How Can Select Specialty Hospital Help?

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Feb 26, 2018

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An Intensive Care Unit [ICU] stabilizes patients; however, the next step is just as critical to recovery. Individuals with medically complex conditions may be ready to leave the ICU, but still require advanced monitoring, rehabilitation and time to heal. Thats where Select Specialty Hospital Camp Hill can help.
Select Specialty Hospital Camp Hill is a critical illness recovery hospital. Licensed as a long-term acute care hospital (LTAC), it specializes in the medical and rehabilitative care of patients who need more time to heal from infectious diseases, surgical complications, and orthopedic, wound or post-trauma care. Many patients may also require ongoing treatment for pulmonary conditions, neurological disorders, cardiac conditions or renal disorders.

Why Select Specialty Hospital?
Select Specialty Hospital Camp Hill is located on the fifth floor of Geisinger Holy Spirit Hospital. Its a hospital within a hospital that makes it easy for patients to continue receiving advanced services -- ventilator weaning, cardiac monitoring and dialysis -- without having to move to a different location. It also means the doctors and specialists who have cared for a patient since admission may continue to be actively involved in their care.

Select Specialty Hospital Camp Hill, along with our locations in Harrisburg and York, provide care that includes daily physician visits, as well as 24-hour nursing and respiratory care. If required, physical, occupational and speech therapies are also provided. Additionally, all of our Central Pennsylvania hospitals have access to diagnostic radiology and laboratory services, an on-site pharmacy, nutritional care, dialysis and innovative speaking devices for those on ventilators. The medical staff and patients are also supported by case managers, clinical liaisons and admission coordinators. To learn more, or to take a virtual tour of Select Specialty Hospital Camp Hill, please visit

From the moment a patient arrives at a Select Specialty Hospital, he or she receives compassionate, patient-centered care that focuses on helping that individual meet his or her specific recovery goals.

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Understanding Back PainBefore diving into solutions, its crucial to understand the root causes of back pain. Back pain can result from a myriad of reasons. However, for seniors, common culprits include osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, herniated discs, and muscle weakness. Poor posture and lack of regular exercise can also exacerbate these issues. Addressing back pain often requires a multifaceted approach that combines lifestyle changes, proper ergonomics, and targeted exercises.Lifestyle ModificationsLets start with an easy one lifestyle changes. Simple changes in daily habits can significantly provide back pain relief. You should prioritize maintaining a healthy weight, as excess pounds can strain the back. Quitting smoking is also important, as it can impair blood flow to spinal tissues, slowing down the healing process. Additionally, adopting proper posture while sitting, standing, and lifting can relieve strain on the back muscles and vertebrae. This is especially important if you sit at a desk all day or are on your feet for significant periods at a time.Ergonomic ConsiderationsCreating a back-friendly environment is essential for seniors dealing with chronic pain. Investing in ergonomic furniture, such as chairs with lumbar support and adjustable desks, can promote better spinal alignment. Mattress and pillow selection are also crucial for ensuring proper spinal alignment during sleep. To help with back pain relief, you should opt for mattresses and pillows that provide adequate support for the back and neck.Effective Exercises For Back Pain ReliefRegular exercise is one of the most effective ways to manage and prevent back pain. However, its essential to choose activities that are gentle on the spine and tailored to individual fitness levels. Here are some exercises specifically designed to alleviate back pain in seniors. Dont ever push it. If you begin to feel pain, stop.Pelvic Tilts: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Gently tilt your pelvis upward, pressing your lower back into the floor, then release. Repeat 10-15 times to strengthen the core muscles that support the spine.Partial Crunches: Lie on your back with knees bent and hands behind your head. Lift your shoulders off the floor, engaging your abdominal muscles, then lower back down. Aim for 10-15 repetitions to strengthen the core without straining the neck or lower back.Cat-Cow Stretch: Get on your hands and knees, with wrists aligned under shoulders and knees under hips. Inhale as you arch your back, dropping your belly towards the floor (cow position), then exhale as you round your spine upward, tucking your chin to your chest (cat position). Repeat 10 times to improve spinal flexibility.Seated Spinal Twist: Sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor. Twist your torso to the right, placing your left hand on the outside of your right thigh and your right hand on the back of the chair. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides. This exercise helps improve spinal mobility and relieve tension in the back muscles.Achieve Back Pain Relief Today!Back pain doesnt have to be a constant companion for you. By incorporating lifestyle modifications and targeted exercises into your daily routine, you can find significant back pain relief and improve your quality of life. Its essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions. With dedication and perseverance, you can unlock the comfort and mobility you deserve. If you suffer from back pain, schedule an appointment with a VIPcare provider today and get on the path to a more comfortable tomorrow.

How Much Does Estate Planning Cost?

If I had a quarter for every time Ive been asked this question, I would be extremely wealthy!  What always bugs me about the question is that no one ever asks what the value of estate planning is.  Or, by getting it done right, how much will I save my family in the long run?  In the workshops that we host regularly, we often talk about what to be wary of when looking at costs.  Yes, there are certain costs associated with having documents drafted, but there are different models that attorneys will use in terms of cost on the back end that will often make the cost much more affordable in the long run versus in the short run.  Estate planning documents can range from $200 to several thousand dollars.  In certain circumstances, if we are doing high-end planning for individuals with more than approximately 12 million dollars for a single person or approximately 24 million dollars for a couple, the cost can be upwards of $10,000.  If an individual does not have that type of wealth, they would certainly not do that type of planning and would not need that type of plan.  However, each plan that we offer in our office is priced not only based on the document itself but also on the knowledge that goes into the planning and the software that is used to generate the planning, as well as the value to the family.  I could go on, giving at least 25 to 50 examples of people who tried to save a few dollars and ended up getting hurt to the tune of hundreds of thousands and in one case, millions of dollars, simply because they wanted to save a few dollars on the front end.   Estate planning is very reasonable and is worth every penny.  If you attend one of our estate planning workshops, you will learn the prices up front and will then be allowed to receive more education and move forward with the firm. 

Family Involvement in Elder Law

As an estate planning and elder law attorney, I have seen a little bit of everything over the past 20 years. I am a big believer in having loved ones be part of the estate planning process to ensure that everybody is on the same page. Unfortunately, there are a few unscrupulous individuals whose objectives are to take advantage of their parents in one way or another. This does not change my opinion that estate planning and elder law are a team sport and that they should always include the financial advisor, the accountant, as well as the family. However, it is imperative that the professionals who are working with the individual stay vigilant and watch for signs of exploitation or abuse. Although it can often be very subtle, professionals usually have the skills and the tools to be able to see through it and bring attention to it. In an extreme case, a professional will contact the Area Agency on Aging and notify the Adult Protective Services division. They have authority under the Adult Protective Services Act to protect individuals in or around our community. However, that is definitely the exception to the rule, and in most cases, it is enough to have the family members leave the room and talk to the client alone to determine whether or not they are being unduly influenced or if they are speaking freely on their own. Most elderly individuals dont always realize what is occurring and therefore are not trying to hide it. They dont realize what is going on, so a trained professional can often ask the right questions to determine if something is not right. In the vast majority of cases, I do think that having family involvement in the elder law process is beneficial to everyone involved.