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By Faith Protsman, MD, Regional Medical Director, VITAS HealthcareVietnam War veterans face unique obstacles throughout the twilight of advanced illness. For hospice care providers to tailor care to meet the needs of veterans who have served in this theater of war, they must consider the tribulations these patients face as they reach the end of their lives.The Vietnam War era was a very tumultuous time to be a soldier. The United States' prolonged involvement in a war of questionable motivation left society with disdain toward the government and its institutions, especially the military.Coupled with horrific images shown on television, constant controversy was a new reality and negative public opinion formed around this conflict, of which those serving the nation were not spared.Careful consideration is necessary when treating patients facing these traumas.Tours of duty proved to be traumatizing in many ways. Young soldiers, some having just turned 18, were drafted into a war that many of them did not believe in. They were not fighting for love of country and God; rather, they were fighting for survival and out of fear for their lives.Intimate battles in the dense jungle led many to be subjected to the horrors that come with fighting in a foreign land that was only familiar to the elusive guerilla enemy soldiers.Servicemembers did not receive a warm welcome when returning home from Vietnam, often being judged and labeled as cruel and even inhumane.Moral Injury Can Impair Mental HealthThis perfect storm of trauma led to lasting moral injury that plagues many veterans for their entire lives. Veterans returning from the war were marginalized and pushed into isolation, often turning to alcohol and substance abuse, which worsened their anxiety and exacerbated their strife.Questions like Ive never spoken about the war, can I now? Was the war moral or immoral? and Was I a good soldier? come bubbling to the surface later in life as their illnesses intensify and their defenses weaken.Careful consideration is necessary when treating patients facing these traumas.The restlessness that can result from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is often treated with benzodiazepines. In most cases, these medications can bring relief through calming the patient.Yet, there is a common trend amongst veterans who cope with trauma that results in the opposite effect.Benzodiazepines can lower the walls that Vietnam veterans have built up throughout a lifetime of suppressing trauma and negative memories. This class of medications can exacerbate the symptoms of PTSD as traumatic experiences and feelings of regret resurface. Benzodiazepine-induced inhibition of neurotransmission can even lead to agitated toxic psychosis, increased anxiety, hostility, and rage.1The Value of Compassion Along with Clinical CareRemaining considerate does not end with simply staying mindful during the planning of clinical solutions. Providing care for Vietnam veterans requires a high level of empathy.A key to an empathetic approach is taking the time to listen nonjudgmentally. Though seemingly simple, practicing nonjudgmental, open communication with patients facing trauma from war can help avoid the all-too typical responses of Its okay and You did what you had to do.These patients do not need sympathy, because they have been judged enough throughout their lives. When care teams approach them without judgment, they honor the sacrifices these heroes have made.VITAS hospice care provides compassionate care approaches that are tailored to meet the distinctive needs of Vietnam veterans. With the Veterans Administration (VA) offering hospice care as part of its medical package, VITAS team members can provide empathetic psychosocial support, while utilizing clinical solutions that help manage symptoms.The qualifications for veterans to receive hospice benefits include: A life-limiting illness Treatment goals that focus on comfort, rather than curative treatments A life expectancy of 6 months or less, if their illness runs its normal course Veterans also benefit from the option to receive concurrent care through the VA. The VA can provide curative treatments as the patient simultaneously receives symptom-managing comfort care administered by the hospice care provider of their choosing.Offering solace, while remaining compassionate when patients need it most, is too often overlooked in the busy practice of healthcare. Acknowledging the adversity that Vietnam War veterans have had to face throughout their lifetimes and adapting care approaches to meet their needs is the best way for healthcare providers to give back to those who have sacrificed so much for the preservation of freedom.1Paton, C. (2018, January 2). Benzodiazepines and disinhibition: A review: Psychiatric bulletin. Cambridge Core. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from
The shorter days and cooler months may leave many seniors feeling down. While this could be the blues, it could also be seasonal depression. Seasonal mood changes can greatly impact seniors and affect their enjoyment of life and daily activities. Addressing these mood changes is important to ensure good health and happiness. Senior Helpers offers a guide to help seniors cope with seasonal depression and manage its effects.What Is Seasonal Depression?Seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a type of depression that comes and goes with the seasons. Symptoms can include low energy, difficulty concentrating, changes in sleeping patterns, and loss of interest in activities seniors usually enjoy. A significant factor is the lack of sunlight during the fall and winter months. It can affect the body's internal clock and serotonin levels, contributing to mood changes.Coping Strategies for SeniorsFinding effective ways to cope with seasonal depression can make a big difference. Here are some strategies that may help:Routine and Structure Establishing a daily routine provides stability and predictability. It can be comforting and help combat feelings of uncertainty.Physical Activity Regular exercise is a great mood booster. Simple activities like walking or stretching can increase serotonin levels and improve mood. Always consult with healthcare providers before starting any new exercise regimen.Light Therapy Special light boxes mimic sunlight and can help regulate mood. Using one for about 20 minutes each morning can be incredibly beneficial.Social Connections Staying connected with family and friends is one of the best ways to beat SAD. Regular phone calls, video chats, or socially distant visits can help combat loneliness and isolation.Lifestyle Adjustments for Emotional Well-BeingSmall, manageable lifestyle changes can also support emotional well-being. Here are a few to consider:Eat Balanced Meals Nutrition plays a crucial role in mood stabilization. A healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids can boost overall mood.Stay ActiveSeniors should engage in activities that bring joy and help keep their spirits lifted. These could include painting, crafting, gardening, or reading.Practice Mindfulness Relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or gentle yoga can reduce stress and improve mood. Mindfulness allows you to live in the moment and avoid negative thinking.Create a Bedtime RoutineEstablishing a bedtime routine can help improve sleep quality and boost energy levels. A good night's sleep is vital for mental health.When to Seek Professional HelpSometimes, seasonal depression requires more than self-care strategies, and it is wise to know when to seek professional help. Talking to a counselor or psychologist can be beneficial if symptoms are overwhelming or persist. These professionals can offer guidance and treatment options, like talk therapy or medication. Seniors can take advantage of local resources, including support groups and mental health services, that specialize in treating seasonal depression. Reaching out for help is a sign of strength and a step toward feeling better.Senior Helpers Can Help Manage Seasonal DepressionSenior Helpers offers comprehensive, in-home senior care services designed to address the specific needs of our community's seniors. If you live in Cheyenne, Laramie, or the surrounding areas, don't hesitate to contact us today at Senior Helpers Cheyenne. We are here to help you, or your loved ones navigate these seasonal challenges with care and compassion. To learn more please call Senior Helpers at 30
There is a high incidence of cardiovascular disease in seniors. In fact, 35% of seniors 65-74 and 59% of seniors 75-84 years old have cardiovascular disease. Taking a few preventative steps can lead to a more active independent lifestyle later in life.A published study in the journal Circulation confirmed that taking more daily steps for seniors was associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Additional positive effects of physical activity include the following: More prolonged independence. Higher self-esteem. A better quality of life. Realizing joy in everyday moments. More good news: no additional gym equipment is required, just a comfortable pair of shoes.How can seniors count steps?Today more seniors are adopting technology and smartphones. The Apple Health app on iPhones and the Google Fit app on Android phones are examples of pedometers already integrated into the smartphone. However, you don't need technology to count steps, the old fashion way works too, and it's easy; remember, 1 mile equals 2,252 steps when strolling. Creative ways for seniors to incorporate steps into each day Take the dog for a walk twice a day, or volunteer to walk a neighbors dog A senior can create or join a neighborhood walking group. Check with the local mall or shopping center, as these are frequent senior walking destinations during the winter months A walk to the store instead of driving and picking up something special for dinner Meet a friend for a cup of coffee, but walk to the destination A walking tour of the neighborhood Give up the newspaper delivery and take a walk to the store daily to pick it up Meet a friend for a movie and take a walk together afterward Go to the beach and take a leisurely stroll to enjoy the day Invite the grandkids over and take a walk together Schedule walks onto the calendar, making it a habit and something to look forward to Invite a friend to join a senior for a walk, and they can meet halfway When talking to a friend on the phone, suggest continuing the conversation in person and on a walk Take a walk while talking on the phone and catching up with friends and family. Get to know the neighborhood and walk a different way each day Create a playlist of favorite songs to listen to while walking Download an audiobook and listen while enjoying a walk Pick up a bird-watching book and see how many there are to find in the neighborhood while on a walk Comfort Keepers Can HelpCaring for others and ourselves can take a lot of thought and preparation as we age. Our Comfort Keepers can help encourage seniors to meet activity guidelines, recommend ways to add more physical activity to their day, and can help to motivate a senior to stay active. Our trained caregivers can provide transportation to a local park, a trail, or greenways to enjoy a walk together. Caregivers can drive clients to scheduled doctor appointments, provide mobility assistance and meal preparation and help with activities of daily living.We believe in Elevating the Human Spirit by providing our clients with practical assistance and daily moments of joy. By giving equal parts compassion, attention, and comfort, our goal is to help seniors feel independent again while promoting good health to enjoy their days. Questions, please call Comfort Keepers today at - 970-241-8818. References and Additional Information National Library of Medicine - The Burden of Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly: Morbidity, Mortality, and Costs National Library of Medicine - Physical Activity in Elderly Prospective Association of Daily Steps with Cardiovascular Disease: A Harmonized Meta-Analysis Healthline - How Walking 6,000 Steps Per Day Can Boost Heart Health for Older Adults Medical News Today - cardiovascular disease: Walking 6,000+ steps daily may lower risk for older adults
Comfort Keepers provides in home care and nursing 24/7. We have been established on the Western Slope almost 20 years. Business have been voted Best of the West for the 6 years in a row by GJ Sentinel, Top 100 Women owned businesses in Colorado by Colorado Biz Magazine, received operation excellence award and president club among many other awards and recognitions throughout the years. Our mission is to provide in home care and nursing to our clients so they can remain healthy and happy in their own homes.
With the use of CareLink MobileHelp, Comfort Keepers provides a simple solution to many accidents and medical emergencies. CareLink MobileHelp is a medicalalert system that works nationwide, beyond the home with all the same features as traditional in-home systems. CareLink MobileHelp keeps you connected to a live monitoring center regardless of your location. You can have the freedom to continue participating in the activities that you enjoy in and outside your home, knowing that you are always accompanied by a highly efficient medical alert system.
With the use of CareLink MobileHelp, Comfort Keepers provides a simple solution to many accidents and medical emergencies. CareLink MobileHelp is a medicalalert system that works nationwide, beyond the home with all the same features as traditional in-home systems. CareLink MobileHelp keeps you connected to a live monitoring center regardless of your location. You can have the freedom to continue participating in the activities that you enjoy in and outside your home, knowing that you are always accompanied by a highly efficient medical alert system.