SnackEver: Your Healthy Snacking Solution



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Sep 17, 2024


Pennsylvania - Greater Pittsburgh Area

Switching to a healthier lifestyle often involves making significant changes to your diet, and one of the most challenging aspects can be finding nutritious and satisfying snacks. Traditional snack options, like chips, candy, and cookies, are often loaded with unhealthy fats, sugars, and artificial additives. Fortunately, there's a convenient and delicious solution: SnackEver.

SnackEver is a subscription service that delivers a curated selection of healthy snacks directly to your doorstep each month. With a variety of boxes to choose from, there's something to suit every taste and dietary preference. Whether you're looking for gluten-free, vegan, keto friendly, organic, kosher, dairy free, or low-calorie options, SnackEver has you covered.

Why Choose SnackEver?

  • Convenience: Say goodbye to the hassle of searching for healthy snacks at the grocery store. SnackEver takes the guesswork out of snacking by delivering a carefully curated box of delicious and nutritious treats right to your door.
  • Variety: With SnackEver, you'll never get bored of your snacks. Each month, you'll receive a new assortment of healthy goodies, including everything from protein bars and nuts to fruit chews and trail mix.
  • Customization: SnackEver offers a variety of subscription options to cater to your individual needs and preferences. You can choose from monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly plans, and you can even customize your box by selecting specific snacks or dietary restrictions.
  • Cost-Effective: While healthy snacks can often be expensive, SnackEver offers a convenient and affordable way to enjoy nutritious treats. By subscribing, you'll often get a discount on the individual price of each snack.
  • Discover New Favorites: SnackEver is a great way to discover new and exciting healthy snacks. With each box, you'll have the opportunity to try products from different brands and categories, helping you to find your new favorite go-to snack.

The Benefits of Healthy Snacking

Incorporating healthy snacks into your diet can have numerous benefits for your overall health and well-being. Here are just a few:

  • Increased Energy: Eating healthy snacks throughout the day can help to stabilize your blood sugar levels and prevent energy crashes.
  • Weight Management: By choosing nutritious snacks over unhealthy options, you can help to control your calorie intake and support weight loss or maintenance.
  • Improved Nutrient Intake: Healthy snacks can be a great way to increase your intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
  • Enhanced Focus: Eating a balanced diet, including healthy snacks, can help to improve your cognitive function and concentration.

If you're looking for a convenient and delicious way to incorporate more healthy snacks into your diet, SnackEver is the perfect solution. With its wide variety of options, customizable plans, and commitment to quality, SnackEver can help you achieve your health goals while enjoying delicious and satisfying treats.

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Congress recently made significant changes to Medicare's Part D prescription drug benefit as part of the Inflation Reduction Act. While some changes aim to help seniors afford their medications, others may have unintended consequences.On the positive side, insulin costs are now capped at $35 per month for Medicare beneficiaries. This has already provided relief for many seniors with diabetes.Starting in 2025, out-of-pocket Part D drug costs will be capped at $2,000 annually. Seniors will also have the option to spread these costs throughout the year through the new Medicare Prescription Payment Plan. These changes can benefit seniors who rely on multiple brand-name medicines or have fixed incomes.However, awareness of the new payment plan is low. Medicare could do more to inform seniors about this option, which requires opting in. Seniors should consider contacting their Part D insurers during open enrollment if they would benefit from spreading out pharmacy costs.The law's drug price negotiation provision has led to some unintended effects on drug development. At least 36 research programs and 22 experimental drugs have been discontinued as a result.Part D premiums have also increased. This year, standalone Part D plans were set to cost 21% more on average compared to last year. Many seniors switched to lower-cost options as a result. The number of available plans has decreased by about 25% since 2020.Some insurers have moved certain medications to tiers requiring higher out-of-pocket costs, restricting access to previously covered drugs. New rules like step therapy requirements have also been implemented, potentially making it harder for patients to access drugs their doctors recommend.It's important for seniors to understand these changes and their potential impacts on drug access before Medicare's open enrollment period begins in October.  Contact Carleen Lachman, Independent Insurance Specialist at 724-571-4688 to learn more.  

Learn the latest on Heart Healthy Diets

Since the start of the year, you may have noticed an uptick of fad diets. Maybe its your mom trying a pescatarian regime, or your neighbor raving about his new Mediterranean diet. With so many diet trends buzzing around, it can be hard to separate what works from what doesnt. This is especially true when it comes to heart healthy eating.The American Heart Association released a study comparing diets and their heart healthy potential and organized the results in four tiers. With the help of Kelly Elliot, RD at Intermountain Healths Denver Midtown Clinic - Weight Loss Center, we turned the studys results into easy-to-digest bites. It is important to always be mindful of your diet to reduce risk factors for heart disease, said Kelly. Creating a lifestyle that works for you as an individual that you can follow is what matters, because its what you will stick to!Whether youre a seasoned diet tryer, or just dipping your toes in heart-healthy waters, theres important information for everyone.Tier 4: Paleo Diets and VLDC/Ketogenic DietsStarting from the bottom of the barrel, we meet paleolithic and ketogenic diets. These diets, often hailed for their weight loss potential, may miss the mark when it comes to nourishing our hearts.The paleolithic diet, while rooted in our ancestral past, falls short in meeting heart-healthy guidelines. With its emphasis on meat and fat, and limited intake of fruits, grains, and legumes, it takes a detour off the heart health highway.Similarly, ketogenic diets focus on slashing carbs and loading up on fats. By cutting out essential food groups like fruits and grains, we risk missing key nutrients.These diets don't limit saturated fats, which can raise your LDL, which is the bad cholesterol, said Kelly. One way to modify these diets is to reduce saturated fat by consuming nuts and seeds instead of animal proteins, but this has to be balanced with caloric intake.Kelly also added that because these diets are low in carbohydrates, they could be beneficial for people with diabetes. However, because diabetics are at a higher heart disease risk, their saturated fats should be limited.Tier 3: Very Low-Fat Diets and Low-Carbohydrate DietsTier 3 diets include very low-fat and low-carb options, and present mixed heart health benefits.Both of these diets can potentially help with weight loss without omitting food groups and can help lower risk factors for heart disease, said Kelly.Very low-fat diets, while aiming to reduce overall fat intake, may inadvertently miss the mark on essential fatty acids. Likewise, low-carb diets, with their focus on slashing carbohydrates, could lead to a decrease in fiber-rich foods, which play a vital role in heart health.The drawback is that with low fat diets, they can lead to deficiencies in protein and essential fatty acids and B12, that the body requires for good health, said Kelly. On the other hand, a low carb diet can overemphasize animal-based protein and restrict fiber and increase saturated fat intake.Tier 2: Vegan Diets and Low-Fat DietsVegan and low-fat diets are the heart of Tier 2. These dietary paths offer a bounty of heart-healthy benefits with some caveats.The vegan diet, with its plant-based focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, embraces the power of plants for heart wellness. However, tread carefully to ensure youre meeting your nutritional needs, particularly for vitamin B12.No animal protein is consumed in vegan diets, so they are very low in saturated fat intake, but the restrictive diet can lead to B12 deficiency, said Kelly. It is recommended to include a B12 supplement and choose plant-based milk alternatives.Meanwhile, the low-fat diet promises reduced cholesterol and a lighter load on our hearts. By emphasizing lean proteins, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables, it is a good heart healthy diet. But its important to avoid overconsumption of less healthy carbohydrates, such as added sugars.People with high cholesterol or high LDL cholesterol can benefit from replacing foods high in saturated fats with foods that have unsaturated fats, said Kelly.Tier 1: DASH-Style, Mediterranean, Pescatarian, and Ovo/Lacto-Vegetarian DietsStarted from the bottom, and now were here with Tier 1s DASH-Style, Mediterranean, pescatarian, and ovo/lacto-vegetarian diets. Its the pinnacle of heart-healthy eating, where the nutrients shine.Well start with the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH, diet. By the name alone, you might infer this diets ultra heart healthy nature. It emphasizes 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, whole grains, plant protein, and low-fat dairy, while limiting sodium.According to Kelly, the DASH diets sodium limitations help cut out highly processed foods, which can help control weight and high blood pressure. This diet provides adequate variety with adequate protein, moderate healthy fats and moderate healthy carbs intake, while minimizing sodium intake, she said.Moving onto the Mediterranean diet, with its emphasis on olive oil, fish, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These heart healthy foods make this a great choice for reducing heart disease risk. However, the Mediterranean diet also includes moderate alcohol consumption, which means two or less drinks for men a day, and one or less drinks for women per day.Kelly cautioned against misinterpreting what moderate alcohol consumption is. This does not mean, to have no alcohol for 3-5 days and then have all 3-5 drinks at one time, she said. These drinks should not include added sugar such as margarita mix, juices, and sugary sodas.A pescatarian diet is similar to a vegetarian diet, with the addition of fish, and sometimes includes dairy and eggs. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs and dairy, but not beef, poultry, fish, or pork. These diets may be lower in saturated fats, especially if whole milk products are not consumed. The biggest challenge with these diets boils down to protein.Kelly explained it simply as there being complete and incomplete proteins. While animal proteins contain all essential amino acids, plant-based proteins are incomplete, and must be combined for full nutritional benefits.The way to do this is to combine a nut or seed or bean with a grain, said Kelly. For example, red beans and brown rice, or nut butter on whole grain bread, will allow you to consume all of the essential amino acids.While these diets might seem daunting, remember youre not alone. A registered dietitian, like Kelly, can be an excellent starting source.Dietitians are full of ideas and strategies to help each individual overcome barriers to create effective behavior changes, said Kelly. Its important to remember that baby steps and small changes lead to big impacts on your health over time!Whether you're sticking to tried-and-true favorites like the DASH plan or exploring new diet horizons, the key is finding what works best for your heart. Remember, it's not about perfection it's about progress. So go ahead, savor those veggies, indulge in some heart-smart protein, and above all, listen to what your body needs. 

Keep things ticking: Top 10 heart health risk factors

Youve heard it before, but since its American Heart Month, well say it again. Heart disease is the leading killer of U.S. adults. The number one cause of death is a frightening number, so heres a new number: 10. Knowing these 10 heart health risk factors, and how to manage them, can save your life.To understand your personalized heart health risk better, check out our online quiz. Or read along and learn the key to a healthy heart from our Intermountain Health caregivers.Maintaining a healthy heart is the cornerstone of overall well-being, as the heart serves as the engine of our body, said Carlos Albrecht, MD, an Intermountain Health cardiologist at St. James Healthcare.1. Family history/geneticsUnderstanding your family's medical history is vital for anticipating health risks. Genetics play a significant role in heart-related issues. After speaking to your primary care provider about your family history, minimize any risks with lifestyle changes.2. SmokingSmoking (including second-hand smoke) deteriorates the cardiovascular system, increasing the likelihood of heart-related issues. This includes traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and vaping nicotine. Your primary care provider can help create a quitting plan.Viet Le, PA-C at Intermountain Medical Center, warned against smokings consequences. Cardiovascular disease and smoking do not mix, he said. It is the highest risk for death and highest risk for cardiovascular events.3. High blood pressureConsider high blood pressure a silent threat with serious consequences. While it often coincides with other risk factors, hypertension is the biggest indicator of heart disease. If your blood pressure is consistently higher than 130/80, consult your primary care doctor.4. Unhealthy dietA diet high in processed and unhealthy foods has direct implications for heart health. Opting for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains supports cardiovascular well-being. Need heart healthy dish ideas? Check out this Intermountain dietitian cookbook.According to Dr. Albrecht, a balanced diet plays a pivotal role in persevering cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart disease. "Just as a well-maintained engine ensures the smooth functioning of a vehicle, a healthy heart is crucial for optimal physical performance and longevity, he said.5. High cholesterolCholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the liver, but its also in foods like meat, poultry, and dairy products. Too much cholesterol can block your bloods circulation, so keeping your cholesterol levels low mitigates heart-related complications. Your primary care provider can order a blood test to obtain your cholesterol level, and help you address the results.6. DiabetesDiabetes introduces a layer of complexity to heart health. Unfortunately, diabetes and heart disease risk often coincide. According to the CDC, those with diabetes are twice as likely to have heart disease or a stroke than those without diabetes. Make a plan with your primary care provider to address your diabetes and minimize heart risk with lifestyle changes.7. Physical inactivityInactive lifestyles contribute to a range of heart-related issues, such as obesity and high blood pressure. Incorporating routine exercise is a great way to minimize these heart-related issues, and keep you feeling healthy.Make sure that youre being active, Le said. The American Heart Association says 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity. That sounds like a lot, but you break it down, its 30 minutes, five days a week. And you can even break it down into 10-minute segments.8. ObesityExcess weight puts strain on the heart, impacting its efficiency and longevity. Everyones ideal body weight varies by person, so talk to your primary care provider about your Body Mass Index (BMI). A BMI calculator evaluates if you have an ideal BMI between 18.6 and 24.9.9. Not enough sleepAdequate sleep is a non-negotiable aspect of overall health, including heart health. According to the American Heart Association, adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and children require eight to 16 hours, depending on their age.Enough sleep improves your bodys brain function, immune system, mood and energy, and reduces your risk of chronic disease.10. Too much stressHopefully reading these risk factors hasnt caused stress. Stress can contribute to high blood pressure, among other factors. Managing stress levels helps maintain overall cardiovascular well-being. Your primary care provider can introduce stress-reduction strategies, such as exercise, meditation, and breathing techniques.Maintaining the de-stressors in your life is important. It takes intention. It takes planning, said Le. Give yourself the gift of the present by knowing you can effect change.In the realm of heart health, knowledge is power. Harness this power by understanding your unique risks, regularly visiting your doctor, and taking on heart healthy lifestyle changes. Each choice you make contributes to your cardiovascular well-being.Prioritizing heart health is not just a choice, said Dr. Albrecht. It is a commitment to a vibrant and fulfilling life. 

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Nutrition 906 Brookline Blvd, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15226

SnackEVER specializes in providing a wide variety of healthy and nutritious snack options for customers with diverse dietary needs and preferences. We offer an extensive selection of products on our website that caters to specific dietary requirements, including vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, keto-friendly, sugar-conscious, paleo-friendly, dairy-free, organic, and kosher.Customers can easily navigate our website to sort products by various categories, making it convenient to find the perfect snacks that align with your dietary needs. We provide detailed product information, including nutritional facts and ingredient lists, allowing you to make informed purchasing decisions.We feature popular and well-known brands that are known for their commitment to health and sustainability. Some of the brands featured include UNREAL, Blake's Seed Based, Wow Baking Company, NuGo, TRUBAR, Pure Organic, consciouSnack, Skinny Pop, Ashapops, Cape Cod, NOKA, That's it, Joyride, Smart Sweets, JOM Organic, Rip Van, Craize, Skinny Dipped, Copper Kettle Candy Co., Better Than Good, Brookside Dark Chocolate, Chomp! Pistachios, Made Good, Nature's Garden, Talia Snacks, Tea Drops, Mementa, Bare Life, Archer, Field Trip Snacks, and Vegky Chomps.We are committed to providing healthy and sustainable snack options, and many of the snacks are made with high-quality, natural ingredients and are free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. We offer ready-made snack boxes curated perfectly with great flavor or you can customize your own personalized box.Why Focus on Healthy Snacks?In today's fast-paced world, we often find ourselves reaching for the quickest snack available. But quick doesnt always mean healthy. At SnackEVER, we believe that everyone deserves to enjoy tasty snacks that are also good for the body. Our online store is a testament to that belief, offering a wide range of healthy snacks tailored for all types of diets and dietary needs.  We're not just an online store; we're a community. A community that values health, taste, and the joy of discovering new flavors. Let's make every snack count!