Sweets That Fit in Seniors' Diets: 3 Treats to Try!


Terracina Grand

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Jul 23, 2023


Florida - Southwest

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Who doesn’t love a sweet treat? We all have different ideas about what constitutes a scrumptious dessert or snack, but we all know that too much of a good thing hinders our ability to maintain a healthy weight, especially as we get older. Controlling sugar intake can help seniors reduce risk of chronic age-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to satisfy your sweet tooth without overindulging in sugar or fat. These three treats are easy to make and temptingly delicious–definitely worth a try! 

Fig Newtons

Fig newtons are a perennial favorite. They’re easy to make and you can substitute other fruits if figs aren’t your thing or you just want to change up the flavor profile.

Apple Cinnamon Crisps

These yummy snacks are perfect for anyone who loves the combination of sweet flavor and crunchy texture. For variation use pears instead, or replace the cinnamon with ground ginger.

 Strawberry Mini-Galettes

Pies and tarts are delectable but also an open invitation to have “just another small slice.” Mini-galettes solve that problem, and although this recipe uses strawberries, topping options are almost infinite. Store-bought dough makes these treats quick and easy, especially if you purchase ready-made mini pie crusts! You can press them into muffin tins or use them flat for tiny tarts, as in this recipe.

So, what makes these three treats especially valuable for seniors? 


Mark Holmes, national director of culinary Operations at The Goodman Group, tells us the biggest thing for healthy sweets for seniors is portion size. “There is always a tendency to prepare as if the family is coming over,” he says, “but they aren’t coming over (at least not on the day you’re making a pan full of brownies.) That leads to leftovers, which doesn’t always sit well with a generation who hates to waste.”

Smaller recipes reduce temptation. For example:

  • The fig newton recipe above makes just two servings. In fact, you can find numerous recipes online that feature desserts for two.
  • What does an apple crisp for one or two look like? Oatmeal in the topping adds nutrition, and you can cut back on the sugar and butter without losing its crispy, crumbly appeal.
  • The mini-galette recipe above makes 6, but you can easily divide it to make two or even just one. Or bake one with just a sprinkle of sugar, then top it with some low-fat vanilla flavor Greek-style yogurt and add your favorite sliced fruit.

For ultimate portion control, make just one! This mocha mug cake is mouth-watering, and it bakes in your microwave. This website is devoted entirely to recipes for one–not just desserts but all sorts of dishes!Baked goods are great candidates for freezing if you’re making a half dozen or more of them.  Bake larger recipes of brownies, cake, etc. in regular or bite-size muffin tins for appropriate portions and easy individual freezing. Bonus tip: you can freeze cookie dough, too, in smaller portions for baking just a few at a time.


Some sweets are just naturally better for you, proving that treats don’t have to be laden with fat and sugar to be tasty and satisfying. Fig newtons, apple cinnamon crisps, and other fruit-forward treats are also healthier because the fruit provides both nutrition and sweetness. Oatmeal and nuts add fiber and protein–and textural interest, which also pleases your palate.

Nothing beats fresh fruit in season. Dark color fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, and cherries are high in antioxidants as well as other nutrients. So is dark chocolate–just the ticket as a key ingredient or shaved over a parfait of fruit and low-fat yogurt.

If you have a special hankering for strawberries or blueberries in the middle of winter, grocery stores now carry an amazing variety of fresh-frozen fruits ready for you to delve into. These tidbits make great frozen treats in the summer, or you can thaw a few at a time to make a serving or two of some fruit-healthy dessert. You can also freeze your own fresh fruit for future sweet snacks.

So many tasty choices! Which healthy sweet will you try next?

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Boost Your Brain Health With These 10 Superfoods

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Remember, in the quest for brain health, consistency is the secret sauce. Delicious Recipes for Your BrainWho says brain food has to be boring? Here are some simple recipes to make your brain sing:Berry and Nut Smoothie: Start your day with a power breakfast. Blend blueberries, a dollop of almond butter, a handful of spinach, and almond milk. Its a brain-loving smoothie thatll have you leaping out of bed!Salmon Salad: For a brain-boosting lunch, grill a piece of salmon and serve it atop leafy greens. Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and a squeeze of fresh orange juice for a refreshing twist.Turmeric Tea: Unwind with a cup of warm, soothing, and brain-healthy turmeric tea. Simply boil a cup of water, add a teaspoon of turmeric, and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Strain and sweeten with a touch of honey. Brain Health: Its More Than Just FoodGood nutrition is vital for brain health, but it doesnt stop there. Lets shine a spotlight on the other stars of the show. Hydration The Brains ElixirWater isnt just a thirst quencher; its a brain elixir. Dehydration can play tricks on your short-term memory, focus, and decision-making skills. So, keep your brain happily swimming in a well-hydrated body. A humble glass of water might be the simplest brain boost you can give yourself today. Brain Gymnastics: Exercise Your Way to a Healthier BrainDont let muscles steal all the exercise glory; your brain deserves its share. Regular physical activity sets the stage for increased blood flow to the brain, growth of new brain cells, and enhanced memory and thinking skills. So, lace up those sneakers and get your brain pumping!Sleep The Brains Repair TimeWhen we sleep, our bodies arent just snoozing; theyre hard at work repairing and rejuvenating themselves. A solid nights sleep can elevate memory, spur creativity, and sharpen problem-solving skills. On the flip side, sleep deprivation can throw a wrench in cognitive function and mood balance. So, make sure youre catching enough Zs for your brains sake. The Last WordThe bottom line? Your brains health is in your hands. A diet studded with the foods weve explored can rev up your brain health and turbocharge your cognitive functions. Isnt it about time you gave your brain the culinary love it deserves?Here at Integracare, were more than just a care providerwere a community. We take pride in offering four distinct types of care: assisted living, memory care, independent living, and short-term/respite care. Spread across 18 vibrant communities in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, our standards of care remain uniformly high, ensuring the best for our residents. Interested in becoming a part of our community? Wed love to hear from you. Get in touch with us today for more information. Your journey to improved brain health doesnt have to stop at nutritious food; with Integracare, it can be a holistic experience. Your Questions, AnsweredCan these foods boost my memory? Absolutely! Many of these foods are known to support memory and cognition.How soon will I notice the effects on my brain health? Brain health is a marathon, not a sprint. A nutritious diet will yield long-term benefits.Can these foods ward off brain diseases? While no diet can offer a 100% guarantee against brain diseases, a healthy diet can significantly lower your risk.Can I just try supplements instead? Supplements can lend a helping hand, but they shouldnt replace a well-rounded diet. Remember, nothing beats the real thing. Your TurnWith this brainy food guide in your hands, youre ready to give your brain the nourishment it craves. So, why not start today? After all, your brain deserves nothing less than the best. Happy eating to a healthier, smarter you!

How Diet and Exercise Influence Dementia Management

Dementia management requires a comprehensive care plan that encompasses nutrition and physical activity. Research has shown a significant correlation between diet and cognitive function in individuals with dementia, highlighting the impact of specific nutrients and dietary patterns. Similarly, the role of exercise in managing dementia symptoms cannot be overstated, with various forms of physical activity demonstrating benefits for cognitive health.THE ROLE OF EXERCISE IN A DEMENTIA CARE PLANPhysical activity plays a pivotal role in the management of dementia symptoms, offering multifaceted benefits for cognitive health. The impact of exercise on individuals with dementia is profound, encompassing both physiological and psychological advantages. Here's a closer look at the significance of physical activity in dementia care:Cognitive Benefits of ExerciseRegular physical activity has been linked to improved cognitive function in individuals with dementia.Engaging in exercise can enhance memory, attention, and overall mental acuity, contributing to a higher quality of life for dementia patients.Emotional Well-beingExercise has been shown to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression in individuals with dementia, promoting a more positive emotional state.Physical activity can also foster a sense of accomplishment and independence, bolstering the overall well-being of dementia patients.Types of ExerciseBoth aerobic exercises, such as walking or swimming, and strength training activities have demonstrated positive effects on cognitive function in individuals with dementia.Tailoring exercise programs to the specific needs and abilities of dementia patients is crucial for maximizing the benefits and ensuring safety.Caregiver InvolvementInvolving caregivers in facilitating and supporting exercise routines for individuals with dementia can enhance the overall effectiveness of the physical activity interventions.Caregivers play a vital role in encouraging and enabling dementia patients to engage in regular exercise, contributing to the holistic management of the condition.IMPLEMENTING NUTRITIONAL STRATEGIES IN YOUR DEMENTIA CARE PLANTailoring nutritional plans for individuals with dementia is essential for supporting their overall well-being and cognitive function. Implementing effective nutrition strategies involves personalized dietary approaches and practical insights to ensure optimal care for dementia patients.Guidelines for Effective Nutrition StrategiesEmphasizing nutrient-dense foods that support brain health, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, is integral to effective nutrition strategies for dementia patients.Ensuring adequate hydration and addressing any challenges related to eating and drinking are key components of implementing nutritional plans for individuals with dementia.Importance of Consistency and RoutineEstablishing regular meal times and creating a calm, familiar dining environment can promote better eating habits and reduce mealtime stress for individuals with dementia.Consistency in meal presentation and texture modification, if necessary, can facilitate easier and more enjoyable eating experiences for dementia patients.Involvement of Caregivers and Healthcare ProfessionalsCollaboration between caregivers and healthcare professionals is vital for implementing and monitoring the effectiveness of nutritional strategies for individuals with dementia.Educating caregivers about the specific dietary needs and challenges associated with dementia can empower them to provide optimal support and assistance in meal planning and preparation.INTEGRATING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY INTO A DEMENTIA CARE PLANIntegrating physical activity into dementia management presents unique challenges and opportunities, requiring tailored exercise programs and approaches suitable for individuals with cognitive impairments.Tailored Exercise ProgramsDesigning exercise programs that accommodate the specific needs and abilities of individuals with dementia is essential for ensuring safety and effectiveness.Incorporating activities that focus on balance, flexibility, and strength can help improve overall physical function and reduce the risk of falls among dementia patients.Cognitive Stimulation through Physical ActivityEngaging individuals with dementia in activities that involve coordination and cognitive stimulation, such as dancing or modified sports, can contribute to both physical and mental well-being.Combining physical exercise with cognitive challenges can enhance brain function and promote a sense of accomplishment for dementia patients.Addressing ChallengesOvercoming barriers related to motivation, communication, and behavioral symptoms is crucial when integrating physical activity into dementia care.Adapting exercise routines to accommodate fluctuations in mood and energy levels, as well as addressing any safety concerns, is vital for the successful implementation of physical activity programs.Benefits of ExerciseRegular physical activity has been associated with improved sleep patterns, reduced agitation, and enhanced overall quality of life for individuals with dementia.The positive impact of exercise on mood, social interaction, and physical well-being underscores the importance of integrating physical activity into comprehensive dementia management.HOLISTIC APPROACH TO DEMENTIA CARE A GOOD PLANA holistic approach to dementia care integrates nutrition and physical activity into a comprehensive care plan, recognizing the interconnectedness of these elements in promoting the overall well-being of individuals with dementia.Comprehensive Well-beingBy addressing both nutritional needs and physical activity, a holistic approach aims to support the physical, mental, and emotional health of individuals living with dementia.This comprehensive strategy acknowledges the multifaceted nature of dementia and seeks to optimize the quality of life for patients through a well-rounded care plan.Synergistic BenefitsIntegrating nutrition and exercise can create synergistic benefits, where the positive effects of each component complement and enhance the outcomes of the other.A holistic approach recognizes the potential for improved cognitive function, physical strength, and emotional resilience when nutrition and physical activity are integrated into dementia care plans.ENHANCED QUALITY OF LIFE WITH A DEMENTIA CARE PLANEmbracing a holistic approach to dementia care can lead to an improved overall quality of life for individuals with dementia, fostering a sense of purpose, independence, and vitality.By addressing the diverse needs of dementia patients through a comprehensive care plan, caregivers and healthcare professionals can contribute to a more fulfilling and enriching experience for those under their care.The integration of nutrition and physical activity into comprehensive care plans is pivotal for effectively managing dementia. By recognizing the interconnectedness of these elements and embracing a holistic approach, caregivers and healthcare professionals can significantly enhance the overall well-being and quality of life for individuals living with dementia. The synergistic benefits of tailored nutritional strategies and personalized exercise programs underscore the importance of a multifaceted care approach. For personalized and holistic care options, readers are encouraged to explore the offerings at Assured Senior Living:  https://www.assuredassistedliving.com/

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Terracina Grand

Assisted Living 6825 Davis Blvd, Naples, Florida, 34104

Terracina Senior Living: A Vibrant Senior Living CommunityI like to know my options. Terracina Senior Living is a vibrant senior living campus that offers a healthy aging lifestyle, intergenerational programming, and exceptional services and amenities designed to meet the diverse needs of our residents.What We OfferIndependent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Respite Care, Transitional & Skilled Nursing CareCampus Amenities & FeaturesChef-prepared mealsLife Enrichment programsHousekeeping and linen servicesScheduled transportationPet-friendly accommodationsComplimentary Wi-Fi in common areasBasic cable TVMonth-to-month rentalNo buy-in feeGiGi Assistant appIndependent LivingAt Terracina Senior Living, we believe life can get better with age. Our programs help you live your passions, fulfill your potential, and keep precious memories alive while making cherished new ones. Enjoy a wonderful life at every stage and experience how rich life can be.Independent Living Includes:Three chef-inspired meals per dayWeekly housekeeping, linen, and towel servicesLife Enrichment programsScheduled transportationAll utilities, including local telephone serviceBasic cable TVComplimentary Wi-Fi in common areas24-hour on-site staffingAvailable at: TERRACINA GRANDAssisted LivingTerracina Grand excels at helping residents transition from independent life to a more supportive environment. Engage in daily social activities and improve your quality of life as you age. Comprehensive personal care services are available around the clock.Assisted Living Includes:Three chef-inspired meals per dayWeekly housekeeping, linen, and towel servicesLife Enrichment programsScheduled transportationAll utilities, including local telephone serviceBasic cable TVComplimentary Wi-Fi in common areas24-hour on-site staffingPersonal assistance with activities of daily living (charged at an additional monthly rate)Available at: TERRACINA GRANDMemory CareWhen experiencing memory loss, our Pearls of Life memory care provides a dignified and well-rounded life for residents. Utilizing the Montessori Inspired Lifestyle, our caregivers focus on individual strengths and engage residents in meaningful activities.Memory Care Includes:All-inclusive memory careMontessori Inspired Lifestyle Approach for Dementia CareThree chef-prepared meals per dayAll utilitiesBasic cable TVWeekly housekeeping, linen, and towel service24-hour on-site staffingPersonal assistance with activities of daily living (charged at an additional monthly rate)Available at: TERRACINA GRANDVILLA AT TERRACINA GRANDRespite CareTerracina Senior Livings respite care is the perfect solution for providing your loved one with individualized care while you take a break.Respite Care Includes:Fully furnished apartmentHousekeeping, linen, towel, and laundry servicesThree chef-inspired meals per day24-hour on-site staffing24-hour emergency call systemEmergency call pendantBasic cable TVComplimentary Wi-Fi in common areasPersonal assistance with activities of daily living (charged at an additional monthly rate)Available at: TERRACINA GRANDVILLA AT TERRACINA GRANDTransitional & Skilled Nursing CareAt Gardens at Terracina Health & Rehabilitation, our rehabilitation and wellness services help you return home as soon as possible. Each individual receives a customized treatment plan to promote improvement in physical strength, health, and endurance.Transitional & Skilled Nursing Care Includes:Skilled nursing carePrivate roomPersonalized service offeringsThree chef-inspired meals per dayTherapeutic dietsSocial servicesHousekeeping, laundry, and linen servicesAll utilities, including telephoneBasic cable TV24-hour on-site staffingLife Enrichment programsAvailable at: GARDENS AT TERRACINA HEALTH & REHABILITATIONExperience Award-Winning CareWhy Live Here: Schedule a Tour, See Virtual Tour, Connect With UsTerracina Senior Living offers a warm and welcoming community with a variety of living options and services to suit your needs. Discover the rich, fulfilling life you can lead at Terracina Senior Living.