Recognizing Early Signs Of Breast Cancer In Seniors


VIPcare Florida

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Oct 31, 2023


Florida - Southwest

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Breast cancer is a challenging and scary health issue, affecting millions of lives worldwide each year. In seniors, the stakes can be even higher due to their increased vulnerability. However, like we always say at VIPcare, early detection remains your number one weapon against this disease. Recognizing early signs of breast cancer in seniors is vital to treatment and survival. There is a 100 percent survival rate of five years when caught early.

Every two minutes, a woman in the U.S. is diagnosed with breast cancer. It is the most common cancer among women worldwide, regardless of age. In fact, age is one of the most significant risk factors for breast cancer in women. Roughly two out of three invasive breast cancers are found in women 55 or older. This, alone, poses its own sets of challenges. Seniors, in particular, face unique challenges when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. Our aging bodies may not respond as well to treatment, making early detection much more crucial.

Here are some of the early signs of breast cancer in seniors that, if caught early, could just save your life.

Early Signs Of Breast Cancer In Seniors


  1. Changes In Breast Tissue

One of the earliest signs of breast cancer in seniors is a change in breast tissue. While aging can naturally alter breast tissue, seniors should remain vigilant in watching for any noticeable changes such as lumps, thickening, or changes in size and shape.

You may feel embarrassed or hesitant to discuss these changes if you notice them. However, it’s essential to have open and honest communication with your provider. VIPcare is a safe, non-judgmental space for you to express your concerns.

  1. Unexplained Pain Or Discomfort

Breast cancer can sometimes manifest as pain or discomfort in the breast or nipple. It can be easy to quickly attribute such discomfort to aging, but persistent or unexplained pain should never be ignored.

Don’t downplay your discomfort or dismiss it as a minor issue. Seek medical advice right away to determine what is causing your pain.

  1. Nipple Changes

Changes in the nipple, such as inversion or unusual discharge, can be early signs of breast cancer in seniors. You should be aware of these subtle changes and report them promptly to your healthcare provider. It’s important not to panic and not fear the worst if you notice any of these types of changes. By seeking medical advice early, it can significantly impact your outcome.

  1. Skin Abnormalities

Skin changes in the breast area, including redness, dimpling, or puckering, can also be a sign of breast cancer. It’s easy to overlook such skin abnormalities or pass them off for something else, but you should always discuss them with your provider. Even if it turns out to be nothing more than an innocent rash, it’s still better to be safe than sorry.

  1. Swelling In The Armpit Or Collarbone

Lymph nodes in the armpit or collarbone can become enlarged if breast cancer has spread. Seniors should be vigilant for any swelling in these areas. Again, if you notice this particular sign, don’t panic. Schedule an appointment with your provider to assess. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the possibility of cancer, but you need to stay calm and collected to make rational and informed decisions.

Recognizing early signs of breast cancer in seniors is crucial in ensuring your treatment and overall wellness. By fostering open communication and active listening with your provider, you can increase your chances of early detection and successful treatment.

Ultimately, early detection offers seniors a fighting chance against breast cancer. In addition to watching and checking for early signs of breast cancer, you should continue to receive annual mammograms to ensure early diagnosis, improved treatment options, and better outcomes.

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Recognizing The Warning Signs Of Neuropathy

Neuropathy is a condition that affects the peripheral nervous system. It can have a profound impact on your quality of life. Characterized by nerve damage, neuropathy can show up in various ways. Its crucial that you take note of symptoms and seek timely medical attention so the condition can be managed effectively. Here are some of the most common warning signs of neuropathy and how you should address them. Understanding NeuropathyNeuropathy, often referred to as peripheral neuropathy, is a term used to describe a group of disorders that result from damage to the peripheral nerves. These nerves are responsible for transmitting signals between the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the rest of the body, including the limbs, skin, and internal organs. When these nerves are damaged, they send abnormal signals to the brain, leading to a wide range of symptoms. The leading cause of neuropathy is diabetes. 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This can occur in the hands, feet, arms, or legs.Burning Sensation: Individuals with neuropathy may experience a persistent burning or electric shock-like sensation in the affected areas.Loss of Sensation: As neuropathy progresses, some individuals may notice a decreased ability to feel temperature changes, pain, or touch in the affected areas.Muscle Weakness: Neuropathy can lead to muscle weakness or a feeling of heaviness in the limbs, making it difficult to perform everyday tasks.Balance Issues: Nerve damage can affect proprioception (the sense of body position), leading to balance problems and an increased risk of falls.Pain: Neuropathic pain can range from mild discomfort to severe shooting pain. It may be constant or intermittent and can significantly impact a persons daily life.Difficulty Walking: As neuropathy progresses, some individuals may experience difficulty walking or have an unsteady gait.Changes in Reflexes: Neuropathy can affect reflexes, leading to abnormally brisk or diminished responses.Sensitivity to Touch: Some individuals may become hypersensitive to touch, experiencing pain or discomfort even from gentle contact.Digestive Issues: Neuropathy can affect the nerves controlling the digestive system, leading to symptoms such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or difficulty swallowing.When To Seek Medical AttentionIf you experience any of the above warning signs of neuropathy, its essential to seek medical attention immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent further nerve damage and improve overall outcomes. Diagnosis And TreatmentDiagnosing neuropathy involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests such as nerve conduction studies and electromyography. Identifying the underlying cause of neuropathy is crucial for effective treatment. Treatment options may include:Medications: Depending on the cause and severity of neuropathy, providers may preseribe pain relievers, anticonvulsants, and antidepressants to manage symptoms.Physical Therapy: Physical therapy exercises can help improve muscle strength, balance, and coordination.Lifestyle Modifications: Lifestyle changes, including managing blood sugar levels (for diabetic neuropathy), maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding alcohol, can help slow the progression of neuropathy.Pain Management Techniques: Techniques such as acupuncture, massage, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) may provide relief from neuropathic pain.Underlying Condition Treatment: Addressing the underlying cause of neuropathy, such as diabetes or vitamin deficiencies, is essential to prevent further nerve damage. Its very important to start in the early stages of the diagnosis, said Dr. Santiago about neuropathy management. Keep A1c levels at seven or less. Fasting blood sugar at least at 130 mg/dl. Do exercise. Healthy diet.  Keep a good weight and take B complex with folic acid. Also, its very important to keep regular follow up with your PCP. Neuropathy is a complex and often debilitating condition that can have a significant impact on your well-being. By recognizing the warning signs of neuropathy and seeking medical attention as soon as you develop symptoms, you can take proactive steps to manage the condition and improve your quality of life. Prevention and early intervention are key to better outcomes and Better Health. Contact your primary care provider for proper evaluation, diagnosis, and guidance on managing your neuropathy. 

Whats Triggering Your Migraines?

If youre one of the one billion people worldwide suffering from migraines, you know the difference between a migraine and a headache. Many use the words interchangeably, but they are by far anything but the same. Headaches can be unpleasant but are often short-lived. Whereas migraines, on the other hand, can be excruciating, debilitating, and linger on for long periods of time. Anything from weather to hormones can trigger a migraine. But did you know that your migraine may be a result of something to do with your teeth? Its true. There is actually a strong connection between dental issues and the onset of migraines. So, how can dental issues cause migraines? Read on to learn more about their relationship. What Is A Migraine?Before we dive right into what dental issues may be causing your migraines and why lets first discuss what exactly a migraine is. 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Research has found that up to 80 percent of people with migraines have a family history of the condition. Hormonal changes are also believed to be a contributing factor to migraines. Women are more likely to experience migraines than men, and many women report that their migraines are linked to their menstrual cycles and/or menopause. Other potential triggers of migraines include stress, certain foods or drinks (such as alcohol or caffeine), and changes in sleep patterns. It is important to note that not everyone who experiences these triggers will develop migraines, and not everyone who experiences migraines will have the same triggers. Sometimes, your dental pain may even be mistaken for a migraine. When this occurs, its called referred pain. The Migraine-Tooth ConnectionReferred pain means that you feel a painful sensation in a different area of your body than the body part thats actually causing the pain. This occurs because of nerve connections, including from the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is a cranial nerve responsible for controlling facial and eye movements and providing feeling to most of your face. Studies have linked the trigeminal nerve to the development of migraines. Orofacial refers to your head, neck, and oral cavity. All of those regions are closely connected and directly affect each other. One of the connections between your orofacial regions is the trigeminal nerve. Several orofacial conditions can trigger a migraine due to the trigeminal nerve connection. These conditions include: ToothacheA simple toothache caused by any number of dental issues, including untreated cavities, cracked teeth, or impacted wisdom teeth, can irritate the trigeminal nerve. This can lead to a migraine as the nerve can evoke intense sharp pains. BruxismBruxism or teeth grinding is a common culprit of a migraine. Often caused by stress or misaligned teeth, the act of grinding or clenching your teeth usually occurs at night and without you even realizing it. Headaches and migraines associated with bruxism typically cause a dull pain that wraps around the head and is also felt behind the eyes. A sore and tight jaw are also symptoms you may be grinding your teeth. In addition, the continuous grinding can cause nerve damage and irritation, thus radiating pain throughout your face and head. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, results when the ball and socket joint connecting your upper and lower jaw doesnt function correctly. The pain usually starts near the ear and moves toward the jaw, temple, or neck. Sometimes you can hear a popping sound when opening and closing your mouth; other times, your jaw may feel completely stuck. Alleviate Migraine Pain With Treatment And PreventionMigraines are no doubt painful and debilitating.  For temporary relief, you should take an over-the-counter pain reliever and ensure you get enough sleep and drink enough water. If you suffer from migraines, discuss your symptoms with your provider in addition to your dentist if you think it could be related to your teeth. Tooth pain, jaw pain, and headaches are all types of pain that you should speak to your healthcare provider about, as they could trigger a migraine. Never just ignore pain, as its your body informing you something is going on and needs to be addressed. It may be helpful to keep a migraine diary to track your symptoms and identify any potential triggers that may be contributing to your condition. This information can prove helpful for your provider when determining a cause and treatment plan

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At VIPcare, we are a group of passionate healthcare professionals who believe theres a better way to practice medicine. We see a future where preventative medicine is valued over the traditional approach, which we refer to as sick care. Our goal is to get our patients healthy and to keep them healthy. VIPcare is a patient-focused primary care network under the Better Health Group Services umbrella that has been serving senior communities for more than 16 years. We utilize a high-touch population health management approach that prioritizes spending quality time with the physician and focusing on preventative care. To us, its about quality, not quantity. And not only do we value quality time, but we pride ourselves on creating a quality experience for all our patients. We practice kindness. Show empathy. Reach out in compassion. And every day, we partner with our patients on their journey to Better Health.We settle for nothing less than 5-star service and strive to be 1% better every day. This allows us to always go above and beyond for our patients. We take great care of our team so they can take great care of our patients and achieve: Better Care. Better Outcomes. Better Health. Four Locations to serve you throughout Lee County!Bonita Springs-28811 South Tamiami Trail, Ste 13, Bonita Springs, FL 34134/239-429-0386Cape Coral-2301 Del Prado Blvd S, Ste 890, Cape Coral, FL 33990/239-932-5506Estero-19976 South Tamiami Trail ste 206, Estero, FL 33928/239-429-0581Fort Myers-1635 Medical Lane, Fort Myers, FL 33907 /239-880-2126Fort Myers-14131 Metropolis Ave, Suite 104, Fort Myers, FL 33912/239-880-2521Fort Myers-20291 Summerlin Rd ste 105, Fort Myers, FL 33908/239-758-8564


Senior Health Clinics 20291 Summerlin Rd ste 105,, Fort Myers, Florida, 33908

At VIPcare, we are a group of passionate healthcare professionals who believe theres a better way to practice medicine. We see a future where preventative medicine is valued over the traditional approach, which we refer to as sick care. Our goal is to get our patients healthy and to keep them healthy. VIPcare is a patient-focused primary care network under the Better Health Group Services umbrella that has been serving senior communities for more than 16 years. We utilize a high-touch population health management approach that prioritizes spending quality time with the physician and focusing on preventative care. To us, its about quality, not quantity. And not only do we value quality time, but we pride ourselves on creating a quality experience for all our patients. We practice kindness. Show empathy. Reach out in compassion. And every day, we partner with our patients on their journey to Better Health.We settle for nothing less than 5-star service and strive to be 1% better every day. This allows us to always go above and beyond for our patients. We take great care of our team so they can take great care of our patients and achieve: Better Care. Better Outcomes. Better Health. Four Locations to serve you throughout Lee County!Bonita Springs-28811 South Tamiami Trail, Ste 13, Bonita Springs, FL 34134/239-429-0386Cape Coral-2301 Del Prado Blvd S, Ste 890, Cape Coral, FL 33990/239-932-5506Estero-19976 South Tamiami Trail ste 206, Estero, FL 33928/239-429-0581Fort Myers-1635 Medical Lane, Fort Myers, FL 33907 /239-880-2126Fort Myers-14131 Metropolis Ave, Suite 104, Fort Myers, FL 33912/239-880-2521Fort Myers-20291 Summerlin Rd ste 105, Fort Myers, FL 33908/239-758-8564