When Enough Is Enough, Hospice Provides More.

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Sep 15, 2016

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One of the toughest questions we may face is: When it comes to medical intervention, when is enough, enough?
We Americans have looked to the healthcare system all our lives, from immunizations and well checks to flu shots and cancer screenings. Were familiar with the cycle of diagnosis and treatment with the intent to heal and cure.

So what happens when a disease or condition is no longer responding to treatment? Where does hospice care come in?

Thinking about stepping away from curative treatment and toward hospice is a huge shift away from what weve known as a society. But signing on to hospice doesnt mean the end of good medical care, quality of life or hope.

Hospice providers are expert at knowing how to manage peoples symptoms, even when theyre complex. They know how to help people feel better. When people hear, Theres nothing more we can do, hospice says, Theres so much more that we can do.

Hospice care starts with a question: Whats most important to you? The answer to that question informs the plan of care for each patient.

Physicians and nurses address pain and symptoms quickly, providing attentive monitoring, review and change when needed. Specially trained certified nursing assistants provide gentle care and enhanced services to promote comfort and quality of life. Social workers and chaplains help patients and family navigate practical, emotional and spiritual aspects of this journey. Volunteers may provide specialized services, support and companionship.

With such complete care, patients feel better. Some even improve. When pain and discomfort are at bay, people have energy to take part in their own lives. They can say whats important, accomplish tasks and have meaningful time with friends and family.

Hospice care is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance. People receive hospice care in their private residences, nursing or assisted living facilities or hospice in-patient facilities.

Hospice care starts with a question: Whats most important to you?

Editors Note: This article was submitted by Agape Healthcare, Hospice & Palliative Care. They can be reached at 720-482-1988 or info@agape-healthcare.com

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Why Catholic Hospice Matters

An interview with Dick McCormick, former CEO of US West and founding contributor to Emmaus Catholic Hospice.My brother, Fr. Jim, died in 2013. He was a Catholic priest for 51 years. He was battling cancer and came to Denver to live with us. That way, family could surround him, and we could give him personal support. He had excellent care, and for a while, we thought maybe he was on the verge of beating it. But then he took a turn for the worse.LAY MINISTER PRAYING OVER A PRIESTWe had priests come by the house in the last month of his life and give him Last Rites, including Archbishop Aquila of Denver and Bishop Hannifen from Colorado Springs. So, he had plenty of people visit him and pray with him!In the last week or so, we called in hospice services. The irony is that when he did die, a lay minister from the hospice came. It was appropriate, but it was ironic, too: Here was a priest of 51 years who had given his life to the Churchand an unordained layperson was praying over him a few hours after he died.And I just thought, It would have been nice if he had been surrounded by a hospice team rooted in the Catholic faith, taking care of him and taking care of those final needs.We thanked the hospice people profusely, but it was a fairly impersonal experience.I believe that had we been with Emmaus Catholic Hospice, if it had existed then, there would have been a greater quality and a more personal quality of care.THE UPSIDE OF A MISCONCEPTIONA misconception I had when I first heard the word hospice in the mid-eighties, and for many years, was I thought it was more of a 24/7, hands-on service.We were left with the medications, and they instructed us how to administer them. But there wasnt necessarily going to be a staff of nurses there every moment. Maybe everybody knows that, but I didnt realize it.They told us that their objective was to make Jim pain-free. They showed us how to do that, and they didnt need to be there 24/7.It was nice not to have outsiders always there, just Jim and his family and close friends.A BEAUTIFUL DEATH IN ALL RESPECTSTo their credit, the hospice staff were able to predict within a day or so when Jim was going to pass away. They knew the vital signs, the blood pressure, the breathing changes, the colorall the indicators. They called it very well, and they had us well prepared for the time.Our daughter Meg sat with him all night that last night because we knew that was probably going to be it. He passed away in our living room, surrounded by family.It was a beautiful death in all respects and one that I felt was appropriate for the life that he lived and the contributions he made. More than 20 of his 51 years as a priest were spent doing missionary work in Tanzania, India, and the Philippines.Jim had a beautiful funeral back in our hometown in Iowa. He had recruited 25 African and Indian nuns to work in Catholic nursing homes in Iowa.  Also, through Jims efforts, three priests from India are now pastors in Northwest Iowa.  All of them were at his funeral. We had African singing; we had Indian singing; we had the church choir singing. I mean, he went out in style!SUPPORTING EMMAUS CATHOLIC HOSPICEMy wife, Mary Pat, and I support Emmaus Catholic Hospice because it aligns with the values and tenets of the Catholic church. Thats important to us.We are strong Right to Life people and very much against assisted suicide. I will not be associated with any organization that condones or conducts that.Mary Pat and I will probably need this service ourselves in the next ten years. So, were interested from that standpoint, too.Im hoping that Emmaus Catholic Hospice gets off the ground in a big waythat it becomes the source for anybody Catholic who needs hospice services.We must communicate to the Catholic community that this is now available and needs our support.as told to Katie Morroni, Communications Manager of Emmaus Catholic Hospice. Interview edited for length and clarity. To learn more and support the mission of Emmaus Catholic Hospice, please visit EmmausCatholicHospice.org

Five Ways to Show Your Loved One in Hospice That You Care

Beginning in February, there is an undeniable rush of activity as we get ready for Valentines Day in many facets of our life, whether at home, at work, or in school. Purchasing a Valentines card or gift for a loved one receiving hospice or palliative care this month may be a nice gesture, but there are a lot of other heartfelt ways to let a hospice patient know how much they mean to you. Here are five ways to show someone you care this Valentines Day through acts of kindness and love.Decorate Their Room for Valentines Day to Brighten It UpGiving someone a Valentines Day room makeover can be a thoughtful and original way to lift their spirits. Holiday-themed decorations (even outside of Valentines Day) are an easy way to break up the monotony that hospice patients may face sitting in their room because many hospice patients dont get much change of scenery on a daily basis.Before hanging your Valentines Day decorations, be mindful of anyone who may have a sensitivity to the color red. Your loved one will still know how much you care and will ideally find a welcome sense of comfort and cheer in their daily routine even if you need to utilize different hues like lavender or pink.Keep up Current Holiday TraditionsIts crucial to maintain traditions, whether its Valentines Day or another holiday, especially when offering end-of-life comfort care. The knowledge that their illness is disrupting the lives of their loved ones is among the worst emotions a hospice patient may experience. Find a way to include them in your customs on important occasions like Valentines Day so that you may continue the practice.A Dose of Extra One-on-One TimeValentines Day is about showing your loved ones that you care, therefore for a patient who is unable to go out on a date or purchase a card or gift for their family, it may be a very challenging day. Spend more time this month visiting a loved one who is receiving hospice care, especially on the day of the holiday. Look for strategies to extend your trips. Bring pictures, engage in board games, or request personal narratives from them. Youll probably discover that making these pleasant memories has been as beneficial to you as it has been to them.Create a Special TripEven if they are receiving hospice care, many patients can still do and experience a lot. Find something your loved one likes and schedule a Valentines Day date to do it together if that is the case. Visit someone they havent seen in a long time or take them to a favorite location. When they bring gifts to their other hospice caregivers, think about going with them. Bring the outing to them if they are unable to leave the house; invite a friend over, watch a movie, or prepare a special Valentines dinner or meal.The Little Things Go a Long WayConsider helping with routine care tasks as a Valentines Day suggestion and act of kindness because a hospice patient may find it difficult to provide personal care. Receiving services for their hair, nails, or cosmetics can be quite uplifting for people emotionally. For patients receiving care at home, try changing the bedding, cleaning the windows, or setting their bedside table clear. Sometimes helping out with even the tiniest activities may be a great way to show someone you care.

The Crucial Role of Certified Nursing Assistants in Hospice and Palliative Care

Hospice and palliative care play a vital role in providing comfort, support, and dignity to patients and their families during challenging times. Within this compassionate field, Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) serve as invaluable members of the healthcare team. They provide essential support, enabling patients to receive the highest quality of care while enhancing their overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of Certified Nursing Assistants in hospice and palliative care settings and shed light on their indispensable contributions.Compassionate and Personalized Care:One of the fundamental principles of hospice and palliative care is to prioritize the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients. CNAs excel in delivering compassionate care, fostering a sense of trust and security for individuals navigating their final journey. By establishing meaningful connections with patients and their families, CNAs can better understand their unique needs, fears, and desires. This personalized approach ensures that patients receive the utmost attention and assistance during their most vulnerable moments.Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs):Certified Nursing Assistants are trained to provide essential support with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), which encompass routine tasks such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and feeding. In hospice and palliative care, patients often face physical limitations, discomfort, or cognitive impairment. CNAs skillfully navigate these challenges, offering gentle and dignified assistance that promotes patient independence and self-worth. Their presence allows patients to maintain their sense of identity and dignity while facing the physical and emotional changes associated with their condition.Monitoring and Reporting:In hospice and palliative care, accurate and timely communication between healthcare professionals is crucial for providing comprehensive care. CNAs are on the front lines, closely observing patients conditions, monitoring vital signs, and promptly reporting any changes or concerns to the nursing staff. Their vigilant eyes and keen observation skills serve as an early warning system, ensuring that healthcare providers can respond quickly to any emerging issues. By bridging the gap between patients and the rest of the care team, CNAs contribute significantly to the overall well-being of patients.Emotional Support for Patients and Families: The end-of-life journey can be emotionally overwhelming for both patients and their loved ones. Certified Nursing Assistants offer much-needed emotional support, lending a listening ear, and providing a comforting presence. They are often trusted confidants who provide reassurance, empathy, and understanding during moments of fear, anxiety, or grief. By establishing genuine connections, CNAs help alleviate emotional distress, fostering an environment of trust, compassion, and acceptance.Facilitating Communication and Collaboration:CNAs are integral in fostering effective communication and collaboration among the interdisciplinary team in hospice and palliative care. They serve as a crucial link between patients, families, nurses, social workers, and other healthcare professionals. By relaying patient preferences, concerns, and updates, CNAs ensure that everyone involved is on the same page, resulting in cohesive and coordinated care. This collaborative approach maximizes the quality of life for patients and ensures that their wishes are respected.Certified Nursing Assistants play an invaluable role in hospice and palliative care, offering compassionate support, personalized care, and essential assistance to patients and their families. Their contributions in providing physical and emotional comfort, monitoring patients conditions, and facilitating effective communication are immeasurable. As we recognize the importance of CNAs, it is crucial to appreciate their dedication, empathy, and unwavering commitment to ensuring that every individuals end-of-life journey is as comfortable and dignified as possible. Questions please call, 303-698-2121.