The Role of Discharge Planners: Ensuring a Smooth Transition from Hospital to Senior Care


Assisted Living Locators - Greater Pittsburgh

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Sep 11, 2024


Pennsylvania - Greater Pittsburgh Area

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When a senior is ready to leave the hospital after surgery, illness, or another medical event, the transition to home or another care setting can be overwhelming for both the patient and their family. This is where discharge planners play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth, safe, and well-coordinated discharge process. At Assisted Living Locators North Pittsburgh, we work closely with discharge planners to help seniors and their families navigate the complexities of post-hospital care and find the right long-term living arrangements.

What Is a Discharge Planner?

A discharge planner is typically a nurse, social worker, or case manager within a hospital setting. Their main responsibility is to ensure that patients are prepared to leave the hospital and transition to the next stage of their recovery or care. For seniors, this often involves coordinating care and resources to support them as they move back home, to a rehabilitation center, or to an assisted living or long-term care facility.

The Key Responsibilities of a Discharge Planner

  1. Assessing Post-Hospital Care Needs:

    • Discharge planners work with doctors and nurses to assess a patient's medical needs after leaving the hospital. For seniors, this might include ongoing therapies, medications, or specialized care for chronic conditions.
  2. Coordinating Care and Services:

    • After assessing the patient's needs, discharge planners arrange services such as in-home care, physical therapy, and transportation to medical appointments. For seniors who can no longer live independently, discharge planners can help identify more supportive living arrangements like assisted living communities.
  3. Education and Guidance:

    • Discharge planners provide families with vital information about medications, treatments, and care requirements. They also educate families on recognizing warning signs of potential health issues and offer guidance on how to best support their loved one during recovery.
  4. Linking Patients to Resources:

    • Many seniors require additional support post-discharge. Discharge planners connect families with local resources, such as senior care services, financial assistance programs, and transportation options.
  5. Navigating Insurance and Paperwork:

    • Managing healthcare can be daunting, especially when it comes to insurance and coverage for post-hospital services. Discharge planners help families navigate insurance claims and ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed to secure ongoing care.

How Assisted Living Locators North Pittsburgh Works with Discharge Planners

At Assisted Living Locators North Pittsburgh, we understand the critical role that discharge planners play in ensuring that seniors receive the appropriate care after leaving the hospital. We collaborate closely with discharge planners to provide families with personalized, comprehensive support as they consider long-term care options. Here's how we can help:

  1. Identifying the Best Senior Care Options:

    • Discharge planners often work with seniors who can no longer safely return home due to their need for more extensive care or a supportive environment. We step in to help families explore the wide range of senior living options, from independent living to assisted living, memory care, or skilled nursing facilities.
  2. Providing Guidance on Senior Care Communities:

    • Assisted Living Locators North Pittsburgh helps families navigate senior care communities that meet the medical, social, and emotional needs of their loved ones. We ensure that seniors find the right place to call home, with the support and services they require for a high quality of life.
  3. Personalized Support During Transitions:

    • We provide hands-on support during the transition from the hospital to a senior living community, ensuring a smooth process. Whether it's arranging tours of local communities, helping with paperwork, or providing guidance on what to expect, we make the transition as stress-free as possible for both seniors and their families.
  4. Ongoing Advocacy and Support:

    • Even after the move to a senior living community, our commitment continues. We check in regularly to ensure that the senior is settling in well and receiving the care they need, and we are always available to address any concerns.


Discharge planners are invaluable in ensuring that seniors receive the care and resources they need after leaving the hospital. At Assisted Living Locators North Pittsburgh, we work alongside these professionals to ensure that families find the best long-term care solutions for their loved ones. Together, we ensure that seniors transition smoothly from the hospital to a senior living community where they can continue to thrive.

If your loved one is preparing for hospital discharge and you're exploring senior care options, Assisted Living Locators North Pittsburgh is here to help. Contact us today for expert guidance and personalized support in finding the perfect senior living solution.

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Switching to a healthier lifestyle often involves making significant changes to your diet, and one of the most challenging aspects can be finding nutritious and satisfying snacks. Traditional snack options, like chips, candy, and cookies, are often loaded with unhealthy fats, sugars, and artificial additives. Fortunately, there's a convenient and delicious solution: SnackEver.SnackEver is a subscription service that delivers a curated selection of healthy snacks directly to your doorstep each month. With a variety of boxes to choose from, there's something to suit every taste and dietary preference. Whether you're looking for gluten-free, vegan, keto friendly, organic, kosher, dairy free, or low-calorie options, SnackEver has you covered.Why Choose SnackEver?Convenience: Say goodbye to the hassle of searching for healthy snacks at the grocery store. SnackEver takes the guesswork out of snacking by delivering a carefully curated box of delicious and nutritious treats right to your door.Variety: With SnackEver, you'll never get bored of your snacks. Each month, you'll receive a new assortment of healthy goodies, including everything from protein bars and nuts to fruit chews and trail mix.Customization: SnackEver offers a variety of subscription options to cater to your individual needs and preferences. You can choose from monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly plans, and you can even customize your box by selecting specific snacks or dietary restrictions.Cost-Effective: While healthy snacks can often be expensive, SnackEver offers a convenient and affordable way to enjoy nutritious treats. By subscribing, you'll often get a discount on the individual price of each snack.Discover New Favorites: SnackEver is a great way to discover new and exciting healthy snacks. With each box, you'll have the opportunity to try products from different brands and categories, helping you to find your new favorite go-to snack.The Benefits of Healthy SnackingIncorporating healthy snacks into your diet can have numerous benefits for your overall health and well-being. Here are just a few:Increased Energy: Eating healthy snacks throughout the day can help to stabilize your blood sugar levels and prevent energy crashes.Weight Management: By choosing nutritious snacks over unhealthy options, you can help to control your calorie intake and support weight loss or maintenance.Improved Nutrient Intake: Healthy snacks can be a great way to increase your intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.Enhanced Focus: Eating a balanced diet, including healthy snacks, can help to improve your cognitive function and concentration.If you're looking for a convenient and delicious way to incorporate more healthy snacks into your diet, SnackEver is the perfect solution. With its wide variety of options, customizable plans, and commitment to quality, SnackEver can help you achieve your health goals while enjoying delicious and satisfying treats.

Healthcare and Hidden Limitations

Health insurance jargon can be the hardest to understand for consumers. Thats why you have a broker who goes to work for you and explains your policy options with clarity. However, not all brokers work ethically. You may not have an insurance broker who values you and may not elaborate on your policy limitations. The omission of these limits is illegal and should result in the termination of that broker. In contrast, the insured typically doesnt take legal action, and the broker makes his or her desired commission.This is not to say that all health insurance brokers operate in this zone of immorality. Just as with any profession, there are good and rotten eggs. Your moral compass and ability to judge a persons intention is a significant factor people can typically smell a sleazy salesperson. Below, are the most common limitations obscurely mentioned in health insurance policies. This information should adequately equip you for when you are asking questions of your broker.Heres a screenshot from the summary of the benefits of an insurance carriers product:*Note these limitations do not exist in all policies. Ask your broker.The list of benefits above is towards the end of the policy summary. Most people are interested in seven factors when it comes to their health insurance:Deductible/coinsurance/max out of pocket, doctor visits/specialists/urgent care, the network, prescription coverage, preventative/wellness coverage, emergency room fees, and ambulatory services. If your insurance broker goes over those seven things, this is how the policy would look and sound:Choice of $500-$10,000 deductible/max out of pocket (1 million in coverage)Choice of 70/30, 80/20, or 100/0 coinsuranceUnlimited $25 copay to doctor, specialist, and urgent carePHCS Network (PPO)$50 copay for annual wellness/preventative checkupER subject to deductible and coinsuranceAmbulatory services (above) $500 per transportMost people would agree that those seven things sound fantastic for health coverage. You have all your daily doctor needs taken care of and one million dollars in coverage, right? Wrong, let me show you a scary breakdown if you had an appendectomy while being covered by this policy.On average, the Fair Price for an Appendectomy lies somewhere between $7,000 and $25,000 (may vary due to zip code). If there are complications, it could be upwards of $35,000 or more. Heres a breakdown of the services and their estimated costs. You can always check on any surgery, and its price by visiting Healthcare Bluebook.Hospital Services for a 2-day admission, itll cost roughly $9,700.Physician Services the fee for procedure and routine postoperative care costs around $1,400.Anesthesia the price for an average surgery time of 1 hour and 15 minutes costs about $750.This cost adds up to the lower end of about $11,000 for an appendectomy. If you look above at the example policy, youll see that for the entire coverage term an appendectomy will be given a $2,500 coverage benefit. Even though your plan has a deductible, coinsurance, and max out of pocket; theres a specific limitation for appendicitis. With this knowledge, the insured will be left an $8,500 bill as an out of pocket expense! Keep in mind; these numbers are on the low end with no complications.Of course, its always better to have health insurance instead of going uninsured. With insurance, that remaining $8,500 for the appendectomy may negotiate to a lower bill. does a great job explaining the functionality of network negotiated rates. Without insurance, you would be paying the almost full retail price for your medical surgery, which is a terrifying thought!

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Assisted Living Locators - Greater Pittsburgh Area

Housing Placement & Resource Specialists 1419 Macon Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15238

Hello, I am Jennifer Thayer.  Exploring senior living options can be confusing and timeconsuming. Assisted Living Locators Care Advisors are in your community and work closely with you to guide you through the process from beginning to endanswering your questions and addressing your concerns, helping you feel confident and comfortable with your decisions. As a native of Pittsburgh with expertise in nursing as well as senior living options, I will provide a hands-on approach that is unique to your needs. I will guide you & your family through the entire complex, time consuming, and sometimes overwhelming process of senior care. We will discuss your needs, visit communities together, and I answer all of your questions about care options and cost. Beyond move-in day at your community, I will continue to visit and advocate for your well-being. I will make sure your community is meeting all of your needs & providing you with excellent care. I have been a Registered Nurse for 15 years, providing care, guidance and compassion for people in the Pittsburgh area as well as nationally.  In addition to my nursing degree, I also have a bachelors degree in Psychology.  My Psychology degree combined with my work/volunteer experience in the field as equipped me to deal with the diverse mental and emotional needs of others.  Helping others has always been a passion of mine.  Our seniors are overlooked too often and this is why I have been inspired to pay it forward and to assist seniors with their next chapter in life. You and your family will have a personal Senior Care Advisor free of charge assisting you through the entire process. As a Registered Nurse I have a network of reputable, trusted communities and providers throughout the Pittsburgh area that share one common goal: providing excellent care while showing compassion. I will listen to you and address your concerns and needs. I will make sure care options and cost are appropriate. I will be available to you and your family every step of the way even after you are settled into your new home. You never need to worry about getting a one size fits all solution. Instead, you can rest assured that the communities and homes we recommend have been pre-screened and personally matched to your loved ones needs.Unbiased solutions at no cost to you.My only obligation is to you and making sure that we help you find the best solution for your needs. You can depend on me to make finding care as simple and quick as possible.I am ready to help you:- Simplify your search- Understand the options- Compare costs and services- Provide unbiased, personal, and expert guidance- Make the best senior care choice for your loved oneOur Free Senior Living Services:Our care advisors take a 4-step approach to guiding you through the process of finding the best senior living option for your family.In-Depth Assessment of Your NeedsDiscuss your needs (in-person or by phone) to learn how we can best serve you.Thoughtful Analysis & RecommendationsProvide a customized plan to match your particular needs.Assistance with Selection ProcessHands-on help and guidance as you review services and amenities, and tour care options.Transition SupportCaring support to make the move smooth and worry free, as well as follow up support to make sure that your expectations are being met by the community or home.What to Expect When You Call UsWe want to learn as much as we can We dig deep with you to really understand what your family needs both for a new living situation and for other support services.Our Individualized AssessmentAn Assisted Living Locators care advisor will meet with you and your family to discuss available and appropriate options. We evaluate all aspects of your senior situation to find the right match, whether its health care needs, religious and political affiliations, mobility requirements, budgets, desired social activities, locations, or the 1001 ways that make your senior unique.We Are Your Comprehensive GuideWe are committed to being compassionate and concerned with the needs of our clients. We are your comprehensive guide to matching the care you desire with the living options in your community. The facilities in our network reimburse for our services so that we can remain at no cost to you.Finding the Care that is Right for Your FamilyWhen we evaluate a senior living facility, we examine not only the amenities, but also the special features and characteristics. After we verify the services you need are met by the community, we consider the unique aspects that will make the difference in selecting a home best suited for your loved one.Im here, ready to help.  Give me a call today!