caregiver Alliance, 2021). This can involve hiring home care services or arranging a short-term stay at a respite care community, such as an assisted living or residential care home.Caring for a loved one can be incredibly demanding and often leads to caregiver burnout, a serious issue affecting millions worldwide. Family caregivers experience high levels of stress and fatigue due to the demands of caregiving. Taking proactive measures to address and prevent caregiver burnout is essential to ensure caregivers maintain their own health and well-being while providing the best possible care for their loved ones. Fortunately, caregivers can seek support from professional caregivers, such as home health aides or respite care providers, who can provide them with a much-needed break (Family Caregiver Alliance, 2021). This can involve hiring home care services or arranging a short-term stay at a respite care community, such as an assisted living or residential care home.


Home Care: What is it and how can it help with caregiver burnout


Home care is a type of service that enables individuals to receive care and assistance in the comfort of their own home. Home care services can include a wide range of supports, such as assistance with activities of daily living, medication management, meal preparation, and transportation to medical appointments. Home care can be provided on a part-time or full-time basis, depending on the needs of the individual and their caregiver.


Respite Care

One of the most significant benefits of home care is the provision of respite care. Caregiving can be an all-consuming task that leaves caregivers feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and stressed. Respite care provides caregivers with a break from their caregiving duties, enabling them to take time to rest and recharge. This break can be for a few hours, a day, or even a week, depending on the caregiver's needs.


Respite care can be provided in various forms, such as in-home respite care, adult day care, or overnight care. In-home respite care involves a home care provider coming to the individual's home and taking over caregiving responsibilities, allowing the caregiver to step away for a while. Adult day care involves dropping off the individual receiving care at a facility for a few hours, providing them with socialization and activities while the caregiver takes a break. Overnight care involves a home care provider staying with the individual receiving care overnight, providing the caregiver with a much-needed break and a full night's sleep.


Reduced Caregiver Stress

Caregiving is a demanding and stressful task that can take a toll on the caregiver's physical and mental health. Home care services can help reduce caregiver stress by providing additional support and assistance with caregiving tasks. This support can ease the burden on the caregiver, reducing their stress levels, and leading to better physical and mental health outcomes.


Home care providers can assist with various tasks, such as bathing, dressing, medication management, and meal preparation. This assistance can help reduce the caregiver's workload and provide them with the time and energy to focus on their own needs, such as exercise, socialization, and hobbies. It also allows the family caregiver to spend quality time doing a social activity with their loved one instead of providing care.


Spending quality time with a loved one can help to strengthen the bond between caregiver and care recipient. This can be especially important in cases where the care recipient has a cognitive impairment, such as dementia, as social interaction can help to improve their overall well-being and quality of life (Brodaty & Donkin, 2009).


Engaging in social activities together can help to reduce caregiver stress and improve their mental health. Studies have shown that social support can have a positive impact on mental health and well-being and can even help to reduce the risk of depression and anxiety (Liu & Zhang, 2017). It can also help caregivers to feel more fulfilled and satisfied with their caregiving role. This can help to reduce feelings of burnout and increase caregiver resilience (Bevan & Meichsner, 2020).


Improved Quality of Care

Home care services can help improve the quality of care provided to the individual receiving care. Caregivers may not have the necessary training or experience to provide certain types of care, such medication management. Home care providers are trained professionals who can provide specialized care and support, improving the overall quality of care provided.


Home care providers can also work with the individual's healthcare team to ensure that they receive the appropriate care and support. This collaboration can help improve the individual's health outcomes and ensure that their needs are being met.


Increased Socialization

Isolation and loneliness are common issues for individuals receiving care, which can lead to depression and other negative health outcomes. Home care providers can offer companionship and socialization, helping to improve the individual's overall well-being. Home care providers can engage the individual in activities they enjoy, such as playing games, going for walks, or simply having a conversation.


Home care providers can also provide transportation to social events, such as community outings or family gatherings, enabling the individual to maintain their social connections and avoid isolation.


Peace of Mind

Home care services can provide caregivers with peace of mind knowing that their loved one is receiving the care and support they need. This can help reduce caregiver anxiety and worry, leading to better physical and mental health outcomes for both the caregiver and the individual receiving care.


Home care providers can communicate regularly with the caregiver, providing updates on the individual's health and well-being. This communication can help alleviate the caregiver's concerns and provide them with the reassurance they need to continue providing care for their loved one.


Home care services can provide significant benefits to both the individual receiving care and their caregiver. It can provide caregivers with a much-needed break, reducing their stress levels and preventing burnout. Home care services can also improve the quality of care provided, increase socialization, and provide peace of mind for caregivers. It can have a positive impact on the well-being of both the caregiver and the care recipient and can help to strengthen the bond between them.  


If you are a caregiver feeling overwhelmed or struggling to provide the necessary care and support for your loved one, home care should be considered as an important component of your caregiving plan.


Resources for Respite Care: Home Care | Assisted Living | Adult Day Care in the Dallas - Fort Worth Metroplex


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Author: Kathleen Warshawsky, BSN, RN | Publisher Seniors Blue Book Greater Dallas |

"This article is also posted on LinkedIn:”


 AARP. (2020). Caregiving in the U.S. 2020. National Alliance for Caregiving.

Bevan, J. L., & Meichsner, L. (2020). Positive aspects of caregiving and caregiver resilience: A review of the literature. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 63(1), 1-17.

 Brodaty, H., & Donkin, M. (2009). Family caregivers of people with dementia. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 11(2), 217-228.

 Family Caregiver Alliance. (2016). Caregiver Burnout: Causes and Prevention.

 Family Caregiver Alliance. (2021). Caregiver burnout: Causes and prevention.

 Meuser, T. M., & Marwit, S. J. (2001). A Comprehensive, Stage-Sensitive Model of Grief in Dementia Caregiving. The Gerontologist, 41(1), 6582.

 National Institute on Aging. (2020). Caregiver stress and burnout.

 National Institute on Aging. (2021). Caregiver Burnout.

 National Institute on Aging. (2023). Caregiving: Financial Issues. Available at: Accessed on March 22, 2023.

 National Institute on Aging. (2023). Alzheimer's Caregiving Tips: Confusion. Available at: Accessed on March 22, 2023.

 Osterberg L, Wahlin T-BR. Psychological health and burden of spouses of patients with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Qual Life Res. 2004;13:567–576.

 Schulz, R., & Beach, S. R. (1999). Caregiving as a risk factor for mortality: The caregiver health effects study. Jama, 282(23), 2215-2219.

 Liu, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Relationship between social support and depression: A path analysis. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 205(6), 446-452.

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Local Services By This Author

STAP (Specialized Telephone Assistive Program)

Hearing/Deaf Products , , Texas,

If You Have A Hearing, Vision Or Mobility Problems Accessing Or Using A Telephone - You May Qualify For A Free Telephone! 4 out of 5 Americans over the age of 60 have some hearing, vision or mobility loss. There is help however and it is paid for by you through a government program called STAP, Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program, by a small charge each month on your telephone bill. Why not take advantage of a benefit youre paying for already? Contact Laura Carr, STAP to learn more about this program and show you what equipment youre eligible to receive FREE OF CHARGE! To qualify, you must be a Texas resident with a problem with vision, hearing or mobility. You are entitled to one FREE phone every 5 years. You can get a cell phone, landline, smartphone or tablet, depending on your disability. Must provide proof of residency. Acceptable forms of residency include:*  Texas Drivers License*   ID card with address*   Voters Registration card*   Letter from facility on their stationery*   Utility Bill (current - showing address)*   Vehicle registration card*   Medicaid ID*   Medicare Summary This program is for any Texas Resident that has a Vision, Hearing, Mobility- including cognitive problems.  They are entitled to FREE telephone equipment (just the device) and they have to pay their monthly charges to their telephone service provider.  Depending on their impairment, they may qualifiy for a Landline Telephone with a medical alert system; a Regular Cell Phone (where they can make calls, text, take photos including a medical alert button on the back.  If they have a hearing problem, they can receive a 2-way texting device - an Android Smart Phone or Android Tablet.  They have to provide their proof of residency for the State of Texas:  a current drivers license, Texas ID, Voters Registration Card or a Utility bill showing their name & current address & date.   Laura can assist with completing an application, take a photo of their proof of residency - attach to their signed application & send it to STAP headquarters in Austin, Texas.  The State processes their application & mails the Voucher for the equipment, directly to the Resident.  Once they receive the Voucher, they contact Laura and she will deliver the equipment that is authorized on the voucher to the Resident.  NO MONEY CHANGES HANDS. Laura Carr, STAP Specialist has worked with this program for 16 years.Contact Laura at 214-388-0088 or

Lifeline Screening

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Dont Let a Stroke Ruin Your RetirementYour risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease increases as you age. But the good news is 80% of stroke and cardiovascular disease CAN be prevented.1 If you are age 50 or older, you should be screened.Often there arent any symptoms of a stroke before it occurs, in fact for 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke the first symptom of any illness is the actual stroke.2 But, you can take steps to find out if youre at risk.Life Line Screening is a premier provider of preventive screenings for stroke and cardiovascular disease risk. A simple appointment can identify your risk factors and provide peace of mind or early detection.Screenings are easy, painless, non-invasive and dont require any messy prep work.Life Line Screening has over 14,000 locations across the United States so you can find one close to you.Getting screened is affordable. The most popular package at Life Line Screening includes 5 screenings in 1 appointment for $149.Get the most out of your life! Find out your stroke and cardiovascular disease risk with Life Line Screening so you can be in control and do something about it.***CLICK HERE*** to schedule your appointment! A simple screening can be worth a lifetime.1 American Heart Association Hackam DG, Karpral MK, et al. Most stroke patients do not get a warning, a Population Based Cohort Study. Sept. 2009. Neurology, 73, 1074-1075.