Meal Delivery For Seniors vs. Senior Home Care vs. Personal Chefs: An Honest Comparison


Chefs for Seniors Southwest Florida

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Nov 22, 2021


Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton & Charlotte Counties , Florida - Southwest

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Finding the right meal service for seniors can be a challenge with so many options out there. A family caregiver who recently contacted us at Chefs For Seniors stated in an email:
My mom is no longer cooking for herself, and her health is suffering as a result. Somethings got to change, but Im not sure which option would work best for her. She currently has a CNA coming into the home every day for a few hours, but she doesnt know how to prepare diabetic-friendly meals.

Weve also tried some meal delivery companies, some better than others, but none seemed to stick. Then we found your company on Google, but a personal chef service seems like it would be way too expensive. What would be really nice is some kind of unbiased information about food options for seniors, do you know where I could find that?
This article is our attempt to answer her question and provide an unbiased comparison of meal delivery for seniors vs. senior home care meals vs. personal chef services.
Well list the advantages and disadvantages of each type of service, then allow you to form your own opinion on which meal service option would suit your needs best.

Meal delivery vs. home care vs. personal chef
Meal delivery services are convenient and affordable but can't be customized and sometimes aren't very healthy. Having a home care aide prepare meals can be a great source for companionship and the meals are freshly made, but senior caregivers arent trained cooks and services are very expensive. Personal chef services provide the highest quality fully customized meals but can be a slightly more expensive option than meal delivery.

Pros & Cons of Meal Delivery Services for Seniors

Calorie counts

Compared to the other meal options for seniors examined in this article, meal delivery services tend to be more affordable. Most delivery services charge somewhere between $8-$14/meal plus shipping cost (usually '$20/order).
Most meal delivery services for services have the option to order meals online, and a cooler full of frozen meals will be delivered to your door 3-7 days later. The meals can then be reheated at your convenience.
Calorie Counts
Since the meals are prepared in a factory setting, meal delivery companies can provide exact calorie counts and other nutrient breakdowns which can be helpful if you have certain dietary concerns.
Since the meals are prepared in a central location and shipped, you can order meals for delivery from anywhere in the US even if you live in a rural area.

Cons of Meal Delivery Services for Seniors
No customization
No accountability
More potential trash
No Customization

Many seniors have specific dietary concerns and/or food preferences, but unfortunately meal delivery services cannot accommodate your specific needs since the meals are mass-produced.
Most meal delivery services for seniors will deliver a cooler of mass-produce IQF frozen meals, so the meals arent as fresh and tasty as the other options examined in this article.
No Accountability
Many family caregivers are concerned about whether their loved ones are actually eating the meals ordered from a meal delivery service, or just stacking them in the freezer.
More Potential Trash
Environmentalists have noted that meal delivery services can lead to a lot of excess waste since the containers are disposable and thrown away after use.

Pros & Cons of Home Care Aid Meals
Plated meals
Grocery store trip

A senior home care aid prepares meals in the clients home, which offers a great opportunity for companionship. Recent studies have shown loneliness to be as dangerous to your health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.
Plated Meals
Senior home care aides aren't typically preparing make-ahead meals for the week. They're usually preparing one meal at a time and plating it for the client.
Grocery Shopping Trip
Many senior home care aids will bring the client along for a grocery-shopping trip, so they can pick out exactly what ingredients they'd like.

Cons of Home Care Aid Meals
Food Safety

Of the 3 options examined in this article, seniors home care aids preparing meals is by far the highest cost option. The average hourly rate for home care in the US is $25/hour, and if you had a home care aide prepare 2 meals/day at 1 hour prep time/meal, that adds up to $350/week plus groceries.
Since most caregivers don't have much cooking experience outside of possibly being a home cook, the quality of the food isnt always great and diets theyre able to accommodate can be limited.

Food Safety
Senior home care aides are not SERV Safe certified, so they are not trained in proper food preparation and storage procedures. This could lead to potential food safety issues.

Pros & Cons of Personal Chef Services
Food Safety

Since many personal chefs have decades of cooking experience, the quality and freshness of the meals they prepare exceed the other two options examined in this article.
Personal chefs can customize meals to meet your specific dietary concerns and food preferences. They can even work with your dietitian and/or doctor to ensure youre eating what youre supposed to.
Since personal chefs prepare the meals in your home, it provides a great opportunity for companionship and a fun experience.
All personal chefs are SERV Safe certified, so they're knowledgeable about proper food handling and storage procedures. This helps avoid the potential for foodborne illness.

Cons of Personal Chef Services
Lack of nutrition info

While many personal chef services are more affordable than you'd think, they're still usually more expensive than meal delivery services. For example, Chefs For Seniors charges $110-$140 (plus $40-$60 in groceries) for a weeks' worth of meals, '12 servings.
Since the personal chef industry is relatively new, services aren't available in every part of the US. Most personal chefs are located in and around major metropolitan areas.
Lack of Nutrition Info
Since the meals are made from scratch in your home, personal chefs aren't able to provide exact calorie counts and nutrition breakdowns for your meals.

Key Takeaways
Each of the three types of services examined in this article comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Pros and Cons of Meal Delivery Services For Seniors
Meal delivery services are affordable and available throughout the US, but food quality is often lacking and meals cannot be customized for specific diets.

Pros and Cons of Home Care Aid Meal Prep
Having a senior home care aid prepare meals offers a great opportunity for companionship and meals can be plated fresh, but most caregivers arent trained cooks, arent ServSafe certified, and its by far the most expensive meal service option for seniors.

Pros and Cons of Personal Chef Services

Personal chef services can customize meals for specific diets/food preferences, all chefs are ServSafe certified, and the quality of the meals is top-notch. However, its a more expensive option than meal delivery services.
Still have questions about these three types of meal service options for seniors? Contact us!

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Cherishing Our Seniors: Exploring the Heart of Senior Care

As we age, it's essential to prioritize the well-being and comfort of our seniors. At A Call to Order Professional Organizer, we believe in cherishing our seniors and providing them with the care and support they deserve. In this blog post, we'll delve into the heart of senior care, exploring the ways in which we can honor and uplift our elders.Understanding the Importance of Senior CareSenior care encompasses a wide range of services and support designed to enhance the quality of life for older adults. From assisting with daily tasks to providing companionship and emotional support, senior care plays a vital role in ensuring that seniors can age with dignity and independence.The Heart of Senior CareCompanionship and Connection: One of the most significant aspects of senior care is providing companionship and fostering meaningful connections. Many seniors experience feelings of loneliness and isolation, especially if they live alone or have limited social interactions. Caregivers and family members can offer companionship by spending time with seniors, engaging in conversations, and participating in activities together.Promoting Independence: While it's essential to offer support to seniors when needed, it's equally important to promote their independence and autonomy. Encourage seniors to maintain as much independence as possible by involving them in decision-making processes and respecting their preferences and choices. Simple tasks like meal preparation, household chores, and personal care activities can help seniors feel empowered and capable.Ensuring Safety and Comfort: Creating a safe and comfortable environment is paramount in senior care. Evaluate the senior's living space for potential hazards and make necessary modifications to enhance safety, such as installing grab bars, improving lighting, and removing tripping hazards. Additionally, ensure that the home is comfortable and conducive to the senior's needs, considering factors like temperature control, seating options, and accessibility.Health and Wellness: Prioritizing seniors' health and wellness is fundamental to their overall well-being. Encourage regular medical check-ups and screenings to monitor their health status and address any concerns promptly. Promote healthy lifestyle habits, including nutritious eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. Additionally, consider incorporating holistic wellness practices such as meditation, yoga, or tai chi to promote physical and mental wellness.Supporting Emotional Well-being: Seniors may face various emotional challenges as they age, including grief, loss, and anxiety. It's essential to provide emotional support and create a nurturing environment where seniors feel valued and understood. Listen actively to their concerns, validate their feelings, and offer reassurance and encouragement. Encourage participation in social activities and hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment.Planning for the Future: As seniors age, it's crucial to plan for the future and make arrangements for their care and well-being. Discuss topics such as advanced care directives, estate planning, and long-term care options to ensure that their wishes are honored and their needs are met. Involve seniors in decision-making processes and provide them with the necessary support and resources to plan for the future with confidence.At A Call to Order Professional Organizer, we believe in cherishing our seniors and providing them with the care and support they deserve. Our team is dedicated to promoting the well-being and independence of seniors through compassionate care and personalized support. With our heart-centered approach to senior care, we strive to create meaningful connections, ensure safety and comfort, and empower seniors to live their best lives. Let us be your partner in cherishing and honoring the seniors in your life.

10 Ways to Stay Hydrated

10 Ways to Stay HydratedBeat the Heat with These HacksWe are often dehydrated before we even feel thirsty. We lose water through sweating, urinating, and breathing.  According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, women should drink 11.5 cups a day, and men should drink 15.5 cups a day.Does keeping up with your fluid intake feel daunting? Read on for different ways you can stay on track from Registered Dietitian Lila Cornelio.Start Your Day with a Glass of WaterKickstart your hydration first thing in the morning with a glass of water. This can help replenish fluids lost overnight and set a good hydration habit for the day.Carry a Reusable Water BottleHaving a reusable water bottle on hand makes it easier to sip water throughout the day. Choose one that's easy to carry and holds a good amount of water to encourage regular drinking. Infuse Your Water with Fruits and HerbsAdd a burst of flavor to your water by infusing it with fruits like lemon, lime, berries, or herbs like mint and basil. This can make drinking water more enjoyable and encourage you to drink more.Eat Water-Rich FoodsIncorporate fruits and vegetables with high water content into your diet, such as watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and strawberries. These can contribute to your overall hydration.Set RemindersUse your phone or a hydration app to set regular reminders to drink water. This can help ensure youre drinking consistently throughout the day.Opt for Hydrating BeveragesWhile water is the best option, other beverages like herbal teas, coconut water, and electrolyte-enhanced drinks can also help maintain hydration levels, especially if youre active.Monitor Your Urine ColorA simple way to check your hydration status is by the color of your urine. Light yellow indicates good hydration, while darker urine suggests you need to drink more fluids.Stay Cool with Ice PopsHomemade ice pops made from water, fruit juice, or blended fruits can be a refreshing way to boost your fluid intake while enjoying a summer treat.Hydrate Before, During, and After ExerciseIf youre engaging in physical activities, especially outdoors, make sure to drink water before, during, and after exercise to replace the fluids lost through sweat.Limit Caffeinated and Alcoholic BeveragesCaffeine and alcohol can have a diuretic effect, leading to increased fluid loss. Balance these with plenty of water to maintain proper hydration.Hydration is crucial during the summer, as higher temperatures increase the risk of dehydration. Staying well-hydrated helps regulate body temperature, supports metabolic functions, and maintains overall health, making it essential for enjoying the season safely and energetically.-Lila Cornelio, MS, RDN, LDN is a Registered Dietitian at our Florida program, Trinity Health PACE of Pensacola. With education and expertise in public health, sports nutrition, and plant based nutrition, her passion lies in educating others how to nourish their body and mind in a fast paced world.   Mercy Life of Alabama is a PACE that offers numerous services for Seniors.  Learn more by visiting their website at: