Priority Life Care's Along the Journey Program



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Posted on

Feb 13, 2024


Pennsylvania - Greater Pittsburgh Area


The services provided are adjusted to fit each individual’s abilities and specific needs. The program has been designed to benefit all stages of memory loss while remaining flexible enough to be adapted daily.

The overarching goal is to ensure that each resident, as well as their families, feel connected, respected, and comfortable during periods of difficult transition. The program primarily targets those suffering from memory impairments, whether it be early-stage dementia or late-stage Alzheimer’s.


Along the Journey (ATJ) is a memory care program that launched in 2019 in Priority Life Care’s memory care neighborhoods. Fundamentally, it prioritizes strengths over limitations. Activities are purpose-driven and not based on achievement, thus allowing those with memory loss to participate without feeling lost, confused, and agitated.

This innovative program begins with a holistic assessment of the resident’s abilities, both cognitive and physical. Based on the assessment, a care plan is formulated and includes input from the resident and their family, as well as their physicians and caregivers.

The plan includes information on the likes, dislikes, and cultural preferences of the resident. To keep the seniors as comfortable as possible, the staff makes every effort to provide a largely predictable routine.


Those suffering from diseases that affect memory may feel left behind or forgotten. At Priority Life Care, caregivers work in conjunction with the ATJ program to encourage physical motion, stimulate mental engagement, and offer opportunities for spiritual and social connection.

Life stations provide a sense of familiarity for the resident through tasks such as folding clothes and operating a computer. This allows the senior to focus on a specific, low-stress task with an attainable outcome.

Social engagements such as trivia games and ice cream parties are scheduled, which allow residents the opportunity to become acquainted with other residents. The program celebrates small wins as significant achievements, allowing everyone the chance to be represented.

Activities are thoughtfully designed around reducing any agitation and improving the mood of the residents. Social interaction is encouraged to ward off isolation, which can further impair a resident’s wellness journey.


Memory loss comes in stages and Priority Life Care recognizes the importance of providing a program suitable for each stage of this difficult journey. Through the integration of senior-friendly tech, residents across a spectrum of cognitive abilities are encouraged to participate in their care by engaging daily.

To ensure a successful transition into the residential community, our staff invites residents to bring familiar furnishings of home such as furniture, cherished items, and other domestic objects. This creates an inviting environment for the resident, which eases the initial discomfort of being in a new place.

Residents will enjoy a structured daily plan that focuses on wellness and supporting independence, all while ensuring dignity and respect. This environment allows those with memory impairments to maintain functional abilities for as long as possible while remaining comfortable along their journey.

Staff with specific dementia-centered training and experience support our residents with memory loss, including accommodations such as dietary oversight, assistance with medication, and general hygiene.

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Busting Four Common Carb Myths

Myth #1: Avoid carbs if you want to lose weight.Fact: Not all carbs are created equal. Carbs give us energy and can actually help us lose weight when choosing high-fiber complex carbohydrates.Our bodies thrive on carbs for energy. Without enough carbs in your diet, you could experience low energy, weakness, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and even depression. It is recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans that we get about 45-65% of our daily calories from foods with carbohydrates. When we eat too little carbohydrates, we feel tired and do not feel our best mentally or physically. Of course, limiting certain carbohydrates such as sweet treats, potato chips, and soda pop has health benefits and can lead to weight loss. This is because you are cutting out extra calories from added sugars and fats that those foods and drinks contain.Your goal should be to eat more complex carbohydrates. These carbs have vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and they take longer to digest. Examples of these include grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables (even potatoes!) Eating these foods will leave you feeling more full thanks to their high fiber content. Plus adding these types of carbs to your diet can cut down on cravings for sweets. Eating these complex carbs with proteins and non-starchy vegetables will give you a well-balanced meal, and you will feel energized to take on your day. This could look like: Chicken breast, broccoli, and a grain like brown rice or a sweet potato for dinner, or oatmeal with a veggie egg scramble for breakfast. And dont worry you do not need to cut out bread or pasta. You can increase fiber and protein in these foods by choosing whole-grain versions or gluten-free pasta made from chickpeas.Myth #2: Carbs cause weight gain.Fact: One of the factors that causes weight gain is eating more calories than you burn in a day. Weight gain is not due to carbs themselves but from the over-consumption of any type of food. Simple carbs like cakes, cookies, ice cream, soda, chips, etc., have added sugars that are naturally higher in calories. Focus on consuming less of these simple carbs and more of the complex carbs such as whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. These foods contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals to keep us fuller longer and maintain a healthy weight.Myth #3: Avoid all white foods, especially as a diabetic.Fact: While some white foods such as white rice and white flour are missing healthful nutrients and fiber thats found in foods like whole grain bread or whole grain flour, many white foods are high in nutrients. Cauliflower, onions, mushrooms, and garlic are great examples of this. Potatoes and bananas, specifically, get a bad reputation; however, they both contain potassium which is vital for maintaining a healthy heart and blood pressure, and they provide other beneficial vitamins, minerals, and fiber which is important for brain health, metabolism, and immune function. It is true that these foods will raise blood sugars at a quicker rate due to their high carbohydrate content, but that does not mean you cannot enjoy them. Just remember to monitor your portion sizes and eat your carbs with healthy proteins and fats for a balanced meal that will help balance your blood sugar.Myth #4: Fruit is bad because it is high in carbs.Fact: Fruit contains sugar, which is a type of carb. But fruit is also full of healthful nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fiber). Fruit contains a natural sugar called fructose, which is recommended over processed sugars like you would find in candy. Cutting fruit out of your diet will cause you to miss out on a lot of healthy nutrients. When buying canned or frozen fruit, be sure the labels say no added sugars. When drinking fruit juice, it is best to stick to 100% fruit juice at a serving size of about 4 oz, as it lacks fiber and may contain added sugars, which we want to limit in our diet. 4 oz equals about the size of your cupped palm or about the size of a small portable hand sanitizer bottle.ArchWell Health members have the opportunity to discuss nutrition concerns or questions at every appointment. Your primary care provider can help you better understand how carbs fit into your overall nutrition plan.The article provides information designed to complement your personal health management. It does not provide medical advice and not meant to replace professional medical advice. Linking to other websites does not imply any endorsement of the material on such websites.

Four Reasons Why Hobbies Support Lifelong Wellness and Mental Health

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Assisted Living 2224 Walters Rd, Allison Park, Pennsylvania, 15101

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Celebration Villa of South Hills

Assisted Living 5300 Clairton Boulevard (Route 51), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15236

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Celebration Villa of Lakemont Farms

Assisted Living 3275 Washington Pike, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, 15017

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