Long-Term-Care Ombudsman. What’s That?

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Aug 25, 2016

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Ombudsman: Swedish word meaning One who speaks on behalf of another
Our Purpose: We are a free advocacy service mandated by the Older Americans Act to help all nursing home and assisted living residents maintain their quality of life by ensuring that their rights are protected.

Who We Help: Residents, families, and friends of long-term-care residents are encouraged to contact the Ombudsman. We work with facility staff, hospice, adult protection, and others to get the resident what they need.

What We Do: Within facilities, we help with things as simple as hot coffee or negotiating shower times. Feeling uncomfortable for any reason, your Ombudsman will listen and keep what you say confidential until you give us permission to act. We also investigate serious violations of residents rights. Substandard care, verbal or physical abuse, privacy, and the right to self-determination are examples.

If you are considering long-term-care for a loved one, contact an Ombudsman. We can provide information and suggestions that will make choosing a long-term-care option easier. We can also refer you to resources that might be able to help keep your loved one at home longer.

When To Call: If you need help understanding your rights, feel that your rights are being violated, think that your choices are not respected, or if you have questions about what long-term-care services are available, it is time to call your Ombudsman.

Our Contact Information: Call 800-288-1376 for a referral to the Ombudsman serving your area.

Editors Note: This article was submitted by Jonelle Roberts. Jonelle is a Volunteer Ombudsman with the Northeastern Colorado Area Agency on Aging and may be reached at 970-500-4909 or by email at ombudsnecolo@gmail.com

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What Does a Geriatric Manager Do?

The Role of a Geriatric Care ManagerThe share of the United States population over the age of 65 has risen to 16%, and it is expected to climb further to 23% by 2060. People are living longer, and that means that people also have more specialized health care needs.Aging life care calls for a different kind of attention, as various conditions and syndromes begin to present themselves. Depending on which conditions those are, the situation can get complicated pretty quickly. In some cases, it might be worthwhile to consider hiring a geriatric care manager.As we and our loved ones age, we usually end up needing support from the people around us to make sure our needs are met. Family members in particular tend to shoulder this responsibility. But there are many reasons that might make it difficult to have a good support network in place. The most common reason is that family caregivers simply live too far away to provide reliable senior care management.In this context, geriatric care managers can be thought of as "professional relatives." If a family member is not able to provide long term care, geriatric care managers can help provide any and all services related to elder care. They are usually licenced nurses or social workers who are trained in aging life care, and they organize care plans and advocate for their patients needs.If you hire a geriatric care manager, you will be able to count on them to navigate the complexities of the health care system. It can also be helpful to have someone who can make decisions from a neutral point of view, as family caregivers sometimes have to make difficult decisions that are deeply personal.The primary responsibilities of a geriatric care manager are:Coordinating elder care between multiple service providersDeveloping both short and long term care plansHelping manage emotional concerns, stress, and anxietiesHelping manage transitional careHiring additional caregivers as necessaryMake home visits and evaluate living conditionsOngoing assessment of aging life care needsAll of this helps take the pressure off family members and ensures that geriatric care management is always under control.When to Seek Support With an Aging Life Care ExpertThere are many cases in which families are perfectly capable of managing aging life care for someone they love. But it can be challenging to know when you might be taking on more than you can reasonably expect to handle. As discussed above, one of the most obvious challenges is that family members do not live near the person who needs their care. But other complications are not as straightforward.You should consider hiring a geriatric care manager when:You need help with a complex issue. Lots of medical conditions can lead to the kinds of behaviors that should really be handled by aging life care professionals. Issues related to dementia, verbal abuse, or physical violence are among these.Your loved one will not talk to you about their health. Whether it is out of concern for privacy, a soured relationship, or an inability to describe what they are experiencing, older adults sometimes do not let relatives help them. A geriatric care manager gives them someone they feel comfortable talking to about their health. You are having trouble communicating with service providers. Geriatric care managers have a better understanding of where other aging life care professionals are coming from, so if you have run into a wall in negotiations or are not able to get the information you are looking for, your care manager is in a position to communicate more effectively.You do not know what to do. Caring for a loved one can be complicated for reasons beyond their health. We always want the best for them, but sometimes there are multiple pathways and it is not clear which one will be best. Geriatric care managers can provide their objective point of view to help your loved one receive the senior care that is right for themFinding Geriatric Care ManagersA geriatric care manager does not have to hold a state level license. But because many of them come from fields in health care, they elect to maintain their credentials. Care managers who come from social work often have to have active licensure in order to practice in their state.So on the one hand, a lack of certification or licensure is not necessarily a deal breaker. On the other hand, it is important that they can demonstrate their experience as aging life care professionals. If you are hiring a geriatric care manager, be sure to ask about the following:Do they have direct experience with managing issues specific to your loved one? This is especially important to cover in cases of severe injury or cognitive decline.Do they have experience with crisis care management? If your loved one is prone to seizures or is at high risk for falls or heart attacks, aging life care professionals need to know how to handle this type of emergency situation. Also ask them if they are available to respond around the clock, or if they have set hours.How will they communicate information to you? It might seem like a tedious question, but being on the same page about communication methods and styles can save everyone a lot of frustration and confusion.Can they provide references? It can be hard to really understand who you are working with based on their resume alone. Talking to people who know them well is a good way to corroborate your first impressions.How are their costs and fees structured? Senior care can be expensive it is typically not covered under Medicare or most other insurance plans so it is important to understand how much things will cost up front. Geriatric care managers charge by the hour, typically within a range of $75200 per hour.When families turn to aging life care professionals for care management services, they need to know as much as possible about the roles and responsibilities of the people they are bringing into the fold. Geriatric care managers help families navigate the complexities of elder care and relieve them of the stress and anxiety that so often comes along with it. They are experienced in working with a variety of national and local resources, care providers, and care services to ensure the highest quality of life possible.Give me a call for a FREE 20 minute consultation at 714-403-7040. source: Keystone Health, 2024. https://keystone.health/geriatric-care-manager-role-responsibilities#table-of-contents

Having the Difficult Conversations About Change

The following are useful tips that will help you have difficult conversations with your family members about the changes that are to come regarding their care. It is not always easy for people to admit that they need help, or they need a change. Discussing their current conditions with them and asking them questions about their care preferences can make this easier. Keeping these tips in mind will help make the process a little easier and less stressful for everyone. 1. Do your best to pick a good time that works for your loved one. 2. Speak in a calm reassuring voice, but do not speak to them like they are a child. 3. Never miss the opportunity to listen to them. If possible, get with other family members and their support system. Address their concerns and voice your concerns in equal measure and agree which on of your concerns are the most important. 4. Try and be consistent among all of you on the conversations you are having with your loved one. 5. Keep the conversation short. Talking about too many changes at once can be overwhelming. Start with one or two topics that are you are most concerned about such as safety, medications, or nutrition. 6. Remember that this change is the most stressful for the senior. They may be concerned about losing their independence or control. Reassure them that you are concerned for their health and safety and not trying to take away their autonomy. 7. Be organized on your thoughts and look for things that you agree on even if they are not related to the topic at hand. 8. Talk about a friend who is receiving care. This can be a good introduction to the conversation and reassure them that you will be there with them when their time comes.  9. Do not expect to resolve your concerns with one conversation. This discussion may take several weeks or even months. Take baby steps. 10. Ask questions. See if they will be open to you about their concerns. It is common that their concerns, if they are willing to share with you, are going to be similar to yours. Question Example: Keeping track of all those medications must be really confusing. How do you feel about that? Listen carefully to their answer! If they agree to changes, offer to help. For example, I can help you do that when I come visit on Saturdays.   If they do not agree to changes: a. If you feel they are safe, leave it alone for a week or a month and revisit the topic later.b. If you do not feel they are safe take a stronger approach - Can I help you and we do it together next time? I want to know how this works in case you need help down the road.    11. Before you react to a concern or objection from your loved one, ask another question such as Tell me more about that or What do you mean by that? This may help them open up and you can learn more about their underlying concerns or worries. 12. Remember that every person and their situation is unique. Even if you have done this for another family member this is a new person. Do not try and put your expectations for their care on them.     If you have had this difficult conversation with your loved one and dont know where to go next, we can help!     Call PIECES today at 970-837-1579 for more information!

Supporting Seniors in Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions a senior can make for their health. Smoking poses severe risks, especially for older adults, but quitting can lead to significant improvements in eye health and overall well-being. If you have a senior loved one who smokes, be prepared to support them as they give up the habit. The Impact of Smoking on SeniorsSmoking affects everyone's health, but the impact is even more critical for seniors. It exacerbates conditions like heart disease, stroke, and respiratory issues. The risk of developing some types of cancer also increases significantly with prolonged smoking.Specific Effects on Eye HealthSmoking can damage the eyes. It raises the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness. Maintaining good eye health is essential for seniors to continue enjoying their independence and quality of life.Overall Benefits of Quitting Smoking at Any AgeIt's never too late to quit smoking. The health benefits begin almost immediately. After quitting, blood pressure drops, and lung function improves. Long-term benefits include a lowered risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and eye diseases. Quitting smoking adds valuable, healthy years to a senior's life.How Caregivers Can HelpQuitting smoking is tough for anyone, but it can be especially challenging for seniors who may have smoked for many years. Nicotine addiction, established habits, and the fear of change are barriers that caregivers must understand and address. Fortunately, there are several practical ways caregivers can assist.Creating a Smoke-Free EnvironmentCaregivers can start by making the home smoke-free. Remove ashtrays, lighters, and cigarettes. Encourage the senior to replace smoking habits with healthier activities.Encouraging Healthy Habits and RoutinesPromote healthy habits like walking, exercising, or engaging in hobbies. Physical activities can help reduce cravings and improve overall health.Providing Distractions and Alternative ActivitiesHelp seniors find alternative activities to occupy their time and mind. Puzzles, reading, gardening, or spending time with family and friends can serve as excellent distractions from the urge to smoke.Emotional Support and EncouragementEmotional support is crucial for seniors trying to quit smoking. Knowing that someone believes in their ability to quit can make a tremendous difference. Celebrate every small victory, whether it's one smoke-free day or a week. Small rewards can motivate seniors to keep going.Being Patient and UnderstandingUnderstand that quitting smoking is a process. Be patient and offer a listening ear without judgment.Resources for Smoking CessationNational resources like the National Cancer Institute's Quitline (1-800-QUIT-NOW) provide free support and valuable information. Guide seniors in accessing these resources. Help them schedule appointments, join online communities, or download helpful apps.Encourage seniors to talk to their healthcare providers about quitting smoking. Doctors can offer medical advice, prescribe medications, and refer them to support programs.Let Us Help You Foster Senior HealthQuitting smoking brings immense benefits for seniors, enhancing their health and quality of life. Caregivers can help and encourage their loved ones through this challenging process. If you have a senior loved one who needs more help at home, including support as they stop smoking, contact Senior Helpers Fort Collins. We're here to support families in Fort Collins, Englewood, Littleton, Lone Tree, and Longmont through professional senior care services. Let's work together to help our seniors lead healthier, happier lives.