I Got the Call to Be Here in 90 Days…Now What?!?

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Jun 09, 2020

Youve been on a waiting list for a senior living facility for years. In the meantime, your dream cruise is planned and that familyreunionis around the corner...then you get the call."If youre like many downsizing Seniors the question echoing in your mindis; What do I doabout the house? Here is a quick guide that can give you the confidence and structure that you need.
First, take a breathyou can do this! Next, identify a trusted Realtor who has genuine experience helping Seniors. Start by looking forRealtors that have the Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES) designation. Seniors and their families need a Realtor to help navigate the maze of financial, legal, and emotional issues accompanying the sale of your memory filled home. Im a longtime SRES and still depend on this special training to helpSeniorsthrough the process. It may sound old school, but a Realtor who listens deeply and communicates with a smile, handshake, and a visit is a must. Skills like patience, planning, and guiding are critical.
Inviteyour Realtor in as early as possible towalk through the home to learn its unique character and story!Look for a Realtor who can translatethe story intoaplan to market that uniqueness. Part of their role will be to help you understand how to prepare your home for the marketwhat projects to tackle, which ones to ignore, and how to not go overboard as you prepare to sell.Like all top Realtors,we have a handy list of trusted resources to help tackle agreed upon projects.
Pricing should be based on reality and facts, not hopes and dreams. Location, size, and amenities are part of the equation as are market activity, market trends, and area competition. Over the years, weve developed a very customized, yet simple, tool to accurately forecast list and sale prices. All top Realtors will have something similar in their tool belt.Be comfortable asking questionsworking with a Realtor should be a collaboration, not a dictatorship.
Using a professional stagerand photographer is another must do in todays market. Digital marketing demands high quality, properly lit, compelling photosof an expertly staged homed so that it shines and tells its story clearly. Every Realtor handles this differently,but we believe in this concept so strongly that we provideboth astagerand photographerat no cost to our listing clientsit is just too important to skip.
These are the steps that lead to the For Sale signand hopefully the ability to breathe a bit easier.
This article was written by Mike Julian, in collaboration with Eric J. Gearhart. Both are agents with Realty One Group Unlimited and are Directors of theCertain SaleRetirementLiving Program.

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The Seven Biggest Mistakes Home Sellers Make When Downsizing... And How to Avoid Them

Downsizing even the word can create fear, anxiety, and insecurity to the home owner or their family members because it can be a major change to your life!  Going from a familiar, comfortable environment into the unknown.And yet, you may know you want or need to start considering a transition.  The house you now reside in is too large or does not work well for your current needs.  The demands that come with it are cleaning, repairs, maintenance, yard work, and other items youd prefer not to do or maybe cannot do any longer.  And the amount of stuff that has accumulated over the years needs to be dealt with.Like anything else, the more you discover about home downsizing, the better your result will be!Thats the goal of this article.  Through more than 25 years of working with seniors and their families that want or need to downsize a house and move to senior living, weve learned a great deal to help make the transition easier. Downsizing can be more difficult than it needs to be if you dont take the time to become familiar with the many facets involved in moving to a smaller living accommodation. This article contains specific items on the ins and outs, the do's and donts, what to avoid and what to embrace, so that after youve made the transition to senior living, youll be in a better place.Mistake #1: Failing To See the Big PictureMany who decide to downsize dont realize soon enough that it is a two-sided equation.  They have decided to sell their house, however they dont have a clear picture of what the selling process involves and secondly, where they will move to.Theres an old saying putting the cart before the horse, and for some people this definitely applies when downsizing their house.  Because of this, it is very important that you fully think out and decide where youre heading.Some options include:A smaller houseA condoAn apartmentMoving in with an adult childA senior community (independent living, assisted living, or other)There are choices, and as you consider downsizing your house, it helps to figure out your next step.  In addition, you will want to know, once you decide to make a move, theres actually availability where you want to be.  An example here is youve decided to relocate into an apartment community in a particular neighborhood, but you discover there are no vacancies at this time.  Its not uncommon for highly desired communities to have a waitlist.Do you have a plan B?  You may need one.  Other than the option of moving in with an adult child, there will always be the question of availability, so before you start packing, youll need to know.Knowing this information will provide some peace of mind as you start your home downsizing journey. Mistake #2: Not Assembling a Strong TeamTo win in sports, it takes a team effort from a group of dedicated people.  Even in individual sports, athletes must rely on a coach and a trainer, among others as part of their team.The same team concept holds true when selling your house and downsizing.  Earlier, we asked an important question to consider: where will you be going?  The answer serves as the end result to the downsizing process.  However, there are a multitude of other questions/scenarios to consider, which will cover in this article.  For now, let's focus on what you must do to place yourself in the best possible position to achieve your goals.First, who is going to be the leader of your team?  This should likely be a real estate professional who is highly experienced with home downsizing scenarios.  Some things to consider when selecting this professional:Does this person have a track record of accomplishment, specifically working with seniors and their families and the particular needs you have?Is this person familiar with the various home downsizing options so that they can provide outstanding guidance and direction to help decide the best options for you?Can they offer good advice of what you need to do to get your house ready for sale so its attractive to potential buyers?Will the real estate professional know the local market well enough, understanding realistic values and potential values of your house and the neighborhood?Will they be able to give you realistic expectations of what you may NET from the sale of your house in its as is as well as potential value?There are other factors involved in this process, but choosing the right real estate professional is a key decision in creating a good home downsizing team. Mistake #3: Getting OverwhelmedThe age old question goes like this:  How do you eat an elephant?  The answer: One bite at a time!The same applies with downsizing your house.  If you stop and think about all thats involved, youre likely to get overwhelmed.  Yes, theres a lot to do, but as with the item above, you just take it one step at a time. Again, this is where having a trusted, experienced real estate professional who is a specialist at downsizing can be a major asset.  They can guide you through this transition.  It's important to have a game-plan in place, a roadmap if you will, to follow.  This in itself, will give you some peace of mind and comfort during the process.  Some things to take note of:What repairs or deferred maintenance needs to be done to put your house in a good sellable condition?Whats the best way to market your house?Do you have accurate pricing and valuation information for your house?Are you going to live in the house until its sold, or find other living arrangements?All of the above are important items to consider.  Each will have a definite bearing on the process of selling your house.Along these lines, in particular, is the last bullet point, regarding whether you plan to stay in the house or move out.  If it is the former and you will be living in the house while selling, then be aware of a common mistake many sellers make.This will be covered next and is a key item in getting your house sold in a timely fashion.  Failing to adhere to this will potentially put you at a major disadvantage with potential home buyers!Mistake #4:  Not Seeing the Forest for the TreesIt's your house, which you know like the back of your hand.  Because of this, its easy to be lulled into a trap.  You walk through the various rooms and do so with the blinders that come with being the owner.  Here you arent always able to step back and see what is there.  In a word:CLUTTERPotential buyers want to image what the home will look like with their things in it.  Items such as furniture, pictures, and their personal keepsakes enter into a buyers visualization process.  Because of this, every place where you have something displayed makes it more difficult for the potential buyer to put their stuff into the picture.Unless you are planning on moving during the selling process, this is something you (and potential buyers) will have to deal with.  However, all is not lost!The answer is to remove as many things as possible, especially those items which can cause a negative imprint of the space.  Do what you can to not have overcrowded rooms or rooms with too much stuff.Your real estate professional can provide guidance in order to make sure your house looks its very best!  It may also be beneficial to consult with a professional home stager, someone that can help present your house to attract potential buyers.If nothing else, your real estate professional can serve as a fresh set of eyes to help get your house sold.  Its all about making your house as attractive as possible so that potential buyers see your house as where they want to live!Mistake #5: Unrealistic ExpectationsExpectations.  We all have them, no matter the circumstances.  It's human nature!  We think about the given situation and our mind forms an opinion, or expectation.Its the same with the process of selling a house and downsizing.  Expectations can become more clear once youve set a clear path for where you are heading.  Here, you will be able to see first-hand where you will be living.The second part of the scenario is more out of your control.  Thats because the potential buyer of your house will have a say-so in what you will actually NET from the sale.You can certainly ask whatever you want for the property.  It's your right as the owner.  That said, there is usually a asking price and the selling price.  Then there is the actual net amount you will receive from the transaction.Many sellers think with their heard and not their head when formulating the initial asking price.  Thats because they get emotional in regard to the property.  It's understandable.  Its the sellers home.  It's likely a family was raised in the house.  You may have owned the property for literally decades and created many memories.For many, all these thoughts influence the asking price.  Again, this is normal.  However, the bottom line is that this is a business transaction.  Indeed, you as the seller are trying to get every possible dollar from the sale.In the end though, the market will dictate the price for the property, and it is up to you to decide if that amount is acceptable. Mistake #6: Not Being Open to All PossibilitiesAs the home owner, you will be the final decision maker as to what you will or will not accept for the house.  Having a real estate professional can help in determining what that amount will be in order for you to accept the result and move on.The real estate professional can research what comparable houses have sold for in your neighborhood in the recent past.  They can also see whats currently on the market (your competition), and what was on the market but didnt sell.  They will also be able to show you the condition of these houses.  All of this is very good information to have! Part of the decision regarding an asking price may be based on how quickly you want or need to move.  It may be a result of a health-related matter, or that the apartment or senior community is available right now and may not be in the near future.  There are often factors that contribute to the timetable to sell and move.Did you know that there are other options available to sell your house, in its current as is condition, and at a fair price?  There are professional home buyers that provide benefits that may be of value to you and your unique needs and be just what you are looking for!Here again, a real estate professional that has experience working with home owners and their families wanting or needing to downsize can help to provide the benefits or negatives or the various selling options.It certainly doesnt hurt to explore the various options to sell your house, whether you are wanting to make a move in the next few days, weeks, or months.Your goal is a smooth transition, where when all is said and done, you are satisfied with the outcome, no matter who the buyer is!Mistake #7: Fear Of the UnknownOne things for sure the decision to sell your house and downsize means you are in for a visit into unchartered territory. If you are planning to move in with an adult child, this may not be as much as an unknown as the other options.Otherwise, youll be looking at a smaller house, condo, apartment, or some type of senior community. Rest assured that many people, just like you, have gone through the downsizing process and made it successfully to the other side.  They are living a life where they know they made the right decision for them.The unknowns can certainly be scary, but it can also be an exciting and rewarding experience. The right real estate professional can be an important and valuable resource to make this process go as smoothly and stress-free as possible.  If youd like to discuss your options, and how Home Downsizing Solutions can help with your specific situation, just let us know!  With our 25+ years of downsizing experience, we are confident that we can help!

The 5 Critical Steps to Successfully Sell Your House & Downsize

As we grow older, the desire and sometimes need for a different and safer living arrangement increases.  That new living arrangement may be a smaller home, moving in with a family member, apartment community, or other senior living arrangement.  It may also include staying in the house were already living in, with some modifications to provide a better living environment.If the decision is to sell your house and move, this article will cover the 5 critical steps needed to sell your house and downsize.Assess Your Current Living SituationBefore looking for a new living arrangement, it's important to assess your current situation, needs, and future needs if possible.  Take a realistic look at your health, mobility, and any medical conditions that may require special care and attention.  Do you need help with activities like bathing, dressing, or making meals?  Do you need medication management or help with medical equipment?Make a list of your needs and desires to help you determine what level of care you need now or may likely need in the future.  This will help determine what type of living arrangement will be best for you.Research Living Arrangement OptionsOnce youve determined your needs and preferences, youll be better prepared to research your living arrangement options.  Is a smaller home or apartment community a good option?  Or is a senior community, such as independent living, assisted living, memory care, or continuing care community (a community that have different levels of care that can adapt to your needs) a better option?Look for a living arrangement or community that best fits your needs and preferences, that are hopefully located in areas that you want to be in and are close to services that you want or will need.  Often times, a knowledgeable senior placement agent can play an important role in helping locate a community that will fit your needs.Preparing Your House for SaleTypically, the next step is to get your house ready for sale.  This can include decluttering (getting rid of the sometimes decades of stuff that has accumulated in the house), getting a whole house inspection to discover known and unknown issues with the house that potential buyers will discover, making any necessary repairs and updates the house may need, and making the house inviting to potential buyers.What do I do with the stuff is usually the most common statement I hear.  But taking care of the stuff and depersonalizing the house, so that the house is inviting to potential buyers are important steps when selling a house in a traditional manner.If your house hasnt been updated in the last several years, you may need to decide if you will need to find contractors to update the house to what most home buyers expect in the current market, or price the house accordingly if the repairs and updates are not done.Locating The Right Real Estate ProfessionalI would recommend interviewing a few different real estate professionals to see what type of service is best for your specific situation.  Note- a friend or relative that happens to have a real estate license may not be your best choice.If your house is in great condition or you want and are able to get the house into a nice retail condition, and dont mind showings with strangers in your house or the other potential challenges that can go along with Listing a house, a great real estate agent may be your best solution.If you prefer to not do any repairs or updates, dont want to handle or deal with the stuff thats not important to you, dont want to get and keep the house in show ready condition, dont want strangers in your house, and want more control over the closing date and how long you can stay in the house, a trusted and experienced home buying company like Home Downsizing Solutions home buyers may be a great solution.The Move to Your New HomeOnce you have the sale of your house taken care of, it's time to make the move!You can start by creating a moving plan and schedule.  This can include going through your house, room by room, and identifying the items you want to take with you and ensuring they will fit in your new accommodations.  A senior moving/organizing company can help with sorting your stuff if needed.If you have enough good stuff that you dont want to take with you, you may want to contact a local estate sale company to monetize and get the most value from those items.When it comes time to pack and move, you and your family will need to determine if you have the abilities and resources for these tasks, or if its best to contact a local move manager and moving company that are specialists when it comes to downsizing and moving to senior living.And dont forget to notify utility companies, the post office, and others about the change in service and your new address.Downsizing and moving to new accommodations may be challenging, but with the right guidance and resources, can be rewarding and result in a better and more enjoyable life and lifestyle.For additional information on how to sell your house and downsize, just go to www.HomeDownsizingSolutions.com

Avoiding Common Estate Planning Mistakes: A Message from Jeff Bellomo

Greetings, I trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits. In my years as an elder law and estate planning attorney here at Bellomo & Associates, Ive had the privilege of guiding families through the intricacies of planning for the future. Today, I want to share some insights on common estate planning mistakes, drawing from the experiences of those Ive had the honor of assisting. Its human nature to postpone tasks, especially those that involve contemplating the future. However, delaying your estate planning can have significant consequences. Whether youre an income-generating couple, a seasoned individual considering nursing home care, or a young family with dreams to protect, procrastination can rob you of the peace of mind that comes with a well-thought-out plan. No two families are the same, and neither should their estate plans be. Cookie-cutter approaches often neglect the nuances that make your situation unique. As your trusted advisor, I emphasize the importance of personalized solutions. Your plan should reflect your values, aspirations, and the legacy you wish to leave behind. Life is dynamic, and so are your circumstances. Marriage, births, career shifts, and even unexpected health challenges can reshape your priorities. Failing to update your estate plan accordingly can lead to unintended consequences. Regular reviews ensure that your plan remains a true reflection of your current life stage and desires. Discussing end-of-life matters can be uncomfortable, but its a crucial step in ensuring your wishes are understood and respected. Communicating openly with your loved ones about your estate plan can prevent misunderstandings and provide clarity during challenging times. In the age of online resources, its tempting to try a do-it-yourself approach to estate planning. However, the potential pitfalls of DIY plans can far outweigh the perceived cost savings. Professional guidance ensures that your plan complies with legal requirements and considers intricate details that may be overlooked. To those of you who resonate with these considerations, I extend an invitation to join us at our next estate planning workshop. Its not just an opportunity to learn about common mistakes but also a chance to connect with others who share similar concerns. Bring your questions, share your stories, and lets navigate the path to a secure future together. Remember, estate planning is not just a legal process; its a journey toward safeguarding what matters most to you. I look forward to meeting you and exploring the important next steps in creating a plan that reflects your unique legacy. To a future of informed decisions and lasting legacies, Jeff BellomoWe offer FREE WORKSHOPS every week! Click here to register!