Pain: The Stop Sign for Change

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Jun 15, 2021

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Submitted by Coastal Orthopedics,CLICK HEREfor more information.
Article Written By: Dr. Meredith Butulis
When you feel a muscle or joint strain, pull, or pinch, what do you do next? Responses to pain and discomfort vary. Some keep going to push through it, others stop using the body part that hurts. Pain is the bodys internal alarm clock telling us that the body wants to do something different. Lets explore what the pain alarm clock is trying to tell you, and what you can do with the interpretation.
First, see if you can describe it. Which words would you use: sharp, dull, throbbing, shooting, pinching, pulling . . .? Next see if you can quantify it on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being so severe that you plan to go to the emergency room. Now, see if you can identify the specific things that provoke your pain, as well as anything that makes it better.
If your pain is severe, or you cannot seem to figure out what kinds of movement are provoking it, seek medical care soon. If your pain correlates to very specific movements or activities, consider how you can modify the activities. For example, if your shoulder hurts when you reach overhead, you could temporarily use your other arm for overhead activities. Disuse is a great short-term strategy to help protect injured areas, but if you notice you need to modify activity for more than a week, consider a medical consultation. Long-term disuse can lead to other muscle imbalances that can provoke chronic pain. Ice and elevation can also be helpful in short-term pain management.
Next, be inquisitive. Many injuries or sources of pain have chronic components, such as how you sit, stand, sleep, use your computer, or drive. When you are upright practice the idea of ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips, to help your bones align and decrease stress on your muscles and tendons. When sitting, check to see that you have equal weight on both sit bones. If you keep a phone or wallet in your back pocket, move it to allow for symmetry. While you are sleeping, you cannot control your alignment, but you can use pillows to help support your body in different ways to promote comfort.
If your pain is more of a dull chronic pain, be even more inquisitive. There are many non-orthopedic sources of pain. Common sources include stress, dehydration, food sensitivities, and lack of sleep.
Generally, if your stress is more than 3 out of 10 on a daily basis, try selecting a daily stress management practice. This may include enjoying a hobby, yoga, meditation, foam rolling, or walking.
If your body is dehydrated, muscles act brittle instead of smooth; they may even cramp. As a general hydration starting point, most healthy adults need at least half their body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 200 lbs, try to drink at least 100 oz of water per day.
Food sensitivities are also quite common, especially if you tend to eat the same foods all the time. Sensitivities are different than allergies, as food sensitivities often present as headaches, back pain, joint pain, or brain fog several hours after eating the food. Try adding variety to your diet and rotating foods to see how you feel. You can also consult with a dietician to try a specific elimination diet or food sensitivity testing if your symptoms seem to persist.
Sleep also affects how we feel, including our sensitivity to pain perception. Most adults need 7-9 hours per night. If you are struggling to gain an adequate nights rest, start by setting a wind-down routine at least 30 min before your bedtime each night. During this time, avoid caffeine, meals, and electronic devices.
In conclusion, when you have pain, use the above strategies to interpret your bodys signals on what it wants to do differently.
Severe pain should be evaluated by a medical provider very soon (often the same day).
Nagging mild to moderate pain with specific activities mean you should protect, rest, ice, compress and elevate (PRICE). If the pain persists, seek medical evaluation.
Chronic pain often needs a lifestyle modification approach. Use the tips above to begin creating your plan.

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