The Alzheimer’s Association's 2018 Facts & Figures Report Reveals Increases in Alzheimer’s Prevalen

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Oct 26, 2018

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With each passing year, new data continues to prove that Alzheimer's disease is a growing epidemic. Significant increases in costs and incidence, including care costs for individuals living with Alzheimers or other dementia's surpassing a quarter of a trillion dollars have been reported in the Alzheimers Association 2018 Alzheimers Disease Facts and Figures report. However, this years report goes beyond the statistics with a special report on the financial and personal benefits of early diagnosis, addressing prevalence, mortality and morbidity, caregiving and what the disease could mean to our health care system if left unchecked.
As the number of older Americans grows rapidly, so does the number of people living with Alzheimers and the impact to the nations economy. An estimated 5.7 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimers with an expected increase to 7.1 million people by 2025. In the Greater Dallas area alone, there are approximately 64,000 people with Alzheimers and it continues to increase each year. This number does not include all those who are affected by the disease such as family and caregivers, states Mark Denzin, Executive Director of the Dallas and Northeast Texas Alzheimers Association. In fact, by the time you are finished reading this article 1- 2 people will have developed the disease based on the fact that every 65 seconds another diagnosis is made. Alzheimers disease is not only affecting those diagnosed, but caregivers as well. Due to the long duration of this disease, the strain on Alzheimers caregivers can last several years and produce serious declines in caregiver physical, emotional and financial well-being. In 2017, 16 million Americans provided an estimated 18.4 billion hours of unpaid care in the form of physical, emotional and financial support at a valued cost of $232.1 billion. The difficulties in providing this level resulted in an estimated $11.4 billion of additional health care costs for Alzheimers and other dementia caregivers in 2017. By 2050, the total cost of care is projected to exceed $1.1 trillion. Unfortunately, mortality from Alzheimers disease also continues to rise. While deaths from other major causes continue to decrease, new data shows that deaths from Alzheimers disease have more than doubled, increasing 123 percent between 2000 and 2015. In comparison, the number of deaths from heart disease the number one killer in America decreased 11 percent. Alzheimers is the most under-recognized threat to public health in the 21st century according to Dr. David Satcher, former U.S. Surgeon General and former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director. Investing in a nationwide Alzheimers public health response will help create population-level change, achieve a higher quality of life for those living with the disease and their caregivers, and reduce associated costs
Read the full text of the Facts and Figures report, including the accompanying Special Report at Article on page 30

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Do Therapy Dogs Help Alzheimer's Patients?

Visit any critical care unit, childrens hospital, or other specialty inpatient facility, and youll find a common feature: therapy dogs. For decades, healthcare practitioners have understood the surprisingly positive effects on patients of time spend with cute and cuddly dogs. Therapy dogs reduce stress, improve mood, and can help patients reframe their outlook on whatever condition ails them. The positive effects of patient interactions with therapy dogs are a well-documented fact of the medical world. Senior citizens with limited mobility and other health conditions also benefit from the companionship of dogs. Owning a pet reduces feelings of loneliness among seniors living at home or in a retirement facility, which in turn greatly reduces the risk of diseases associated with loneliness and isolation. Pets can also decrease the number of stress hormones in a persons blood, lower blood pressure, and contribute to a more positive outlook on life. Dogs and other pets, it seems, have tremendous healing powers!Since Alzheimers patients cannot adequately care for a pet, owning one is out of the question. Considering the nature of Alzheimers dementia, it is easy to assume that a loved one may not benefit from a pet since they will not remember the interaction. Researchers, convinced therapy dogs would have a positive effect on Alzheimers patients, put this question to the test: Do Therapy Dogs Help Alzheimers Dementia Patients?Short-Term Benefits of Therapy Dogs for Patients with Alzheimers Dementia.A study conducted in the early 2000s looked carefully at the subject of therapy dogs and Alzheimers dementia patients. They measured the incidence of behavioral disturbances among patients in a nursing home for a period of four weeks, then introduced therapy dogs. Their initial findings showed that the dogs helped to reduce behavioral disturbances in the short term, meaning they helped to immediately calm patients. The short-term effects proved that therapy dogs do have a positive effect on patients with Alzheimers disease, particularly in regards to anxiety, anger, and changes in behavior associated with the disease.Long-Term Benefits of Therapy Dogs for Patients with Alzheimers Dementia.The same study did not stop at the short-term effects of therapy dogs on Alzheimers patients. Previous assumptions suggested that since patients would not remember their encounters with the therapy dogs, the effects of spending time with them would vanish from one day to the next. Not true, the study authors found. Although most of the patients did not remember their interactions with the therapy dogs (some did), the behavioral disturbances noted in the four weeks prior to the study reduced. In fact, the longer and more frequently patients interacted with the therapy dogs, the less they exhibited behavioral disturbances.Therapy Dogs As A Long-Term Therapy.The study findings confirmed what clinicians suspected all along: dogs are an excellent long-term therapy for persons with Alzheimers dementia to reduce the incidence of behavioral disturbances. Therapy dogs also had the same effect on Alzheimers patients as they do on other kinds of patients, including reduced stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, better appetite, and fewer feelings of loneliness. These effects continued to increase the longer and more frequently patients interacted with the dogs.What Makes Dogs Such Good Therapy?Dogs are wired to give unconditional love and devotion. They can provide physical and social contact where it is missing, and they are not picky. what sets dogs apart, particularly those trained as therapy dogs, is that they will approach anyone regardless of their physical or mental deterioration, and initiate contact. Patients can pet, hug, and cuddle dogs unlike any other kind of pet. These positive interactions provide a distraction to the other goings-on around them and provide relief for those suffering from sadness, anger, or angst.The Takeaway.Dogs have a tremendous healing power. While studies have focused specifically on Alzheimers dementia patients, their positive effects will benefit anyone suffering from general dementia. Families of patients will feel relief that their loved ones have fewer outbursts of anger, sadness, or angst. While dementia impairs memory, it does not interrupt the long-term benefits of regularly interacting with a therapy dog. In fact, the more they interact with a therapy dog, the fewer behavioral problems they exhibit.Contact us at Acti-Kare Responsive In-Home Care North Pittsburgh to learn more at 412-810-6595.

For women, eldercare should not mean sacrificing your career

For women, eldercare should not mean sacrificing your careerMany women, especially those in mid-career, find themselves facing the difficult decision of whether to leave the workforce to care for aging parents. The demands of eldercare can pile up with little warning or predictability and quickly become overwhelming. The "easiest" solution for many women in this position may seem like stepping away from their professional lives altogether.However, leaving the workforce can have long-term, unseen consequencesfinancially, emotionally, and professionally. Before women make this decision, we want to bring to light to some of the costs of stepping away, as well as share options that are available to help women care for aging parents or loved ones without sacrificing their career.The elephant in the room - what about men?It's a systemic problem that the large majority of caregiving responsibilities fall on women. We believe fully this should not be the case - and will continue to advocate for a future where men and women are expected to share, and do share, these responsibilities more equally. That said, this article is going to focus on the impact of eldercare on women, and options available, because the data shows the women are the ones who are much more likely to pay the price of eldercare.Female caregivers are more likely than males to ask for a less demanding job, take unpaid leave, or give up work entirely to support caregivingWomen lose an estimated $325K over their lifetime due to caregivingThe Unseen Costs of Leaving the WorkforceWomen who exit the workforce early face immediate income loss, diminished retirement savings, and a reduction in Social Security benefits. AARP reports that caregivers can expect to spend an average of $7K annually on out-of-pocket expenses.Additionally, exiting the workforce comes with professional setbacks that may be hard to recover from. Studies show that women who take time off for caregiving often find it difficult to re-enter their fields, and when they do, they may face lower wages, fewer opportunities for advancement, or the need to start in less demanding roles.The Unseen Costs of "Daughterhood"A less recognized aspect of womens caregiving burden is eldercare (i.e. daughterhood), which is frequently overshadowed by the attention given to childcare (i.e. motherhood). While businesses have made strides in supporting working mothers, they have largely ignored the unique challenges posed by eldercare. The emotional and physical toll of eldercare, which often includes managing chronic illnesses, dementia, and end-of-life care, cannot be underestimated.According to the Federal Reserve, four times as many people have left the workforce due to adult caregiving compared to childcare, yet corporate policies and benefits packages rarely address these realities.Why You Shouldn't Quit: There Are OptionsBalancing work, children, aging parents, mental and physical health, a "clean" home, and the semblance of a social life - it's simply not sustainable. It would make Superwoman run for the exit. It's no wonder that women leave their jobs in order to quickly take something off their plate. But before putting in your notice, let's talk about resources and options that may be available.Workplace Benefits: Find out what your company offers. Some offer paid caregiver leave, flexible work schedules, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that provide counseling and eldercare resources.Even if your employer is moving away from remote work post-pandemic, you can advocate for more flexibility, such as flexible hours or a partial work-from-home arrangement.According to experts, a flexible workplace arrangement is often the most important factor for caregivers trying to juggle their professional and personal lives.External Support Systems: there are local and national organizations that can provide assistance. Naborforce is one of these organizations - our founder Paige Wilson lived all of the stark truths discussed in this article, and that is why she decided to do something about it! And if Naborforce isn't in your area or isn't an option for you - there are other resources to check out:, Bright Horizons, home care agencies, caregiving forums, etc.Note: Naborforce partners with employers to provide discounted hourly rates. If your employer doesn't have Naborforce as an option, reach out to us and we will see if there is an opportunity to collaborate!Talk to your people: Many organizations are beginning to create employee resource groups for caregivers, offering a safe space to share experiences and tips for managing eldercare. These groups can be a lifeline for employees who feel isolated in their caregiving roles.Making Eldercare an Employee BenefitEmployers play a crucial role in supporting women who are caregivers. Unfortunately, 79% of caregivers do not have access to benefits that support them in this role.Supporting working women is not just about helping parents; its about addressing the needs of adult daughters (and sons) who are balancing caregiving with their professional lives. As 10,000 people turn 65 every day in the U.S., this challenge is only going to grow. Employers must adapt to this reality if they want to retain top female talent.The Bottom Line: You Have OptionsWhile caregiving can feel like an all-consuming role, women should not have to choose between their careers and their families. By tapping into workplace benefits, seeking flexible arrangements, and exploring external resources, women can navigate the challenges of eldercare without sacrificing their professional futures.A Helping Hand for Older Adults - Naborforce 844-696-2267 Were Naborforce. We match older adults who need a little help and kindness with Nabors eager to provide it, strengthening the communities we serve.Everyone can use a little help. Help around the house. Help running errands. Help preparing a meal. Help by just being a friend! Our goal is to promote joyous and independent aging and living while providing peace of mind to families.

How Keeping a Journal Helps Dementia Caregivers

Caring for a loved one with dementia presents unique challenges that can be overwhelming. It means coping not just with the loved one's illness and the huge life changes that will come, but with the caregiver's own feelings and struggles too.  Keeping a detailed journal is an organized way to record the progress and effects of the patient's dementia helpful information for their doctors. But it can also provide emotional and psychological benefits for caregivers themselves. Whether you're caring for someone with dementia or another illness, here are some things to consider when keeping a journal.  What To Track in Your Journal  Why record what the dementia patient is experiencing? Two reasons: because it will help their doctors and because it will help the caregiver understand and adapt to the effects of the disease.   Daily activities and behaviors: Note any changes in mood, unusual behaviors, or shifts in routine. This can help identify triggers for agitation or anxiety and reveal patterns or changes over time.   Medications and side effects: Record the times and doses of medications. If their medications change, note any side effects or noticeable changes in the person's condition. This can be crucial for managing the drugs' effectiveness and any potential drug interactions.   Eating and drinking habits: What and how much is your loved one eating and drinking? Tracking this information can help prevent malnutrition and dehydration, which are common issues in people with dementia.   Physical health and symptoms: Record any physical symptoms, such as coughs, changes in mobility, or signs of discomfort. This information can be vital for detecting emerging health issues that may not be directly related to dementia.   Sleep patterns: How much and how well are they sleeping? Do they wake up during the night? Sleep disturbances can exacerbate the symptoms of dementia and affect the health of both the caregiver and the patient.   Falls: Research shows that falls are not only more common among people with dementia, but they can also accelerate cognitive decline. Details about any falls-where, when, and how they occurred-are important information for the doctors.  Journaling: A Safe Space and a Helpful Tool  Keeping a journal helps the caregiver process the complex emotions they're likely experiencing. A journal is a private, safe space where the caregiver can express frustrations, celebrate successes, and acknowledge hardships. Journaling can help them protect their mental health stability, which in turn can help them feel better able to support their loved one effectively.  A journal can also be a place for the caregiver to track the effectiveness of care strategies and treatments. For example, the caregiver may notice that the timing of dinner is causing their loved one distress. Their notes can help them adjust their caregiving as needed.  The caregiver may even decide to keep two separate journals-one for themselves and the other journal (or calendar) about their loved one's condition.  "There is something about recording what is happening to us and our emotional reactions that enables family caregivers to stand apart from the onrush of tasks and crises they're immersed in," said Barry J. Jacobs in an article for AARP. A caregiver himself, Jacobs noted that journaling can help the writer "feel more in control."  How the Journal Can Help Doctors  A detailed journal is a valuable resource during medical appointments. It provides data and examples that help doctors understand the patient's current state beyond what a memory recall or short visit can reveal. This is crucial in diagnosing issues, adjusting medications, or changing treatment plans.  Doctors rely on accurate, detailed information to make informed decisions about treatments and care strategies. For example, if the journal shows that the patient has fallen repeatedly, the doctor may use that information to assess the patient's need for mobility aids, physical therapy, or further neurological evaluation. The doctor may end up identifying a treatable condition, such as an inner ear disorder or vision problems.  Moreover, the journal can help identify early signs of complications or side effects of medications that the patient might not be able to express because of their cognitive condition. This helps the doctor make a change before the complications cause a potentially serious health issue.  Write for Them and for Yourself  Keeping a journal is a simple yet effective tool that can greatly improve the caregiving experience for those managing the care of someone with dementia. You'll help not just your loved one, but yourself as well. Do it in whatever way works best for you. "This is not a school assignment," Jacobs reminds other caregivers. "No one is grading you. Just empty the contents of your mind without judging yourself." If you have any questions, please call Right at Home at 970-494-1111.