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Aug 09, 2021

Written by Patricia Rockwood, Instructor and Staff Writer, Adult & Community Enrichment (ACE), Suncoast Technical College, Sarasota County District Schools. For class info, pleasevisit our website or give us a call at (941) 361-6590.

Everyones heard the old saying Use it or lose it.There is some truth to thatadage: Our brain has a wonderful ability to adapt and changeeven as we age. This ability is called neuroplasticity, and it means that we can keep learning for as long as we want to. But just as with any other muscle, our brain needs regular exercise.

According toexperts, agood brain workoutis one thatis a bit challenging and teaches you something new. Maybe youve always wanted to try your hand atphotographyor throwing a pot. Or maybe youre planning a trip toItalyand youd like to brush up on your Italian.Have youbeen working on your memoirs?You could join a class to get tips on how to organize yournotes,andshare your journey with others. If you long for something moreenergetic,there are many types ofdance classes. Any activitythat keeps you challenged and focusedwillstimulate your brain andimprove your memory.

Manylifestyle factors affect memory. Experts recommendtakingthe followingstepsto improve memory andbrainhealth:

Get regular physical exercise.The best thing for memory is exercise, says RickHuganir, PhD, director of the Johns Hopkins Department of Neuroscience.Researchers arenot clear exactlyhowit works, butit has to do withgetting more blood to your brain.Physical exercise also helps prevent diseases that can be damaging to memory, such as diabetes and hypertension.

Aerobic exercise is the best kind: if its good for your heart, its good for your brain,is a good mantra to follow.Try takingexercise breaks throughout the day, whether you are still working or retired; even a few minutes of getting your heart rate going will help reboot your brain. Activities that require hand-eye coordination (such asany racket sportandmany dance classes) are particularly good for the memory circuits.

Housework and yardworkmayalsocountas aerobic exercisesometimes.Also, if youre pressed for time,you coulddo a power walk through the grocery storeor the mall and complete errands at the same timeas youfill yourexercise quota.

Handle any medical problems,especially circulatory diseasessuch as high bloodpressure,highcholesterol, diabetes, and strokeall ofthese conditions can damage the brain and affect your memory.A nationwidetrialcalled the Sprint-Mindstudyshowed that intensive lowering of blood pressurereduces the risk for mild cognitive impairmentwhich isa risk for dementia.Hormone imbalance in both women and men, including thyroid problems, may also be of concern.

Get enough sleep. Sleep apnea and stress are two sleep disruptions that can damage brain functions, includingmemory.Experts believe that 95% of adults need 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep, whereas many of us are getting by on 6 or less. Sleep is necessary for the essential function ofmemory consolidation,which occurs only in the deepest stage of sleep. Youmay haveheard some orall ofthe following suggestions before, but they really are the best way to begin sleeping more and better:

Turn off all screens at least an hour before bed; the blue light emitted by TVs, phones, and computers causes wakefulness and interferes with the hormones that cause sleepiness, such as melatonin.
Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends and holidays.
Cut back on caffeine if you suspect that it's interfering with your sleep. People react differently to caffeine;you may beso sensitive that even one morning cup of coffee can keepyoufrom sleeping at night,or it may haveno effect at allon you.

Review your medicationswith your doctor; some, such as anxiety meds, can affect memory. Other medications may also have side effectsthat affectmemory as well asother brain functions.Your doctor should also check for possible drug interactions.Be sure to also tell your doctor about any supplements that you take regularly.

Stay social!Crosswords and sudoku are great for keeping you sharp, butitseven bettertoplay Bridge, Scrabble, or other challenging games with friends.Keeping your memory healthy is as good an excuse as any for getting out and getting together!Now that more and more people have been vaccinated, social rules in more places are being eased somewhat. A 2008 studyfrom the Harvard School of Public Health found that people with the most active social lives had the slowest rate of memory decline. Remember to get your hearing tested at least yearly, as it often declines gradually and can contribute to social isolation.

Manage your stress. Stress is not something you can avoid; in fact, stress is a part of life. Rather than try to avoid stress itself, the key is to look at how you react to it,physically and emotionally. Over time, poorly managed stress reactions can destroy brain cells, damaging the areas in the brain that deal with memory, making it harder to make new memories or retrieve older ones. Here are a few ways to manage stress:

Learn to meditate.Meditation is easy to learn and has wonderful benefits, both physical and mental.Besides helping you with daily stress relief, meditation can help improve memory and focus, and reduce anxiety. On the physical side, a regular meditation practice has been scientifically shown to help with chronic pain, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Learn to say No.If your to-do list is one of the sources of your stress, take steps to shorten it.
Learn how to play. Finish this saying: All work and no play If you can learn to bring joy and spontaneity back into your life, you might feel a little happier and more relaxed.
Simplify. Step outside the Rat Race and slow your life down a bit. If you can stopor at least reducemultitasking, youll enjoy the peaceful Zen feeling of focusing on one thing at a time.

Laugh more. Laughingand responding to funny situations or jokes requires several areas of the brain to work together, stimulatinglearning and creativity, according toHelpGuide. Laughter also relaxes you physically, by alternately tensing and relaxing your facial and stomach muscles. Dose yourself with your favorite radio or TV comedyshows, orlook up on-demand programs on cable. As the saying goes, Laughter is the best medicine!

Eat healthy.Is there a memory diet?Not exactly. But some foods are better for a healthy brain than others, and some foods aredefinitely NOTso good for your brain. The best overall diet, as you probably know, isbased on fruits, vegetables, whole grains,healthy fatsolive oil, nuts, fishandlean protein. Here are some additional pointers:

Getomega-3 fatty acids, either fromcoldwaterfatty fish such as salmon, trout, herring, andtuna;or from walnuts, flaxseed, winter squash, pumpkin seeds, kidney beans, and soybeans.
Limit calories from saturated fatit increases the risk of dementia and impairs concentration andmemory.
Eat more fruitsand vegetablesthey are full ofantioxidants, important in protecting brain cells from free radical damage, thus improvingmemory.
Drink green teait containspolyphenols, which protect against free radical damage and may enhance memory andalertness.
Have somered wine (in moderation), or grape juice, or eat fresh grapes and berriesall of these containresveratrol, an antioxidant which boosts blood flow tothebrain and in doing so may improve cognitive function, including memory, according to several recentstudies.

Johns Hopkins Medicine: Memory: Five Ways to Protect Your Brain Health

HelpGuide/Healthy Aging/How to Improve Your Memory

Medical News Today: Social Activity in Your 60s May Lower Dementia Risk by 12%

National Institute on Aging: Cognitive Health and Older Adults

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The Respiratory System: Age-Related Changes & COPD

The respiratory system, like many of the other human systems (e.g., cardiovascular, digestive), is a wondrously complex and sophisticated arrangement of organs working together to maintain homeostasis.Contact an Office in Your AreaChronic obstructive pulmonary disease, more commonly referred to as COPD, is a health problem facing adults in the U.S. Because of its progressive nature and increased age as a leading factor, there is a greater prevalence of COPD in seniors. The good news is that many adults can easily reduce their risk of COPD through lifestyle management.  COPD represents a group of lung diseases, with the two most common being emphysema and chronic bronchitis.Symptoms of COPD includeConstant coughingWheezingShortness of breathCoughing up mucusTightness in the chestResearch also suggests that there may be a link between poor air quality and COPD. The American Lung Association estimates that between 80-90% of COPD cases result from smoking. Unsurprisingly, secondhand smoke is a significant risk factor as well. Seniors should take the following steps to reduce their risk of COPD:Older adults that smoke should get support from a primary care physician and take steps to quit. There are many programs, services, and products that can help.Seniors should avoid contact with secondhand smoke whenever possible.Reducing exposure to air pollution can help relieve symptoms. Many cities issue poor air quality warnings when these warnings are in effect, seniors should limit outside activities. Seniors should avoid airborne irritants (chemicals, fumes, etc.) in the home.A healthy diet and exercise plan can improve lung function and overall health with direction from a physician.Older adults should understand the impact of aging on their respiratory system and reduce their risk of any related diseases, illnesses, or conditions.Doctors may recommend getting vaccinations for both influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia to guard against further breathing complications.Comfort Keepers Can HelpComfort Keepers elevates the human spirit for todays seniors and their families through a unique, individualized approach to care that helps seniors thrive and achieve greater wellbeing by fostering everyday positive moments, connection, and a more purposeful life no matter their age or acuity. As part of a healthcare team, an in-home caregiver can assist with activities that slow disease progression or reduce the risk for those with respiratory issues. Comfort Keepers caregivers can help by supporting physician-recommended health programs, preparing meals, encouraging prescribed physical activity, reminding seniors to take medications, and providing transportation to scheduled appointments. References:Healthline. Everything You Need to Know About Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Web. 2018.Everyday Health. 5 Best Ways to Prevent COPD by Chris Iliades, MD. Web. 2018.Aging Care. An Overview of COPD by National Institutes of Health. Web. 2017.Unity Point Health. The Top 8 Respiratory Illnesses and Diseases. Web. 2014.American Lung Association. Lung Capacity and Aging. Web. 2017.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chronic Respiratory Disease. Web. 2017.

Physical Activity for Senior Care

As seniors age, physical activities can have not only positive physical effects, but positive cognitive effects as well.Contact an Office in Your AreaIn one study, 100 nursing-home residents performed resistance exercises three times a week for 10 weeks. At the end, the exercise group could lift significantly more weight, climb more stairs, and walk faster and farther than their sedentary counterparts.Its been proven time and again that exercise is good for seniors physical and mental health. Regular exercise, even in small amounts, can improve mood, relieve stress and improve health. According to the CDC, four of the five most expensive health conditions older adults face can be prevented or managed with physical activity. But, only about 35% of adults over the age of 65 are physically active. Any senior starting a new exercise plan should consult with their physician. And, it is helpful for family and members of the care team to assist and support physical activity in any way they can. For those that are physically able to begin an exercise program, regular movement can help them live a more vibrant and healthy life. Some of the health benefits include:Improved mental health, mood and outlookPrevention, or improvement of, diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and osteoporosisReduced pain from arthritis and minimizing its severityDecreased risk of fallsEach individual has different needs when it comes to exercise and varying health conditions that may need to be taken into consideration before beginning an exercise regimen. A health professional to determine the best approach to physical activity with senior care.There are a variety of ways to incorporate aerobic activity, strength-building exercises, stretching and balance all without leaving the comfort of home! Aerobic exercise  Walking in place, dancing or aerobic routines can help get the heart rate up. These activities improve cardiovascular health and help older adults maintain a healthy weight. Strength building exercises  there are many easy strength-building exercises that can help seniors build the muscles they need to do everyday activities and prevent muscle loss. And, exercises can be done with household items or using body weight, so no expensive equipment is required. Stretching  Stretching before and after exercise can help prevent soreness after exercise. And, the additional benefit is improved flexibility, which is good for older adults physical health. For those looking to improve their flexibility even more, there are exercise routines available online that include yoga or stretching routines specifically for seniors.Balance exercises  Balance exercises help seniors prevent falls and improve mobility. Yoga, tai chi, and other low-impact activities can all help improve balance and overall physical health.Those that need a little assistance getting started should not hesitate to reach out to their doctor, family or caregiver. It is never too late to adopt an active lifestyle! Comfort Keepers Can HelpFor seniors that need a little extra help living an active lifestyle, Comfort Keepers caregivers can help with encouragement, support and assistance with physician-prescribed exercise plans. And, caregivers can encourage overall health through meal planning, grocery shopping, meal preparation and activities. Our custom care plans focus on physical and mental health and wellness activities. Our goal is to see that clients have the means to find the joy and happiness in each day, regardless of age or acuity.To learn more about our in-home care services, contact your local Comfort Keepers location today. ReferencesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. Adults Need More Physical Activity. Web. 2019.Health and Human Services. Facts & Statistics: Physical Activity. Web. 2017.National Council on Aging. Exercise Programs That Promote Senior Fitness. Web.Readers Digest Canada, 5 of the Best Exercises for Seniors to Build Strength, Improve Balance and Boost Heart Health. Web. Harvard Health Publishing. Exercise after age 70. Web. 2007.

Adapting Homes to Seniors' Changing Needs

More Americans are choosing to age in place. That is, they opt to stay in their homes rather than move to alternative retirement settings.But that often means they must modify their home, so it's not a danger to their safety and health when their physical abilities change.A new career field has risen to address this need: the Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS), a program of the National Association of Home Builders. Certified individuals assess homes to identify and recommend modifications to prevent injuries from falls and other risks.According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), one-third of Americans age 65 and over fall each year. The CDC adds that environmental factors lead to about half of all falls that occur at home. In addition to tripping hazards and poor lighting, these factors include a lack of needed modifications, such as bathroom grab bars, handicapped showers, stair railings and ramps. The organization offers a checklist to make sure an older adult's home is as safe as possible.Home modifications help seniors maintain quality of life. They often prevent injuries that lead to a loss of independence and early admission to an assisted living or long-term care facility.The following are examples of commonly recommended modifications:Install grab bars for toilets and tubs and install a walk-in tub and/or tub seatRemove unnecessary throw rugs and fasten down rugs or floor runners to prevent slippingMove furniture to create clear walking pathsKeep objects off the floor and coil or secure cords to the wall to prevent trippingReplace doorknobs with lever door handlesApply non-slip tape on uncarpeted indoor and outdoor stepsReplace standard light switches with rocker-style switchesIncrease the width of doorways and hallways to accommodate wheelchairs and, where possible, lower sinks and countertopsMove often-used items to lower cabinets to avoid the need for step stoolsRepair or replace loose handrails and install adequate lighting in stairwaysInstall an elevator or chair liftInstall an elevated dishwasher or one with drawers for easy accessReplace old stoves with induction cooktops to help prevent burnsReplace ceramic tile floors with hardwood or vinyl for safe standingShedding Light on Home ModificationWhen modifying a home for a senior, don't forget the importance of good lighting. Seniors need two to three times as much light in order to see as well as younger people.Good lighting -- in the form of natural light -- provides seniors safety and other advantages:Sunlight provides a good dose of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb more calcium to strengthen teeth and bones. Choose window treatments that let in sunlight, without glare, to enhance the health of seniors, many of who get outside less than they used to.Daylight also improves psychological health. It lessens the energy-zapping effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and other forms of depression.