Pacemaker Surgery Recovery: Elderly Recuperation



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Jan 26, 2023


Minnesota - Twin Cities Metro Area

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After experiencing heart troubles, a patient may be advised to undergo pacemaker implantation. But what does that entail? In this post, we will provide answers to the following questions:

  • Why should a patient get a pacemaker?

  • Is a pacemaker a major surgery?

  • Is pacemaker surgery invasive?

  • Are there pacemaker risks for the elderly?

  • How do you go about replacing a pacemaker battery in the elderly?

  • How do older adults recover from pacemaker surgery?

Why Should One Get a Pacemaker?

Doctors may recommend a temporary pacemaker to patients with a slow heartbeat after a heart attack, surgery, or overdose. This is done when the patient’s heartbeat is otherwise expected to recover. Afterward, a surgeon may implant a pacemaker permanently to correct a chronic irregular heartbeat or to help treat heart failure.

Is Getting a Pacemaker a Major Surgery?

No. Pacemaker surgery is a minor surgery that can take around 1-2 hours. Most patients go home within 24 hours after the procedure.

How Invasive Is Pacemaker Surgery?

The surgeon implants the pacemaker under the skin of the chest with no need for open-heart surgery. The patient will be put under local anesthesia but may receive some medications to keep them comfortable or help them fall asleep.

Is There a Risk of Pacemaker Surgery in Elderly Adults?

Pacemaker problems for the elderly are uncommon, but the Mayo Clinic notes that pacemaker replacement surgery risks include:

  • Infections near the heart, where the device was implanted

  • Blood clots near the pacemaker site

  • Blood in the area between the lung and chest wall

  • Blood vessel or nerve damage near the pacemaker

  • Bruising, swelling, or bleeding at the pacemaker site

  • Collapsed lung

  • Shifting of the device or leads, which could rarely lead to cardiac perforation

Furthermore, patients should call their doctor if they experience any of the following side effects after surgery:

  • Abnormal heart rhythm

  • Breathlessness

  • Chest pain

  • Dizziness

  • Fainting

  • Fever for longer than 2-3 days

  • Heart rate dropping below the pacemaker’s lowest setting

  • Hiccups for long periods of time

  • Redness, swelling, or pain at the site of the pacemaker

  • Swollen arm on the side, where the surgery took place

  • Weakness for prolonged periods of time

How Do You Go About Changing Pacemaker Battery in Elderly?

A pacemaker should last 5-15 years before replacing the battery. Pacemaker battery replacement in the elderly is usually less invasive. Furthermore, pacemaker battery replacement recovery is usually less than the initial implant procedure.

What Is Pacemaker Surgery Recovery in Elderly Like?

Some patients recover a few days after pacemaker implantation while others take months to recover. Patients are usually advised to take 3-7 days off of work after the procedure. However, a cardiologist may recommend taking more time off if they’re concerned about the patient’s overall health. Patients will also need to get a checkup 4-6 weeks after the procedure to see if small adjustments need to be made. Additional checkups will also need to be completed every 3-12 months.

As for lifestyle changes, patients will not be allowed to drive for at least six weeks or reach up on the side they had the procedure on for about 4-6 weeks. Additionally, cardiologists recommend avoiding sports for 4-6 weeks after pacemaker surgery. Overall though, most patients are back to resuming normal activities within four weeks.

To learn more about our home care services, contact our caregiving team today online or call us at (763) 325-1950.

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It also gives us a more complete picture of the member, so we can offer recommendations that align with their goals and lifestyle.After taking Irenes vitals, she drew some blood, took a photo of the worrisome knee, and talked through her findings with the on-call provider. They were both confident that it wasnt a bacterial infection but would wait for the lab results for confirmation. Leah sent a note to Irenes COMPLETE team to schedule a follow-up for the next week. In the meantime, Irene was to continue the antibiotics, take a Tylenol every six hours, ice her knee, and keep the leg elevated as much as possible.Leah dropped off the blood samples at the hospital lab for processing, and in less than two hours, the on-call physician had the results. Leah called Irene to let her know that the labs were negative for systemic infection and that her inflammatory markers were within normal range.Irene was relieved. This was so much better than going to the ER, she said.Rule-outs and rule-insIn Leahs experience, older adults often go to the ER to make sure theres nothing seriously wrong. In fact, studies show that roughly 32% of hospital ER visits are non-urgent and unnecessary. As a Mobile Urgent Responder, shes able to rule out those non-emergencies, efficiently and effectively, from the persons home.That was the case with Irene: shes had both knees replaced and was very concerned that shed need more surgery, Leah said. We were able to put her at ease and assure her that we would continue to monitor and manage her symptoms from home. If there is something to be concerned about, Leah added, the Mobile Urgent Response team is able rule in the need for emergency care.Building on career experienceHaving the confidence to make quick, accurate assessments and communicate them to Lifesparks medical experts comes from her diverse career background. One of Leahs first nursing jobs was on a cardiac step-down unit, a fast-paced, intense environment where the nurses were constantly working with different physicians and therapists. I learned how to quickly build trusting relationships with the providers and also with families during some of the darkest moments of their lives, she said.Leah said she grew professionally in that environment, gaining skills and knowledge that prepared her for her next job, at a long-term acute care hospital. The individuals she cared for had complex diagnoses and illnesses, such as extensive wounds, traumatic brain injury, chronic kidney disease, and respiratory failure. Patients were here for two to six months or more, many of them on ventilators and feeding tubes, so I got to know their families and learned how to support them, too, she said.In 2017, Leah joined Lifespark Community Home Care as their first on-call nurse. Coming into the Home Care setting with my background was powerful, because I knew what my clients had just walked out of, whether that was the hospital or rehab, and now I could help them stay healthy at home, she said.Seven years later, she was recruited for Lifesparks Mobile Urgent Response team. I feel like each step in my career has prepared me for the next one, and now, as a Mobile Urgent Responder, I can be the eyes and ears of our providers in the home, she said. I can also bring care and compassion and empathy to our members, so they feel confident in the care were providing.Benefits of early interventionThe Mobile Urgent Response team has been most successful when members call the triage line before their symptoms progress to a critical level. The team has been able to treat early symptoms of congestive heart failure (CHF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the home, often with a short-term medication adjustment. However, if a CHF or COPD exacerbation isnt treated, the client would likely need to be hospitalized for IV therapy and increased respiratory support. Recently, Leah collaborated with the on-call provider to diagnose a painful ear infection that had developed quickly. The physician faxed a prescription for antibiotics to the clients pharmacy which they were able to pick up and start taking that same day.Its really fulfilling and rewarding to be able to offer this service to our members and their families who want to be supportive but cant always be there in person, Leah said. Theyre in good hands with Lifespark.To learn how Lifespark helps seniors stay healthy at home, visit or call 952-345-8770.  

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Griswold Home Care

Respite Care 224 East Main Street, Anoka, Minnesota, 55303

HOME CARE SERVICES . . . . . If youve been taking care of a loved one, helping them live their best lives as independently as possible, you are a hero. Youve been incredible, and you deserve assistance. At Griswold Home Care of the Greater Twin Cities, we know better than most how much love and care goes into this type of responsibility. And we understand how difficult it can be to trust someone else with your family members, which is why we take such great measures to practice a holistic caregiving approach.Our nonmedical services are flexible to meet your needs because no two care plans are the same for every individual. But to provide an idea of how you can personalize your plan, some of the common types of care we provide include:Personal  This can involve anything from general hygiene (bathing, grooming, and restroom assistance) to supporting physical therapy and nail treatments.Homemaking  Whether youre looking for pet or plant care, light housekeeping, grocery shopping or meal prepping, our homemaking services cover it.Companionship  No one should feel isolated or alone, and our companionship services make sure your loved one is no exception. We can do crafts or hobbies together, shopping, celebrate events, or help get your loved one to a friends home for a visit.Respite  This is a short-term option, meant to give the family caregiver a rest from the physical and emotional demands, because sometimes all we need is a brief respite to recharge.Give our friendly team a call today at (763) 270-0843 to learn more about our home care services. 

Griswold Home Care

Non-Medical 224 East Main Street, Ste 201, Anoka, Minnesota, 55303

Caregivers Dedicated to the Health & Happiness of Our ClientsAt Griswold Home Care, we offer a wide variety of services to accommodate the unique needs of our clients. For over 40 years, we have been assisting the elderly, adults with disabilities, and those recovering from injuries and illnesses remain comfortable at home by providing them the helping hand they need. Some of our clients are simply looking for companionship while others require more involved personal care services, live-in or overnight services. Our office staff will sit down with you to discuss your familys needs and then we will personalize a care plan that accommodates them all.What Type of Home Care Do You Need?Internal staff members from each office work with you to understand your needs so that we can recommend the home care services best for you or your loved one. Before you are provided services, a care coordinator will speak with you over the phone and then meet with you in person.Our non-medical home care services include:Companion Care: Companion care makes sure your loved one stays sharp and has someone to talk to and interact with and remains socializedHomemaking Care: Caregivers can assist with laundry, light housekeeping, and meal preparation.Hospice Care Support: Caregivers offer support and companionship during the final stages of an illness or condition with the primary focus on comfortLive-In/Overnight Care: A caregiver can be there to help through the night or live with your family full-time.Personal Care: Helping loved ones with more intimate personal tasks like bathing, dressing, hygiene and more. Caregivers are experienced in understanding the personal nature of these types of support services.Respite Care: Short term care might be the perfect solution to preventing burnout as a family caregiver. Give yourself a break by bringing in a qualified care professional.We understand that the needs of you or your family member may change. We are happy to adjust care to meet any new requirements. Reach out to your local office to learn more.Frequently Asked Questions About Home Care ServicesDoes having home care result in a loss of independence?No. Our belief is that independence is being in control of your decisions. Having home care services means being in control of your activities and retaining as much independence as each situation allows. Many of our clients just need a little help to continue living a safe and productive life while some might be recovering from a fall, surgery, or other conditions. Regardless of your situation, our goal is to enable you with the best possible outcome while being in control of your care and daily decisions.How can I trust a caregiver in my home?Just like nurses and doctors, professional caregivers have chosen a career in compassionate care for those in need. Griswold Home Care implements a proprietary CareAssure Screening System which includes a comprehensive background check and screening for compassion, identity, integrity, and competence. Less than 5% of all applicants meet our stringent screening criteria. In fact, many Caregivers come from word of mouth referrals from other happy clients.How does Griswold attract the best caregivers?Our Golden Rule states that We will not refer a caregiver into your home that we would not welcome into our own home. This high bar was set by our founder in 1982 and is the backbone of our mission. Similar to any working professional, caregivers are attracted to organizations that build trust and embody compassion, stability, and hope. We encourage you to meet one of our local Directors and experience how they treat you with as much compassion and dignity as they afford to each caregiver they provide.Call us today to help with your needs at 763-270-0843

Griswold Home Care

Homemaking/Housekeeping 224 East Main Street, Anoka, Minnesota, 55303

HOME CARE SERVICESIf youve been taking care of a loved one, helping them live their best lives as independently as possible, you are a hero. Youve been incredible, and you deserve assistance. At Griswold Home Care of Anoka County, we know better than most how much love and care goes into this type of responsibility. And we understand how difficult it can be to trust someone else with your family members, which is why we take such great measures to practice a holistic caregiving approach.Our nonmedical services are flexible to meet your needs because no two care plans are the same for every individual. But to provide an idea of how you can personalize your plan, some of the common types of care we provide include:Personal  This can involve anything from general hygiene (bathing, grooming, and restroom assistance) to supporting physical therapy and nail treatments.Homemaking  Whether youre looking for pet or plant care, light housekeeping, grocery shopping or meal prepping, our homemaking services cover it.Companionship  No one should feel isolated or alone, and our companionship services make sure your loved one is no exception. We can do crafts or hobbies together, shopping, celebrate events, or help get your loved one to a friends home for a visit.Respite  This is a short-term option, meant to give the family caregiver a rest from the physical and emotional demands, because sometimes all we need is a brief respite to recharge.Give our friendly team a call today at (763) 270-0843 to learn more about our home care services.