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Getting caught in an intense storm can be a frightening situation. By planning ahead and exercising common sense, however, you can stay safe and have peace of mind when a severe weather event happens.
Having enough nonperishable food and water as well as an evacuation plan is a must. Here are some additional strategies to help seniors stay safe in extreme weather.
Hurricanes are a significant concern every year for residents of the southeastern United States. Capable of producing heavy flooding and destructive winds, the strongest hurricanes can destroy homes and present serious risks to those unfortunate enough to get caught in the storm. Meteorologists begin tracking hurricanes and tropical storms when they are detected on satellite imagery, sometimes weeks before they make landfall. It is important to take advantage of this advance notice and prepare.
Seniors faced with an impending hurricane should stay informed of any guidance or instructions given by local officials. Depending on the severity of the event, officials may order evacuations. Plan out what roads you would take to leave the area and where you would stay ahead of time. Emergencies often result in unexpected delays, so factor extra time into your plans. Gathering supplies could take longer due to shortages at local stores, and evacuation times can take longer due to traffic backups.
If you must shelter in place, make sure your home is ready to wait out a storm. Experts recommend having a week’s worth of supplies on hand. You should keep nonperishable foods, batteries, medical supplies and prescription medicines in an easily accessible storm preparedness kit.
A home generator can be a lifesaver for seniors caught in a hurricane, especially if you have any medical equipment that depends on a power supply. Home generators are available at a variety of price points. Standby home generators are the most expensive option. They are powered by natural gas or liquid propane, and they are permanently wired into your home’s electrical system. Standby generators provide nearly immediate power after an outage. Portable generators are usually powered by gasoline or diesel fuel. They are smaller and more affordable than standby generators, but they have a smaller electrical output and can be difficult to hook up in a storm.
Never run a generator indoors to avoid risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, which can result in death.
Some jurisdictions mandate that standby generators are installed in senior living facilities and nursing homes to guarantee that indoor living conditions remain stable in the event of a facility power loss. Chapter 59 of the Florida Administrative Code requires that “nursing homes will be equipped to ensure the protection of resident health, safety, welfare and comfort for a minimum of ninety-six (96) hours in the event of the loss of primary electrical power. Safe indoor air temperatures in resident-occupied areas shall be determined by the licensee to meet the clinical needs of residents but shall not exceed eighty-one (81) degrees Fahrenheit.”
Check this list to see if a nursing home or assisted living facility is in compliance with the Florida generator rule.
Heavy rainfall from storms can also cause flooding. Low-lying areas—especially those near a body of water—are often at risk of flooding. When a storm could potentially cause flooding, authorities may order evacuations from areas that may be affected. It can be difficult to predict sudden “flash floods” though. If you know the area you live in might be affected, it’s good to have a plan in place. Be aware of local evacuation plans for your area. Keep extra supplies on hand knowing that it might be days or weeks before help arrives. Make sure your essential supplies are kept on a main floor and not in a basement, which would become inaccessible in a flood.
If youve heard of the 6-6-6 walking trend and havent tried it, now is the time. The routine is simple, flexible, joint-friendly, and safe for most health conditions. If youre having trouble finding a workout that works for your schedule, your chronic conditions, and your weight loss goals, this might be a right fit for you. Walking has long been touted as the best form of exercise for disease prevention. Just walking over 3,500 steps per day has been shown to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and risk of death.Here is what you need to know about the 6-6-6 walking workout and how it can benefit you.The Method: 6-6-6 Walking Workout This easy title lays out the plan for you which is 60 minutes of walking at either 6 a.m. or 6 p.m. with a 6-minute warm-up and cool-down. Your warm-up and cool-down are taken at a slower pace and help your body prepare for the workout and recover afterward.You spend most of the workout moving at a brisk pace to keep your heart rate elevated and benefit your cardiovascular system. The simple method and short duration is meant to work for people with tight schedules yet be challenging enough to provide a solid workout.One of the most appealing features of this method is its flexibility. You can choose a pace that suits your abilities and needs. The goal is to appropriately challenge yourself and elevate your heart rate, so there is no prescription for how fast you walk. For older adults and those with health conditions, this is key.Other benefits of the 6-6-6 walking trend is that you log over the 150 minutes of recommended exercise in a week when you do it for three or more days per week. And walking early or later in the day helps you get your workout in before your busy daytime routine begins or after it ends.Health Benefits of the 6-6-6 Walking WorkoutWalking boosts weight loss and cardiovascular health when you keep your heart rate in the fat-burning zone, which is 50-70% of your maximum heart rate. The cardio zone, which requires more vigorous activity and a higher heart rate is also great for cardio health but not as effective for burning fat in the short term.This means that by calculating your fat-burning zone and spending most of your 60 minutes at that pace can promote weight loss and keep your heart healthy. Many digital treadmills and smartwatches will calculate your fat-burning zone for you, letting you know when you enter it or move into another zone. But you can also calculate it for yourself.Calculate your maximum heart rate (MHR) by subtracting your age from 200.MHR = 220- [your age]180 = 220 - 40MHR for 40 year old = 180 Then calculate your fat-burning range by multiplying your maximum heart rate by 50% and then by 70%.Fat-burning zone (for 40 year old) = MHR x 50% and MHR x 70%Fat-burning zone (for 40 year old) = 180 x .5 and 180 x .7Fat burning zone (for 40 year old) = 90 and 126Fat-burning zone (for 40 year old) = 90 to 126 beats per minuteWhen you walk in this zone, youre burning more fat as fuel, which is more immediate and effective for weight loss. Additionally, this walking has a lower impact than running or other types of exercise, making it gentler for the long term and more accessible for many people.Other benefits of walking include:Reduces anxiety and depressionImproves gut healthImproves bone healthImproved cognition (thinking abilities)Improves sleepIncreases energy and staminaImproves memoryLowers blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterolReduces risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and some cancersHow to Start a New Walking RoutineTo get started with any new workout, you must want it. You must have some benefit in mind that makes it worth making a change and sticking to it. Perhaps youve recently been diagnosed and your doctor prescribes exercise for management. Or, maybe youve been gaining weight and are seeking a way to reverse the trend. You might also be motivated by the realization that aging increases the risk of many chronic diseases, and you know its time you were more proactive with your health. Whatever the case, find your motivation first.When you first start, begin slowly. You might find that an hour is just too long for the first day or week. Thats okay. Find what you can do and start there. If you can only walk for 10-15 minutes, its a starting point that you can build from. Plan to slowly increase your time.Other tips include:Dont skip your warm-ups and cool-downs. This gives your body time to adjust and makes your workout go more smoothly.When youre comfortable, try alternating your pace with faster and slower intervals. You can gradually increase the time you spend walking faster. This is only if your health allows.Try walking uphill or incline your treadmill to make the walk more challenging and burn more calories. Again, only if your health allows.If you get bored, try watching your favorite show on a device or listen to a podcast or audio book while you walk.Recap of the 6-6-6 Walking TrendThis workout recommends walking 60 minutes per day at either 6 a.m. or 6 p.m. with a 6-minute warm-up and cool-down. When you adopt this workout method, you can reap many benefits like weight loss, improved cardiovascular help, better sleep, improved mood, and even diabetes prevention.Before you begin, be sure to find your motivation and experiment with your speed and interval walking when you need more of a challenge. If you find walking boring, try using a device and earbuds to occupy your mind with a favorite show or podcast.
Confused by your bladder symptoms? It could be an enlarged bladder, also known as a distended bladder. This condition is commonly overlooked, and you may even be given medication for overactive bladder unnecessarily. For some women, the problem is that your bladder has become larger than its usual size. As it enlarges, the walls thicken to compensate for being overstretched. While there are several causes, and a few of them are serious, often the condition is reversible and symptoms will subside. Heres what you need to know about enlarged bladder, including symptoms, causes, and how to treat it.What Are Symptoms of an Enlarged Bladder?Enlarged bladder symptoms are very similar to other bladder conditions, which is why you may be misdiagnosed or looking in the wrong direction for solutions. Doctors might also perform an ultrasound to determine the cause of your distended bladder. Symptoms can vary depending on the cause, but here is a short list of the most common ones:Constantly feeling like your bladder is fullDifficulty urinating or emptying your bladder (incomplete emptying)Having a slow urine streamLeaking urineAbdominal pain or discomfortWaking at night to urinateExperiencing symptoms of a UTI (but tests are negative)Its also possible to have blood in your urine, depending on the cause of the enlargement.Many women assume they have a UTI, because symptoms can feel similar. This causes confusion and frustration when test results show no infection.What Are Causes of an Enlarged Bladder?Its important to see your doctor if youre having any symptoms, because they must rule out a more serious cause for an enlarged bladder.Common causes include:Urinary retentionBladder obstructionBorn with itNeurological conditionsSome people are born with an enlarged bladder but dont present with symptoms until later.Urinary Retention and Incomplete EmptyingUrinary retention means you have difficulty getting a stream of urine going and therefore retain urine in your bladder rather than emptying it. This can become a serious situation if youre not emptying it often enough. If you cant urinate at all or are able to go very little, you should see your doctor immediately. Overfull bladders can backwash urine into the kidneys, causing kidney damage. Urinary retention can also cause overflow incontinence.Urinary retention is closely associated with incomplete emptying, which is when you expel plenty of urine but arent emptying completely. Both incomplete emptying and urinary retention can happen if you develop a habit of holding your pee for too long. As your bladder enlarges to accommodate the additional fluid, it becomes more difficult to release urine. You may then find yourself going more frequently, because you arent emptying when you go. All of this can also irritate your bladder, causing burning and discomfort like a bladder infection.Bladder Obstruction and Enlarged BladderA bladder obstruction commonly causes a distended bladder. When your bladder is obstructed, it has to work hard to push urine past the blockage. Over time, this additional pressure can make your bladder walls less elastic, essentially allowing it to stretch out or enlarge. Kidney stones and tumors. But if you can recognize and remove the obstruction early enough, you can prevent the enlarging of your bladder.Neurological Conditions Can Cause A Distended BladderConditions like multiple sclerosis (MS) and paralysis can cause your bladder to retain urine and keep you from emptying it completely. Your nervous system is what controls your bladder, signaling when to urinate and when to hold it. Disorders that disrupt never function can negatively affect bladder function.Enlarged Bladder TreatmentsThe first step is to pinpoint and remove the cause of your distended bladder to prevent further bladder stretching. Its unlikely that your bladder will return to normal size after overstretching. But its possible to manage your symptoms and prevent continued bladder damage.Doctors will remove any bladder obstructions to treat your symptoms and keep your bladder from stretching further.If your bladder is enlarged due to urinary retention caused by a habit of holding urine for long periods of time, a doctor may instruct you to start urinating as soon as you have the urge. While you retrain your bladder by going immediately, you should also practice relaxing and emptying your bladder as much as possible each time. Dont rush. Over time, your bladder symptoms should subside, including any burning or UTI-like discomfort. Then you may hold it for reasonable amounts of time, but should not return to the habit of holding it for long periods. Continue to ensure that you are relaxed and emptying completely each time you go to prevent bladder irritation and frequent urination.In some cases, if the underlying cause of an enlarged bladder cant be removed and the situation is dangerous or negatively affecting your daily life, doctors may recommend surgery. This treatment, called reduction cystoplasty, will surgically reduce the size of your bladder and its capacity to hold urine.Enlarged Bladder TakeawaysDistended bladder symptoms can be uncomfortable, inconvenient, and frustrating. But its not usually a life-threatening condition. While your bladder isnt likely to return to its original size, symptoms are manageable.Be sure to see your doctor as soon as you notice its more difficult to urinate. This can prevent further bladder damage and ensure there is not a more serious underlying issue.TYE Medical offers premium incontinence products in a variety of sizes and absorbency levels. Shop our online store for free and discreet shipping on all orders.
Today wed like to introduce you to Heather Tetrault.Hi Heather, thanks for joining us today. Wed love for you to start by introducing yourself.Growing up, I didnt have anything. Quite frankly, we were poor. Since this was the only life I knew, I didnt realize how unfortunate I was until I began getting out more and soon realized that it was not normal. No one in my family graduated high school, not to mention stepping foot on campus at a college. I didnt know that life could be so much more than what I had, but I knew I did not want to follow in those footsteps.At 15 years old, I started the process of being emancipated. I had to prove to the courts that I was able to finish high school and work to support myself. Quite scary, I know! While giving up would have been the path of least resistance, I kept going and became the first to graduate high school in my family and put myself through college. I received my degree in Healthcare Administration because I thought I wanted to run a hospital and change the world, helping those who are less fortunate to have access to the appropriate medical care.I soon realized that I was one person and could not change the world alone. However, this allowed other opportunities where I became the executive director of Assisted Living and ran a 120-bed facility. My passion is helping seniors, so after gaining the skills and expertise in the senior living industry, I soon took that knowledge and started my own company, called My Care Finders. I love it because we provide a free service to seniors and their families.Would you say its been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges youve faced along the way?Mostly, it has been a smooth path to success with lots of sleepless hours initially. The biggest struggle is finding individuals that have a self-starter mindset and who work really hard for their success. Also, finding a mentor willing to invest in me, and who I can learn from.I am humble enough to know that I dont know everything and I love learning from adults older than me. I have the ambition and resilience and I know what it takes to become successful. Looking back, every road I took, lead me to here, so I can honestly say that I have no regrets.Alright, so lets switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?My Care Finders is a FREE resource for seniors and their loved ones needing a retirement or senior living community. Its similar to a realtor, but for senior living communities, so we never pass any fees on to families. We are very transparent with the way it works and sometimes we are not paid at all for our hard work.What sets us apart from our competition is the skills, knowledge, and expertise we have collectively on our team because everyone on our team has worked with seniors. My husband and partner is a licensed nursing home administrator and I am CORE trained and a former executive director of Assisted Living.We also have an LPN on the team. We have a great reputation in the community and we are committed to serving our seniors. We are very proud of our brand because we started from the ground up and many families and other professionals think we are a franchise because of how professional we are. Families should know that we are truly here as an advocate for them.We do not work for any particular community, but we can narrow down the options to a select few after discussing with the family about their loved ones wants, needs, preferences, social desires, budget, and geographic location. There are too many options to look alone and the process can be very overwhelming. We provide free lifetime consulting as well.Before we go, is there anything else you can share with us?My biggest piece of advice is to never give up. If you fall down, get back up and realize that it will only make you stronger.Contact Info:Website:
American House Senior Living Communities, located at 11400 Longfellow Lane in Bonita Springs, FL, offers fully remodeled senior living in a warm, welcoming environment. Our community provides a wide range of amenities, services, and activities designed to enhance the lives of our residents. We offer assisted living, living well memory care, respite stays, and coordination of hospice care.Our community has been awarded Best Assisted Living in Bonita Springs in 2023 and is conveniently located between Fort Myers and Naples on a 26-acre campus with beautiful, landscaped grounds, ponds, and wildlife. Our apartments range from studios to one- and two-bedroom units, some with pond views, and all residents have access to our spacious common areas.We offer a maintenance-free lifestyle, allowing residents to focus on themselves. Whether you prefer relaxing by the pool, shopping trips, or socializing at our daily happy hour, the choice is yours.Our vibrant community offers activities and friendships, with assistance available when needed. Our services include meals, laundry, medication reminders, physical therapy, and activities of daily living. We also offer a variety of floor plans to suit your needs.Visit us today for a tour of our newly renovated community and see why American House is the right choice for your senior living needs.
At American House Coconut Point, youll find senior living at its finest. Our community in Estero, FL, offers a warm and welcoming environment with a long list of amenities, helpful services, and engaging activities all designed around you. Whether you're looking for independent living, assisted living, memory care, or respite stays, we have options to suit your needs.Located near idyllic Gulf Coast beaches, our community offers well-appointed studio, one- and two-bedroom apartments and large common areas to visit with family and friends. A maintenance-free lifestyle allows you to focus on whats importantyou. Relax by the pool, get a massage, take a shopping trip, or enjoy our daily happy hour with friends.Our residents enjoy a variety of amenities, including a resort-style swimming pool and lounge area, friendship suites, beautiful outdoor landscaping, quartz kitchen countertops, and cultured marble bathroom countertops. We're also walking distance from Coconut Point mall and offer a bistro, state-of-the-art fitness center, movie theater, chapel, and community/activity rooms. Our restaurant-style dining offers chef-prepared meals, and we provide on-site physical therapy, salon, spa, and massage services. Personal and scheduled transportation, a robust calendar of activities and events, and housekeeping and laundry services are also available. Plus, small pets are welcome!Experience award-winning senior living in Estero, FL, at American House Coconut Point. Schedule a visit today to see our beautiful community and all that we have to offer!
American House Senior Living Communities provides exceptional senior living options in Sarasota, Florida. Our community is located at 4540 Bee Ridge Road and offers a range of living options, including Independent Living, Assisted Living, Living Well Memory Care, and Respite Stays.At American House Sarasota, we pride ourselves on creating a warm and welcoming environment where residents can age in place with dignity and comfort. Our community is situated on 18 wooded acres, offering a serene setting while being conveniently close to Sarasota's white sand beaches, cultural attractions, and shopping districts.Our award-winning SUN Program sets us apart, offering engaging activities, helpful services, and a long list of amenities designed around our residents. Whether you're looking for a maintenance-free lifestyle or seeking a supportive environment for a loved one, American House Sarasota has everything you need.Experience luxury senior living at its finest. Schedule a visit today to see why we were awarded Best Senior Living in Sarasota, FL in 2023. Call us at (941) 306-4030 or visit our website to learn more and download our Visitation Policy.