Staying Safe at Home with Accessible Products

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Sep 16, 2020

If you are like most Americans, your goal is to remain living in your home as long as possible. As a caregiver, keeping your loved one at home may be the greatest gift youll ever give.
Adult children of aging parents often worry about the challenges their loved ones face. Whether it be trip hazards around the house, laundry located in the basement, or a potential fall in the shower, the home can seem more like an obstacle course than a safe haven.
Northern Colorado is home to several companies that can help people of all ages adapt and modify their homes. Some offer construction services to install grab bars, widen doorways, and create barrier-free bathrooms. Others install equipment such as stair lifts, ramps, wheelchairs lifts, and ceiling-mounted lifts. Be sure to ask about complimentary home evaluations. The company will visit your home to discuss potential challenges that exist now and possibly in the future, providing ideas of modifications as well as associated costs.
Editors Note: This article was submitted by Lyndsey Burmeister. Lyndsey is a community educator with Accessible Systems and may be reached at 970-475-1880 or by email at:

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Cherishing Our Seniors: Exploring the Heart of Senior Care

As we age, it's essential to prioritize the well-being and comfort of our seniors. At A Call to Order Professional Organizer, we believe in cherishing our seniors and providing them with the care and support they deserve. In this blog post, we'll delve into the heart of senior care, exploring the ways in which we can honor and uplift our elders.Understanding the Importance of Senior CareSenior care encompasses a wide range of services and support designed to enhance the quality of life for older adults. From assisting with daily tasks to providing companionship and emotional support, senior care plays a vital role in ensuring that seniors can age with dignity and independence.The Heart of Senior CareCompanionship and Connection: One of the most significant aspects of senior care is providing companionship and fostering meaningful connections. Many seniors experience feelings of loneliness and isolation, especially if they live alone or have limited social interactions. Caregivers and family members can offer companionship by spending time with seniors, engaging in conversations, and participating in activities together.Promoting Independence: While it's essential to offer support to seniors when needed, it's equally important to promote their independence and autonomy. Encourage seniors to maintain as much independence as possible by involving them in decision-making processes and respecting their preferences and choices. Simple tasks like meal preparation, household chores, and personal care activities can help seniors feel empowered and capable.Ensuring Safety and Comfort: Creating a safe and comfortable environment is paramount in senior care. Evaluate the senior's living space for potential hazards and make necessary modifications to enhance safety, such as installing grab bars, improving lighting, and removing tripping hazards. Additionally, ensure that the home is comfortable and conducive to the senior's needs, considering factors like temperature control, seating options, and accessibility.Health and Wellness: Prioritizing seniors' health and wellness is fundamental to their overall well-being. Encourage regular medical check-ups and screenings to monitor their health status and address any concerns promptly. Promote healthy lifestyle habits, including nutritious eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. Additionally, consider incorporating holistic wellness practices such as meditation, yoga, or tai chi to promote physical and mental wellness.Supporting Emotional Well-being: Seniors may face various emotional challenges as they age, including grief, loss, and anxiety. It's essential to provide emotional support and create a nurturing environment where seniors feel valued and understood. Listen actively to their concerns, validate their feelings, and offer reassurance and encouragement. Encourage participation in social activities and hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment.Planning for the Future: As seniors age, it's crucial to plan for the future and make arrangements for their care and well-being. Discuss topics such as advanced care directives, estate planning, and long-term care options to ensure that their wishes are honored and their needs are met. Involve seniors in decision-making processes and provide them with the necessary support and resources to plan for the future with confidence.At A Call to Order Professional Organizer, we believe in cherishing our seniors and providing them with the care and support they deserve. Our team is dedicated to promoting the well-being and independence of seniors through compassionate care and personalized support. With our heart-centered approach to senior care, we strive to create meaningful connections, ensure safety and comfort, and empower seniors to live their best lives. Let us be your partner in cherishing and honoring the seniors in your life.

Survey Results: Mobility Needs of Prospective Senior Care Residents

Mobility is essential to independence in late adulthood. Recent SilverAssist data show that over 40% of prospective senior living community residents use mobility aids, like canes, walkers, or wheelchairs. While mobility challenges can impact the ability to perform other activities of daily living and life tasks, senior living communities help bridge that gap. Here, well discuss SilverAssists findings on the mobility needs of prospective senior living residents. We also offer insight on leveraging this data in your community to help families see how senior living community services meet their needs and preserve residents self-reliance and independence.A January to May 2024 SilverAssist survey collected responses from over 25,000 individuals online who were actively looking for senior living solutions for themselves or a family member. Survey respondents were interested in a range of senior living options, including assisted living, independent living, nursing homes, and memory care. The data showed that, depending on the type of community, one-third to two-thirds of all potential residents need mobility support in some way. Incorporating these findings into conversations with potential residents can offer tangible data showing that senior living communities not only know what older adults need but that they meet those needs in a way that helps protect residents self-reliance and independence. What help do prospective senior living residents need?Over 25,000 survey responses showed an interest in care, from independent living to nursing home care. Almost 60% of survey respondents looking for assisted living used mobility aids, such as a cane, walker, or wheelchair. About one-third of respondents interested in independent living used these mobility aids, and almost half of people interested in memory care used them. The data on those searching for nursing homes told a slightly different but equally important story: While 40% of potential nursing home residents used mobility aids, an additional 13% of the respondents were bedridden. This data helps convey the level of need that nursing home residents typically have and also gives us an indication of communicating with potential residents, which we will discuss next.Type of community soughtNumber of respondentsPercentage who used a cane, walker, or wheelchairAssisted living8,50559% used mobility aids; an additional 1.7% were bedriddenIndependent living8,20930% used mobility aids; an additional 0.13% were bedriddenNursing home4,99940% used mobility aids; an additional 13% were bedriddenMemory care3,35047% used mobility aids; an additional 2.6% were bedriddenResults of January 2024 through May 2024 SilverAssist survey of prospective senior care residents need for assistance with mobility.How the community helps the prospective residentThis dataset shows that senior living communities can help prospective residents in two important ways. Next, lets explore these impacts and how community professionals can leverage this information to drive facility occupancy.Seniors are among peers with similar needs in the community At least one in three residents interested in a senior living community uses a mobility aid. This means that a group of four residents having dinner together in the facility dining room will likely have more than one person with similar mobility needs. In other words, no resident is alone in their needs; they are among peers going through similar situations.Communities can leverage this data to show that prospective residents are not alone in needing help with certain activities of daily living. In fact, theyre likely to become friendly with other residents who need similar or more services than they do. Its no wonder that senior living facilities are referred to as communities: They are home to a group of peers who are all at various stages of the senior experience. Camaraderie and connection can go a long way, and delivering that somewhat esoteric notion with tangible data can help drive home the message that the new resident will not be alone in their needs.Community services meet residents needs, preserving their independenceThe goal of senior living community services is to bridge the gap between what residents need to do on a daily basis and what they can do independently. In other words, the services meet each resident at their ability level and empower them to be as independent as possible. With this in mind, communities can use the mobility needs data to demonstrate how their services preserve the independence of their residents with various needs. Knowing the needs of those considering becoming residents can inform the direction of the conversation before it even starts. Safety measures exist not only to keep residents from getting hurt but also to empower them to engage in activities they like with comfort and success. With 59% of potential assisted living residents using mobility aids, pointing out these seemingly obvious safety features in ways that amplify their accessibility to independence can help potential residents see the opportunities in a community: Wheelchair-accessible doors that lead to outdoor courtyards, multiple elevator locations, and push-button emergency bells in every residence are just some of the common safety features that support residents abilities to do what they want to do when they want to do it.When talking with a prospective independent living resident, highlighting features such as pull cords in the bathrooms or flat room transition strips on the floor could accentuate the built-in features that support someones fall prevention efforts. Independent living candidates may not need extra services, but knowing about your communitys thoughtful built-in safety features could go a long way in sparking their interest in becoming a resident.Ambulating, or walking around, is one of the cornerstones of activities of daily living. For example, bathing becomes more challenging when walking to the bathroom or moving around in the shower requires the help of a device. When almost half of potential memory care residents have mobility challenges, proactively discussing mobility supports and safety measures will preemptively answer families questions about ADA-accessible bathrooms and showers. Memory care communities often highlight their safety features that prevent wandering, which is a crucial and unique element of memory care services, but its also important to highlight practical safety features to demonstrate how residents with mobility challenges can perform everyday tasks safely.Senior care mobility support meets many residents challengesWhen community professionals consider the array of facility services and features, the cutting-edge, evidence-based programming and service offerings often stand out to potential residents and their families. The built-in mobility support that senior care communities provide is integral to health, wellness, and the preservation of resident independence whether the support is a service offering or a thoughtful safety feature in the building.Its important that seniors and their families remember the seemingly small tasks and personal care activities individuals must do every day, even when they have mobility challenges. Including the discussion of how your community supports residents mobility challenges will likely answer questions the touring family has yet to think of. Discussing how you support your residents mobility is essential, as its also a discussion of how you protect and preserve your residents self-reliance and independence.

From Chaos to Calm: The Power of Professional Organizers for Seniors

Transitioning into the senior years can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when faced with the challenges of clutter and disorganization. At A Call to Order Professional Organizer, we understand the importance of bringing calm and order to seniors' lives. In this blog post, we'll explore how professional organizers can transform chaos into calm for seniors, providing practical tips and guidance along the way.Understanding the Impact of Chaos on SeniorsFor many seniors, maintaining a clutter-free and organized living space becomes increasingly challenging as they age. Clutter can contribute to stress, anxiety, and even safety hazards, impacting both physical and mental well-being. Understanding the impact of chaos on seniors is crucial in recognizing the need for professional organizing services.The Power of Professional Organizers for SeniorsCompassionate Guidance: Professional organizers specializing in senior care offer compassionate guidance and support throughout the organizing process. They understand the unique needs and challenges seniors face and provide non-judgmental assistance in decluttering and organizing their living spaces.Customized Solutions: Every senior's situation is unique, which is why professional organizers tailor their services to meet individual needs. They assess the client's living environment, preferences, and mobility considerations to develop customized organizing solutions that promote functionality and independence.Decluttering Expertise: Seniors may accumulate belongings over the years, leading to clutter and disorganization. Professional organizers have the expertise to help seniors declutter their homes efficiently and effectively. They assist in sorting through possessions, identifying items to keep, donate, or discard, and implementing practical storage solutions.Safety and Accessibility: Safety is paramount, especially for seniors living independently. Professional organizers prioritize safety by creating clutter-free and accessible living spaces. They address potential hazards, such as tripping risks and blocked pathways, and implement safety measures such as installing grab bars and improving lighting.Emotional Support: Sorting through belongings can evoke strong emotions for seniors, particularly when parting with sentimental items. Professional organizers offer emotional support and encouragement throughout the process, helping seniors make decisions that align with their goals and values while respecting their emotional attachment to certain belongings.Long-Term Solutions: Professional organizing is not just about tidying up; it's about establishing sustainable systems that promote long-term organization and well-being. Organizers teach seniors practical strategies for maintaining order in their homes, empowering them to stay organized and clutter-free in the future.At A Call to Order Professional Organizer, we recognize the transformative power of bringing order to seniors' lives. Our team of experienced organizers is dedicated to helping seniors transition from chaos to calm, providing compassionate guidance, customized solutions, and ongoing support every step of the way. With our expertise in decluttering, organizing, and promoting safety, we create harmonious living environments where seniors can thrive independently. Let us be your partner in reclaiming peace, order, and tranquility in your home.