Understanding and Managing Osteoporosis



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Jun 03, 2024


Alabama - Gulf Coast

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Bone Health - Understanding and Managing Osteoporosis

An estimated 54 million Americans are affected by osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones, making them more prone to fractures from minor incidents. An estimated 50% of women and 20% of men will break a bone from osteoporosis.

The trained specialists at The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., emphasize the importance of bone health, especially among seniors, to manage and prevent this condition.

Identifying Risks and Signs

Osteoporosis often goes unnoticed until a fracture occurs. Risk factors include a history of falls, being over 65 (men) or 50 (women), a family history of the condition, and lifestyle habits like smoking or alcohol use. Certain medical conditions and treatments also increase susceptibility.

Diagnosis and Screening

Healthcare providers use DEXA Scan (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) to diagnose osteoporosis and assess fracture risk. This scan is recommended for adults over 65 and those with risk factors. It's a quick, painless procedure using minimal x-rays.

Prevention and Treatment

Diet plays a key role, with a focus on high-calcium foods (preferably Calcium Citrate) and Vitamin D supplementation for absorption. Exercise, including weight-bearing and balance activities, is vital for enhancing bone density and preventing deterioration.

Medication and Personal Care

For those at high risk, medications may be prescribed to mitigate bone loss or increase bone mass. Oral health care is critical due to the potential risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw from osteoporosis medications. The Orthopaedic Group offers a comprehensive orthopedic bone health care and education program through its Fracture Liaison Service (FLS), which provides tailored treatment plans to reduce fracture risk and improve quality of life.

The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., advocates for proactive screening, preventive nutrition and exercise, and informed treatment decisions to address osteoporosis. Our specialists focus on maintaining independence and well-being so you can live the life you love!

Learn more about our fellowship-trained doctors and advanced practice providers at www.TheOrthoGroup.com.

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Transforming Arthritis Care with ClipDifferent A Perfect Solution for 58.5 Million Americans

Arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, with over 58.5 million Americans currently living with this chronic disease. Characterized by inflammation and stiffness in the joints, arthritis can significantly impact one's quality of life, making everyday tasks challenging. Among these tasks, nail clipping can become particularly difficult due to the precision and hand strength required. This is where ClipDifferent steps in offering an innovative solution designed to ease this burden.Understanding Arthritis and Its ImpactArthritis causes over 100 different types of joint diseases and conditions, with the most common being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. These conditions often result in pain, swelling, and decreased range of motion in the affected joints. For many, simple daily activities such as buttoning a shirt, opening jars, or clipping nails can become daunting tasks.People with arthritis may find these tasks especially problematic for several reasons:Limited Hand Strength: Arthritis often reduces grip strength, making it hard to grip jars and buttons, or handle traditional nail clippers.Joint Pain: The pain in the fingers and wrists can make certain repetitive  motions required by certain daily tasks like opening doors, medications and even showering, very uncomfortable.Reduced Dexterity: Swelling and stiffness can hinder the fine motor skills needed to clip nails neatly and safely.ClipDifferent: A Game-Changer for Nail CareClipDifferent is revolutionizing nail care for individuals with arthritis by providing an easy-to-use, safe, and efficient nail clipping solution. Heres how ClipDifferent stands out:Automated Clipping Mechanism: The ClipDifferent Pro is designed with an electric nail trimming mechanism that eliminates the need for manual squeezing. Users simply insert their nails into the designated slot, and the device does the rest, trimming the nails smoothly and safely.Ergonomic Design: The devices design takes into account the physical limitations faced by individuals with arthritis. Its user-friendly interface and stable base require minimal hand movement, reducing strain and discomfort. The ClipDifferent pro, our one handed use design, stays put on a table or flat surface so you can safely trim. The Lil Nipper, our handheld design, takes minimal effort to hold onto and utilizes the same electric trimming technology.Safety Features: ClipDifferent prioritizes user safety with features such as a protective nail slot to prevent skin contact with the blade and an easy-to-clean design. This makes it suitable for individuals with limited hand control.Precision and Neatness: The precision trimming mechanism ensures that nails are cut evenly and smoothly, preventing jagged edges that can lead to further discomfort or injury.Independence and Confidence: By making nail care accessible and straightforward, ClipDifferent helps individuals with arthritis regain a sense of independence and confidence in their personal care routines.Real Lives Changed Many users with arthritis have experienced significant improvements in their daily lives thanks to ClipDifferent. Take it from our very own Kathi Holmes, who overcame paralysis and is living with arthritis. With the help of ClipDifferent, she was able to gain some independence back into her life. What once was a difficult task, is now something she feels grateful to be able to do so easily.Embrace a Better Quality of Life with ClipDifferentArthritis may be a part of life for millions, but it doesnt have to dictate your daily routine. ClipDifferent offers a practical, effective solution to one of the many challenges posed by this condition. By simplifying nail care, ClipDifferent empowers those with arthritis to maintain their personal grooming with ease and dignity.If you or a loved one is struggling with arthritis, consider trying ClipDifferent. Its more than just a nail clipper its a step towards reclaiming control over your daily life.Explore ClipDifferents products and see how they can make a difference in your life. Visit ClipDifferent.com today!

How Long Can You Be on Hospice Care?

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Hospice is available for patients with a terminal illness and a life expectancy of six months or less if their illness runs its normal course, as certified by a physician.Can hospice help?Hospice services include:Skilled nurses making intermittent visits to assess the patient, provide care and coordinate care from other disciplines.Hospice aides to support activities of daily living.Medical social workers to support the patient and family and make connections to community resources.Chaplains for spiritual support.Hospice volunteers for companionship and support.Bereavement support for the family for up to 13 months following the patients passing.Some companies like Amedisys also offer specialized programs to care for certain diagnoses like dementia, heart failure and more. Eligibility Criteria for HospiceUnderstanding how long hospice care can be provided first starts with having a strong grasp of the eligibility criteria.To be eligible for hospice, the patient must be considered terminally ill with a life expectancy of six months or less if the disease runs its normal course, as certified by a physician. The hospice physician uses their clinical expertise and information from a comprehensive assessment to determine life expectancy. Signs the patient is declining from the terminal illness include progressive weight loss, frequency of hospitalizations, increasing weakness or fatigue, difficulty with daily activities and more.The patient must also elect to stop curative treatments in favor of the comfort and quality of life measures hospice provides. The physician will work closely with the hospice care team on a personalized plan of care focused on pain and symptom management and comfort so patients and families can make the most of their remaining time together.How Long Can Patients Receive Hospice Care?Patients can receive the benefits of hospice care as long as they continue to meet the eligibility criteria. If a patient lives longer than the original six-month certification period, physicians can re-certify them to remain on hospice care if the disease progression still indicates a life expectancy of six months or less.Although patients cannot receive curative treatment while on hospice care, if a patients condition improves significantly so that they are no longer considered terminally ill, they will be discharged from hospice care. Patients can also choose to opt out of hospice care at any time during the service.One of the most famous examples of how hospice can extend beyond six months is former President Jimmy Carter. As of this publication, Jimmy Carter has received hospice care for more than a year, spending that precious remaining time with his family in his home. His legacy will be one of normalizing end-of-life conversations, sparking hope that more patients and families will seek out the benefits of hospice and embrace them sooner rather than later.What are the Benefits of Hospice Care?One of the most common phrases we hear from families is, we wish we had chosen hospice sooner. By accepting help early, patients and families can expect a range of benefits at the end of life:Pain and Symptom ManagementPain and symptom management is a central tenant of hospice care, providing comfort and the best quality of life possible for patients at home. Hospice care combines pharmacological and non-medication tactics to manage physical, emotional, psychosocial and spiritual pain for the patient and caregiver.Holistic CareHospice is a unique Medicare benefit providing care with a full, interdisciplinary care team. Holistic care is a patient-centered approach that focuses on caring for the whole person, including their physical, emotional, psychosocial, and spiritual well-being.Supportive Care EnvironmentHaving hospice care at home fosters a sense of security, familiarity and peace, which can contribute to a patients overall sense of well-being.Advance Care PlanningHospice care encourages open communication and advance care planning discussions, allowing patients to express their desires for the final weeks and months of their life. This can help avoid unwanted medical interventions that could diminish quality of life by ensuring patients are getting the care they need and want.How Do You Know When Its Time for Hospice?If youre caring for a loved one with a terminal diagnosis, there are several key signs that it may be time to start talking about hospice care:Their doctor has given a prognosis of six months or less.Their health or disease symptoms are worsening with frequent trips to the hospital or doctors office.They have decreased appetite or pain/nausea interfering with their ability to eat and drink.They sleep more throughout the day and night.There are noticeable behavior changes in mental clarity, confusion, forgetfulness, or irritability.Activities of daily living like feeding oneself, bathing and dressing independently become more difficult.Caregivers are overwhelmed and unable to manage care on their own.What Are the Four Levels of Hospice Care?As you research hospice, you may come across different levels of hospice care. Moving into different levels can be triggered by changing circumstances or needs of the patient or caregiver. Here are the four levels of hospice care all Medicare-certified agencies provide:Routine Home CareThis is the most common type of hospice care. The full team conducts intermittent visits wherever the patient calls home, providing a comfortable and familiar environment.Respite CareRespite care is available when caregivers need a break. Patients are admitted to a long-term care facility or other inpatient facility with 24-hour nursing available. The patient can stay in the facility for up to five days/five nights and returns to routine level of care on day 6. The hospice team coordinates the plan of care and can arrange transport patients to and from the facility as needed.Continuous Home CareThis level of care is for short-term urgent healthcare needs or symptom crises that can still be feasibly addressed at home. The hospice team provides at least eight hours of continuous care within a 24-hour period. When symptoms are controlled, the patient returns back to routine care.General Inpatient CareIf pain and symptoms related to the patients terminal illness can no longer be controlled at home, the patient may be appropriate for General Inpatient (GIP) care. The hospice team facilitates the patients transfer to a hospital, long-term care facility or hospice inpatient unit and will continue coordinating the plan of care. Patients will return home to routine home care once pain and symptoms are managed.How to Get Started with Hospice Care If youre ready to start talking about hospice care with your family, Amedisys is here to support you through every stage. Contact Amedisys Hospice in Mobile, Alabama at 251-343-0989 for more information.

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The Orthopaedic Group - Gulf Shores

Orthopedics 350 Cypress Bend Drive, Suite 102, Gulf Shores, Alabama, 36542

The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., is committed to excellence in treating all of your orthopaedic needs. For more than 40 years, patients across the Gulf Coast have placed their trust in our carespecialized orthopaedic care in the spine, shoulder and elbow, hand and wrist, hip and knee, and foot and ankle. Our board-certified, fellowship-trained doctors and their staff have extensive education and experience in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating all orthopaedic injuries and conditions.With compassion and expert care, our doctors and staff are dedicated to helping our patients return to active, healthy lifestyles.At The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., our specialty-trained doctors are recognized leaders in the diagnosis and treatment of orthopaedic conditions and injuries. When you are seen by one of our experts, you know youre being treated by an experienced doctor who is focused on your recovery and dedicated to providing you exceptional orthopaedic care.The Orthopaedic Group Offer Expert Doctors In:Foot &  AnkleHand & ElbowJoint ReplacementPediatricSpineSports MedicineGeneral OrthopaedicsWhat We Offer:Bone HealthElectromyography and Nerve Conduction VelocityMobile Surgery CenterMRIOccupational TherapyPhysical TherapySaturday Sports CareWorkers CompensationX-RayPhysical Therapy:At The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., we offer in-house physical therapy at our Airport Boulevard office, with additional therapy clinics in Mobile and Baldwin Counties. This allows constant communication and coordination between our doctors and therapists. Our certified physical therapists provide conservative injury treatment, pre-and postoperative treatment, and spine care and management.

The Orthopaedic Group - Thomasville

Orthopedics 300 Medical Park Drive, Thomasville, Alabama, 36784

The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., is committed to excellence in treating all of your orthopaedic needs. For more than 40 years, patients across the Gulf Coast have placed their trust in our carespecialized orthopaedic care in the spine, shoulder and elbow, hand and wrist, hip and knee, and foot and ankle. Our board-certified, fellowship-trained doctors and their staff have extensive education and experience in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating all orthopaedic injuries and conditions.With compassion and expert care, our doctors and staff are dedicated to helping our patients return to active, healthy lifestyles.At The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., our specialty-trained doctors are recognized leaders in the diagnosis and treatment of orthopaedic conditions and injuries. When you are seen by one of our experts, you know youre being treated by an experienced doctor who is focused on your recovery and dedicated to providing you exceptional orthopaedic care.The Orthopaedic Group Offer Expert Doctors In:Foot &  AnkleHand & ElbowJoint ReplacementPediatricSpineSports MedicineGeneral OrthopaedicsWhat We Offer:Bone HealthElectromyography and Nerve Conduction VelocityMobile Surgery CenterMRIOccupational TherapyPhysical TherapySaturday Sports CareWorkers CompensationX-RayPhysical Therapy:At The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., we offer in-house physical therapy at our Airport Boulevard office, with additional therapy clinics in Mobile and Baldwin Counties. This allows constant communication and coordination between our doctors and therapists. Our certified physical therapists provide conservative injury treatment, pre-and postoperative treatment, and spine care and management.

The Orthopaedic Group - Mobile

Orthopedics 6144 Airport Boulevard, Mobile, Alabama, 36608

The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., is committed to excellence in treating all of your orthopaedic needs. For more than 40 years, patients across the Gulf Coast have placed their trust in our carespecialized orthopaedic care in the spine, shoulder and elbow, hand and wrist, hip and knee, and foot and ankle. Our board-certified, fellowship-trained doctors and their staff have extensive education and experience in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating all orthopaedic injuries and conditions.With compassion and expert care, our doctors and staff are dedicated to helping our patients return to active, healthy lifestyles.At The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., our specialty-trained doctors are recognized leaders in the diagnosis and treatment of orthopaedic conditions and injuries. When you are seen by one of our experts, you know youre being treated by an experienced doctor who is focused on your recovery and dedicated to providing you exceptional orthopaedic care.The Orthopaedic Group Offer Expert Doctors In:Foot &  AnkleHand & ElbowJoint ReplacementPediatricSpineSports MedicineGeneral OrthopaedicsWhat We Offer:Bone HealthElectromyography and Nerve Conduction VelocityMobile Surgery CenterMRIOccupational TherapyPhysical TherapySaturday Sports CareWorkers CompensationX-RayPhysical Therapy:At The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., we offer in-house physical therapy at our Airport Boulevard office, with additional therapy clinics in Mobile and Baldwin Counties. This allows constant communication and coordination between our doctors and therapists. Our certified physical therapists provide conservative injury treatment, pre-and postoperative treatment, and spine care and management.