Talking to your parents about Independent Living Communities


Country Meadows Retirement Communities

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Feb 26, 2024


Pennsylvania - Greater Pittsburgh Area

Talking to your parents about independent living communities

By: Country Meadows | cost of senior living, For Adult Children, Independent Living, Senior Living, senior living communities

For adults with aging parents, there are several difficult – although necessary – conversations that must be had around planning for the future. One of those conversations is about making the transition to senior living. And with multiple care factors to consider and a range of options for independent living communities to choose from, this discussion may seem all the more daunting. At Country Meadows, we have decades of experience in helping families make the right decisions for their senior living journey. Here of some ways to help ease into the conversation of planning for senior living.

Find the right time and use the right tone

When discussing sensitive subjects, especially ones so deeply personal, it’s best to enter the conversation knowing that it may not be easy for either yourself or your aging loved one. Be sure to find a time where there are no other distractions and you can sit down and have a meaningful experience. For instance, attempting to have this discussion during a family function or before an important event may cause clouded judgement as its already such a momentous time. If this is the very first time you’ll be having a conversation about independent living communities, these preparations can make all the difference in how your words are received. 

It’s also important to understand there may be resistance from your parents or loved one when discussing independent living communities. If the discussion becomes emotional, be sure to stay calm while directing the conversation. 

Do your own research on independent living communities

It’s a good idea to walk into a situation prepared, and discussing independent living communities with your parents is no different. Researching amenities, activities and levels of available care if needed will help you provide solid answers when questions arise. Additionally, understanding the differences in pricing among the many independent living communities available will help you be realistic about what options are affordable. Once your parents are ready to be a part of the process, you’ll already be prepared for a more positive prospecting experience.   

Anticipate what your parents are looking for in independent living communities

While your parents or elders may not have explicitly expressed what they’re looking for in a senior living community experience, there are reference points that can help you understand what they may need from independent living communities. For instance, gauging their level of independence will be important when it comes to determining the type of care that they’ll need now or in the future – and this may differ from what your parents feel their level of independence is. Knowing, however, what aspects within the independent living communities you’re researching may bring a compromise between your points of view. This can help to keep these conversations respectful of what you feel is best and also what your parents’ wishes are. If you know that your parents are social, active or enjoy dining out often, leading your research with independent living communities that feature those amenities can be a great entry point.  

Be ready to have multiple discussions

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it’s very likely that planning retirement won’t happen in a single sitting either. There are many aspects that go into making a decision on senior living. Between the initial conversation, understanding the options available, visiting prospective campuses and financial considerations, there will be a lot of time invested in the process. Outside of these factors, the emotional aspects may leave you having to revisit this conversation with your loved ones either when they’re ready to think about independent living communities or when they’re willing to at least continue the discussion. Being able to listen and empathize will be very important in ensuring that everyone feels respected and heard.

Ultimately, understanding your parent’s emotional needs in addition to their physical needs will be crucial in navigating these difficult conversations effectively. And when you’re ready to make a decision on independent living communities, Country Meadows is here to help. 

With nine locations in Pennsylvania and one in Frederick, Maryland, Country Meadows has consistently been recognized as one of the best independent living communities for seniors. Not only are our independent living communities affordable, but they’re also designed for each resident to feel connected to neighbors while still having space all their own. Our campuses are pet friendly, as well, so residents can bring their furry friends along. In addition to independent living communities, Country Meadows also offers many different services including memory support, rehabilitation services, assisted living and personal care as well as restorative care options. With this comprehensive approach, our independent living communities are able to give a range of care to all residents. 

If you or a loved one are looking for more information on independent living communities or specifically more information on Country Meadows, contact us today. We can help you learn more about the services we offer, schedule a tour of our independent living communities and answer any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.  

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The Surprising Connection Between Health and Estate Planning

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Contrary to what you may be thinking - that legacy is not only related to money and reserved for the wealthy and philanthropic - legacy is about the mark you make on those you hold most dear. Its about defining your humanity and what you stood for. Putting your affairs in order now so your loved ones dont have to deal with a mess later is a legacy, too. Making it clear that you loved your family is a legacy. What about health? How does your health connect with estate planning?Your health plays a significant role in shaping your preparations for the future in general, and how you structure your estate plan in particular. I want to first say that while health can refer to mental health, emotional health and spiritual health, and all are important, well focus on physical health here. So lets take a look at the direct link between your physical health and estate planning. Youll come to see that by prioritizing your physical health, you can not only enjoy life with more ease, but also avoid complications in your estate planning. Longevity and Retirement Savings. Your physical health has a direct impact on your lifespan, which in turn affects how long your retirement savings need to last. If you maintain good physical health, youre likely to live longer (yay!) and will need a more extensive plan regarding your assets, for your longer life.Healthcare Decisions. Consider the potential need for long-term care. Alzheimer's or dementia could require long-term care solutions that you may or may not choose. In your estate plan, its crucial to not only make sure youre financially covered for these possibilities, but to also ensure youve made it clear how you want to be cared for, if you cannot make decisions for yourself. There comes a point in time at which its too late for you to make your wishes known and given that you are reading this now is the time to document what you would choose, if you could not choose.This is why you need a healthcare power of attorney, or a living will in your plan. These are documents that designate the person (or people) you choose to make medical decisions on your behalf if youre unable to do so. Your designated healthcare agent (or agents) will not only ensure that your healthcare preferences are respected but will also align your medical treatment with your personal wishes. Without these documents in place, a judge (i.e., a complete stranger) could appoint someone to act on your behalf. Maybe even someone you dont trust or wouldnt want making decisions for you. Or, in a worst-case scenario, a judge could even appoint a professional conservator who could drain your estate financially.Disability and Its Impact. Poor health can sometimes lead to disability, affecting your ability to manage your own affairs. Including a disability clause in your estate plan ensures that your assets are managed according to your wishes, even if youre not able to oversee them personally. A revocable living trust can be particularly useful here, as it allows your chosen person or entity to manage your affairs without the need for court intervention. Again, without a plan in place, a judge will make decisions for you, and those decisions may not be what you want.Having gone through the potential consequences of not prioritizing your physical health and its direct link to your estate planning, lets turn to practical steps you can take now to make sure you and your family dont have to experience any negative consequences. Practical Steps to Integrate Health and Estate PlanningUnless youre already incapacitated and cant make decisions for yourself, know that its not too late to take action. Its not too early, either. Death and incapacity dont discriminate based on age. When you face that fact, and then plan accordingly, you can live life with more ease, more joy, and less stress. Truly.So, if you havent planned for the future, here are some practical steps you can take now:Schedule Regular Check-Ups. It may seem obvious, but regular medical examinations are vital. They not only help in detecting illnesses early but also provide a clear picture of your health, which, as weve discussed above, is crucial for accurate estate planning. If you discover a new health condition, you can plan accordingly when youve caught it in time. If not, it could be too late to get your plan in place.Update Your Estate Plan Regularly: As your health changes, so should your estate plan. Make it a habit to review and update your plan on a regular basis or whenever there is a significant change in your health. As an Estate Planning Attorney, I can not only help you get your initial plan in place, but with a unique process I use called Life & Legacy Planning, I will always include a free review of your plan at least every three years. This ensures your plan works because it will be updated as your health, life and assets change over time. Without updates, your plan will fail, sending your family to court and increasing the probability of conflict. Discuss Your Plans Openly: Talk with your family about your healthcare wishes and how they relate to your estate plan. Taking this courageous, and maybe uncomfortable, step, makes a big difference when it comes to decreasing the likelihood of conflict in your family. Make sure to discuss your preferences for end-of-life care, which can create conflict in your family if you havent clarified your wishes. Consult A Professional Who Has Your Best Interests in Mind: I approach estate planning from a place of heart, always keeping your best interests, and by extension, your loved ones best interests, in mind. I not only help you to get your plan in place, but also help you keep your family out of court and conflict, so your legacy is one of love and care. I can also help you navigate difficult discussions with your family about your wishes, so you can feel confident knowing youve done all you can to preserve the family bonds. How We Support You and Your Loved OnesAs an Estate Planning Law Firm, we recognize the integral connection between your physical health and your estate planning needs. Our commitment goes beyond mere legal documentation; we aim to ensure your life's work and values are preserved with dignity and clarity. By understanding the specific challenges and opportunities that arise from your health, we tailor estate plans that not only protect your assets but also your well-being and your family's future. Contact Entrusted Legacy Law at 412-347-1731 or click here to schedule a complimentary 15-Minute call.

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