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Oct 27, 2015

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Not Just an Advocate

Om-buds-man. Just what in the world is an Ombudsman?! I had the privilege of sitting down with two such individuals the other day who work for the Larimer County Ombudsman program and received first-hand knowledge about this program. I walked away with one solid definition in mind for the term Ombudsman that is simply one who is a trained and experienced SENIOR ADVOCATE. An Ombudsman works as part of a team with the staff of nursing and assisted living homes to protect the civil and human rights of residents. Although an Ombudsman is also defined as a problem solver and mediator, I am left with the strong impression that an Ombudsman would prefer a proactive rather than reactive approach when it comes to protecting the rights of residents. Residents and family members are encouraged to call the local Ombudsman with any questions, big or small, when it comes to resident rights and care. All calls, of course, are kept confidential. A primary goal of an Ombudsman is to address concerns before they could potentially become problems. An Ombudsman is also an EDUCATOR. Starting a new chapter in ones life in a nursing or assisted living residence can be overwhelming. An Ombudsman can tell you many aspects of what you can expect in moving into either type of home, and can also provide information and assistance in choosing the right home to best fit your needs and wishes. Most importantly, you can be educated about what your rights are as a resident living in long-term care. Ombudsmen work within the Department of Human Services in each county. These individuals are dedicated to protecting the rights of residents, and in doing so, are there for anyone who may have questions, comments or concerns relating to a loved one living in or moving to a long-term care establishment.

For more information contact your local Ombudsman office:

Larimer County Ombudsman 970-498-6806
Area Agency on Aging - Weld County Ombudsman 970-353-3800
Boulder County Ombudsman 303-441-1173
Area Agency on Aging - Morgan County Ombudsman 970-867-9409

Author:Larimer County Ombudsman

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Who is Mandy's Cleaning Service?

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How Do You Bridge the Gap Between Independent and Assisted Living?

How Do You Bridge the Gap Between Independent and Assisted Living? We all want to be independent and engaged citizens its human nature. So, when everyday tasks begin to become challenging, how do you stay actively engaged in the life you know and love? This is where hiring a "Nabor" with Naborforce is the ideal solution. Seniors and their families agree that hiring a Nabor can be an absolutely lifesaving and lifegiving experience. Who is Naborforce? What is a Nabor? Naborforce was created from a passion to help seniors and their families reduce stress and restore joy in the aging process. Founder Paige Wilson saw that if she could connect older adults with compassionate community members as helpers, they would regain access to the things they valued, improving their quality of life. A Nabor is not a caretaker, but rather a helper of sorts. These rigorously vetted helpers are simply Nabors helping older neighbors, providing the kind of light support and friendly hand a neighbor might offer. In days gone by, it was easy to ask a neighbor for help. But todays communities are less close knit as they once were. The Naborforce platform makes it safe and simple to get that help.  A Nabor does not provide any personal care bathing, feeding, medication management, etc. but, instead, offers on-demand support for errands, transportation, help around the home and companionship. For seniors who arent ready for the assistance of licensed home care, this kind of service helps them address the challenges at hand while not feeling like a burden to family or friends. If one hour of help is all thats needed, thats available and the minimum required sometimes that one hour makes all the difference in the productivity of that day. The unintended, beautiful result of a productive day is often a feeling of purpose, mental positivity and increased confidence. Naborforce helps aging seniors retain their independence and dignity, leaving them feeling more engaged and connected to the world around them.What Kinds of Services are Offered?Returning freedom and flexibility to both grown children and their aging parents, Nabors are able to offer (but are not limited to): Meal prep Transportation and companionship to appointments, work, classes, functions, salon and more Help with correspondence Organizing/cleaning out Light support with technology computer, tablet, smart phone Social engagement/conversation Help with pets Playing cards, games, reading aloud and assisting with hobbies An extra set of hands around the house and light housekeeping Taking the Pressure Off of FamiliesYou cant put a price on peace of mind, and this is especially true when it comes to the safety and happiness of family. The mental, physical and emotional load associated with worrying about aging parents can be overwhelming Are they OK? Am I doing enough? Many adult children face these challenges while also juggling the seemingly never-ending demands of their own children and careers. And if you are a grown child who lives in a different town from your aging parent(s), the whole situation is that much more difficult to manage.We desperately wish we could do it all, but the reality is that we cant. Its OK to need a little back up. In many ways, Nabors are thought of as backup sons and daughters, helping with the daily tasks and lengthy to-do lists, in turn enabling family time to be quality time. Seniors and their adult children can let go of the worry and get back to just enjoying each others company.  More Than Just Help Joy Ask seniors about their experience with Nabors, and they will tell you that its as much about the fellowship as it is the help. Nabors see it as their mission to spread joy and goodwill through their service, and that mission is felt. Nabors help their clients feel joyful, comfortable and connected to the community around them. It is so important to remain active and engaged throughout ones life, and Nabors make that easier and more fun -- than ever. Clients enjoy the freedom and autonomy of not having to be dependent on friends and family for assistance. Instead, they gain even more friends in their Nabors, and the pleasure is mutual.  The delight in hiring a Nabor is not only felt in the engagement, but also in the joyous aging such a service facilitates. Life doesnt have to slow down when this kind of help is available. Clients in their 80s and 90s are more than able to and do go into the office, attend art classes, keep up with volunteer jobs, and more with the help of their Nabors. This service is freedom. Seniors know they have much more to give this world, and they arent done yet!  Making An Impact on Future Generations The real beauty of Naborforce is found in the wealth of knowledge gained by the Nabors and the reciprocity of goodwill. The visits are not only rewarding for the seniors, but for the Nabors as well. They feel that they get even more out of the experiences than the seniors do! During their visits, it allows them to slow down and feel more grounded, and they benefit from the wisdom and perspective offered to them. They all remark about the countless ways it has enriched their lives. They have been given the opportunity to experience the richness of multi-generational friendships, while they serve the cherished new family who brings them joy.Your Dallas - Fort Worth Naborforce team is ready to assist with of your help at home needs!PLEASE NOTE: Naborforce DOES NOT PROVIDE ANY PERSONAL CARE. We do not assist with bathing, feeding, dressing or toileting. Additionally, we do not provide medication management, wound care, safe transfers, or any other regulated activities. Should you need that level of care, please contact a home care agency. This article was written by Paige Wilson, Founder, Naborforce.

How to Protect Your Digital Legacy Before You Die

Most of us live so much of our lives online nowadays, but protecting our digital legacy is a planning task that often gets overlooked.Digital planning includes:Providing loved ones with your passwords so they can access your accountsDesignating the name of someone who can access your online accounts once you have diedLetting a loved one know what youd like to happen to your social media accounts upon your death. For example, would you like those accounts deleted or memorialized?Here are a few tips to start planning your digital legacy:If you use a password manager, designate the name of someone who can have access to it should you die or cant manage your affairs yourself.Daily life online involves keeping track of many passwords to access accounts. If you use a password manager service like LastPass or 1Password, inquire about how or where you can add the name of someone who can access it if needed. This will save your loved ones some major headaches in the future while they try to figure out your passwords.Add a legacy contact for your accounts through major tech providers such as Apple and Google.This will allow your loved ones to decide what to do with your digital information, such as photos and messages, in the future. Through Apple, you should be able to designate a legacy contact through the Password & Security option under Settings. For any other major tech providers, you should be able to find information by searching online for legacy contact and the name of the provider.Decide how youd like to handle social media accountsFacebook allows you to name a legacy contact if you want your account memorialized. Look under Settings and Privacy to see where you can add a legacy contact. Your loved ones also can request removal of your account, which is also an option on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter.Make sure to let your loved ones know about your plans and any preferences you have for your digital information in the future.Call Secure Aging To Find Out How We Can Help Seniors With Estate Planning ManagementAt Secure Aging in Bradenton, we transform the weight of the world into a sigh of relief for our senior clients and their concerned family members. The mission of Secure Aging is to protect and preserve our clients independence and dignity through careful and thoughtful financial and care management. As our clients age, it is their desire to remain independent and age with dignity. Our services protect our clients from talented con artists looking to exploit and deplete the financial resources of our vulnerable seniors. Secure Aging helps families in Manatee County and Sarasota County and in and around the communities of Anna Maria, Bradenton, Bradenton Beach, Ellenton, Holmes Beach, Lakewood Ranch, Longboat Key, Myakka City, Palmetto, Parrish, and Sarasota. Call us at 941-761-9338, or visit us online at