Life Testaments or Ethical Wills


Kapsak Law Firm, LLC

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Sep 16, 2012


Colorado - Boulder County

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Life Testaments, or ethical wills, are a way to share our values, blessings, life's lessons, hopes and dreams for the future, love, and forgiveness with our family, friends, and community. Although these names frequently cause confusion, Life Testaments are simply writings intended to provide loved ones with more formal and tangible expressions of those values, guiding principles, and wishes than conversations that may be planned but never held.
Life Testaments are not new. Their use may be found, for example, in both Hebrew Scriptures (Genesis 49) and Christian Scriptures (John 15-18) and may be transmitted orally or otherwise. If in written form, they are not considered legal documents in the sense that they do not convey wishes in the event of a terminal condition or irreversible coma as may be found in a Living Will; nor do they express wishes as to materials possessions as may be found in a Will or Revocable (Living) Trust. Rather, they are personal expressions of values at life's turning points, responses to challenging life situations and transitional life stages. These personal documents reflect the voice of the heart and are as unique as the person writing it.
Life Testaments share some common themes: Preserving family history; conveying important personal/spiritual values and beliefs; bestowing hopes and blessings for future generations; relating life's lessons; expressing ones love, forgiving others, and asking for forgiveness. Couples and parents may use a Life Testament to help clearly understand each others values so to build a foundation of common values for the relationship and childrearing, as well as to launch adult children and enter into a new relationship phase; an opportunity to harvest life experiences, convert these experiences into wisdom, and allow for the fulfillment of the responsibility of passing this wisdom on to future generations. Each of us may use the Life Testament as a link to future generations, a legacy of values and beliefs for a time when we are gone.
A Life Testament complements our estate plan will or trust, durable general and healthcare powers of attorney, living will. It is a living document, ever changeable, constantly evolving; a challenge to create, a relief to complete; a blessing to give.

Editors Note: This article was submitted by Dan Kapsak of Kapsak Law Firm LLC. He may be reached at 303 651-9330 or by email

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What is a Last Will and Testament?

A Last Will & Testament, commonly referred to as a Will, is a legal document that expresses a person's wishes regarding the distribution of their assets and the management of their affairs after their death. It serves as a written record of how an individual wants their property and belongings to be handled, including who should inherit their assets, who should be appointed as guardians for minor children, and any other specific instructions they may have regarding their final wishes when they are gone.  Many people confuse a Will with a Living Will which is a much different document that takes effect while you are alive!  Here in Florida, it generally covers three conditions and states that if you have: a terminal condition; end stage condition; or if you are in a persistent vegetative state, where in the opinion of two doctors, there is not reasonable medical hope of recovery, that you do not want to be kept alive by machines.  Again, a very different purpose than your Last Will & Testament. 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The Personal Representative manages the administrative tasks, such as paying outstanding debts, filing tax returns, and distributing assets according to the instructions provided in the Will.Avoiding potential conflicts: This is a big issue, especially in situations where there is a second or third marriage involved and there are children from a prior relationship.  A well-drafted Will can help minimize conflicts among family members or other potential beneficiaries, as it provides clear instructions on asset distribution and removes ambiguity. 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Factors that can affect testamentary capacity include mental illness, senility, or undue influence.Undue influence: If it can be proven that the testator was coerced, manipulated, or unduly influenced by another person when creating the Will, it may be contested. Undue influence typically involves someone exerting pressure on the testator to make decisions against their own wishes or best interests.  It is often a caregiver who cuts off outsiders from contact with the testator.  It can be a child, a spouse, a home health aid of trusted advisor.Fraud or forgery: If there is evidence to suggest that the Will was forged or that fraud was involved in its creation, it can be contested. This may include situations where someone impersonates the testator, forges their signature, or makes fraudulent changes to the Will.Improper execution: Wills must generally meet certain formalities to be considered valid. If the Will was not properly executed according to the legal requirements of the jurisdiction, such as lack of witnesses or failure to sign the document correctly, it can be contested.  This often occurs when someone tries to use a do it yourself Will kit.  While DIY may be good for home improvement projects, it is best to consult professionals when planning to disburse your hard-earned assets.Mistake or ambiguity: Another problem with DIY Will kits are mistakes or ambiguities in the Will that make it unclear or open to interpretation.  In such cases it may be contested. This can occur when the language used in the Will is vague, contradictory, or inconsistent, leading to disputes among beneficiaries.Revocation or subsequent Will: If a more recent Will is discovered that explicitly revokes or replaces the previous Will, the newer version may be contested based upon all of the grounds discussed above.It's important to note that contesting a Will can be a complex legal process, and the specific grounds for a challenge must be explored thoroughly as a Will contest is expensive and time-consuming as well as very difficult to win.  That is why your best course of action to avoid this for your family is to work with a team of professionals, including your lawyer, investment advisor and accountant, to develop an estate plan that best fits your intentions, and prepares you and your family for when life happens.

Estate Plan Check-Ups

Estate Plan Check-UpsEffective estate planning is personal, and its more than just deciding who to leave your assets to once you die.  Effective estate planning  is a comprehensive process that encompasses pre-need planning: health care decisions, financial management, and maintaining a delicate balance between independence and security.  Like your preventive doctor visits, you should regularly check in on your estate plan to ensure it fits your current needs, considers and plans for potential future care needs, and will give effect to your wishes now and in the future. Generally, estate planning involves creating a last will and testament, possibly a revocable trust, possibly an asset protection trust or a supplemental needs trust for a loved one who is unable to manage finances or may be vulnerable to abuse or exploitation.  Estate planning also involves important advanced directives, such as a durable financial power of attorney, a health care power of attorney, and a living will.   Creating an estate plan, or getting my affairs in order, tends to be an item on our to-do lists, for us to get done and move on to the next thing. However, while it may not be something you have to look at every month, or even every year, once your initial estate plan is completed, it is something that needs to be reviewed with some regularity.Most people get an annual physical when they are healthy, not when they are sick. They do this because they want to proactively spot any issues that could cause them to become ill in the future. The same concept can and should be applied when it comes to reviewing and updating your estate plan. Your estate plan may be healthy now, but you want to make sure that it stays that way by checking it regularly, to ensure it fits your needs and family circumstances, protects and provides for you now, and  accomplishes your goals and wishes in the future. Editors Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice.  This article was submitted by Ashley Day, Esq.  Ashley Day Law, LLC.  Reach her at 251-277-3377. 

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Kapsak / Estes LLC

Elder Law 1610 Hover Street, Longmont, Colorado, 80501

The Kapsak Law Firm is devoted to all aspects of estate and business planning, with a special emphasis in elder law issues. Our office provides experienced, compassionate legal counsel in the areas of Estate Planning, Estate and Trust Administration, Guardianships and Conservatorships, Medicaid Planning, and Business Planning.  We are here to serve you and your legal needs with dignity, privacy, and integrity.  With over 40 years combined experience and thousands of happy clients - our attorneys, paralegals, and administrative staff take pride in assisting you with your legal needs with integrity and compassion throughout the process.Mr. Kapsak is a member of the Elder Law, Tax, Probate and Trust Sections of the Colorado and Boulder Bar Associations and is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA).

Kapsak / Estes LLC

Fiduciary Services 1610 Hover Street, Longmont, Colorado, 80501

The Kapsak Law Firm is devoted to all aspects of estate and business planning, with a special emphasis in elder law issues. Our office provides experienced, compassionate legal counsel in the areas of Estate Planning, Estate and Trust Administration, Guardianships and Conservatorships, Medicaid Planning, and Business Planning.  We are here to serve you and your legal needs with dignity, privacy, and integrity.  With over 40 years combined experience and thousands of happy clients - our attorneys, paralegals, and administrative staff take pride in assisting you with your legal needs with integrity and compassion throughout the process.Mr. Kapsak is a member of the Elder Law, Tax, Probate and Trust Sections of the Colorado and Boulder Bar Associations and is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA).