Senior Nutrition


ComForCare Home Care NW Pittsburgh

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May 28, 2024


Pennsylvania - Greater Pittsburgh Area

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Senior Nutrition: Top 5 Healthy Eating Tips for Older Adults

Good nutrition is important, no matter your age. Eating right is how your body gets vital nutrients: substances that our bodies need so they can function and grow, like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and even water. But as you age, your body and life change, and so does what you need to stay healthy—which is why senior nutrition is such an important topic.

Many people don’t realize how big of a role nutrition plays in their long-term health and happiness. They may have a general sense of what “healthy” means, but knowing and doing are, of course, two different things. Let’s take a closer look at what special considerations adults over 50 need to know about nutrition that can help them lead longer, healthier lives.

5 Things Everyone Should Know About Senior Nutrition

Older Adults Need Fewer Calories, But More Nutrients

We all know that finding the right balance of calories is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight throughout adulthood. But older adults generally need fewer calories than they used to due to changes in metabolism, physical activity levels, and age-related loss of muscle mass.

However, while you may need fewer calories, you still need the same amount of nutrients, if not more. Nutrients are crucial for energy and weight control. They can also help prevent some diseases, like osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

Foods to Focus On

Over 50, it’s more important than ever to cut empty calories like sodas, chips, candies, and alcohol. Instead, focus on calorie-light but nutrient-packed foods, such as:

  • Fruits and vegetables (choose different types with bright colors)
  • Whole grains, like oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, and brown rice
  • Fat-free or low-fat milk and cheese, or soy or rice milk that has added vitamin D and calcium
  • Seafood, lean meats, poultry, and eggs
  • Beans, nuts, and seeds

a woman and her elderly loved one stand in the kitchen with an array of healthy vegetables
Protein Plays a Role in Fall Prevention

Despite needing fewer calories, older adults actually have higher protein requirements than younger adults—especially if they’re dealing with an illness. 

Our bodies progressively lose muscle mass, strength, and function over time, beginning as early as our 30s. When people get older, their bodies can’t process protein as efficiently, especially in the face of stressful situations like chronic disease, acute illness, or hospitalization. That means seniors need to get more protein from their diet to support and preserve muscle mass.  

Why Is Muscle Mass So Important? 

Muscle loss and general weakness resulting from inadequate nutrition can lead to falls. Every year, one out of four older adults experience a fall, which can have serious physical and mental health consequences. Fall prevention is a multifaceted but highly important part of overall health and wellness in older age.

Additionally, studies have suggested that older adults who consume more protein are more capable of performing activities of daily living for longer. When muscle mass is preserved, everyday functions like getting out of bed, bathing and dressing, and moving around the house may be, too! 

A Good Time to Focus on Good Carbohydrates

Carbs have a bad reputation these days, with the rise in low-carb diets sweeping the nation. But for a balanced diet, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends carbohydrates make up 45%-65% of every adult’s diet. Instead of cutting carbs entirely, nutrition is about focusing on the right carbohydrates to support energy and digestion.

There are good and bad carbohydrates, and the bad ones only cause more problems as we age. Bad carbs are simple: they are mostly starches or sugars, stripped of nutrients, and make blood sugar levels spike quickly. Good carbohydrates are complex: they are mostly fibers and other beneficial nutrients, which are slower to digest, helping regulate blood sugar and feelings of fullness.

Good Carbs (Complex)Bad Carbs (Simple)
Whole-grain bread, pasta, rice, oatmeal, baked goods containing whole-what flourWhite bread, white paste, white rice, baked goods containing white flour
Nuts and seedsProcessed foods like potato chips, crackers, breakfast cereal
Legumes (lentils, beans, etc.)Soda
Fruits and vegetables with edible skinsSugary desserts and candies

The Low-Down on Sodium

Sodium (aka salt) is another nutrient that has a bad reputation, though it comes by it honestly. Sodium is necessary for proper body function: it helps maintain fluid balance, conducts nerve impulses, and helps with muscle contraction. However, most American adults get too much sodium, which contributes to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

There are also special considerations for seniors. As we age, our kidney function naturally decreases, which can make it harder to remove excess sodium from the body. That means taking special care to limit sodium intake to less than 2,300mg per day—about the equivalent of one teaspoon of table salt.

Happy older woman eating fresh fruits during breakfast
Vitamin D & Calcium

We know that the sun helps our bodies produce Vitamin D. But not only is sun exposure risky for our health—our skin also changes as we get older, becoming less adept at producing Vitamin D. That means we need to rely more on food sources and supplements to get it. 

Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb calcium, which is why taking both together is so crucial for building and maintaining healthy bones. Research shows that it can prevent and even improve osteoporosis, a condition that leads to weak, brittle bones. Older adults—even those who already struggle with weakness or frailty—can develop stronger muscles and reduce their fall risk with adequate Vitamin D levels.

Your doctor can help you determine the right amount of Vitamin D for your diet and recommend a supplement. You can also focus on eating foods like:

  • Egg yolks
  • Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines
  • Orange juice
  • Yogurt
  • Milk
  • Mushrooms

Get Online Resources to Support Meal Planning & More!

Prioritizing nutrition can be challenging for seniors, and navigating each consideration can feel a little daunting. If you or your loved one faces challenges with accessing and preparing healthy foods or has other barriers like difficulty chewing or swallowing, help is out there! 

At ComForCare, we’ve prepared a free meal planning guide filled with simple yet nutritious recipes developed with seniors’ unique needs in mind. This guide is packed with helpful tips, recipes, and advice for caring for a loved one with dietary barriers. 

Plus, you can join us on Facebook every Thursday at 1 pm EST for the latest episode of Care Kitchen, our live cooking program led by chef Steve Toll! We’re always exploring new ways to support and inspire creativity in cooking, whether for yourself or for loved ones in your care. 

ComForCare: Compassionate, Personalized In-Home Care for Older Adults

If you or your loved one need more help planning and preparing nutritious meals, ComForCare’s caregivers can help. Our in-home care services can be personalized to support your needs, including meal prep, personal care, transportation, and more. Learn more about our care services or reach out to your local team today to find your perfect caregiver!  ComForCare NW Pittsburgh covers Northern Allegheny, Butler, Beaver and Lawrence Counties.  They can be reached at (724) 759.7674 or by email

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Sipping a warm cup of chamomile tea before bed is a simple yet effective way to wind down and prepare your body for a restful nights sleep.The Sleep-Disrupting Culprits to AvoidWhile incorporating these sleep-promoting superfoods into your diet is a great start, its also important to be mindful of the foods and drinks that can sabotage your sleep. Steer clear of caffeine, especially in the afternoon and evening, as it can interfere with your bodys natural sleep-wake cycle. Alcohol, despite its initial sedative effects, can ultimately disrupt sleep and reduce REM sleep. Spicy, acidic, and fried foods can also cause discomfort and acid reflux, making it difficult to fall and stay asleep. By focusing on a balanced, consistent diet rich in these sleep-enhancing foods, you can harness the power of nutrition to cultivate a more restful and rejuvenating slumber. Remember, while individual foods and drinks may offer sleep-promoting benefits, the true key to better sleep lies in adopting a comprehensive approach that addresses both your dietary habits and overall sleep hygiene. Sweet dreams await!

6 Simple Food Swaps for Better Health

Embarking on a journey towards better health doesnt always require drastic changes to your diet. Sometimes, its the small, thoughtful adjustments that can make a significant impact on your overall well-being. We understand that as you age, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet becomes increasingly important. Thats why weve compiled a list of six simple food swaps that can help boost your nutrition without overhauling your entire eating habits.1. Breakfast Cereal vs. Steel-Cut OatsIf you often find yourself reaching for a box of breakfast cereal in the morning, consider steel-cut oats as an alternative. Steel-cut oats, also known as Irish oats, are minimally processed oat groats that have been chopped into small pieces. This minimal processing means they retain more of their natural nutrients compared to their rolled or instant counterparts. Rich in fiber, protein, and essential minerals, steel-cut oats offer a hearty and satisfying breakfast option that can keep you feeling full and energized throughout the morning.2. Canned Tuna vs. Canned SalmonOne of the most significant advantages of choosing canned salmon over tuna is its higher content of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats play a crucial role in maintaining heart health, supporting brain function, and reducing inflammation throughout the body. Sockeye salmon, in particular, is an excellent source of these beneficial fats, providing more omega-3s per serving than most canned tuna varieties.3. Iceberg Lettuce vs. Dark Leafy GreensWhile iceberg lettuce seems to be popular at salad bars across the country, a simple swap for a healthier salad is using dark, leafy greens as a replacement. Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale and collard greens, contain 9 times more vitamin A than iceberg lettuce. Greens also contain healthy amounts of fiber, folate and potassium.4. Low-Fat Yogurt vs. SkyrSkyr (pronounced skeer) is a cultured dairy product that has been a staple in Icelandic cuisine for centuries. Its made by incubating skim milk with live active cultures, then straining the whey, resulting in a product thats thicker and more concentrated than regular yogurt.The nutritional benefits of Skyr are truly impressive, especially when compared to low-fat yogurt. Skyr contains up to 17 grams of protein per 6-ounce serving, which is significantly more than low-fat yogurt. Since Skyr is a cultured dairy product, it contains probiotics that support gut health. Lastly, its low in sugar, which is great for those who are monitoring their sugar intake.5. White Bread vs. Whole Grain BreadThere are many different types of breads available in super markets, but the two most common types are white bread and whole wheat. While they are both made from grains, there are some key differences between the two types. Whole grain bread is made from wheat that has all components of the grain, the bran, the germ, and the endosperm. This means that whole wheat bread contains the healthy fats, minerals, and fiber. White bread is made from refined flour, which goes through a milling process that removes the bran and germ. Therefor, white bread lacks a lot of the nutrient properties of whole grain bread.6. Potato Chips vs. Baked SnacksPotato chips are fried in oil, which gives them a delightful texture- but unfortunately, more calories and fat. Baked snacks like pretzels, air-popped popcorn or veggie chips are cooked without any inflammatory oils, but can be just as satisfying. As you embark on this journey of healthier eating, keep these final thoughts in mind: Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how these new foods make you feel. Everyones nutritional needs are different, so find what works best for you. Gradual Changes: Introduce these swaps gradually. This approach is more sustainable and allows your taste buds to adjust. Experiment and Enjoy: Dont be afraid to get creative with these new ingredients. Trying new recipes can make healthy eating an exciting adventure. Balance is Key: While these swaps offer nutritional benefits, remember that a balanced diet includes a variety of foods from all food groups. Consult Professionals: If you have specific health concerns or dietary restrictions, its always wise to consult with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian before making significant changes to your diet. By making these thoughtful swaps, youre not just changing whats on your plate; youre investing in your long-term health and well-being. Each meal becomes an opportunity to nourish your body with foods that not only taste good but also do good for your health.

5 Superfoods for Healthy Vision

As we age, maintaining our eye health becomes increasingly important. Our eyes are precious windows to the world, allowing us to experience lifes beautiful moments and connect with our loved ones. Just as we care for our overall health, its crucial to pay attention to the well-being of our eyes. One of the most effective ways to support our vision is through a nutrient-rich diet. In this article, well explore five superfoods that can help keep your eyes healthy and your vision sharp.Leafy GreensLeafy greens, like spinach, kale, and collard greens, are packed with vitamins and antioxidants that protect your eyes. Spinach is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which filter harmful light and protect eye cells. Kale offers more than 200% of your daily vitamin A, essential for retina health, while collard greens are high in vitamin K, which may reduce macular degeneration risk.Ways to add them: Toss spinach or kale in smoothies Use collard greens as wraps Saut with garlic and olive oil for a side dish Omega-3 Rich FishOmega-3 fatty acids in fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel support retina health and reduce inflammation. Salmon is rich in DHA and EPA, which are key for retinal structure. Sardines, small but powerful, provide omega-3s, vitamin B12, and calcium. Mackerel also contains selenium, which protects eye tissues.Ways to add them: Grill salmon with vegetables Make a sardine salad Try mackerel on whole grain toast or crackers Vibrant Orange VegetablesOrange vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, and butternut squash are rich in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. This helps night vision and eye structure. Carrots also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from blue light. Butternut squash is high in vitamin C and E, antioxidants that combat oxidative stress.Ways to add them: Roast sweet potato wedges Add grated carrots to salads Blend squash into soups Nuts and SeedsNuts and seeds like almonds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamin E, omega-3s, and zinc. Almonds protect against macular degeneration, while sunflower seeds help fight oxidative stress. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, crucial for retina function, and walnuts offer a plant-based omega-3 alternative.Ways to add them: Add nuts to oatmeal or yogurt Sprinkle seeds on salads Make homemade trail mix Colorful BerriesBerries like blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and goji berries are packed with antioxidants that protect eye cells. Blueberries reduce cataract risk, while strawberries boost vitamin C, supporting blood vessels in the eyes. Goji berries may help reduce macular degeneration risk, thanks to their zeaxanthin content.Ways to add them: Top oatmeal with berries Blend into smoothies Snack on dried goji berries ConclusionBy adding these five superfoods to your dietleafy greens, omega-3 fish, orange vegetables, nuts and seeds, and colorful berriesyou support eye health and protect vision. A nutrient-rich diet, along with healthy habits like regular eye exams and hydration, can help you maintain clear vision for years to come. Treat your eyes with care and nourish them for a lifetime of healthy sight!  

Local Services By This Author

ComForCare Home Care of N & SW Pittsburgh

Non-Medical 10521 Perry Hwy Ste 115, Wexford, Pennsylvania, 15090

The In-Home Care That Lets You Be YouAccording to AARP, 80% of people prefer to stay at home as they age, or "age in place." But if staying home means you need a little more help than you used to, ComForCare's professional caregivers are here for you from medication assistance and doctor appointments to light housekeeping and meal preparation. Stay independent in the comfort of your own home with in-home caregiving services. ComForCare offers a variety of in-home care services to fit the needs of you and your family. It is our goal to provide companionship and help out with everyday activities to ensure your elderly loved ones can live safely and securely. Whether your loved ones health concerns are due to illness, injury, or aging, our personal home care packages and flexible scheduling allow your loved one to maintain a sense of freedom, dignity, and connection to friends and family. Seniors who choose to stay at home are often happier, healthier, and recover faster from illness or injury than those living in assisted living facilities. ComForCare is independent living with a little extra help! Our health care professionals are not only highly qualified, they are highly compassionate and love what they do. Caregivers who meet our high standards and strict guidelines are screened for empathy, trained in senior care, and matched with clients based on their experience, skills, and compatibility. This unique approach to elder care provides the foundation for a trusted relationship between your loved one and the caregiver, and a long-lasting partnership in care between you and ComForCare. Our home care services and compassionate caregivers help older adults live independently in their own home and continue to do all the things they love. We do not just assign caregivers to a job. We match our caregivers based on the needs, interests, and personalities of our clients.With home care services, our office can provide personal care plans through an in-home evaluation and interviews between the client, family and the ComForCare team to help determine the best plan of action for the individual based on their specific needs. ComForCare can help individuals with daily activities. Our dedicated caregivers can be available for as little as a few times per week or 24 hours a day to provide care.Aging In Place is Easy With In Home Help  While assisted living facilities and senior communities are an option, the majority of people needing care want to remain in the comfort of their own homes. Maintaining independence and being with family, friends, and pets is most people's preference.Studies show that people are happier when they stay at home; they recover faster, have reduced anxiety, and are less prone to depression.We can help clients with tasks such as:24/7 CareBathing & ToiletingCompanionshipDementia CareDisability SupportFamily RespiteGrooming & HygieneLight HousekeepingMeal PrepMedicaid Provider EnrollmentMedication RemindersMemory ScreeningPersonal CareSafety SupervisionSenior and Elder Care ManagementTransitions of CareTransportationVeterans ProgramsIn Home Care For All PersonsSeniors aren't the only ones who need a little help at times. ComForCare is ready and willing to offer all services to anyone needing care in their home. We help veterans, adults with mental and physical disabilities, persons with chronic conditions, and persons recovering from surgery or an illness. Everyone needs help at some point in their lives; call on the team at ComForCare when you need us.From transportation to do errands and grocery shopping, to vacuuming and dusting, or a few hours of companionship, our compassionate caregivers are available. The services we provide will ensure you enjoy living in your home as you age or recover.Dementia CareOur proprietary program, DementiaWise, engages and enhances the lives of people with Alzheimers disease and other forms of dementia while providing support and education for the family. Caregivers take special care to recognize behavioral triggers and use redirection, which may help prevent or reduce any challenging dementia behaviors, while helping clients remain independent for as long as possible.Request a Personalized Home Care Service ConsultationIf you want to know how best to maintain your independence or that of your loved one, request an in-home care service evaluation. A trained professional from ComForCare Home Care will visit the home for a personalized home care consultation.During Your Personalized Home Care Visit We Will:Check for potential fall risks with suggestions for simple fixesLook at the living space with your loved one's specific concerns in mindReview medical history, medications, any other needs or concernsEvaluate balance and ease of movement throughout the homeRecommend any necessary home safety devices that assist in overall comfort and safety such as handrails and shower chairsOffer support and understanding, with flexible services that can helpWe serve all persons in Greater NW Pittsburgh, PA., including Northern Allegheny County, Butler County, Beaver County and Lawrence County, PA. Whether your loved one needs assistance only a few hours a week or around-the-clock, our team is happy to help! Call (724) 759-7674 to learn more about the transition care services offered through ComForCare Home Care (NW Pittsburgh).