Not Your Mother’s Reverse Mortgage…

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Sep 09, 2018

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The reverse mortgage of today is NOT your mothers reverse mortgage.
This once shamedprogram is helping seniors from many walks of life fill retirement gaps, providing protection and stability through their golden years.

Through the use of an FHA insuredreverse mortgage, homeowners are able to tap into the equity in their homes without being required to make a monthly mortgage. Thats right a reverse mortgage CANprovide Colorados seniors with cash flow for life as long as they continue to live in the home and keep their property taxes, homeowners insurance, and HOA fees up to date. The funds can be used for whatever the borrower deems fit additional income, medical expenses, vacations, home repairs, gifts, and more.

Reverse mortgages are available to homeowners 62 and over, and aReverse Mortgage for Purchaseoption is available for those looking to purchase a new residence.

Editors Note: This article was submitted by Jan Jordan, Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer, ?NMLS 543249. Jan works for Retirement Funding Solutions, NMLS 1025894 and may be reached at 970-646-8908 or by email at:

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What to Do When Senior Parents Don't Recognize You

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Caretaker's Guide to Promoting Senior Skin Health

Ensuring the overall well-being of seniors often involves a spectrum of care considerations. One aspect that is frequently overlooked is skin health. Our skin becomes more susceptible to dryness, bruising, and pressure sores as we age, amplifying the necessity for effective and gentle skincare. Discover how gentle cleansing, proper moisturizing, and diligent sun protection can greatly enhance skin health for seniors.The Unique Skin Needs of SeniorsAging affects every part of our body, including the skin. Seniors' skin is typically thinner, less hydrated, and slower to heal. Common issues such as dryness, bruising, and pressure sores can be more prevalent. Familiarizing yourself with these skin characteristics can facilitate a healthier skincare regime for seniors.Gentle Cleansing for Senior SkinA fundamental step in senior skincare is gentle cleansing. Because senior skin is thinner and less oily, harsh soaps or cleansers can strip away natural oils, resulting in dry and irritated skin. Opt for gentle, fragrance-free cleansers designed for delicate skin.When cleansing, use lukewarm water and a soft cloth to avoid causing micro-tears in the skin. Pat the skin gently dry instead of rubbing to prevent unnecessary irritation. Regularly incorporating these gentle cleansing methods into the daily care routine can greatly improve skin health.Importance of Moisturizing Senior SkinProper hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy skin, particularly in seniors. After cleansing, moisturizing is the next vital step. A good moisturizer can help seal in moisture and prevent dryness and flaking.Consider opting for thicker creams or ointments designed for dry skin and apply them when the skin is still slightly damp to better lock in moisture. Remember, consistency is crucial in maintaining hydration levels in the skin.Protecting Senior Skin From the SunProtecting senior skin from excessive sun exposure is critical, as it can lead to sunburn and skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. Suggest wearing protective clothing and wide-brimmed hats, staying in the shade during peak sunlight hours, and diligently using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.Identifying and Addressing Skin IssuesBeing observant is an important aspect of senior skin care. Regularly inspect the skin for any changes, such as new spots, changes in existing moles, unexplained bruises, or the development of pressure sores. Early detection greatly improves the chances of successful treatment.When you spot common skin issues like dryness or light bruising, the best course of action usually involves adjusting your skincare routine and adopting the methods discussed above. In case of severe conditions like non-healing sores or significant skin changes, seeking professional medical advice is highly recommended.Keep Senior Skin Comfortable and RadiantPromoting healthy skin in seniors greatly contributes to their overall well-being. As a caretaker, understanding their unique skin needs can enhance their comfort and health. From gentle cleansing to vigilant moisturizing and sun protection, every step helps maintain skin health.If you're in Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Wellington, or Longmont and need assistance with senior care, contact us at Senior Helpers Greeley. We are committed to providing exceptional senior care, focusing on the holistic needs of seniors, including skin health. Let's work together to promote healthier skin and happier seniors.